cmake Tdlib err

问:CMake Error at tdutils/generate/CMakeLists.txt:28 (message): Could NOT find gperf. Add path to gperf executable to PATH environment variable or specify it manually using GPERF_EXECUTABLE option, i.e. 'cmake -DGPERF_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH="<path to gperf executable>"'.

The error message you're seeing indicates that CMake cannot find the `gperf` executable. `gperf` is a tool used for generating perfect hash functions, and it's a part of many Linux distributions.

Here are steps to resolve this issue:

1. **Install gperf:**
   - On Debian-based systems (like Ubuntu), you can install `gperf` using:

     sudo apt-get install gperf

   - On Red Hat-based systems (like Fedora), you can install `gperf` using:

     sudo dnf install gperf

   - On macOS, you can use Homebrew:

     brew install gperf

   - On Windows, you can use tools like Cygwin or MSYS2 to install `gperf`.

2. **Add gperf to PATH:**
   - Ensure that the directory containing the `gperf` executable is in your system's PATH. You can add it temporarily in your terminal session or permanently in your shell profile file (e.g., `.bashrc`, `.zshrc`).

     export PATH="/path/to/gperf/bin:$PATH"

   Replace `/path/to/gperf/bin` with the actual path where `gperf` is installed.

3. **Re-run CMake:**
   - After installing `gperf` and ensuring it's in your PATH, try re-running CMake:

     cmake ..

     or, if you're configuring TDLib with specific options:

     cmake -DGPERF_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH="/path/to/gperf" ..

   Make sure to replace `/path/to/gperf` with the actual path to the `gperf` executable.

4. **Continue with the Build Process:**
   After successfully configuring with CMake, you can continue with the build process:


   sudo make install

Make sure to check the build instructions and dependencies in the TDLib documentation to ensure you have all the required tools and libraries installed. If you encounter additional issues, refer to the TDLib documentation or community resources for further assistance.

问:CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND. Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files: ZLIB_LIBRARY linked by target "tdutils" in directory /mnt/shared_disk/goPro/pro2023/proBTCAddr/code/demo/11/23/Dtdemo/td/tdutils


The error indicates that CMake cannot find the `ZLIB_LIBRARY`. This typically means that the Zlib library is either not installed on your system, or CMake is unable to locate it.

Here are steps to resolve this issue:

1. **Install Zlib:**
   - On Debian-based systems (like Ubuntu), you can install Zlib using:

     sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev

   - On Red Hat-based systems (like Fedora), you can install Zlib using:

     sudo dnf install zlib-devel

   - On macOS, you can use Homebrew:

     brew install zlib

   - On Windows, you might need to download and install Zlib from the [Zlib website](

2. **Specify Zlib Include and Library Directories:**
   - If Zlib is installed in a non-standard location, you may need to specify the include and library directories to CMake using the `CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH` and `CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH` variables. For example:

     cmake -DCMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH="/path/to/zlib/include" -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH="/path/to/zlib/lib" ..

3. **Re-run CMake:**
   - After installing Zlib and ensuring it's in the correct location or specifying its paths, try re-running CMake:

     cmake ..

4. **Continue with the Build Process:**
   - After successfully configuring with CMake, you can continue with the build process:


     sudo make install

Make sure to check the build instructions and dependencies in the TDLib documentation to ensure you have all the required tools and libraries installed. If you encounter additional issues, refer to the TDLib documentation or community resources for further assistance.





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