2.4. BufferPool 2.5. HeapFile access method


public class BufferPool {
     * Bytes per page, including header.
    public static final int PAGE_SIZE = 4096;

     * Default number of pages passed to the constructor. This is used by
     * other classes. BufferPool should use the numPages argument to the
     * constructor instead.
    public static final int DEFAULT_PAGES = 50;

    private int maximum;
    private DbFile dbFile;
    Catalog catalog = new Catalog();
    Map<PageId,Page> pageMap = new HashMap<>();

     * Creates a BufferPool that caches up to numPages pages.
     * @param numPages maximum number of pages in this buffer pool.
    public BufferPool(int numPages) {
        // some code goes hered
       maximum = numPages;
        pageSet = new HashSet<>(maximum);
        pageMap = new HashMap<>(maximum);

     * Retrieve the specified page with the associated permissions.
     * Will acquire a lock and may block if that lock is held by another
     * transaction.
     * <p>
     * The retrieved page should be looked up in the buffer pool.  If it
     * is present, it should be returned.  If it is not present, it should
     * be added to the buffer pool and returned.  If there is insufficient
     * space in the buffer pool, an page should be evicted and the new page
     * should be added in its place.
     * @param tid  the ID of the transaction requesting the page
     * @param pid  the ID of the requested page
     * @param perm the requested permissions on the page
    public Page getPage(TransactionId tid, PageId pid, Permissions perm)
            throws TransactionAbortedException, DbException {
        // some code goes here
        if (pageMap.containsKey(pid)){
            return pageMap.get(pid);
        }else {
            if (pageMap.size()<maximum){
                DbFile dbFile = catalog.getDbFile(pid.getTableId());
                Page page= dbFile.readPage(pid);
                return page;
            }else {
                DbFile dbFile = catalog.getDbFile(pid.getTableId());
                Page page= dbFile.readPage(pid);
                Random random = new Random();
                int i=random.nextInt(maximum-1);
                int j=0;
                for(PageId pid1:pageMap.keySet()){
                    if (j==i){
        return null;


     * Releases the lock on a page.
     * Calling this is very risky, and may result in wrong behavior. Think hard
     * about who needs to call this and why, and why they can run the risk of
     * calling it.
     * @param tid the ID of the transaction requesting the unlock
     * @param pid the ID of the page to unlock
    public void releasePage(TransactionId tid, PageId pid) {
        // some code goes here
        // not necessary for proj1

     * Release all locks associated with a given transaction.
     * @param tid the ID of the transaction requesting the unlock
    public void transactionComplete(TransactionId tid) throws IOException {

        // some code goes here
        // not necessary for proj1


     * Return true if the specified transaction has a lock on the specified page
    public boolean holdsLock(TransactionId tid, PageId p) {
        // some code goes here

        // not necessary for proji
        return true;

     * Commit or abort a given transaction; release all locks associated to
     * the transaction.
     * @param tid    the ID of the transaction requesting the unlock
     * @param commit a flag indicating whether we should commit or abort
    public void transactionComplete(TransactionId tid, boolean commit)
            throws IOException {
        // some code goes here
        // not necessary for proj1


     * Add a tuple to the specified table behalf of transaction tid.  Will
     * acquire a write lock on the page the tuple is added to(Lock
     * acquisition is not needed for lab2). May block if the lock cannot
     * be acquired.
     * <p>
     * Marks any pages that were dirtied by the operation as dirty by calling
     * their markDirty bit, and updates cached versions of any pages that have
     * been dirtied so that future requests see up-to-date pages.
     * @param tid     the transaction adding the tuple
     * @param tableId the table to add the tuple to
     * @param t       the tuple to add
    public void insertTuple(TransactionId tid, int tableId, Tuple t)
            throws DbException, IOException, TransactionAbortedException {
        // some code goes here
        // not necessary for proj1

     * Remove the specified tuple from the buffer pool.
     * Will acquire a write lock on the page the tuple is removed from. May block if
     * the lock cannot be acquired.
     * <p>
     * Marks any pages that were dirtied by the operation as dirty by calling
     * their markDirty bit.  Does not need to update cached versions of any pages that have
     * been dirtied, as it is not possible that a new page was created during the deletion
     * (note difference from addTuple).
     * @param tid the transaction adding the tuple.
     * @param t   the tuple to add
    public void deleteTuple(TransactionId tid, Tuple t)
            throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException {
        // some code goes here
        // not necessary for proj1

     * Flush all dirty pages to disk.
     * NB: Be careful using this routine -- it writes dirty data to disk so will
     * break simpledb if running in NO STEAL mode.
    public synchronized void flushAllPages() throws IOException {
        // some code goes here
        // not necessary for proj1


     * Remove the specific page id from the buffer pool.
     * Needed by the recovery manager to ensure that the
     * buffer pool doesn't keep a rolled back page in its
     * cache.
    public synchronized void discardPage(PageId pid) {
        // some code goes here
        // not necessary for proj1

     * Flushes a certain page to disk
     * @param pid an ID indicating the page to flush
    private synchronized void flushPage(PageId pid) throws IOException {
        // some code goes here
        // not necessary for proj1

     * Write all pages of the specified transaction to disk.
    public synchronized void flushPages(TransactionId tid) throws IOException {
        // some code goes here
        // not necessary for proj1

     * Discards a page from the buffer pool.
     * Flushes the page to disk to ensure dirty pages are updated on disk.
    private synchronized void evictPage() throws DbException {
        // some code goes here
        // not necessary for proj1



public class HeapPageId implements PageId {

     * Constructor. Create a page id structure for a specific page of a
     * specific table.
     * @param tableId The table that is being referenced
     * @param pgNo The page number in that table.
    private int tableId;
    private int pgNo;
    public HeapPageId(int tableId, int pgNo) {
        // some code goes here
        this.tableId = tableId;
        this.pgNo = pgNo;

    /** @return the table associated with this PageId */
    public int getTableId() {
        // some code goes here
        return tableId;

     * @return the page number in the table getTableId() associated with
     *   this PageId
    public int pageNumber() {
        // some code goes here
        return pgNo;

     * @return a hash code for this page, represented by the concatenation of
     *   the table number and the page number (needed if a PageId is used as a
     *   key in a hash table in the BufferPool, for example.)
     * @see BufferPool
    public int hashCode() {
        // some code goes here
        int result = 17;
        result = 31*result+tableId;
        result = 31*result+pgNo;
        return result;

     * Compares one PageId to another.
     * @param o The object to compare against (must be a PageId)
     * @return true if the objects are equal (e.g., page numbers and table
     *   ids are the same)
    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        // some code goes here
        if (o==null)return false;
        if (getClass()!=o.getClass()){
            return false;
        if (o==this)return true;
        HeapPageId heapPageId = (HeapPageId) o;
        return heapPageId.pgNo==this.pgNo&&heapPageId.tableId==this.tableId;

     *  Return a representation of this object as an array of
     *  integers, for writing to disk.  Size of returned array must contain
     *  number of integers that corresponds to number of args to one of the
     *  constructors.
    public int[] serialize() {
        int data[] = new int[2];

        data[0] = getTableId();
        data[1] = pageNumber();

        return data;



public class HeapPage implements Page {

    HeapPageId pid;
    TupleDesc td;
    byte header[];
    Tuple tuples[];
    int numSlots;

    byte[] oldData;

     * Create a HeapPage from a set of bytes of data read from disk.
     * The format of a HeapPage is a set of header bytes indicating
     * the slots of the page that are in use, some number of tuple slots.
     *  Specifically, the number of tuples is equal to: <p>
     *          floor((BufferPool.PAGE_SIZE*8) / (tuple size * 8 + 1))
     * <p> where tuple size is the size of tuples in this
     * database table, which can be determined via {@link Catalog#getTupleDesc}.
     * The number of 8-bit header words is equal to:
     * <p>
     *      ceiling(no. tuple slots / 8)
     * <p>
     * @see Database#getCatalog
     * @see Catalog#getTupleDesc
     * @see BufferPool#PAGE_SIZE
    public HeapPage(HeapPageId id, byte[] data) throws IOException {
        this.pid = id;
        this.td = Database.getCatalog().getTupleDesc(id.getTableId());
        this.numSlots = getNumTuples();
        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(data));

        // allocate and read the header slots of this page
        header = new byte[getHeaderSize()];
        for (int i=0; i<header.length; i++)
            header[i] = dis.readByte();

            // allocate and read the actual records of this page
            tuples = new Tuple[numSlots];//注意每个都被new了
            for (int i=0; i<tuples.length; i++) {
                tuples[i] = readNextTuple(dis, i);

        }catch(NoSuchElementException e){


    /** Retrieve the number of tuples on this page.
        @return the number of tuples on this page
    private int getNumTuples() {
        // some code goes here
        return (int) Math.floor((BufferPool.PAGE_SIZE*8)/(td.getSize()*8+1));


     * Computes the number of bytes in the header of a page in a HeapFile with each tuple occupying tupleSize bytes
     * @return the number of bytes in the header of a page in a HeapFile with each tuple occupying tupleSize bytes
    private int getHeaderSize() {

        return (int) Math.ceil((int) Math.floor((BufferPool.PAGE_SIZE*8)/(td.getSize()*8+1))/8);


    /** Return a view of this page before it was modified
        -- used by recovery */
    public HeapPage getBeforeImage(){
        try {
            return new HeapPage(pid,oldData);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            //should never happen -- we parsed it OK before!
        return null;

    public void setBeforeImage() {
        oldData = getPageData().clone();

     * @return the PageId associated with this page.
    public HeapPageId getId() {
        return pid;
    // some code goes here

     * Suck up tuples from the source file.
    private Tuple readNextTuple(DataInputStream dis, int slotId) throws NoSuchElementException {
        // if associated bit is not set, read forward to the next tuple, and
        // return null.
        if (isSlotUsed(slotId)) {
            for (int i=0; i<td.getSize(); i++) {
                try {
                    int t = 0;

                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new NoSuchElementException("error reading empty tuple");
            return null;

        // read fields in the tuple
        Tuple t = new Tuple(td);
        RecordId rid = new RecordId(pid, slotId);

        try {
            for (int j=0; j<td.numFields(); j++) {
                Field f = td.getFieldType(j).parse(dis);
                t.setField(j, f);
        } catch (java.text.ParseException e) {
            throw new NoSuchElementException("parsing error!");

        return t;

     * Generates a byte array representing the contents of this page.
     * Used to serialize this page to disk.
     * <p>
     * The invariant here is that it should be possible to pass the byte
     * array generated by getPageData to the HeapPage constructor and
     * have it produce an identical HeapPage object.
     * @see #HeapPage
     * @return A byte array correspond to the bytes of this page.
    public byte[] getPageData() {
        int len = BufferPool.PAGE_SIZE;
        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(len);
        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(baos);

        // create the header of the page
        for (int i=0; i<header.length; i++) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                // this really shouldn't happen

        // create the tuples
        for (int i=0; i<tuples.length; i++) {

            // empty slot
            if (!isSlotUsed(i)) {//这里我好像改过判断。。需要注意,在下面有函数需要补全,很关键
                for (int j=0; j<td.getSize(); j++) {
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {


            // non-empty slot
            for (int j=0; j<td.numFields(); j++) {
                Field f = tuples[i].getField(j);
                try {

                } catch (IOException e) {

        // padding
        int zerolen = BufferPool.PAGE_SIZE - (header.length + td.getSize() * tuples.length); //- numSlots * td.getSize();
        byte[] zeroes = new byte[zerolen];
        try {
            dos.write(zeroes, 0, zerolen);
        } catch (IOException e) {

        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {

        return baos.toByteArray();

     * Static method to generate a byte array corresponding to an empty
     * HeapPage.
     * Used to add new, empty pages to the file. Passing the results of
     * this method to the HeapPage constructor will create a HeapPage with
     * no valid tuples in it.
     * @return The returned ByteArray.
    public static byte[] createEmptyPageData() {
        int len = BufferPool.PAGE_SIZE;
        return new byte[len]; //all 0

     * Delete the specified tuple from the page;  the tuple should be updated to reflect
     *   that it is no longer stored on any page.
     * @throws DbException if this tuple is not on this page, or tuple slot is
     *         already empty.
     * @param t The tuple to delete
    public void deleteTuple(Tuple t) throws DbException {
        // some code goes here
        // not necessary for lab1

     * Adds the specified tuple to the page;  the tuple should be updated to reflect
     *  that it is now stored on this page.
     * @throws DbException if the page is full (no empty slots) or tupledesc
     *         is mismatch.
     * @param t The tuple to add.
    public void insertTuple(Tuple t) throws DbException {
        // some code goes here
        // not necessary for lab1

     * Marks this page as dirty/not dirty and record that transaction
     * that did the dirtying
    public void markDirty(boolean dirty, TransactionId tid) {
        // some code goes here
    // not necessary for lab1

     * Returns the tid of the transaction that last dirtied this page, or null if the page is not dirty
    public TransactionId isDirty() {
        // some code goes here
    // Not necessary for lab1
        return null;

     * Returns the number of empty slots on this page.
    public int getNumEmptySlots() {//判断当前tuples[i]是否装了值
        // some code goes here
        Tuple newT = new Tuple(td);
        int count =0;
        for (int i=0;i<tuples.length;i++){
            if (tuples[i].tuple.equals(newT.tuple)) {


        return count;

     * Returns true if associated slot on this page is filled.
    public boolean isSlotUsed(int i) {
        // some code goes here
        Tuple newT = new Tuple(td);
       if (tuples[i]==null||tuples[i].tuple.equals(newT.tuple))return false;
        else{return true;}

     * Abstraction to fill or clear a slot on this page.
    private void markSlotUsed(int i, boolean value) {
        // some code goes here
        // not necessary for lab1

     * @return an iterator over all tuples on this page (calling remove on this iterator throws an UnsupportedOperationException)
     * (note that this iterator shouldn't return tuples in empty slots!)
    public Iterator<Tuple> iterator() {
        // some code goes here
        return new Iterator<Tuple>() {//常规写法,但注意要tuples都是被new了的,所以还需要计算一下赋了值的数量

            private int index=0;
            public boolean hasNext() {
                Tuple newT = new Tuple(td);
                int count =0;
                for (int i=0;i<tuples.length;i++){
                    if (tuples[i].tuple.equals(newT.tuple)) {
                return index<numSlots-count;

            public Tuple next() {
                int count = index;
                return tuples[count];





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