Symbian OS的错误代码定义大全-8321~-13289 (转)

KErrTransportRequest -8321 The transport cannot send data as created.
KErrTransportHeader -8322 The transport has not been suitably configured.
KErrTransportSvrNoUri -8323 The URI does not exist.
KErrTransportSvrError -8324 There was a transport server error.
KErrTransportAuthenticationFailure -8325 Transport Authentification failure.
KErrTransportDisconnected -8326 Transport disconnected the session.
KErrSyncEngineErrorBase -8327 Base value for engine-related errors.
KErrConnectionError -8328 Transports could not connect to the server.
KErrCannotCommunicateWithServer -8329 Could not communicate with the server: possibly a time-out occurred.
KErrDatabaseAdapterIndexError -8330 Database adapter failed to create an item.
KErrParseCallbackError -8331 Currently unused.
KErrCommandInvalid -8332 Currently unused.
KErrSessionIdNotValid -8333 Invalid session ID.
KErrVerDTDMissing -8334 SyncML message did not specify a DTD version.
KErrProtoMissing -8335 SyncML message did not specify a protocol.
KErrSyncHdrMissing -8336 Currently unused.
KErrTargetLocMissing -8337 SyncML message did not specify a target location.
KErrSourceLocMissing -8338 SyncML message did not specify a source location.
KErrTargetLocNameMissing -8339 Currently unused.
KErrSourceLocNameMissing -8340 Currently unused.
KErrMappingInfoMissing -8341 Mapping of added item could not created.
KErrMappingInfoNotAcked -8342 Mapping has not been acknowledged by the server.
KErrVersionDTDNotSupported -8343 SyncML message specified an unsupported DTD version.
KErrProtoNotSupported -8344 SyncML message specified an unsupported protocol.
KErrStatusCommandForCommandNotSent -8345 A status was received for a cmdId, butthis cmdIdwas not sent.
KErrStatusCommandNotTheSame -8346 A status was received but the commandstringdoesnot matched the received one.
KErrMissingStatusCommands -8347 Status command(s) were expected but are missing.
KErrFailedToAddRecord -8348 Failed to add record in database.
KErrFailedToReplaceRecord -8349 Failed to replace record in database.
KErrFailedToDeleteRecord -8350 Failed to delete record in database.
KErrXmlParsingError -8351 XML parsing error.
KErrReferenceToolkitError -8352 There was an error reported in the reference toolkit.
KErrClientDatabaseNotFound -8404 No suitable database was found on the client device.
KErrServerDatabaseNotFound -8405 No suitable database was found on the server.
KErrDevInfFileNotFound -8406 Currently unused.
KErrObjectTooLargeToSendToServer -8407 Object is too large to send to server.
KErrSlowSync -8408 Sync is going to be slow.
KErrFailedToGetRecord -8409 Failed to get record from DevMan.
KErrUserInteractionFailed -8410 User interaction failed.
KErrStatusSizeMismatch -8411 Large object size mismatch.
KErrFailedToCloseDatabase -8412 Data Provider close failed.
KErrMessageTooShort -8451 Push message is too short
KErrMessageIsCorrupt -8452 Push message is corrupt
KErrBadTransportId -8453 Profile has no Transport ID
KErrNoNotificationBody -8454 Push message has no body
KErrWrongVersion -8455 Push message specifies an unsupportedversion
KErrUnsupportedMimeType -8456 Push message specifies an unsupportedversion
KErrNoSuchTask -8457 Currently unused
KErrUnknownSyncType -8458 Push message specifies an unknown typeof sync
KErrUnknownProfile -8459 Push message specifies an unknown profile
KErrInvalidProfile -8460 Currently unused
KErrInvalidCredentials -8461 Unsupported (USERNETWPIN or USERPIN) securitymechanism specified
KErrNoCredentials -8462 Currently unused
KErrIntegrityFailureHMAC -8463 Failed to verify the generated HMAC value
KErrMustUsageUriNotComplete -8464 Currently unused
KErrDMAccUriIsCorrupt -8465 Push message has invalid DM account URI
KErrDMConUriIsCorrupt -8466 Push message has invalid DM connectionURI
KErrParmNameNotInProvDoc -8468 Push message has missing characteristic
KErrInvalidAppIdValue -8469 Push message has missing or invalid App Id
KErrInvalidToNapIdValue -8470 Push message has missing or invalid TO-NAPID
KErrInvalidProviderIdValue -8471 Push message has missing or invalid Provider-ID
KErrEmptyAauthLevelValue -8472 Push message has missing or invalid AAUTHLEVEL
KErrAppSrvAAuthLevelNotFound -8473 Push message has missing or invalid APPSRV
KErrClientAAuthLevelNotFound -8474 Push message has missing or invalid AppAuth Client
KErrInvalidAppAuth -8475 Currently unused
KErrNoApplicationCharac -8476 Push message has missing or invalid APPLICATION characteristic
KErrNoAppAuthCharac -8478 Push message has missing or invalid APPAUTH characteristic
KErrMissingRequiredParmInSvr -8480 Currently unused
KErrMissingRequiredParmInClient -8481 Currently unused
KErrAppAddrCharacNotFound -8484 Missing APPADDR characteristic or subcharacteristic
KErrUnsupportedVersion -8485 Unsupported WBXML version
KErrWrongProvPublicDocId -8486 Prov Document identifier not WAP Provisoningversion 1.0
KErrProfileNotFound -8501 The requested profile does not exist
KErrConnectionNotFound -8502 The requested connection does not exist within the profile
KErrTaskNotFound -8503 The requested task does not exist within theprofile
KErrTransportNotFound -8504 The requested transport adaptor does not exist
KErrDataProviderNotFound -8505 The requested data provider does not exist
KErrJobNotFound -8506 The requested job has completed
KErrObjectPendingDelete -8507 The requested object is pending deletion
KErrObjectInUse -8508 The object to modify or delete is currently in use
KErrProfileAccessDenied -8509 The specified profile is not available, e.g. a Device Management profile, or open foredit by another client
KErrSuspended -8510 The requested data stream cannot be found intheData Store
KErrDataDepotStreamNotFound -8511 The requested data stream cannot be found intheData Store

XML Parser and MMS SMIL Translator
KErrXMLBadAttributeValue -9001 XML attribute value
KErrXMLBadAttributeName -9002 XML attribute name
KErrXMLInvalidChild -9003 Invalid XML child element
KErrXMLBadNesting -9004 XML element nesting
KErrXMLIncomplete -9005 XML element incomplete
KErrXMLBadElementName -9006 XML element name
KErrXMLDuplicateDocTypeTags -9007 Error code that indicates that more than one DOCTYPE tag has been encountered: the first one encountered will be used
KErrXMLDuplicateVersionTags -9008 Error code that indicates that more than one XML version tag has been encountered: the first one encountered will be used
KErrXMLDuplicateRootElements -9009 Error code that indicates that more than one element has been encountered at the root of the document
KErrXMLMissingDocTypeTag -9010 Error code that indicates that no DOCTYPE tag was encountered
KErrXMLMissingVersionTag -9011 Error code that indicates that no XML version tag was encountered
KErrXMLDuplicateAttributeName -9012 Error code that indicates that an element has two or more entries for the same attribute
KErrXMLMultipleRootElements -9013 Error code that indicates there is no single root element
KErrXMLCorruptFile -9014 Error code that indicates spurious characters have been found. This may occur as the result of a missing or an extra attribute or element delimiter
KErrXMLIllegalCharacter -9015 Error code that indicates a built-in entity or element / attribute delimiter is at an inappropriate place
KErrXMLBadEntity -9016
KErrXMLInvalidElement -9017 Error code that indicates an element was found to be invalid by the DTD
KErrXMLInvalidAttribute -9018 Error code that indicates an attribute was found to be invalid by the DTD

MMS Server MTM
KMmsErrUnspecified -9100
KMmsErrServiceDenied -9101
KMmsErrMessageFormatCorrupt -9102
KMmsErrSendingAddressUnresolved -9103
KMmsErrMessageNotFound -9104
KMmsErrNetworkProblem -9105
KMmsErrContentNotAccepted -9106
KMmsErrUnsupportedMessage -9107
KMmsErrInvalidPDU -9108
KMmsErrNoData -9109
KMmsNoResponseStatus -9110

WAP Engine Errors
EWapErrGeneral -10000 "A general error has occurred"
EWapErrDocumentNotFound -10001 "The requested document cannot be found"
EWapErrDocumentCorrupted -10002 "This document is corrupt and cannot be read"
EWapErrAccessViolation -10003 "Access to this document has been denied"
EWapErrDataCallDropped -10004 "The data call has been closed"
EWapErrDataCallUnavailable -10005 "The data call is being used by another application"
EWapErrScriptNotFound -10006 "The requested script has not been found"
EWapErrScriptError -10007 "This script has returned a fatal error"
EWapErrScriptCorrupt -10008 "There is an error in this script"
EWapErrScriptIllegalAction -10009 "The script attempted an illegal action and has been terminated"
EWapErrScriptObscureLibraryCall -10010 "The script has attempted a function which is unavailable"
EWapErrAuthorizationFailed -10011 "Authorization has failed"
EWapErrProtocolNotSupported -10012 "The current network does not support the requested service"
EWapErrAccessPointNotSetUpGeneric -10013 "Access point information is missing"
EWapErrAccessPointNotSetUpForUSSD -10014 "Access point information is missing (USSD)"
EWapErrAccessPointNotSetUpForSMS -10015 "Access point information is missing (SMS)"
EWapErrAccessPointNotSetUpForCSD -10016 "Access point information is missing (CSD)"
EWapErrImageConversionFailed -10017 "Image conversion has failed"
EWapErrPluginNotFound -10018 "The requested plugin has not been found"
EWapErrCorruptUrl -10019 "Part of the URL contains invalid characters"
EWapErrCorruptScheme -10020 "Part of the scheme contains invalid characters"
EWapErrUnknownScheme -10021 "Unknown scheme"
EWapErrDTDUnavailable -10022 "Document cannot be validated as DTD is not available"
EWapErrInvalidDTD -10023 "DTD is invalid"
EWapErrUnknownDocument -10024 "The document requested cannot be found"
EWapErrMimeTypeMissing -10025 "MIME information is missing"
Installer Engine
KErrSISPrerequisitesMissingDependency -10136 "A dependency specified in the .pkg file is missing"
KErrSISTooDeeplyEmbedded -10145 "The SIS file contains too many levels of embedded SIS files (the maximum depth is 8)."
KErrSISInvalidTargetFile -10146 "Generally indicates an error with the file name and/or its target destination."
KErrSISWouldOverWrite -10147 "A file being installed would overwrite an existing file."
KErrBadHash -10253 "The checksums and digital signatures of the package might no longer match the rest of the data in the package."
KErrSecurityError -10254 "A general purpose error code that can be generated in several situations like the SIS file is not signed and the device requires it, System capabilities are requested but not signed for, protected SID/VID which isn't signed for, certificate's validation period has expired, attempt to install an augmentation package with same name as an already installed base package"
KErrMissingBasePackage -10255 "An installation of an augmentation or partial upgrade failed because the base package is not present on the device"
KErrInvalidUpgrade -10256 "An upgrade failed because the package being installed is not a valid upgrade of the package already on the device."
KErrInvalidEclipsing -10257 "The installation breaks eclipsing rules."
KErrWrongHeaderFormat -10258 "The package contains executables which are not compatible with the target environment"
KErrCapabilitiesMismatch -10259
KErrLegacySisFile -10270 "The SIS file was created with old versions of tools (i.e. makesis.exe), and not those compatible with Symbian OS v9.x."
Crypto API
KErrBadPassphrase -11000
KErrTotalLossOfEntropy -11001
KErrKeyNotWeakEnough -11002
KErrInvalidPadding -11003
KErrWeakKey -11004
KErrNegativeExportNotSupported -11005
KErrKeyAlgorithm -11006
KErrKeyUsage -11007
KErrKeyValidity -11008
KErrKeySize -11009
KErrKeyAccess -11010
KErrPrivateKeyNotFound -11011
MMS Errors - possibly outdated?
KMmsGeneralError -11000
KMmsErrorNoWAPAccessPoint -11001
KMmsErrorUrisDontMatch -11002
KMmsErrorNoIAP1 -11003
KMmsErrorNoIAP2 -11004
KMmsErrorAP1Invalid -11005
KMmsErrorAP2Invalid -11006
KMmsErrorMessageTooBig -11007
KMmsErrorUnknownMessageType -11008
KMmsErrorDiskSpaceLow -11009
KMmsErrorStatusUnspecified -11010
KMmsErrorStatusServiceDenied -11011
KMmsErrorStatusMessageFormatCorrupt -11012
KMmsErrorStatusMessageAddressUnresolved -11013
KMmsErrorStatusMessageNotFound -11014
KMmsErrorStatusNetworkProblem -11015
KMmsErrorStatusContentNotAccepted -11016
KMmsErrorStatusUnsupportedMessage -11017
KMmsErrorHTTPConfiguration -11018
KMmsErrorHTTPNotFound -11019
KMmsErrorHTTPServerDown -11020
KMmsErrorWapStack -11021
KMmsErrorSessionAlreadyOpen -11022
KMmsErrorSessionNotOpen -11023
KMmsErrorBearerSuspended -11024
KMmsErrorTimeout -11025
KMmsErrorSuspendTimeout -11026
KMmsErrorUnknownRespFromGw -11027
KMmsErrorTransferCancelled -11028
KMmsErrorBufferEmpty -11029
KMmsErrorConnectionAlreadyActive -11030
KMmsErrorNoWapAp1 -11031
KMmsErrorNoURI1 -11032
KMmsErrorNoURI2 -11033
KMmsErrorNotHomeNetwork -11034
KMmsErrorInvalidSettings -11035
KMmsErrorEMRUExceeded -11036
KErrYetToEnumerate -11101
KErrCannotObtainList -11102
KErrNoTokenTypes -11103
KErrNoTokensPresent -11104
KErrKeyGenerationFailed -11105
KErrCipherNotSupported -11106
KErrCannotOpenToken -11107
KErrNoCertsAvailable -11108
KErrCertValidationFailed -11109
KErrBadServerFinishedMsg -111010
KErrBadMAC -111011
KTLSErrUnknownRequest -111012
KTLSErrBadSignAlg -111013
KTLSErrBadKeyExchAlg -111014
KTLSErrBadProtocolVersion -111015
KTLSErrBadCipherSuite -111016
KTLSErrCacheEntryInUse -111017
KTLSErrNotCached -111018
KTLSErrNotInitialized -111019
KTLSErrBadArgument -111020
Compression/Decompression - ZLib/GZip
KEZlibErrStream -11501
KEZlibErrData -11502
KEZlibErrBuf -11503
KEZlibErrVersion -11504
KEZlibErrUnexpected -11505
KEZlibErrDeflateTerminated -11506
KEZlibErrInflateTerminated -11507
KEZlibErrInflateDictionary -11508
KEZlibErrNotGZipFile -11509
KEZlibErrInvalidCompression -11510
KEZlibErrBadGZipHeader -11511
KEZlibErrBadGZipTrailer -11512
KEZlibErrBadGZipCrc -11513
Multimedia Framework
KErrMMNotEnoughBandwidth -12000 Not enough network bandwidth
KErrMMSocketServiceNotFound -12001 Error locating network socket services
KErrMMNetworkRead -12002 An error occurred while reading data from the network
KErrMMNetworkWrite -12003 An error occurred while writing data to the network
KErrMMServerSocket -12004 Invalid socket error or an error occurred while creating a network socket
KErrMMServerNotSupported -12005 Streaming Server not supported
KErrMMServerAlert -12006 Server alert
KErrMMUDPReceive -12007 Player cannot receive UDP data packets
KErrMMInvalidProtocol -12008 Network transport not recognized
KErrMMInvalidURL -12009 Invalid URL
KErrMMMulticast -12010 An error occured attempting to join or access multicast session
KErrMMProxyServer -12011 Proxy status error, Proxy invalid response error or invalid hostname for proxy
KErrMMProxyServerNotSupported -12012 Client cannot support proxy server
KErrMMProxyServerConnect -12013 Unable to locate proxy server or Proxy connection could not be established
KErrMMAudioDevice -12014 Cannot open audio device, or lost control of audio device
KErrMMVideoDevice -12015 Problem blitting video to display
KErrMMDecoder -12016 Invalid decoder, decoder not properly initialized, or appropriate decoder could not be found
KErrMMPartialPlayback -12017 Only able to play either the audio or the video portion of the media file. Could be due to a codec that isn't supported, the video frame size being too large etc
KErrMMDRMNotAuthorized -12018 Digital Rights have expired
WML Errors (outdated?)
EWapErrWmlLibNullNode -12000
EWapErrWmlLibCDATANodeWithoutParent -12001

EWapErrWmlLibAccessViolation -12101
EWapErrWmlLibInvalidVariableReference -12102
EWapErrWmlLibInvalidConversionMethod -12103
EWapErrWmlLibIllegalVariableName -12104
EWapErrWmlLibIllegalTaskCountOnAnchor -12105
EWapErrWmlLibNULLVariableName -12106
EWapErrWmlLibNestedTables -12107
EWapErrWmlLibDuplicateDoNodeName -12108
EWapErrWmlLibUsageOfReservedWord -12109
EWapErrWmlLibZeroTableColumns -12110
EWapErrWmlLibNonWmlDocument -12111
EWapErrWmlLibMultipleMetaPropertyName -12112
EWapErrWmlLibEventBindingConflict -12114
EWapErrWmlLibMultipleAccessElements -12115
EWapErrWmlLibNonUniqueIds -12116
EWapErrWmlLibVariableInInvalidLocation -12117
Speech Recognition Framework
KErrAsrNoSpeech -12050
KErrAsrSpeechTooEarly -12051
KErrAsrSpeechTooLong -12052
KErrAsrSpeechTooShort -12053
KErrAsrNoMatch -12054
KErrAsrDataRightViolation -12055
KErrAsrNotRegisted -12056
KErrAsrInvalidState -12057
KErrAsrInitializationFailure -12058
ECAM (Camera)
KErrECamCameraDisabled -12100 The camera has been disabled, hence calls do not succeed
KErrECamSettingDisabled -12101 This parameter or operation is supported, but presently is disabled.
KErrECamParameterNotInRange -12102 This value is out of range.
KErrECamSettingNotSupported -12103 This parameter or operation is not supported.
KErrECamNotOptimalFocus -12104 The optimum focus is lost
KErrTunerStubFailure -12200 The stub tuner plugin always returns this failure code
Wap Engine XML Errors
EWapErrXmlLibMissingCDATASectionEndTag -13000
EWapErrXmlLibInvalidAttributeDeclaration -13001
EWapErrXmlLibEndTagMismatch -13002
EWapErrXmlLibInvalidCharacterReference -13003
EWapErrXmlLibUnknownEntityReference -13004
EWapErrXmlLibNoDTD -13005
EWapErrXmlLibMissingDocumentRootNode -13006
EWapErrXmlLibInvalidXmlVersionDefinition -13007
EWapErrXmlLibRootElementNameMismatch -13008

EWapErrXmlLibIllegalTagName -13100
EWapErrXmlLibIllegalFixedAttributeValue -13101
EWapErrXmlLibMissingRequiredAttribute -13102
EWapErrXmlLibMissingDocument -13104
EWapErrXmlLibInvalidDocumentStructure -13106
EWapErrXmlLibIllegalAttributeValue -13107

EWapErrXmlLibInvalidDocument -13200
EWapErrXmlLibDocumentBuffered -13201
EWapErrXmlLibDocumentAlreadyValid -13202
EWapErrXmlLibInvalidDTD -13203
Multimode Telephony (CDMA OTA)
KErrCdmaOtaUnknown -13257 Rejected - Unknown reason
KErrCdmaOtaDataSizeMismatch -13258 Rejected - Data size mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaProtocolVersionMismatch -13259 Rejected - Protocol version mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaInvalidParameter -13260 Rejected - Invalid parameter
KErrCdmaOtaSIDNIDLengthMismatch -13261 Rejected - SID NID length mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaMessageNotExpectedInThisMode -13262 Rejected - Message not expected in this mode
KErrCdmaOtaBlockIdValueNotSupported -13263 Rejected - Block Id value not supported
KErrCdmaOtaPRLLengthMismatch -13264 Rejected - PRL length mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaCRC -13265 Rejected - Incorrect CRC
KErrCdmaOtaLocked -13266 Rejected - Mobile Station Locked
KErrCdmaOtaInvalidSPC -13267 Rejected - Invalid SPC
KErrCdmaOtaSPCChangeDeniedByUser -13268 Rejected - SPC change denied by user
KErrCdmaOtaInvalidSpasm -13269 Rejected - Invalid SPASM
KErrCdmaOtaBlockIdNotExpectedInThisMode -13270 Rejected - Block Id not expected in this mode
KErrCdmaOtaUserZoneAlreadyInPUZL -13271 Rejected - User Zone already in PUZL
KErrCdmaOtaUserZoneNotInPUZL -13272 Rejected - User zone not in PUZL
KErrCdmaOtaNoEntriesInPUZL -13273 Rejected - No entries in PUZL
KErrCdmaOtaOperationModeMismatch -13274 Rejected - Operation Mode mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaSimpleIPMaxNumNaiMismatch -13275 Rejected - SimpleIP MAX_NUM_NAI mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaSimpleIPMaxNaiLengthMismatch -13276 Rejected - SimpleIP MAX_NAI_LENGTH mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaMobileIPMaxNumNaiMismatch -13277 Rejected - MobileIP MAX_NUM_NAI mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaMobileIPMaxNaiLengthMismatch -13278 Rejected - MobileIP MAX_NAI_LENGTH mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaSimpleIPPapMaxSsLenMismatch -13279 Rejected - SimpleIP PAP MAX_SS_LENGTH mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaSimpleIPChapMaxSsLenMismatch -13280 Rejected - SimpleIP CHAP MAX_SS_LENGTH mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaMobileIPMaxMnAaaSsLenMismatch -13281 Rejected - MobileIP MAX_MN-AAA_SS_LENGTH mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaMobileIPMaxMnHaSsLenMismatch -13282 Rejected - MobileIP MAX_MN-HA_SS_LENGTH mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaMobileIPMnAaaAuthAlgoMismatch -13283 Rejected - MobileIP MN-AAA_AUTH_ALGORITHM mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaMobileIPMnhaAuthAlgoMismatch -13284 Rejected - MobileIP MNHA_AUTH_ALGORITHM mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaSimpleIPActNaiEntryIndexMismatch -13285 Rejected - SimpleIP ACT_NAI_ENTRY_INDEX mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaMobileIPActNaiEntryIndexMismatch -13286 Rejected - MobileIP ACT_NAI_ENTRY_INDEX mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaSimpleIPPapNaiEntryIndexMismatch -13287 Rejected - SimpleIP PAP NAI_ENTRY_INDEX mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaSimpleIPChapNaiEntryIndexMismatch -13288 Rejected - SimpleIP CHAP NAI_ENTRY_INDEX mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaMobileIPNaiEntryIndexMismatch -13289 Rejected - MobileIP NAI_ENTRY_INDEX mismatch

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