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原创 构建自己的私人docker registry

https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-a-private-docker-registry-on-ubuntu-14-04fedora:$ sudo cp devdockerCA.crt /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/$ sudo update-ca-tru

2015-06-08 11:51:54 1698

转载 l2 gre tunneling

http://serverfault.com/questions/566198/transparent-ethernet-over-gre-not-forwarding-trafficI am running on Linux and have been trying to setup a transparent ethernet over GRE tunnel. T

2015-04-29 00:13:38 4107

转载 centos7修改主机名

http://www.itzgeek.com/how-tos/linux/centos-how-tos/change-hostname-in-centos-7-rhel-7.html#axzz3M8Skjvq4After installing the CentOS 7 on my server, i tried to change host name by modifying th

2014-12-17 14:57:22 8600

转载 centos 7 network card name change

http://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora_Draft_Documentation/0.1/html/Networking_Guide/sec-Understanding_the_Device_Renaming_Procedure.html8.6. Understanding the Device Renaming Procedur

2014-12-17 09:28:05 1144

原创 neutron server API slows now and then

for x in {1..25}; do curl -i 'http://l7.0.lg.ustack.in:9696/v2.0/networks.json' -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: 347e2a0caca040e287b6220663def507" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/j

2014-04-28 14:48:48 730

转载 Ubuntu 12.04 wpa/wpa2无线上网手动配置

from http://www.tuicool.com/articles/3Un6ru实验平台 Ubuntu 12.04 64位 笔记本自带网卡wlan0实现步骤如下:1.关掉network-manager服务$sudo service network-manager stop2.生成配置文件$wpa_passphrase SSID PASSWD > wpa_s

2014-03-15 12:43:07 1535

转载 Vhost-User Applied to Snabbswitch Ethernet Switch

Vhost-User Feature for QEMUVhost-User Applied to Snabbswitch Ethernet Switchhttp://www.virtualopensystems.com/en/solutions/guides/snabbswitch-qemu/The purpose of this document is to in

2014-02-12 16:31:48 2223 1

转载 QEMU Internals: vhost architecture

http://blog.vmsplice.net/2011/09/qemu-internals-vhost-architecture.htmlWednesday, 7 September 2011QEMU Internals: vhost architectureThis post explains how vhost provides in-kernel vi

2014-02-12 16:27:58 1995

转载 Segmentation and Checksum Offloading: Turning Off with ethtool

http://sandilands.info/sgordon/segmentation-offloading-with-wireshark-and-ethtoolWhen introducing data communications concepts and protocols to students I think it is beneficial to demonstrate,

2013-12-20 23:03:04 1343

原创 使用清华源跑pip

pypi镜像使用帮助http://pypi.sdutlinux.org/清华源:vim ~/.pip/pip.conf[global]index-url = http://e.pypi.python.org/simplevim ~/.pydistutils.cfg[easy_install]index_url = http://e.p

2013-11-29 23:43:19 4032

原创 pip --pre error

pip --pre error in .tox那是因为virtualenv pip package太老导致。pip install virtualenv --upgrade

2013-11-29 23:38:50 889

转载 Hash Sum mismatch and apt-get

http://forums.bodhilinux.com/index.php?/topic/1187-hash-sum-mismatch-and-apt-get/cd /var/lib/aptsudo rm -fr listssudo mkdir listssudo mkdir lists/partialand then I ransudo apt-get upd

2013-07-03 17:40:29 655

原创 permission of Openstack nova instance directory

all the directory parts must have at lease 755 permission.for example /mnt/data/nova/instances:/mnt/mnt/data/mnt/data/nova//mnt/data/nova/instancesall of above parts must have this kind of

2013-06-13 18:43:02 574

转载 ubutnu和win7双系统重装win7之后恢复GRUB2引导


2013-03-10 11:56:25 3118

原创 Let Netmanager of ubuntu go away

auto loiface lo inet loopbackauto eth1iface eth1 inet manual        up ifconfig $IFACE up        up ip link set $IFACE promisc on        down ip link set $IFACE promisc off

2013-03-10 10:46:40 773

原创 vmware workstation and openstack

to enable vlan,  we cannot use bridge to physical net card. we can use the host-only mode with one host virtual card to this network,  and then use one ovs bridgeto bind the host virtual card and on

2013-03-10 10:33:05 618

原创 Python decorator class with argument

class decoratorWithArguments(object):    def __init__(self, arg1, arg2, arg3):        """        If there are decorator arguments, the function        to be decorated is not passed to the co

2012-06-18 08:51:26 555

转载 Git remove a file in a commit

http://www.turnkeylinux.org/blog/git-fix-commitsGit - Fixing commit mistakesBy Alon Swartz - 7 comments | Latest by Jeremy (aka JedMe... I use Git. I use it a lot. I basically use it

2012-03-19 08:58:04 3945

转载 Python Paste deploy


2012-03-16 16:29:40 860


http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0333/#specification-overviewSpecification OverviewThe WSGI interface has two sides: the "server" or "gateway" side, andthe "application" or "framework" side. T

2012-03-16 16:09:37 620

原创 Redhat http repository

For a HTTP server to host Redhat network installation repository, it must support range download.Apache Server HTTP resonse to range transfer:#curl --silent --range 0-499 http://localhost:80

2012-03-01 14:43:15 629

转载 Google reset maps-api-ssl.google.com203.208.46.29 translate.google.com203.208.46.29 0-focus-opensocial.googleusercontent.com203.208.46.29 images6-focus-opensocial.googleusercontent.com203.208

2012-02-24 11:18:55 508

转载 OpenStack on RLES 6

1.Starting OpenStack Nova Compute Worker 启动失败 报错如下nova): TRACE: TypeError: wait() got an unexpected keyword argument 'timeout'  解决方法:修改/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/eventlet/gre

2012-02-18 22:11:47 7166

原创 cloud tecks

openstack(rackspace)stackops(stackops)crowbar(dell)chef ( opscode, ruby)puppet(puppetlab, ruby)cloudstack(citrix)nebula

2012-02-12 23:12:49 495

原创 Open stack

Compute Network PlanningFor both conserving network resources and ensuring that network administrators understand the needs for networks and public IP addresses for accessing the APIs and VMs

2012-02-10 15:02:28 1684

原创 mount a LVM disk

doctor@912server:~$ sudo vgscan  Reading all physical volumes. This may take a while...  Found volume group "VolGroup00" using metadata type lvm2  doctor@912server:~$ sudo vgchange -ay VolGroup0

2012-02-09 21:12:53 440

原创 Auto install SUSE 11 on KVM

mount suse iso to a temp directorymount -o loop SLES-11-SP1-DVD-x86_64-GM-DVD1.iso /mnt/tempcreate autoyast file            WBEM      apparmor      base      documentation

2011-12-20 11:02:15 1815

原创 Play with libvirt

1. vi confgure.ac to set AM_SILENT_RULES([no])  so that all compile command line will be eched2. configure --prefix=/usr3.find -name Makefile -exec perl -p -i -n -e '$_="CFLAGS= -g -o0\n" if/^CF

2011-12-20 10:52:29 502

原创 UBuntu 11.10 NetworkManager and Brctl

1. if we have enabled br0, the NetworkManager will cannot manage the eth0:auto br0iface br0inet static        address        network        netmask

2011-11-13 14:39:35 545

转载 How to install an SSH Server in Windows Server 2008


2011-10-25 23:03:57 409

原创 Run Eclipse Junit Tests headless

Prepare:1. Download Eclipse SDKhttp://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/drops/R-3.7.1-201109091335/index.php2.JUnit Plugin Tests and Automated Testing Framework http://download.eclipse.

2011-10-22 17:23:31 741

原创 Find which file is in which RPM


2011-10-14 22:45:07 385

转载 SSH Secure Shell

http://charlotte.at.northwestern.edu/bef/SSHdist.htmlSecure Shell secures connections over the Internet by encrypting passwords and ot

2011-10-07 17:09:04 865

原创 批量修改word尾注或脚注格式

先使用插入尾注脚注对话框把所有尾注或脚注变成基本的数字1,2,3...接着用Ctrl+F,出现查找替换对话框,在查找内容后修改脚注则输入^f,修改尾注则输入^e ,替换为输入[^&],全部替换即可。^f为脚注标记,[^&]为查找内容添加[]。

2011-09-25 14:19:28 14403

原创 powermock replace or mock parent's method

modify powermock:                            Left file: C:\workspace3\powermock\src\org\powermock\core\transformers\impl\MainMockTransfo

2011-09-24 18:18:44 2073

原创 HDFS setup

1. instead of using root, add a separate user and group to install hadoopwhen I was using root to install hadoop, I ran into problem not b

2011-09-08 08:28:58 436

转载 SSH login without password

http://linuxproblem.org/art_9.html Your aimYou want to use Linux and OpenSSH to automize your tasks. Therefore you need anautomatic logi

2011-09-06 16:49:28 372

转载 Best practices to improve performance in JDBC

From http://www.precisejava.com/javaperf/j2ee/JDBC.htm#JDBC104This topic illustrates the best practices to improve performance in JDBC with

2011-07-11 17:16:56 572

原创 method invocation of interface

Thus, whenever the Java virtual machine invokes a method from an interface reference, it must search the method table of the object's class

2011-07-10 15:45:42 313

原创 difference between Interface and abstract class in Java

one class can ony extends one super class, but can implements multiple interfaces  abstract class can have codes: class/instance field prope

2011-07-10 12:18:12 520

UNIX Filesystems Evolution, Design, and Implementation

unix filesystems conceptsone linux file systems programming



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