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原创 Check for cyclic list (count the length of circle)
The "hare and tortoise" algorithm(define gk-list? (lambda (ls) (let race ([h ls] [t ls]) (if (pair? h) (let ([h (cdr h)]) (if (
2015-03-16 21:28:36 498
原创 The middle-school procedure for Greatest-Common-Divisor
The "sieve of Eratosthenes" procedure does not straightforwardly helpful to our middle-school procedure.In fact, we need to find all the factors of either integer. Here is the procedure:(defin
2015-03-16 21:18:38 1056
翻译 Plan 9 简介
Plan9是贝尔实验室研发的通用分布式操作系统,支持多用户,作为UNIX的后继者,plan9更适合分布式网络。其于20世纪80年代中期至2002开发,共发行了4版,如今,plan9是开源自由软件,大家可以使用,以及(愿意的话)阅读其代码。为什么要开发plan9? 20世纪80年代中期,大型的集中式分时系统变得不再流行,取而代之的是由便捷的个人电脑组成的网络,这一趋势持续到
2013-12-26 19:38:39 2588
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