----------ChromeDriver v2.15 (2015-03-26)----------
Supports Chrome v40-43
----------ChromeDriver v2.14 (2015-01-28)----------
Supports Chrome v39-42
Resolved issue 537: Manually clicking on javascript alert causes chromedriver to return UnexpectedAlertPresentException for all subsequent calls [Pri-3]
Resolved issue 1: Implement /sessions command [Pri-3]
Resolved issue 975: driver.findElements(By.id("..")) not working correctly when id contains semicolon []
Resolved issue 852: Support shadow dom in chromedriver. []
----------ChromeDriver v2.13 (2014-12-10)----------
Supports Chrome v38-41
Resolved issue 997: Chromedriver times out waiting for Tracing.end command to respond [OS-All, Pri-0]
Resolved issue 980: GoBack command times out on all platforms [OS-All, Pri-0]
Resolved issue 978: ChromeDriver port server fails to reserve port [OS-Linux, Pri-0]
Resolved issue 653: Commands goBack and goForward have race condition. [Pri-1]
Resolved issue 845: chromedriver fails with "Chrome version must be >= 31.0.1650.59" on Android 4.4.3 webviews [OS-Android, Pri-1]
Resolved issue 626: silence chrome logging by default on windows [Pri-1]
Resolved issue 973: ChromeDriver fails to close DevTools UI before executing commands [OS-All, Pri-2]
----------ChromeDriver v2.12 (2014-10-27)----------
Supports Chrome v36-40
Resolved issue 946: ChromeDriver can't parse short git hashes from Chrome OS [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 906: Chromedriver cannot be instantiated on CrOS with **kwargs [OS-Chrome, Pri-1]
Resolved issue 944: When using mobile emulation, window.screen.height/width doesn't reflect phone's screen resolution [Pri-1]
Resolved issue 916: Selenium (javascript) fails when switching to webview window in Chrome apps [Pri-2]
Resolved issue 945: touch events sometimes don't work in mobile emulation mode [Pri-2]
Resolved issue 611: Prefs capability should override custom user data dir prefs [Pri-3]
Resolved issue 926: Chromedriver memory leak in devtools_client_impl.cc []
----------ChromeDriver v2.11 (2014-10-07)----------
Supports Chrome v36-40
Resolved issue 815: testShouldHandleNewWindowLoadingProperly fails on ToT builds [OS-All, Pri-0]
Resolved issue 908: No way to exclude switches on Android [OS-Android, Pri-0]
Resolved issue 868: SelectElementHandlingTest.testShouldBeAbleToSelectMoreThanOneOptionFromASelectWhichAllowsMultipleChoices failing [OS-All, Pri-0]
Resolved issue 399: Extend ChromeDriver capabilities to cover mobile emulation tools in Chrome DevTools [Pri-1, Type-Enhancement]
Resolved issue 906: Chromedriver cannot be instantiated on CrOS with **kwargs [OS-Chrome, Pri-1]
Resolved issue 776: ChromeDriver does not accept extensions of zip file format any more [OS-All, Pri-2]
Resolved issue 799: Chrome starts with message "You are using an unsupported command-line flag: --ignore-certifcate-errors. Stability and security will suffer." [OS-All, Pri-3]
----------ChromeDriver v2.10 (2014-05-01)----------
Supports Chrome v33-36
Resolved issue 780: Deny remote connections unless --whitelisted-ips is passed. [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 698: implement touch flick command on Android [Pri-1]
Resolved issue 760: Implement command to switch to parent frame [Pri-1]
Resolved issue 152: Support --version switch [Pri-3]
----------ChromeDriver v2.9 (2014-01-31)----------
Supports Chrome v31-34
Resolved issue 665: Use /data/local/tmp for command line flags on user builds [OS-Android, Pri-0]
Resolved issue 696: Return window handle to App window (like Google Keep) in command driver.getWindowHandles [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 694: Update http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/LATEST_RELEASE for users to query for latest release and do automatic update in script [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 690: Fix clicking on Map Area [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 454: chromedriver didn't support Debian 7 [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 638: chomedriver.exe 2.6 to 2.8 built on Win7 build bot always produce empty chromedriver.log on local windows machine. [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 672: Wait 60 seconds for chrome to start up on all OS and 30 seconds for chrome shutdown on Mac and Linux. [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 660: Port used for android adb forward leaks. [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 676: LaunchApp method for launching Chrome apps using their ID [OS-All, Pri-0]
----------ChromeDriver v2.8 (2013-12-16)----------
Supports Chrome v30-33
Resolved issue 638: Chomedriver 2.7, logging still broken. [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 507: Cookie creation - Domain getting prefixed with a period "." [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 516: Extensions with _generated_background_page no longer loading in 2.3 [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 405: Can't type some non-ascii characters [OS-Windows, Pri-0]
Resolved issue 627: With a keyboard layout != us send_keys does not send some digits characters (0, 2, 7, 9 ) [OS-Linux, Pri-0]
----------ChromeDriver v2.7 (2013-11-22)----------
Supports Chrome v30-33
Resolved issue 615: ChromeDriver doesn't work well with auto detect proxy settings [OS-Windows, Pri-0]
Resolved issue 614: Implement new redirectionless /session command [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 625: logging broken on windows [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 573: chromedriver crashes on windows occasionally [OS-Windows, Pri-1]
----------ChromeDriver v2.6 (2013-11-04)----------
Supports Chrome v29-32
Resolved issue 599: Chromedriver failes after MacOS X Mavericks upgrade [OS-Mac, Pri-0, Type-Defect]
Resolved issue 585: Return user data dir via capabilities []
----------ChromeDriver v2.5 (2013-11-01)----------
Supports Chrome v29-32
Resolved issue 600: Support minidump for chrome crashes on Linux with a new capability minidump_path. [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 569: A change in blink breaks scrolling an element into view [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 554: Release notes broken [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 545: hang when debugger is invoked via JS [Pri-0]
----------ChromeDriver v2.4 (2013-09-30)----------
Supports Chrome v29-32
Resolved issue 444: chromedriver sometimes hangs when launching chrome (chrome fails to bind to debug port) [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 529: WebDriver clients fail when attempting to use empty chromeOption binary string [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 536: remote debugging port taken during startup [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 520: Some commands hangs if the target window already crashes. []
Resolved issue 519: Support JS heap snapshot []
----------ChromeDriver v2.3 (2013-09-02)----------
Resolved issue 309: Screenshot is blank from an VM instance without an open RDC connection [Pri-1]
Resolved issue 445: chromedriver crashes when port is in use [Pri-1]
Resolved issue 461: TouchUp, TouchDown, and TouchMove commands [OS-All, Pri-1]
Resolved issue 489: No longer using packed extension id when loading custom extensions [Pri-3]
Resolved issue 491: Extension does not have its _id_ [Pri-3]
Resolved issue 497: unrecognized chrome option: useExistingBrowser [Pri-3]
----------ChromeDriver v2.2 (2013-08-06)----------
Supports Chrome v40-43
----------ChromeDriver v2.14 (2015-01-28)----------
Supports Chrome v39-42
Resolved issue 537: Manually clicking on javascript alert causes chromedriver to return UnexpectedAlertPresentException for all subsequent calls [Pri-3]
Resolved issue 1: Implement /sessions command [Pri-3]
Resolved issue 975: driver.findElements(By.id("..")) not working correctly when id contains semicolon []
Resolved issue 852: Support shadow dom in chromedriver. []
----------ChromeDriver v2.13 (2014-12-10)----------
Supports Chrome v38-41
Resolved issue 997: Chromedriver times out waiting for Tracing.end command to respond [OS-All, Pri-0]
Resolved issue 980: GoBack command times out on all platforms [OS-All, Pri-0]
Resolved issue 978: ChromeDriver port server fails to reserve port [OS-Linux, Pri-0]
Resolved issue 653: Commands goBack and goForward have race condition. [Pri-1]
Resolved issue 845: chromedriver fails with "Chrome version must be >= 31.0.1650.59" on Android 4.4.3 webviews [OS-Android, Pri-1]
Resolved issue 626: silence chrome logging by default on windows [Pri-1]
Resolved issue 973: ChromeDriver fails to close DevTools UI before executing commands [OS-All, Pri-2]
----------ChromeDriver v2.12 (2014-10-27)----------
Supports Chrome v36-40
Resolved issue 946: ChromeDriver can't parse short git hashes from Chrome OS [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 906: Chromedriver cannot be instantiated on CrOS with **kwargs [OS-Chrome, Pri-1]
Resolved issue 944: When using mobile emulation, window.screen.height/width doesn't reflect phone's screen resolution [Pri-1]
Resolved issue 916: Selenium (javascript) fails when switching to webview window in Chrome apps [Pri-2]
Resolved issue 945: touch events sometimes don't work in mobile emulation mode [Pri-2]
Resolved issue 611: Prefs capability should override custom user data dir prefs [Pri-3]
Resolved issue 926: Chromedriver memory leak in devtools_client_impl.cc []
----------ChromeDriver v2.11 (2014-10-07)----------
Supports Chrome v36-40
Resolved issue 815: testShouldHandleNewWindowLoadingProperly fails on ToT builds [OS-All, Pri-0]
Resolved issue 908: No way to exclude switches on Android [OS-Android, Pri-0]
Resolved issue 868: SelectElementHandlingTest.testShouldBeAbleToSelectMoreThanOneOptionFromASelectWhichAllowsMultipleChoices failing [OS-All, Pri-0]
Resolved issue 399: Extend ChromeDriver capabilities to cover mobile emulation tools in Chrome DevTools [Pri-1, Type-Enhancement]
Resolved issue 906: Chromedriver cannot be instantiated on CrOS with **kwargs [OS-Chrome, Pri-1]
Resolved issue 776: ChromeDriver does not accept extensions of zip file format any more [OS-All, Pri-2]
Resolved issue 799: Chrome starts with message "You are using an unsupported command-line flag: --ignore-certifcate-errors. Stability and security will suffer." [OS-All, Pri-3]
----------ChromeDriver v2.10 (2014-05-01)----------
Supports Chrome v33-36
Resolved issue 780: Deny remote connections unless --whitelisted-ips is passed. [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 698: implement touch flick command on Android [Pri-1]
Resolved issue 760: Implement command to switch to parent frame [Pri-1]
Resolved issue 152: Support --version switch [Pri-3]
----------ChromeDriver v2.9 (2014-01-31)----------
Supports Chrome v31-34
Resolved issue 665: Use /data/local/tmp for command line flags on user builds [OS-Android, Pri-0]
Resolved issue 696: Return window handle to App window (like Google Keep) in command driver.getWindowHandles [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 694: Update http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/LATEST_RELEASE for users to query for latest release and do automatic update in script [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 690: Fix clicking on Map Area [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 454: chromedriver didn't support Debian 7 [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 638: chomedriver.exe 2.6 to 2.8 built on Win7 build bot always produce empty chromedriver.log on local windows machine. [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 672: Wait 60 seconds for chrome to start up on all OS and 30 seconds for chrome shutdown on Mac and Linux. [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 660: Port used for android adb forward leaks. [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 676: LaunchApp method for launching Chrome apps using their ID [OS-All, Pri-0]
----------ChromeDriver v2.8 (2013-12-16)----------
Supports Chrome v30-33
Resolved issue 638: Chomedriver 2.7, logging still broken. [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 507: Cookie creation - Domain getting prefixed with a period "." [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 516: Extensions with _generated_background_page no longer loading in 2.3 [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 405: Can't type some non-ascii characters [OS-Windows, Pri-0]
Resolved issue 627: With a keyboard layout != us send_keys does not send some digits characters (0, 2, 7, 9 ) [OS-Linux, Pri-0]
----------ChromeDriver v2.7 (2013-11-22)----------
Supports Chrome v30-33
Resolved issue 615: ChromeDriver doesn't work well with auto detect proxy settings [OS-Windows, Pri-0]
Resolved issue 614: Implement new redirectionless /session command [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 625: logging broken on windows [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 573: chromedriver crashes on windows occasionally [OS-Windows, Pri-1]
----------ChromeDriver v2.6 (2013-11-04)----------
Supports Chrome v29-32
Resolved issue 599: Chromedriver failes after MacOS X Mavericks upgrade [OS-Mac, Pri-0, Type-Defect]
Resolved issue 585: Return user data dir via capabilities []
----------ChromeDriver v2.5 (2013-11-01)----------
Supports Chrome v29-32
Resolved issue 600: Support minidump for chrome crashes on Linux with a new capability minidump_path. [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 569: A change in blink breaks scrolling an element into view [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 554: Release notes broken [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 545: hang when debugger is invoked via JS [Pri-0]
----------ChromeDriver v2.4 (2013-09-30)----------
Supports Chrome v29-32
Resolved issue 444: chromedriver sometimes hangs when launching chrome (chrome fails to bind to debug port) [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 529: WebDriver clients fail when attempting to use empty chromeOption binary string [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 536: remote debugging port taken during startup [Pri-0]
Resolved issue 520: Some commands hangs if the target window already crashes. []
Resolved issue 519: Support JS heap snapshot []
----------ChromeDriver v2.3 (2013-09-02)----------
Resolved issue 309: Screenshot is blank from an VM instance without an open RDC connection [Pri-1]
Resolved issue 445: chromedriver crashes when port is in use [Pri-1]
Resolved issue 461: TouchUp, TouchDown, and TouchMove commands [OS-All, Pri-1]
Resolved issue 489: No longer using packed extension id when loading custom extensions [Pri-3]
Resolved issue 491: Extension does not have its _id_ [Pri-3]
Resolved issue 497: unrecognized chrome option: useExistingBrowser [Pri-3]
----------ChromeDriver v2.2 (2013-08-06)----------