
6.What Goes Up Must Come Down: implementation falling and jumping through acceleration.

This post is about making things jump up and fall down (e.g. for platform games), or: modelling acceleration.


When building 2D games and simulations in environments like Scratch or Greenfoot, you can either use the 2D view to provide a top-down view on the world, or a side-on view. Platform games (Sonic, Mario, etc) are the main examples of the latter, and in these games, you often want to make things fall down when there is no solid ground beneath them, and to allow the character to jump around. This post will look at how to do this: it’s actually best to start by implementing falling first, and then implement jumping.


Falling Down


One way to make things fall is to move them down the screen at a constant rate. However, this often doesn’t look quite right — because it’s not the way that the real world works! Gravity produces an acceleration downwards, so when things fall down, they increase speed as they fall. In order to model the effect of acceleration, you must keep track of the current speed in a variable. Here’s the code in Greenfoot:


public class AccFall extends Actor
    double speed = 0;
    double exactY;

    public void act() 
        speed += 0.4;
        exactY += speed;
        setLocation(getX(), (int)exactY);

    protected void addedToWorld(World world)
        exactY = getY();

This code is a bit more fiddly than it needs to be, due toGreenfoot using integers to store coordinates, and me using an acceleration to fall at that’s not a whole number (otherwise it’s a bit too fast). To visualise the difference between falling at a constant rate, and falling at an accelerating rate,I’ve coded both in the same scenario. You can watch by clicking the apples below — the green apple on the left-hand side falls at a constant rate, while the red apple on the right-hand side falls at an accelerating rate. Try covering up one side with your hand and just watch the other side, to try to see the difference:


Jumping Up


The other half of implementing a platform game is allowing the character to jump. It turns out that this is quite simple to model: you can make the character jump up by setting the speed variable to be a large negative value (in effect, an instantaneous upwards acceleration). This causes the character to move upwards, and thereafter gravity takes over by reducing the speed (downwards acceleration is equivalent to a slowing of upwards speed) until the speed takes the character downwards again, just like the red apple was falling.


You may not have followed all that in text, so here’s how you can see it in action. I madea scenario with a frog on a log that can jump (press up to jump) . If you watch carefully, you can see that the frog slows until it hits the peak of its jump and then accelerates as it comes back down. Greenfoot has a useful “Inspect” feature that allows us to see exactly what is happening.



If you want to play along yourself, open the scenario in Greenfoot. Hit compile in the bottom-right, and make sure you can see the frog on the log. Right-click on the Frog and go to “Inspect”. Move the inspect window so you can see it alongside the main Greenfoot window:

如果你想自己游戏,可以在Greenfoot中将它打开。点击右下角的编译按钮,确定你能看到木头上得青蛙。用鼠标右键点击青蛙并选择“查看”。 移动查看窗口以便你能够在Greenfoot主窗口旁边看到它,如图:

The two variables of interest are “int y” (currently 222) and “private int verticalSpeed” (currently 0). Right-click on the frog and select the method “void jump()” to call it. You’ll notice the frog will jump up (by 30: y becomes 192, and verticalSpeed becomes -30). That’s the instant upwards acceleration. Press the Act button once. You’ll see that verticalSpeed becomes -27, and y becomes 165 (which is 192 + (-27), old position plus vertical speed). Press it again, and you get -24 and 141 and so on. Press Act a few more times in quick succession and you’ll be able to see (looking at the frog) that the speed of the frog’s rise slows until it hits the peak of its jump, when verticalSpeed is zero. After that, verticalSpeed increases and the frog falls faster and faster downwards (keep clicking Act) until it hits the log again, when the speed is set back to zero.

需要关注的两个变量是“整型变量 y”(当前值是222)和“私有整型变量verticalSpeed"(当前值为0)。在青蛙上单击鼠标右键并调用“void jump()” 方法。你会发现青蛙将跳起来(跳起30个单位:y坐标值变为192,verticalSpeed值变为-30)。那便是向上的瞬时加速。按一次“Act”按钮,你将发现verticalSpeed 值变为-27,y值变为165(192+(-27),即旧坐标加上垂直速度值)。再按一次,上两个值将变为-24和141,以此类推。 快速地多按几次Act按钮,你将发现(观察青蛙)青蛙的高度缓慢上升直到它抵达跳跃的最高点,此时verticalSpeed 值为0.在那之后,verticalSpeed 值增加,同时青蛙下落得越来越快(持续点击Act按钮来观察)直到它再次碰到木头,此时速度值重新设为0.

So the whole time, the verticalSpeed increases at a rate of +3. On the way up this causes the negative speed to get closer to zero, slowing the frog, but on the way down it increases the positive speed, causing the frog to fall faster and faster. This can seem a bit magical, but this is simply the effect of a constant acceleration from gravity, causing the arc of the frog’s jump. If you don’t quite understand, I encourage you to play more with the scenario to get a feel for it .

因此在整个过程中,verticalSpeed 值每次增加+3个单位。在跳起过程中这将使得负速度值趋向于0,青蛙上升放缓,但是在下落过程中它却增加正速度值,使得青蛙掉落越来越快。这看起来有一点神奇,但这是重力造成的简单的恒加速效果,使得青蛙跳跃成弧线。如果你不是十分清楚,我建议你多玩一下去感受它。

### 回答1: 垂直跳跃动作可以通过easyxC++中的键盘事件和定时器事件实现。下面是一个简单的示例代码: ``` #include <graphics.h> #include <conio.h> int main() { initgraph(640, 480); // 初始化图形窗口 int x = 320, y = 400; // 初始位置为屏幕中央 int vy = 0; // 初始竖直速度为0 int g = 1; // 重力加速度为1 int jumpSpeed = -15; // 跳跃速度为-15 int jumpHeight = 100; // 跳跃高度为100 bool jumping = false; // 是否跳跃标志位 while (!kbhit()) // 循环直到有键盘输入 { cleardevice(); // 清空屏幕 // 更新竖直速度 if (jumping) { vy += g; } // 更新位置 y += vy; // 绘制角色 setfillcolor(BLUE); fillcircle(x, y, 10); // 判断是否到达地面或跳跃高度 if (y >= 400) { y = 400; vy = 0; jumping = false; } else if (y <= 400 - jumpHeight) { jumping = false; } // 监听键盘事件 if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SPACE) && !jumping) { vy = jumpSpeed; jumping = true; } Sleep(10); // 等待10毫秒,降低CPU占用率 } closegraph(); // 关闭图形窗口 return 0; } ``` 在这个示例中,我们使用了一个循环来不断更新角色的位置和竖直速度。当角色到达地面时,竖直速度归零,并且将跳跃标志位设置为false;当角色到达跳跃高度时,跳跃结束。我们还监听了键盘事件,在用户按下空格键时触发跳跃动作。 你可以根据自己的需要修改代码中的一些参数,例如角色的起始位置、跳跃速度和跳跃高度等。 ### 回答2: 在基于easyxC的垂直跳跃动作实现中,我们首先需要定义一个角色对象并将其放置在初始位置。然后,我们可以使用easyxC中的相关函数来实现跳跃动作。 我们可以通过设置角色对象的初始垂直速度和重力加速度来模拟跳跃行为。当角色对象执行跳跃动作时,我们可以使用循环语句来实现角色对象的垂直移动,并在每次循环中更新角色对象的位置和速度。 具体实现中,可以使用`initgraph`函数来创建绘图窗口,并使用`IMAGE`结构体来加载和显示角色对象的图像。然后,可以使用`getfps`函数来获取屏幕刷新率,并在每次循环中使用`Sleep`函数来控制跳跃动作的速度。 在循环中,我们可以使用`kbhit`函数来检测键盘输入,当用户按下跳跃键时,我们可以增加角色对象的垂直速度来触发跳跃动作。在每个循环迭代中,我们需要更新角色对象的位置和速度,并检测角色对象是否触地。如果角色对象触地,则将垂直速度重置为0,完成一次跳跃动作。 另外,我们还可以添加地面碰撞检测,以避免角色对象在下落过程中穿过地面。通过检测角色对象与地面对象的碰撞,我们可以在跳跃过程中确保角色对象能够正确地与地面进行交互。 通过以上方式,结合easyxC中提供的函数和方法,我们可以实现基于easyxC的垂直跳跃动作。这样,我们就可以使用easyxC来开发各种有趣的游戏或动画,添加更加生动和多样化的交互体验。 ### 回答3: easyxC 是一种用于实现图形化编程的软件开发工具,可以构建游戏、动画和交互式应用程序。要实现垂直跳跃动作,可以按照以下步骤进行: 1. 创建角色:首先,我们需要创建一个角色或者对象来代表游戏中的主要角色。在 easyxC 中,可以使用“创建角色”或者“创建对象”的功能来实现。我们可以选择一个合适的形状和外观来创建角色,如一个小人物或者小动物。 2. 定义跳跃动作:在角色创建好之后,我们需要定义垂直跳跃的动作。在 easyxC 中,可以使用“动画编辑器”或者编程方式来实现。我们可以定义跳跃过程中的关键帧和动作流程,如起跳、上升、下降和着陆等。 3. 添加控制:为了实现跳跃动作的交互性,我们需要添加一些控制方式。在 easyxC 中,可以使用键盘按键、鼠标点击或者触摸屏操作等方式来控制角色跳跃动作。我们可以为相应的控制方式添加事件处理函数,当发生相应的操作时,角色执行跳跃动作。 4. 设置物理效果:为了使垂直跳跃动作更加真实,可以通过添加物理效果来模拟重力和碰撞。在 easyxC 中,可以使用物理引擎来实现这些效果。我们可以设置角色的重力和碰撞属性,使得角色跳跃过程中遵循物理规律。 5. 调试和优化:在实现垂直跳跃动作之后,我们需要对程序进行调试和优化,确保动作的流畅性和正确性。在 easyxC 中,可以使用调试工具来检查和修复可能存在的错误或者问题。 通过以上步骤,基于 easyxC 可以实现具有垂直跳跃动作的游戏或者动画。具体实现的方式和细节可能会根据实际需求和个人技术水平而有所不同,但以上是一个基本的思路。
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