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原创 money and friends

<br />We are young, no money, do not be too concerned aboutso and so has to wear AD, NIKE, or other. The GF for PRADA, blue Kou, CD, LV,the love, you do not mind, put a hook a woman born beauty, they just prefer tobelieve, like you can buy them expen

2010-10-19 11:52:00 665

原创 destination

<br />Soon we reached our destination, when the car movingslowly on the side of the road, when the aunt came to a farmhouse to ask:"You're not picking strawberries" We say: "Yes." Aunt toldus that their house had more strawberries, and very good, the

2010-10-18 11:33:00 278

原创 can you do it

<br /> Dear friends,since you love me love me, then I ask you to accept this request. Buy anotebook today chatter. HP da 8 thousand thousand to buy a discount down after6.<br /><br /> At least one fruit a day, a cup of milkor a cup of yogurt, b

2010-10-16 11:11:00 301

原创 films

<br /><br />Handsome film, he once again thrustbackwards away, time will also be his sharp polished. More on the screen afamiliar and unfamiliar "new faces." Mottled face, gray hair anddangling cigarettes forever, a law-abiding, peace of mind of the

2010-10-15 11:19:00 479

原创 do not forget you

<br />Repeated reading your statement for me to write thebeautiful, silent as tears already choking in the throat moment ... ...inadvertently encountered know you know your other half, but no way to hold itin your heart, heart pain, thorns so people

2010-10-14 11:33:00 365

原创 I like freedom

<br />She is a person like fresh, but also a people who will soon lose their freshness, for everything, she would take long for a few days, but time will make her feel everything is false. One morning he received the first message read: Dear, it is said yo

2010-10-13 11:46:00 462

原创 24 hours

<br />Live a life of 24 hours a day, when the end of theday, I asked myself, what I got today? My thoughts are not clear, unfortunatelyI did not get any answers here, in their every day but every day in thereflection repeat the same mistakes, time re

2010-10-12 12:02:00 220

原创 a girl

<br /><br />When you are nervous of his heterosexual friends, she will side with you,my so and so who he is, but secretly care about your feelings side. . .<br />To them, the only lethal only with feelings of love if thesetbacks, or destroy them, or th

2010-10-11 11:21:00 168

原创 a good girl

<br /><br />When you are nervous of his heterosexual friends, she will side with you,my so and so who he is, but secretly care about your feelings side. . .<br />To them, the only lethal only with feelings of love if thesetbacks, or destroy them, or th

2010-10-09 12:53:00 398


<br />Today, every village road annihilation of most of therut - the only point to yesterday's logo. Looking at only a little rut andponder who stole the years, turn the place where. Those years was the eternal,mutual dependency blending. Once upon a

2010-10-08 08:52:00 271

原创 mariage

Marriage is like a white, husband and wife are the two artists, it is important to see your white paper in their own how to apply. Is the finishing touch, or superfluous, it all depends on both the personal cultivation. If both spouses work, the heart have

2010-10-07 11:33:00 185

原创 80's people

It can never come again and will never belong to the 80's childhood ... ... this article from the prose Network (www.sanwen.net), this website is a sharing of short prose original article site. If you want to reprint this article, be sure to respect the re

2010-10-06 11:51:00 184


<br />Boyhoodmany, the deepest impression is only one, a lot of wonderful childlike make mehappy so far. Vivid fragments of memory, such as movies, and more are moving.<br /><br />Life's like that was very difficult, we naturally do notthink these ch

2010-10-05 13:22:00 199

原创 long night

<br />Feet as the soft dust in deep mystery and sink overthe, how to immersed? Red deep, full flowers and winding toward a few, haveconcentrated the ink pen Danqing, but can not fathom Sentimental Journey Zenedge. Tired to rest, the dream was still d

2010-10-02 10:05:00 158

原创 farwell to my friends

<br />In this way, we bid farewell to the many confusingemotions, in the spring of arms.<br /><br />Begonia flowers painted pale pink blush, humble tribute to the blue sky,a garden of pink Liulv, people's body soft down, like several in pitch darknes

2010-10-01 11:43:00 202

原创 real life

<br />Life is the process in order to find love. Each personmust find four people in life: the first is their own, the second is the personyou love, and the third is the person who loves you, and the fourth is to sharemy whole life.<br /><br />Firs

2010-09-29 09:47:00 186

翻译 appreciate themselves

<br /><br />like his will to embrace life<br /><br />Blindly arrogant self-esteem, is the pride of life of ignorance, blindly giveup on themselves, is negative and pessimistic life. Understanding of their moredifficult than to understand others, li

2010-09-28 10:17:00 171



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