


列名    说明    数据类型           约束
Sno    学号    字符串,长度为7     主键
Sname  姓名    字符串,长度为15    非空
Ssex   性别    字符串,长度为3     取‘男’或‘女’
Sage   年龄    整数    取值15~45
Sdept  所在系   字符串,长度为30   默认为‘计算机系’
create table student(
	sno varchar2(7) primary key,
    sname varchar2(15) not null,
    ssex varchar2(3) check(ssex='男' or ssex='女'),
    sage number(2) check(sage between 15 and 45),
    sdept varchar2(30) default('计算机系')
列名      说明    数据类型            约束
Cno      课程号   字符串,长度为15     主键
Cname    课程名   字符串,长度为20     非空
Ccredit  学分     整数               取值大于0
Semster  学期     整数               取值大于0
create table course(
	cno varchar2(15) primary key,
    cname varchar2(20) not null,
    ccredit number(2) check(ccredit>0),
    semster number(2) check(semster>0)
列名    说明                数据类型                 约束
Sno    学号                字符串,长度为7    关联Student表主键Sno
Cno    课程名              字符串,长度为10    关联Course表主键Cno
Grade  成绩                 整数                 取值0~100
XKLB   课程类别(选修|必修)    字符串 长度6
create table sc(
	sno varchar2(7) references student(sno),
    cno varchar2(10) references course(cno),
    grade number(3) check(grade between 0 and 100),
    xklb varchar2(6)


insert into student values('9512101','李勇','男',19,'计算机系');
insert into student values('9512102','刘晨','男',20,'计算机系');
insert into student values('9512103','王敏','女',20,'计算机系');
insert into student values('9521101','张立','男',22,'信息系');
insert into student values('9521102','吴宾','女',21,'信息系');
insert into student values('9521103','张海','男',20,'信息系');
insert into student values('9531101','钱小平','女',18,'数学系');
insert into student values('9531102','王大力','男',19,'数学系');
insert into course values('C01','计算机文化学',3,1);
insert into course values('C02','VB',2,3);
insert into course values('C03','计算机网络',4,7);
insert into course values('C04','数据库基础',6,6);
insert into course values('C05','高等数学',8,2);
insert into course values('C06','数据结构',5,4);
insert into sc values('9512101','C01',90,'必修');
insert into sc values('9512101','C02',86,'选修');
insert into sc values('9512101','C06',,'必修');
insert into sc values('9512102','C02',78,'选修');
insert into sc values('9512102','C04',66,'必修');
insert into sc values('9521102','C01',82,'选修');
insert into sc values('9521102','C02',75,'选修');
insert into sc values('9521102','C04',92,'必修');
insert into sc values('9521102','C05',50,'必修');
insert into sc values('9521103','C02',68,'选修');
insert into sc values('9521103','C06',,'必修');
insert into sc values('9531101','C01',80,'选修');
insert into sc values('9531101','C05',95,'必修');
insert into sc values('9531102','C05',85,'必修');


select * from student;
select * from course;
select * from sc;
select sno, sname from student;
select sname, sno, sdept from student;
select * from student;
select sname, 2021 - sage from student;
--6.查询全体学生的姓名和出生年份,并在出生年份列前加入一个列,此列的每行数据均为“Year of Birth”常量值
select sname, 'Year of Birth', 2021 - sage from student;
select distinct sno from sc;
select sname from student where sdept = '计算机系';
select sname, sage from student where sage < 20;
select distinct sno from sc where grade < 60;
select sname, sdept, sage from student where sage between 20 and 23;
select sname, sdept, sage from student where sage not between 20 and 23;
select sname, ssex
  from student
 where sdept in ('信息系', '数学系', '计算机系');
select sname, ssex
  from student
 where sdept not in ('信息系', '数学系', '计算机系');
select * from student where sname like '张%';
select *
  from student
 where sname like '张%'
    or sname like '李%'
    or sname like '刘%';
select *
  from student
 where sname like '_小%'
    or sname like '_大%';
select * from student where sname not like '李%';
select *
  from student
 where sno not like '%2'
   and sno not like '%3'
   and sno not like '%5';
select sno, cno from sc where grade is null;
select sno, cno from sc where grade is not null;
select sname
  from student
 where sdept = '计算机系'
   and sage < 20;
select * from student order by sage;
select sno, grade from sc where cno = 'C02' order by grade desc;
select * from student order by sdept asc, sage desc;
select count(1) from student;
select count(distinct sno) from sc;
select sum(grade) from sc group by sno having sno = '9512101';
select avg(grade) from sc group by cno having cno = 'C01';
select max(grade), min(grade) from sc group by cno having cno = 'C01';
select cno, count(sno) from sc group by cno;
select sno, count(cno), avg(grade) from sc group by sno;
select sno, count(cno) from sc group by sno having count(cno) > 3;
select sno, avg(grade), count(cno)
  from sc
 group by sno
having count(cno) >= 4;
select s1.sno, s1.sname, s2.cno, s2.grade
  from student s1
  left join sc s2
    on s1.sno = s2.sno;
delete from sc
 where rowid not in
       (select max(rowid) from sc group by sno, cno, grade, xklb);
select sname, cno, grade
  from (select * from student s1 left join sc s2 on s1.sno = s2.sno)
 where sdept = '计算机系';
select sname, cname, grade
  from (select *
          from student s1
          join sc s2
            on s1.sno = s2.sno
          join course c
            on s2.cno = c.cno)
 where cname = 'VB';
select sname, sdept
  from student
 where sno in
       (select sno
          from sc
         where cno = (select cno from course where cname = 'VB'));
select sname, sdept
  from student
 where sdept = (select sdept from student where sname = '刘晨');
select s1.sno, sname, cno
  from student s1
  left join sc s2
    on s1.sno = s2.sno;
select *
  from student
 where sdept = (select sdept from student where sname = '刘晨');
select sno, sname
  from student
 where sno in (select sno from sc where grade > 90);
select sno, sname
  from student
 where sno in
       (select sno
          from sc
         where cno = (select cno from course where cname = '数据库基础'));
select sno, grade
  from sc
 where cno = 'C02'
   and grade > (select avg(grade) from sc group by cno having cno = 'C02');
select sname
  from student
 where sno in (select sno from sc where cno = 'C01');
select sname
  from student
 where sno not in (select sno from sc where cno = 'C01');
select sname, sdept
  from student
 where sno in (select sno from sc where cno = 'C01');
select sno, sname
  from student
 where sdept = '数学系'
   and sno in (select sno from sc where grade > 80);
select sname
  from student
 where sno =
       (select sno
          from sc
         where sno in (select sno from student where sdept = '计算机系')
           and grade =
               (select max(grade)
                  from sc
                 where sno in
                       (select sno from student where sdept = '计算机系')));
insert into student values ('9521105', '陈冬', '男', 18, '信息系');
insert into sc values ('9521105', 'C01', null, null);
update student set sage = sage + 1;
update student set sage = 21 where sno = '9512101';
update sc
   set grade = grade + 1
 where sno in (select sno from student where sdept = '计算机系');
select sno, cno, grade, rownum
  from (select sno, cno, grade
          from sc
         where grade is not null
         order by grade desc)
 where rownum <= 3;
select sno, cno, grade
  from (select sno, cno, grade, rownum num
          from (select sno, cno, grade
                  from sc
                 where grade is not null
                 order by grade desc))
 where num between 4 and 6;




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