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import pandas as pd

annotations = pd.read_table('results_20130124.token', sep='\t', header=None,
                            names=['image', 'caption'])


                   image                                            caption
0       1000092795.jpg#0  Two young guys with shaggy hair look at their ...
1       1000092795.jpg#1  Two young , White males are outside near many ...
2       1000092795.jpg#2   Two men in green shirts are standing in a yard .
3       1000092795.jpg#3       A man in a blue shirt standing in a garden .
4       1000092795.jpg#4            Two friends enjoy time spent together .
5         10002456.jpg#0  Several men in hard hats are operating a giant...
6         10002456.jpg#1  Workers look down from up above on a piece of ...
7         10002456.jpg#2   Two men working on a machine wearing hard hats .
8         10002456.jpg#3              Four men on top of a tall structure .
9         10002456.jpg#4                         Three men on a large rig .
10      1000268201.jpg#0  A child in a pink dress is climbing up a set o...
11      1000268201.jpg#1  A little girl in a pink dress going into a woo...
12      1000268201.jpg#2  A little girl climbing the stairs to her playh...
13      1000268201.jpg#3   A little girl climbing into a wooden playhouse .
14      1000268201.jpg#4              A girl going into a wooden building .
15      1000344755.jpg#0  Someone in a blue shirt and hat is standing on...
16      1000344755.jpg#1  A man in a blue shirt is standing on a ladder ...
17      1000344755.jpg#2  A man on a ladder cleans the window of a tall ...
18      1000344755.jpg#3  man in blue shirt and jeans on ladder cleaning...
19      1000344755.jpg#4                  a man on a ladder cleans a window
20      1000366164.jpg#0  Two men , one in a gray shirt , one in a black...
21      1000366164.jpg#1  Two guy cooking and joking around with the cam...
22      1000366164.jpg#2     Two men in a kitchen cooking food on a stove .
23      1000366164.jpg#3          Two men are at the stove preparing food .
24      1000366164.jpg#4                       Two men are cooking a meal .
25      1000523639.jpg#0  Two people in the photo are playing the guitar...
26      1000523639.jpg#1  A man in green holds a guitar while the other ...
27      1000523639.jpg#2       A man is fixing the guitar players costume .
28      1000523639.jpg#3           a guy stitching up another man 's coat .
29      1000523639.jpg#4                        the two boys playing guitar
...                  ...                                                ...
158885   996962407.jpg#0  a man with a wheelbarrow is standing outside a...
158886   996962407.jpg#1  A man in a silver rain poncho standing next to...
158887   996962407.jpg#2  A man in a silver raincoat standing outside by...
158888   996962407.jpg#3  A man in a raincoat stands outside a house in ...
158889   996962407.jpg#4      A man in a raincoat is standing in the rain .
158890   997338199.jpg#0  Woman writing on a pad in room with gold , dec...
158891   997338199.jpg#1    A woman standing near a decorated wall writes .
158892   997338199.jpg#2       The walls are covered in gold and patterns .
158893   997338199.jpg#3          a woman behind a scrolled wall is writing
158894   997338199.jpg#4                A person stands near golden walls .
158895   997722733.jpg#0  A person in a red shirt climbing up a rock fac...
158896   997722733.jpg#1  A rock climber practices on a rock climbing wa...
158897   997722733.jpg#2           A man in a pink shirt climbs a rock face
158898   997722733.jpg#3           A man is rock climbing high in the air .
158899   997722733.jpg#4                    A rock climber in a red shirt .
158900   997876722.jpg#0  Two male construction workers are working on a...
158901   997876722.jpg#1  Two workmen with a wheelbarrow for mixing ceme...
158902   997876722.jpg#2  Men in orange and yellow clothing lean over a ...
158903   997876722.jpg#3  Men are working on pouring concrete outside of...
158904   997876722.jpg#4           Fruits stationed by a dusty old window .
158905    99804383.jpg#0  An older busker in glasses plays an Eastern st...
158906    99804383.jpg#1  This is a man in front of a store performing w...
158907    99804383.jpg#2  A older Asian man is playing an instrument in ...
158908    99804383.jpg#3  An elderly man sits outside a storefront accom...
158909    99804383.jpg#4  An elderly gentleman playing a musical instrum...
158910   998845445.jpg#0  A man in shorts and a Hawaiian shirt leans ove...
158911   998845445.jpg#1  A young man hanging over the side of a boat , ...
158912   998845445.jpg#2  A man is leaning off of the side of a blue and...
158913   998845445.jpg#3  A man riding a small boat in a harbor , with f...
158914   998845445.jpg#4  A man on a moored blue and white boat with hil...

[158915 rows x 2 columns]


Flickr30k数据集是一个广泛用于图像标注和自然语言处理任务的数据集。该数据集由来自Flickr在线图片共享平台的30313张图片组成,每张图片都标注了5句话描述。总共有158915个句子和5461个单词。这些句子描述了图片中的主题、场景、动作等内容。此外,Flickr30k数据集还提供了额外的图片信息,如拍摄地点、相机设置等。 Flickr30k数据集的主要应用是图像描述生成和图像检索。通过使用数据集,可以训练图像标注模型,使其能够根据输入的图片生成准确的文字描述。这可以用于图像搜索引擎和图像识别应用等领域。 该数据集还被用于训练图像检索模型,使其能够根据输入的文本查询找到与查询相匹配的图片。这在广告推荐、商品搜索和虚拟现实等领域也有很大的应用潜力。 Flickr30k数据集的特点是多样性和复杂性。它包含来自不同地区和文化背景的图片,并包含各种不同的场景和对象。这使得该数据集在模型训练和测试时能获得更广泛的覆盖率和鲁棒性。 然而,Flickr30k数据集也存在一些挑战。由于该数据集是从互联网上收集的,因此可能存在一些噪声或错误的标注。此外,由于标注是由众包工人完成的,可能存在主观性和不一致性。因此,在使用数据集时,需要进行数据清理和标注纠正的工作,以保证数据的质量。 总而言之,Flickr30k数据集是一个有价值的资源,可以用于图像描述生成和图像检索任务。它提供了大量的图片和标注,可以用于研究和开发各种图像处理和自然语言处理算法和模型。
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