

   How Generative Adversarial Networks and Their Variants Work: An Overview

Yongjun Hong, Uiwon Hwang, Jaeyoon Yoo and Sungroh Yoon Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea {yjhong, uiwon.hwang, yjy765, sryoon}
Abstract GenerativeAdversarialNetworks(GAN)havereceivedwideattentioninthemachinelearning field for their potential to learn high-dimensional, complex real data distribution. Specifically, they do not rely on any assumptions about the distribution and can generate real-like samplesfromlatentspaceinasimplemanner. ThispowerfulpropertyleadsGANtobeapplied to various applications such as image synthesis, image attribute editing, image translation, domain adaptation and other academic fields. In this paper, we aim to discuss the details of GAN for those readers who are familiar with, but do not comprehend GAN deeply or who wish to view GAN from various perspectives. In addition, we explain how GAN operates and the fundamental meaning of various objective functions that have been suggested recently. We then focus on how the GAN can be combined with an autoencoder framework. Finally, we enumerate the GAN variants that are applied to various tasks and other fields for those who are interested in exploiting GAN for their research.
1 Introduction
Recently, in the machine learning field, generative models have become more important and popular because of their applicability in various fields. Their capability to represent complex and high-dimensional data can be utilized in treating images [2, 12, 57, 65, 127, 133, 145], videos [122, 125, 126], music generation [41, 66, 141], natural languages [48, 73] and other academic domains such as medical images [16, 77, 136] and security [109, 124]. Specifically, generative models are highly useful for image to image translation (See Figure 1) [9, 57, 137, 145] which transfers images to another specific domain, image super-resolution [65], changing some features of an object in an image [3, 37, 75, 94, 144] and predicting the next frames of a video [122, 125, 126]. In addition, generative models can be the solution for various problems in the machine learning field such as semisupervised learning [21, 67, 104, 115], which tries to address the lack of labeled data, and domain adaptation [2, 12, 47, 108, 111, 140], which leverages known knowledge for some tasks in other domains where only little information is given. Formally, a generative model learns to model a real data probability distribution pdata(x) where the data x exists in the d-dimensional real space Rd, and most generative models, including autoregressive models [92, 105], are based on the maximum likelihood principle with a model parametrized by parameters θ. With independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) training samples xi where i ∈ {1,2,···n}, the likelihood is defined as the product of probabilities that the model gives to each training data:Qn i=1 pθ(xi) where pθ(x) is the probability that the model assigns to x. The maximum likelihood principle trains the model to maximize the likelihood that the model follows the real data distribution. From this point of view, we need to assume a certain form of pθ(x) explicitly to estimate the likelihood of the given data and retrieve the samples from the learned model after the training. In this way, some approaches [91, 92, 105] successfully learned the generative model in various fields includingspeechsynthesis. However, whiletheexplicitlydefinedprobabilitydensityfunctionbrings about computational tractability, it may fail to represent the complexity of real data distribution and learn the high-dimensional data distributions [87]. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) [36] were proposed to solve the disadvantages of other generativemodels. Insteadofmaximizingthelikelihood,GANintroducestheconceptofadversarial
arXiv:1711.05914v9 [cs.LG] 13 Nov 2018
Figure 1: Examples of unpaired image to image translation from CycleGAN [145]. CycleGAN use a GAN concept, converting contents of the input image to the desired output image. There are many creative applications using a GAN, including image to image translation, and these will be introduced in Section 4. Images from CycleGAN [145].
learning between the generator and the discriminator. The generator and the discriminator act as adversaries with respect to each other to produce real-like samples. The generator is a continuous, differentiable transformation function mapping a prior distribution pz from the latent space Z into the data space X that tries to fool the discriminator. The discriminator distinguishes its input whether it comes from the real data distribution or the generator. The basic intuition behind the adversarial learning is that as the generator tries to deceive the discriminator which also evolves against the generator, the generator improves. This adversarial process gives GAN notable advantages over the other generative models. GAN avoids defining pθ(x) explicitly, and instead trains the generator using a binary classification of the discriminator. Thus, the generator does not need to follow a certain form of pθ(x). In addition, since the generator is a simple, usually deterministic feed-forward network from Z to X, GAN can sample the generated data in a simple manner unlike other models using the Markov chain [113] in which the sampling is computationally slow and not accurate. Furthermore, GAN can parallelize the generation, which is not possible for other models such as PixelCNN [105], PixelRNN [92], and WaveNet [91] due to their autoregressive nature. For these advantages, GAN has been gaining considerable attention, and the desire to use GAN in many fields is growing. In this study, we explain GAN [35, 36] in detail which generates sharper and better real-like samples than the other generative models by adopting two components, the generator and the discriminator. We look into how GAN works theoretically and how GAN has been applied to various applications.
1.1 Paper Organization Table 1 shows GAN and GAN variants which will be discussed in Section 2 and 3. In Section 2, we first present a standard objective function of a GAN and describe how its components work. After that, we present various objective functions proposed recently, focusing on their similarities in terms of the feature matching problem. We then explain the architecture of GAN extending the discussion to dominant obstacles caused by optimizing a minimax problem, especially a mode collapse, and how to address those issues. In Section 3, we discuss how GAN can be exploited to learn the latent space where a compressed and low dimensional representation of data lies. In particular, we emphasize how the GAN extracts the latent space from the data space with autoencoder frameworks. Section 4 provides several extensions of the GAN applied to other domains and various topics as shown in Table 2. In Section 5, we observe a macroscopic view of GAN, especially why GAN is advantageous over other generative models. Finally, Section 6 concludes the paper.


生成性对抗网络(Generative-departarial Networks,简称GAN)因其具有学习高维、复杂的真实数据分布的潜力而受到机器学习领域的广泛关注。具体来说,它们不依赖于任何关于分布的假设,并且拥有以简单的方式从潜在空间生成真实的样本这种强大的特性使得GAN可以应用于图像合成、图像属性编辑、图像翻译、做主编等学术领域。本文旨为那些熟悉但对GAN理解不深或希望从多个角度来看待甘语的读者研究GAN的细节,另外,本文还解释了GAN的工作原理以及最近提出的各种目标函数的基本含义,注重如何将GAN与自动编码器框架相结合。最后,对那些有兴趣用GAN来进行研究的人,本文列举出GAN应用于各种工作和其他领域。

1 引言

生成模型学习建模真实数据概率分布Pdata(x),其中数据X存在于D维实空间R^d中,并且大多数生成模型,包括自回归模型〔92, 105〕,是基于带有参数θ为参数化模型的最大似然原理。具有独立和网络分布(i.i.d)训练样本x^i,其中i∈ {1,2,…n},我们将似然函数定义为是模型对每个训练数据给出的概率的结果:∏_i^n p_Θ (x^i),其中p_Θ (x)是模型分配给x的概率。最大似然函数原则训练模型遵守真实样本分布达到最大似然化。
从这个角度出发,我们需要假设p_Θ (x)的某种形式,明确地估计给定数据的可能性,并在训练后从学习模型中找回样本。通过这种方式,一些方法[91,92,105]在各种领域成功地学习了生成模型,其中包括语音合成。然而,当概率密度函数被定义带来计算的可追踪性时,它可能无法表示真实数据分布的复杂性和学习高维数据分布〔87〕。
图1:CycleGAN的未配对图像到图像转换示例[145]。CycleGAN使用GAN概念,将输入图像的内容转换为所需的输出图像。有许多创新应用程序使用了GAN,包括图像到图像的转换,这些将在第4节中介绍。图像引用CycleGAN [145]。

GAN避免显式地定义p_Θ (x),而是通过二进制分类来训练生成器。因此,生成器不需要遵循p_Θ (x)确定形式。同样,由于生成器是一个从Z到X的简单的、通常是不可改变的确定性前馈网络,GAN以一种简单的方式对生成的数据进行采样,这不同于使用Markov链的其他模型,在Markov链中,采样在计算上缓慢且不准确。此外,GAN可以并行生成,这对于其他模型是不可能的,例如PixelCNN[105]、PixelRNN[92]和WaveNet[91],因为它们具有自回归性质。



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