How to call function from register view

After I read the books<CS: APP>, I think that comprehend relationship between usage of register and function called is very important to improve our development programming skill, and could make our programming more effective.
It’s commonly conception about “Function call” in the high-level language, but it still a little difficult to handle the theory through assembly language way. This article will involves the knowledge assemble language related such as some conception of Register, data instruction.
 Programs are translated buy other programs into different form:
  The preprocessor modifies the original C program according to directives that begin with the # character, they will insert the file which #include command point to, then enlarge the macro. For the second step, C compilers generate an output file which is assembly language. At the following steps, the assembler translates the assembly language into machine-language which is a binary file whose bytes encode. Finally, generate a executable object file that is ready to be loaded into memory and executed by the system.
 Equivalent assembly language :It’s difficult for us to read object code, but equivalent assembly language is very closely to object code, so it was a valiant attempt to handle the equivalent assemble language skills.
 Data instruction & Register: Know the usage of regular rules about instruction, such as MOV, LEA. And there are some differences on instruction’s usage. For example: mov ebp esp means put the value from register esp into ebp.
Stack Frame Structure: IA32 programs make use of the program stack to support procedure calls, the stack is used to pass procedure arguments, to store return information, to save register for later restoration, and for local storage. The portion of the stack allocated for a single procedure call is called a stack frame. But there need notify: system just only allocates a stack frame for each procedure but the usage of register is sharing way. The topmost stack frame is delimited by two pointers, with register %ebp serving as the frame pointer, and register %esp serving as the stack pointer.
Near calls and Far calls: For sub procedure, there are two types of calls, near calls and Far calls. The formers return address spend 4 bytes, and the later is 8 bytes.
   Notify: In this article, so many assembly knowledge be involved
 Ok, base on materials prepared, we could begin our contents. Following code give us instance about 2 function calls
int swap_add(int *xp,int *yp)
              int x=*xp;
              int y=*yp;
              return x+y;
int caller()
              int arg1=534;
              int ary2=1057;
              int sum=swap+add(&arg1,&arg2);
              return 0
Caller () called swap_add(), and transfer their argument by address value. Now we reach on argument transferring, function calls, usage of register and stack through equivalent assembly language
10:   int caller()
11:   {
00401070   push      ebp           //push %ebp into stack frame, %esp point to the top of stack all the time
00401071   mov       ebp,esp      // to assign value of top stack to %ebp, at this time, %esp=%ebp
00401073   sub        esp, 4Ch    //%esp-48h, prepare for space of memory to input Variable in the following steps
00401076   push       ebx        // the callee
00401077   push       esi     
00401078   push       edi     
00401079   lea         edi,[ebp-4Ch]
0040107C   mov       ecx,13h
00401081   mov       eax,0CCCCCCCCh
00401086   rep stos   dword ptr [edi]
12:       int arg1 = 534;
00401088   mov       dword ptr [ebp-4],216h    // assign value 216h into &ebp-4
13:       int arg2 = 1057;
0040108F   mov       dword ptr [ebp-8],421h   
14:       int sum = swap_add( &arg1, &arg2);
00401096   lea        eax,[ebp-8]                       
00401099   push      eax
0040109A   lea        ecx,[ebp-4]                        
0040109D   push      ecx
0040109E   call        @ILT+5(_swap_add) (0040100a)     // call swap_add()
004010A3   add         esp,8                                                    
004010A6   mov         dword ptr [ebp-0Ch],eax
16:        return 0;
004010A9   xor         eax,eax
18:   }
004010AB   pop         edi
004010AC   pop         esi
004010AD   pop         ebx
004010AE   add         esp,4Ch
004010B1   cmp         ebp,esp
004010B3   call        __chkesp (00401110)
004010B8   mov         esp,ebp
004010BA   pop         ebp
004010BB   ret
1:    #include <stdio.h>
2:    int swap_add(int *xp, int *yp)
3:    {
00401030   push        ebp                                               
00401031   mov         ebp,esp                      
00401033   sub         esp,48h                                                                                                              
00401036   push        ebx                                   
00401037   push        esi                                   
00401038   push        edi                                                                                                                     
00401039   lea         edi,[ebp-48h]
0040103C   mov         ecx,12h
00401041   mov         eax,0CCCCCCCCh
00401046   rep stos    dword ptr [edi]                              
4:        int x = *xp;
00401048   mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp+8]    //. chart 1
0040104B   mov         ecx,dword ptr [eax]
0040104D   mov         dword ptr [ebp-4],ecx                     
5:        int y = *yp;
00401050   mov         edx,dword ptr [ebp+0Ch]              
00401053   mov         eax,dword ptr [edx]
00401055   mov         dword ptr [ebp-8],eax                     
7:        return x + y;
00401058   mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp-4]
0040105B   add         eax,dword ptr [ebp-8]                      eax
8:    }
0040105E   pop         edi
0040105F   pop         esi
00401060   pop         ebx
00401061   mov         esp,ebp
00401063   pop         ebp
00401064   ret                                                                     
address                  stack
         ├─ ┄┄┄┄─┤
         2 16h (arg1)
        ├─ ┄┄┄┄─┤        
        216h (arg1)
        ├─ ┄┄┄┄─┤
         4ch 的空间   
                                             call() structure of stack frame
        ├─ ┄┄┄┄─┤
             &arg1      --------|
        ├──────┤                |
   返回地址                 | (ebp+8 access to &arg1) chart 1
        ├──────┤               |                       |
               ebp       _________|                       |
         ├─ ┄┄┄┄─┤                                        |
                  x      │← --------------------------|
        ├─ ┄┄┄┄─┤        
        ├─ ┄┄┄┄─┤
         48h 的空间   
                                          swap_add() structure of stack frame
        ├─ ┄┄┄┄─┤
        ├─ ┄┄┄┄─┤ 
Finally, we have finished the introduction. For each function or producer, system allocated the stack frame for them. And we could divide the hole code into three parts: initialization of stack frame; execute; recover the stack frame;
In my opinion, handle some knowledge which assembly related is very useful for us. We could improve our major foundation by practice and thinking.   
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