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原创 How to import existing projects into TFS Visual Studio with GIT ?

How to import existing projects into TFS Visual Studio with GIT ?

2013-07-24 17:54:34 1123

原创 How to delete team project from TFS visual studio ?

How to delete team project from TFS visual studio ?

2013-07-24 00:27:15 1241

原创 A little tutorial on CodeFluent Entities with ASP.NET MVC4

A little tutorial on CodeFluent Entities with ASP.NET MVC4

2013-07-23 22:53:10 1377

原创 CodeFluent Entities: How to add intellisense into Parts XML development in Visual Studio ?

CodeFluent Entities: How to add intellisense into Parts XML development in Visual Studio ?

2013-07-17 17:26:34 1297

原创 A little thought about .NET Framework, CTS, CLI, CLS, CLR and C#

A little thought about .NET Framework, CTS, CLI, CLS, CLR and C#

2013-07-11 00:45:53 3955

原创 CSharp Algorithm - How to traverse binary tree by depth (Part I)

CSharp Algorithm - How to traverse binary tree by depth (Part I)

2013-07-10 18:29:35 1302

原创 CSharp - Comparison between IComparer and IComparable

Comparison between IComparer and IComparable

2013-07-09 00:20:01 1832

原创 Software Craftsmanship : Software Development Pinciples

Software Craftsmanship : Software Development Pinciples

2013-07-05 22:46:10 994

原创 Software Craftsmanship: How to implement Open Closed Principle

How to implement Open Closed Principle

2013-07-05 21:41:05 1027

原创 Visual Studio Tips: How to change project namespace

Visual Studio Tips: How to change project namespace

2013-07-05 16:03:51 1037

原创 Windows 7 Tips: How to display administration tools in start menu

How to display administration tools in start menu

2013-07-04 16:41:54 973

原创 SQL Server Management Studio Tips : How to activate saving table modifications

How to activate saving table modifications

2013-06-28 18:19:08 739

原创 SQL 2008 Installation error: Impossible de charger le fichier ou l'assembly System, Version=

/*Author: Jiangong SUN*/The error:Impossible de charger le fichier ou l'assembly 'System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' ou une de ses dépendances. Le f

2013-06-28 17:09:51 1566

原创 What is Index and how it works in SQL Server?

What is Index and how it works in SQL Server?

2013-06-27 21:05:32 1525

原创 SQL Optimization

Table should have primary keyTable should have minimum of one clustered indexTable should have appropriate amount of non-clustered indexNon-clustered index should be created on columns of table

2013-06-19 02:02:21 734

原创 交流技巧

/*Author: Jiangong SUN*/好的交流者:积极的倾听者,印象深刻的演讲者,快速的思考者,双赢的协商者。经济的成功15%来自个人的只是,85%来自和人的相处技巧和带来的信任和尊重。面对面的交流中, 身体语言占到50%,声音声调占到40%,话语占到10%。我们更喜欢和好的倾听者说话,而不是演讲者。 80% vs 20%好

2013-06-10 03:27:56 676

原创 Design patterns IV : Decorator/Wrapper Pattern

Design patterns IV : Decorator/Wrapper Pattern

2013-06-08 01:55:18 1319

原创 Refactoring - Bad Smells in Code

/*Author: Jiangong SUN*/There is a list of refactoring techniques with examples.http://www.refactoring.com/catalog/1. Duplicated codeExtract method or Extract class2. Long meth

2013-06-05 06:53:26 1019

原创 Refactoring - replace Switch statement with state/strategy

/*Author: Jiangong SUN*/switch statements is procedural structure, not object programming, it can be replaced by strategy pattern with implementation of interface/abstract strategy, with con

2013-06-05 02:11:58 1440

原创 Knowledge Conclusion - PART VI: WCF

/*Author: Jiangong SUN*/Last update: 18/06/20131. What is WCF and how it works?Windows Communication Foundation is a framework for intercommunication between different applications reg

2013-06-03 19:20:09 745

原创 NET Framework 4.0 new features

/*Author: Jiangong SUN*/Named and optional parameters: public class NamedOptionalParameter { public int Add(int x, int y, int z) { return x + y + z;

2013-06-03 18:46:13 809

原创 CSharp - Value types vs reference types

/*Author: Jiangong SUN*/public class CompareValueTypeAndReferenceType { public class ReferenceClass { public string Value { get; set; } } pu

2013-06-03 04:12:20 867

原创 CSharp - Collections(List, Dictionary) vs Generic collections(ArrayList, HashTable)

/*Author: Jiangong SUN*/I'll add 5 million numbers using ArrayList, List and List.                        We will compare the time used for each iteration.ArrayLi

2013-06-01 20:13:02 1786

原创 CSharp - Modifiers

Access Modifiers:publicprivateinternalprotectedModifiers:abstract: Indicates that a class is intended only to be a base class of other classes.async: Indicates that the modified

2013-06-01 05:30:53 730

原创 CSharp - Unsafe code

/*Author: Jiangong SUN*/To maintain type safety and security, C# does not support pointer arithmetic, by default. However, by using the unsafe keyword, you can define an unsafe context in wh

2013-06-01 05:16:45 913

原创 CSharp - Anonymous method

/*Author: Jiangong SUN*/In versions of C# previous to 2.0, the only way to declare a delegate was to use named methods. C# 2.0 introduces anonymous methods.Creating anonymous methods is essent

2013-06-01 04:20:25 1191

原创 Design Patterns III : Strategy

/*Author: Jiangong SUN*/Strategy pattern principle is create a interface strategy with methods definitions. The concrete strategies will implement the interface. And context will use interfa

2013-05-31 22:52:13 783

原创 Agile Contracting

/*Author: Jiangong SUN*/I've participated an event about "Agile contracting" organized by the association Agile.NET France and holden by Microsoft and some other IT services companies. I wan

2013-05-30 22:05:47 970

原创 Design Patterns II - Adapter

/*Author: Jiangong SUN*/There are 4 categories of design patterns called Gang of Four(GoF):- Creational patterns- Structural patterns- Behavior patterns- Concurrency patternsAd

2013-05-30 06:19:48 855

原创 CSharp OOP - Delegate ( MultiCast, Named , Anonymous, Lambda, EventHandler )

/*Author: Jiangong SUN*/Last update 29/05/2013A delegate is a type safe function pointer. Using delegates you can pass methods as parameters. To pass a method as a parameter, to a delega

2013-05-29 21:13:39 1192

原创 CSharp OOP - Inheritance (Class inheritance, Interface implementation)

/*Author: Jiangong SUN*/Inheritance, Polymorphism and Encapsulationare the three most important concepts in OOP.Inheritance enables you to create new classes that reuse, extend, and mo

2013-05-29 21:00:13 1024

原创 CSharp - Code Performance

/*Author: Jiangong SUN*/1) String vs StringBuilderSystem.String is immutable(unchangeable). System.StringBuilder was designed with the purpose of having a mutable string where a variety

2013-05-29 19:19:09 719

原创 CSharp Algorithm - Recursive method (Iterate all directories and files in a directory)

/*Author: Jiangong SUN*/I will introduce the recursive method in implementing the iterations of all the directories and files in a directory.Here it is:Because there exists recursive c

2013-05-29 06:10:24 841

原创 Csharp Algorithm - Bubble Sort

/*Author: Jiangong SUN*/I will introduce the bubble sort in this article. Firstly, I will make a basic implementation of bubble sort algorithm.I will no doudbt up

2013-05-29 05:58:41 875

原创 CSharp Algorithm - QuickSort

/*Author: Jiangong SUN*/Here I want to explain how to implement "Quick Sort" algorithm in CSharp.The principle consists of several steps:1) Get the middle position of an array or list, the l

2013-05-29 05:45:23 831

原创 CSharp OOP - Polymorphism (Compile Time, Run Time, Parametric)

/*Author: Jiangong SUN*/Today I will clarify the concepts of polymorphism in CSharp with some code examples.Generally, CSharp has three ways of polymorphisms: Compile time polymorphism, Ru

2013-05-28 01:42:58 1300

原创 CSharp - Value Types

/*Author: Jiangong SUN*/For the purpose of introducing the value types of CSharp language, and making it more clearly to developers, I'm writing this post. I'll list some samples and try to

2013-05-27 03:25:18 1434

原创 CSharp OOP - Generics

/*Author: Jiangong SUN*/Generics is introduced by .NET Framework 2.0, it's most commonly used with collections and the methods that operate on them. Namespace: System.Collections.Generic

2013-05-22 07:05:42 1057

原创 What is reflection and how to use it in CSharp ?

What is reflection and how to use it in CSharp ?

2013-05-22 03:36:30 1505

原创 CSharp - Working principles about Thread, Process, Multithreading, DeadLock, Lock

CSharp - Working principles about Thread, Process, Multithreading, DeadLock, Lock

2013-05-17 19:26:57 1612

wcf service sample code for c#

a simple wcf service for c# developers


Unit Test Sample Code

a demostration for unit test in c#


JavaScript DOM 编程艺术(含源码)

英文原版DOM Scripting Web Design with JavaScript and the Document Object Model,语言通俗易懂,适合dom和javascript初学者。


Excel VBA 开发技巧 800例

Excel VBA 开发技巧 800例。 一共有20章,下载的不是最全,缺一章,但经过我计算,一共有将近1100的例子。 非常好的资源,和大家共享!!


jquery reference guide 英文原版

jquery 参考指南。详细的jquery方法使用指南。包括dom操作,event方法,ajax方法等。


PHP Programming with PEAR XML, Data, Dates, Web Services, and Web APIs

PHP Programming with PEAR XML, Data, Dates, Web Services, and Web APIs 推荐!!!!


PHP and Smarty on Large-Scale Web Development

PHP and Smarty on Large-Scale Web Development PHP Smarty 开发


Core PHP Programming, Third Edition

Core PHP Programming, Third Editionchm 核心php编程,第三版。


Beginning Javascript with DOM Scripting and Ajax (From Novice to Professional)

Beginning Javascript with DOM Scripting and Ajax (From Novice to Professional) Javascript DOM和Ajax编程,从新手到专家!! 推荐!!!


Beginning PHP and MySQL From Novice to Professional, Third Edition PDF

Beginning PHP and MySQL From Novice to Professional, Third Edition PDF PHP,mysql从新手到专家,第三版。 推荐!!!


Beginning PHP and MySQL 5 From Novice to Professional, Second Edition

Beginning PHP and MySQL 5 From Novice to Professional, Second Edition.pdf php从新手到专家,第二版。推荐!


Advanced PHP for Web Professionals 2002

Advanced PHP for Web Professionals 高级php编程指导


php manual 英文版 2009年3月

php manual 英文版 2009年3月27日。 很不错的资料。可离线学习。


10dayphp rar版本

10dayphp rar版本, 给初学者一个基础的框架知识。


大话设计模式 之 小菜编程成长记

伍迷戏说面向对象程序设计 C#版 大话设计模式 之 小菜编程成长记


PHPfor Dummies, 2nd Edition 英文版

PHP for Dummies, 2nd Edition 英文版 初学者的不错选择。



vb精华文摘,共分10篇。 《VB精华文摘-其他篇》 《VB精华文摘-图形篇》 《VB精华文摘-字符串篇》 《VB精华文摘-控件篇》 《VB精华文摘-数据库篇》 《VB精华文摘-文件篇》 《VB精华文摘-游戏篇》 《VB精华文摘-窗体篇》 《VB精华文摘-系统篇》 《VB精华文摘-网络篇》


Windows 错误代码表查询

Windows 错误代码表查询 实用的错误查询工具。



EXCEL.2007.MACROS.MADE.EASY.Oct.2008 VBA学习的经典书籍,与大家共勉!!



正则表达式30分钟入门教程。 版本:v2.31 (2009-4-11) 作者:deerchao


Thinking in java 3rd edition 中文版

Thinking in java 3rd edition 中文版。 共16章,950页。



High.Performance.Web.Sites.Sep.2007 高性能的网站


Pro. PHP Patterns, Frameworks, Testing and More

OOP PHP,模式,框架,测试。 Patterns, Frameworks, Testing and More,OOP PHP5



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