编译原理(九) LR(0)文法分析法(算法描述和C++代码实现)



则称 β是相对于非终结符A的, 句型αβδ的 短语 。 
直接短语: 令G是一个文法,S是文法的开始符号,假定αβδ是文法G的一个句型,如果有
则称 β是相对于非终结符A的, 句型αβδ的 直接短语 。 
注意:短语和直接短语的区别在于第二个条件, 直接短语中的第二个条件表示有文法规则 A β ,因此,每个直接短语都是某规则右部。  
句柄: 一个句型的最左直接短语称为该句型的 句柄

  • 句柄特征: 
    • (1) 它是直接短语,即某规则右部。
    • (2) 它具有最左性。


  • 归约项目 
  • 接受项目 
  • 移进项目 
  • 待约项目 


  • I的任何项目都属于CLOSURE(I);
  • 若A→α•Bβ属于CLOSURE(I),那么,对任何关于B的产生式B→γ,项目B→•γ也属于CLOSURE(I);


  • 既含移进项目又含归约项目。
  • 含多个归约项目。



  • 第一个变元I是一个项目集,
  • 第二个变元X是一个文法符号。
  • 函数值GO(I,X)定义为GO(I,X)=CLOSURE(J),其中J={任何形如A→αX•β的项目 | A→α•Xβ属于I}



枚举每个规范句型,然后枚举” ”的位置,获得所有的项目







  • 令那个包含项目S’→•S的集合Ik的下标k为分析器的初态。
  • 若项目A→α•aβ属于Ik且GO(Ik , a)= Ij,a为终结符,置ACTION[k,a]为“把(j,a)移进栈”,简记为“sj”。
  • 若项目A→α•属于Ik,对任何终结符a(或结束符#),置ACTION[k,a]为“用产生式A→α进行归约”,简记为“rj”(假定产生式A→α是文法G’的第j个产生式)。
  • 若项目S’→S•属于Ik,则置ACTION[k,#]为“接受”,简记为“acc”。
  • 若GO(Ik , A)= Ij,A为非终结符,则置GOTO[k,A]=j。
  • 分析表中凡不能用规则1至4填入信息的空白格均填上“报错标志”。


  • 遍历输入字符串,对于每一个字符,获取当前状态栈的顶部的状态值,通过查询action表获取的当前的操作是移进、规约还是接受 
    • 如果当前操作是移进,将新的状态放入状态栈当中,当移入的字符放入符号栈中。
    • 如果当前操作是规约,那么将需要规约的部分的状态从状态栈中弹出,将规约后的状态放入状态栈,将规约后的左部放入符号栈,当前的字符不向下推进
    • 如果接收,则结束


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <cctype>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <queue>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#define MAX 507
#define DEBUG

using namespace std;

class WF
    string left,right;
    int back;
    int id;
    WF ( char s1[] , char s2[] , int x , int y )
        left = s1;
        right = s2;
        back = x;
        id = y;
    WF ( const string& s1 , const string& s2 , int x , int y )
        left = s1;
        right = s2;
        back = x;
        id = y;
    bool operator < ( const WF& a ) const 
        if ( left == a.left ) 
            return right < a.right;
        return left < a.left;
    bool operator == ( const WF& a ) const 
        return ( left == a.left )&& ( right == a.right );
    void print ( )
        printf ( "%s->%s\n" , left.c_str() , right.c_str() );

class Closure
    vector<WF> element; 
    void print ( string str )
        printf ( "%-15s%-15s\n" , "" , str.c_str());
        for ( int i = 0 ; i < element.size() ; i++ )
    bool operator == ( const Closure& a ) const 
        if ( a.element.size() != element.size() ) return false;
        for ( int i = 0 ; i < a.element.size() ; i++ )
            if ( element[i] == a.element[i] ) continue;
            else return false;
        return true;

struct Content
    int type;
    int num;
    string out;
    Content(){ type = -1; }
    Content ( int a , int b )

vector<WF> wf;
map<string,vector<int> > dic;
string start = "S";
vector<Closure> collection;
vector<WF> items;
char CH = '$';
int go[MAX][MAX];
int to[MAX];
vector<char> V;
bool used[MAX];
Content action[MAX][MAX];
int Goto[MAX][MAX];

void make_item ( )
    memset ( to , -1 , sizeof ( -1 ) );
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < wf.size() ; i++ )
        for ( int j = 0 ; j <= wf[i].right.length() ; j++ )
            string temp = wf[i].right;
            temp.insert ( temp.begin()+j , CH );
            dic[wf[i].left].push_back ( items.size() );
            if ( j )
                to[items.size()-1] = items.size();
            items.push_back ( WF ( wf[i].left , temp , i , items.size()) );
#ifdef DEBUG
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < items.size() ; i++ )
        printf ( "%s->%s\n" , items[i].left.c_str() , items[i].right.c_str() );

void make_set ( )
    bool has[MAX];
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < items.size() ; i++ )
        if ( items[i].left[0] == 'S' && items[i].right[0] == CH )
            Closure temp;
            string& str = items[i].right;
            vector<WF>& element = temp.element;
            element.push_back ( items[i] );
            int x = 0;
            for ( x = 0 ; x < str.length() ; x++ )
                if ( str[x] == CH )
            /*if ( x != str.length()-1 )
                string tt = str.substr(x+1,1);
                vector<int>& id = dic[tt];
                for ( int j = 0 ; j < id.size() ; j++ )
                    int tx = id[j];
                    if ( items[tx].right[0] == CH )
                        element.push_back ( items[tx] );
            memset ( has , 0 , sizeof ( has ) );
            has[i] = 1;
            if ( x != str.length()-1 )
                queue<string> q;
                q.push( str.substr(x+1,1) );
                while ( !q.empty() )
                    string u = q.front();
                    vector<int>& id = dic[u];
                    for( int j = 0 ; j < id.size() ; j++ )
                        int tx = id[j];
                        if ( items[tx].right[0] == CH )
                            if ( has[tx] ) continue;
                            has[tx] = 1;
                            if ( isupper(items[tx].right[1] ) )
                                q.push ( items[tx].right.substr(1,1));
                            element.push_back ( items[tx] );
            collection.push_back ( temp );
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < collection.size() ; i++ )
        map<int,Closure> temp;
        for ( int j = 0 ; j < collection[i].element.size() ; j++ )
            string str = collection[i].element[j].right;
            int x = 0;
            for ( ; x < str.length() ; x++ )
               if ( str[x] == CH ) break;
            if ( x == str.length()-1 ) 
            int y = str[x+1];
            int ii;
            //cout << i << "previous: " << str << endl;
            str.erase ( str.begin()+x);
            str.insert ( str.begin()+x+1 , CH );
            //cout << i <<"after: " << str << endl;
            WF cmp = WF ( collection[i].element[j].left , str , -1 , -1 );
            for ( int k = 0 ; k< items.size() ; k++ )
                if ( items[k] == cmp )
                    ii = k;
             //string& str1 = items[ii].right;
             memset ( has , 0 , sizeof ( has ) );
             vector<WF>& element = temp[y].element;
             element.push_back ( items[ii] );
             has[ii] = 1;
             /*if ( x != str.length()-1 )
                 string tt = str.substr(x+1,1);
                 vector<int>& id = dic[tt];
                 for ( int j = 0 ; j < id.size() ; j++ )
                    int tx = id[j];
                    if ( items[tx].right[0] == CH )
                        element.push_back ( items[tx] );
            if ( x != str.length()-1 )
                queue<string> q;
                q.push( str.substr(x+1,1) );
                while ( !q.empty() )
                    string u = q.front();
                    vector<int>& id = dic[u];
                    for( int j = 0 ; j < id.size() ; j++ )
                        int tx = id[j];
                        if ( items[tx].right[0] == CH )
                            if ( has[tx] ) continue;
                            has[tx] = 1;
                            if ( isupper(items[tx].right[1] ) )
                                q.push ( items[tx].right.substr(1,1));
                            element.push_back ( items[tx] );
        map<int,Closure>::iterator it = temp.begin();
        for ( ; it != temp.end() ; it++ )
                collection.push_back ( it->second );
        for ( int i = 0 ; i < collection.size() ; i++ )
            sort ( collection[i].element.begin() , collection[i].element.end() );
        for ( int i = 0 ; i < collection.size() ; i++ )
            for ( int j = i+1 ; j < collection.size() ; j++ )
                if ( collection[i] == collection[j] )
                    collection.erase ( collection.begin()+j );
#ifdef DEBUG
    puts ("-------------CLOSURE---------------------");
    stringstream sin;
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < collection.size() ; i++ )
        string out;
        sin <<"closure-I" << i;
        sin >> out;
        collection[i].print ( out );

void make_V ( )
    memset ( used , 0 , sizeof ( used ) );
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < wf.size() ; i++ )
        string& str = wf[i].left;
        for ( int j = 0 ; j < str.length() ; j++ )
            if ( used[str[j]] ) continue;
            used[str[j]] = 1;
            V.push_back ( str[j] );
        string& str1 = wf[i].right;
        for ( int j = 0 ; j < str1.length() ; j++ )
            if ( used[str1[j]] ) continue;
            used[str1[j]] = 1;
            V.push_back ( str1[j] );
    sort ( V.begin() , V.end() );
    V.push_back ( '#' );

void make_cmp ( vector<WF>& cmp1 , int i  , char ch )
    for ( int j = 0 ; j < collection[i].element.size() ; j++ )
        string str = collection[i].element[j].right;
        int k;
        for ( k = 0 ; k < str.length() ; k++ )
            if ( str[k] == CH ) 
        if ( k != str.length() - 1 && str[k+1] == ch  )
            str.erase ( str.begin()+k);
            str.insert ( str.begin()+k+1 , CH );
            cmp1.push_back ( WF ( collection[i].element[j].left , str , -1 , -1 ) );
    sort ( cmp1.begin() , cmp1.end() );

void make_go ( )
    memset ( go , -1 , sizeof ( go ) );
    int m = collection.size();
    /*for ( int i = 0 ; i < m ; i++ )
        for ( int j = 0 ; j < collection[i].element.size() ; j++ )
            string left = collection[i].element[j].left;
            string str = collection[i].element[j].right;
            int x = 0;
            for ( ; x < str.length() ; x++ )
               if ( str[x] == CH ) break;
            if ( x == str.length()-1 ) 
            int y = str[x+1];
           //cout << "before : " << str << endl;
            str.erase ( str.begin()+x);
            str.insert ( str.begin()+x+1 , CH );
           //cout << "after : " << str << endl;
            WF cmp = WF ( collection[i].element[j].left , str , -1 , -1 );
            for ( int k = 0 ; k < m ; k++ )
                bool flag = false;
                for ( int t = 0 ; t < collection[k].element.size() ; t++ )
                    if ( cmp == collection[k].element[t] )
                        flag = true;
                if ( flag )
                    go[i][y] = k;
    for ( int t = 0 ; t < V.size() ; t++ )
        char ch = V[t];
        for ( int i = 0 ; i < m ; i++ )
            vector<WF> cmp1;
            make_cmp ( cmp1 , i , ch );
            cout << cmp1.size() << endl;
            if ( cmp1.size() == 0 ) continue;
            for ( int j = 0 ; j < m ; j++ )
                vector<WF> cmp2;
                for ( int k = 0 ; k < collection[j].element.size() ; k++ )
                    string& str = collection[j].element[k].right;
                    int x;
                    for ( x = 0 ; x < str.length() ; x++ )
                        if ( str[x] == CH )
                    if ( x && str[x-1] == ch )
                       cmp2.push_back ( WF( collection[j].element[k].left , str , -1 , -1 ) ); 
                sort ( cmp2.begin() , cmp2.end() );
                cout << cmp2.size() << endl;
                bool flag = true;
                if ( cmp2.size() != cmp1.size() ) continue;
                cout << cmp1.size() << endl;
                for ( int k = 0 ; k < cmp1.size() ; k++ )
                    if ( cmp1[k] == cmp2[k] ) continue; 
                    else flag = false;
                cout << "out " << endl;
                if ( flag ) 
                    go[i][ch] = j;
            //cout << "YES" << endl;

#ifdef DEBUG
    puts ("---------------EDGE----------------------");
    stringstream sin;
    string out;
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < m ; i++ )
        for ( int j = 0 ; j < m ; j++ )
            for ( int k = 0 ; k < MAX ; k++ )
                if ( go[i][k] == j )
                    sin << "I" << i << "--" <<(char)(k)<<"--I"<<j;
                    sin >> out;
                    printf ( "%s\n" , out.c_str() );     

void make_table ( )
    memset ( Goto , -1 , sizeof ( Goto ) );
    /*memset ( used , 0 , sizeof ( used ) );
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < wf.size() ; i++ )
        string& str = wf[i].left;
        for ( int j = 0 ; j < str.length() ; j++ )
            if ( used[str[j]] ) continue;
            used[str[j]] = 1;
            V.push_back ( str[j] );
        string& str1 = wf[i].right;
        for ( int j = 0 ; j < str1.length() ; j++ )
            if ( used[str1[j]] ) continue;
            used[str1[j]] = 1;
            V.push_back ( str1[j] );
    sort ( V.begin() , V.end() );
    V.push_back ( '#' );*/
    //write s to the table 
    for( int i = 0 ; i < collection.size() ; i++ )
        for ( int j = 0 ; j < V.size() ; j++ )
            char ch = V[j];
            int x = go[i][ch];
            if ( x == -1 ) continue;
            if ( !isupper(ch) )
                action[i][ch] = Content ( 0 , x );
                Goto[i][ch] = x;
    //write r and acc to the table 
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < collection.size() ; i++ )
        for ( int j = 0 ; j < collection[i].element.size() ; j++ )
            WF& tt = collection[i].element[j];
            if ( tt.right[tt.right.length()-1] == CH )
                if ( tt.left[0] == 'S' )
                    action[i]['#'] = Content ( 2 , -1 );
                    for ( int k = 0 ; k < V.size() ; k++ )
                        int y = V[k];
                        //cout << "YES " << endl;
                        action[i][y] = Content ( 1, tt.back );
#ifdef DEBUG
    puts ( "------------------------------------------LR(0)分析表--------------------------------------------------------" );
    printf ( "%10s%5c%5s" , "|" , V[0]  , "|");
    for ( int i = 1 ; i < V.size() ; i++ )
        printf ( "%5c%5s" , V[i] , "|" );
    puts ("");
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < (V.size()+1)*10 ; i++ )
        printf ( "-" );
    stringstream sin;
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < collection.size() ; i++ )
        printf ( "%5d%5s" , i , "|" );
        for ( int j = 0 ; j < V.size() ; j++ )
            char ch = V[j];
            if ( isupper(ch) )
                if ( Goto[i][ch] == -1 )
                    printf ( "%10s" , "|" );
                    printf ( "%5d%5s" , Goto[i][ch] , "|" );
                if ( action[i][ch].type == -1 ) 
                    printf ( "%10s" , "|" ); 
                    Content& temp = action[i][ch];
                    if ( temp.type == 0 ) 
                        sin << "S";
                    if ( temp.type == 1 ) 
                        sin << "R";
                    if ( temp.type == 2 )
                        sin << "acc";
                    if ( temp.num != -1 )
                        sin << temp.num;
                    sin >> temp.out;
                    printf ( "%7s%3s" , temp.out.c_str() , "|" );
        puts ("");
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < (V.size()+1)*10 ; i++ )
        printf ( "-" );

void print ( string s1 , string s2 , string s3 , string s4 , string s5 , string s6 , string s7 )
    printf ( "%-15s|%-15s%-15s%-20s|%-15s%-15s%-15s\n" , s1.c_str() , s2.c_str() , s3.c_str() ,s4.c_str(),s5.c_str(),
                                                        s6.c_str() , s7.c_str() );                            

string get_steps ( int x )
    stringstream sin;
    sin << x;
    string ret;
    sin >> ret;
    return ret;

template<class T>
string get_stk ( vector<T> stk )
    stringstream sin;
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < stk.size() ; i++ )
        sin << stk[i];
    string ret;
    sin >> ret;
    return ret;

string get_shift ( WF& temp )
    stringstream sin;
    sin << "reduce(" << temp.left << "->" << temp.right <<")";
    string out;
    sin >> out;
    return out;

void analyse ( string src )
    print ( "steps","op-stack" ,"input","operation","state-stack" , "ACTION" , "GOTO" );
    vector<char> op_stack;
    vector<int> st_stack;
    src+= "#";
    op_stack.push_back ( '#' );
    st_stack.push_back ( 0 );
    int steps= 1;
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < src.length() ; i++ )
        char u = src[i];
        int top = st_stack[st_stack.size()-1];
        Content& act = action[top][u];
        //cout << "YES : " << i << " " << u << " " << top << " " << act.type << endl;
        if ( act.type == 0 )
            print ( get_steps ( steps++ ) , get_stk ( op_stack ) , src.substr(i), "shift",  get_stk( st_stack ) , act.out , "" );
            op_stack.push_back ( u );
            st_stack.push_back ( act.num );
        else if ( act.type == 1 )
            WF& tt = wf[act.num];
            int y = st_stack[st_stack.size()-tt.right.length()-1];
            int x = Goto[y][tt.left[0]];
            //cout << y << " " << tt.left[0] << " " << x << endl;
            print ( get_steps ( steps++ ) , get_stk ( op_stack ) , src.substr(i) , get_shift(tt) ,get_stk( st_stack),act.out,get_steps(x));
            for ( int j = 0 ; j < tt.right.length() ; j++ )
            op_stack.push_back ( tt.left[0] );
            st_stack.push_back ( x );
        else if ( act.type == 2 )
            print ( get_steps( steps++ ), get_stk( op_stack ) , src.substr(i) , "Accept" , get_stk(st_stack) , act.out , "" );
        else continue;

int main ( )
    int n;
    char s[MAX];
    while ( ~scanf ( "%d" , &n ) )
        for ( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ )
            scanf ( "%s" , s );
            int len = strlen(s),j;
            for ( j = 0 ; j < len ; j++ )
                if ( s[j] == '-' ) break;
            s[j] = 0;
            wf.push_back ( WF ( s , s+j+2 ,-1 , -1 ) );
#ifdef DEBUG
        analyse ( "abbcde" );
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- 错误主要源自于自己对于概念的模糊,make_set过程中如果加入的新的产生式的右侧” ”之后依旧是没有出现过的非终结符,那么也要把以它为左部的”$cdot”在首位的项目加入当前的项目规范族 
- make_go是在对规范族之间建边时,一定是通过一个字符的移进,所有与其相关的式子都符合才能建边,而不是只要有两个规范族中有符合要求的规范式就能建边

  • 14
  • 84
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 4


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助
评论 4




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


