Cef 参数列表(一)

这篇博客详细列举了Google Chrome浏览器Chromium的各种命令行开关,包括它们的条件和用途。这些开关用于改变特性行为、调试和实验。内容涵盖了从伪分配跟踪到资源提供者设置等多个方面,涉及安全、性能优化、音频视频处理和扩展应用等多个领域。

List of Chromium Command Line Switches

There are lots of command lines which can be used with the Google Chrome browser. Some change behavior of features, others are for debugging or experimenting. This page lists the available switches including their conditions and descriptions. Last automated update occurred on 2020-08-12.

-- Report pseudo allocation traces. Pseudo traces are derived from currently active trace events. 
--/prefetch:1[1] /prefetch:# arguments to use when launching various process types. It has been observed that when file reads are consistent for 3 process launches with the same /prefetch:# argument, the Windows prefetcher starts issuing reads in batch at process launch. Because reads depend on the process type, the prefetcher wouldn't be able to observe consistent reads if no /prefetch:# arguments were used. Note that the browser process has no /prefetch:# argument; as such all other processes must have one in order to avoid polluting its profile. Note: # must always be in [1, 8]; otherwise it is ignored by the Windows prefetcher. 
--/prefetch:2[1] No description 
--/prefetch:3[1] No description 
--/prefetch:4[1] No description 
--/prefetch:5[1] /prefetch:# arguments for the browser process launched in background mode and for the watcher process. Use profiles 5, 6 and 7 as documented on kPrefetchArgument* in content_switches.cc. 
--/prefetch:6[1] No description 
--/prefetch:8[1] Prefetch arguments are used by the Windows prefetcher to disambiguate different execution modes (i.e. process types) of the same executable image so that different types of processes don't trample each others' prefetch behavior. Legal values are integers in the range [1, 8]. We reserve 8 to mean "whatever", and this will ultimately lead to processes with /prefetch:8 having inconsistent behavior thus disabling prefetch in practice. TODO(rockot): Make it possible for embedders to override this argument on a per-service basis. 
--0 Value of the --profiler-timing flag that will disable timing information for chrome://profiler. 
--? No description 
--accept-resource-provider Flag indicating that a resource provider must be set up to provide cast receiver with resources. Apps cannot start until provided resources. This flag implies --alsa-check-close-timeout=0. 
--account-consistency[2] Command line flag for enabling account consistency. Default mode is disabled. Mirror is a legacy mode in which Google accounts are always addded to Chrome, and Chrome then adds them to the Google authentication cookies. Dice is a new experiment in which Chrome is aware of the accounts in the Google authentication cookies. 
--adaboost No description 
--aec-refined-adaptive-filter Enables a new tuning of the WebRTC Acoustic Echo Canceler (AEC). The new tuning aims at resolving two issues with the AEC: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/webrtc/issues/detail?id=5777 https://bugs.chromium.org/p/webrtc/issues/detail?id=5778 TODO(hlundin): Remove this switch when experimentation is over; crbug.com/603821. 
--agc-startup-min-volume Override the default minimum starting volume of the Automatic Gain Control algorithm in WebRTC used with audio tracks from getUserMedia. The valid range is 12-255. Values outside that range will be clamped to the lowest or highest valid value inside WebRTC. TODO(tommi): Remove this switch when crbug.com/555577 is fixed. 
--aggressive No description 
--aggressive-cache-discard No description 
--aggressive-tab-discard No description 
--all[3] No description 
--allarticles No description 
--allow-cross-origin-auth-prompt Allows third-party content included on a page to prompt for a HTTP basic auth username/password pair. 
--allow-external-pages Allow access to external pages during layout tests. 
--allow-failed-policy-fetch-for-test If this flag is passed, failed policy fetches will not cause profile initialization to fail. This is useful for tests because it means that tests don't have to mock out the policy infrastructure. 
--allow-file-access-from-files By default, file:// URIs cannot read other file:// URIs. This is an override for developers who need the old behavior for testing. 
--allow-hidden-media-playback Allows media playback for hidden WebContents 
--allow-http-background-page Allows non-https URL for background_page for hosted apps. 
--allow-http-screen-capture Allow non-secure origins to use the screen capture API and the desktopCapture extension API. 
--allow-insecure-localhost Enables TLS/SSL errors on localhost to be ignored (no interstitial, no blocking of requests). 
--allow-legacy-extension-manifests Allows the browser to load extensions that lack a modern manifest when that would otherwise be forbidden. 
--allow-loopback-in-peer-connection Allows loopback interface to be added in network list for peer connection. 
--allow-nacl-crxfs-api[4] Specifies comma-separated list of extension ids or hosts to grant access to CRX file system APIs. 
--allow-nacl-file-handle-api[4] Specifies comma-separated list of extension ids or hosts to grant access to file handle APIs. 
--allow-nacl-socket-api[4] Specifies comma-separated list of extension ids or hosts to grant access to TCP/UDP socket APIs. 
--allow-no-sandbox-job Enables the sandboxed processes to run without a job object assigned to them. This flag is required to allow Chrome to run in RemoteApps or Citrix. This flag can reduce the security of the sandboxed processes and allow them to do certain API calls like shut down Windows or access the clipboard. Also we lose the chance to kill some processes until the outer job that owns them finishes. 
--allow-outdated-plugins Don't block outdated plugins. 
--allow-ra-in-dev-mode Allows remote attestation (RA) in dev mode for testing purpose. Usually RA is disabled in dev mode because it will always fail. However, there are cases in testing where we do want to go through the permission flow even in dev mode. This can be enabled by this flag. 
--allow-running-insecure-content By default, an https page cannot run JavaScript, CSS or plugins from http URLs. This provides an override to get the old insecure behavior. 
--allow-sandbox-debugging Allows debugging of sandboxed processes (see zygote_main_linux.cc). 
--allow-silent-push Allows Web Push notifications that do not show a notification. 
--alsa-check-close-timeout Time in ms to wait before closing the PCM handle when no more mixer inputs remain. Assumed to be 0 if --accept-resource-provider is present. 
--alsa-enable-upsampling Flag that enables resampling audio with sample rate below 32kHz up to 48kHz. Should be set to true for internal audio products. 
--alsa-fixed-output-sample-rate Optional flag to set a fixed sample rate for the alsa device. 
--alsa-input-device[5] The Alsa device to use when opening an audio input stream. 
--alsa-mute-device-name Name of the device the mute mixer should be opened on. If this flag is not specified it will default to the same device as kAlsaVolumeDeviceName. 
--alsa-mute-element-name Name of the simple mixer control element that the ALSA-based media library should use to mute the system. 
--alsa-output-avail-min Minimum number of available frames for scheduling a transfer. 
--alsa-output-buffer-size Size of the ALSA output buffer in frames. This directly sets the latency of the output device. Latency can be calculated by multiplying the sample rate by the output buffer size. 
--alsa-output-device[5] The Alsa device to use when opening an audio stream. 
--alsa-output-period-size Size of the ALSA output period in frames. The period of an ALSA output device determines how many frames elapse between hardware interrupts. 
--alsa-output-start-threshold How many frames need to be in the output buffer before output starts. 
--alsa-volume-device-name Name of the device the volume control mixer should be opened on. Will use the same device as kAlsaOutputDevice and fall back to "default" if kAlsaOutputDevice is not supplied. 
--alsa-volume-element-name Name of the simple mixer control element that the ALSA-based media library should use to control the volume. 
--also-emit-success-logs Also emit full event trace logs for successful tests. 
--alternative The Chrome-Proxy "exp" directive value used by data reduction proxy to receive an alternative back end implementation. 
--always-authorize-plugins Prevents Chrome from requiring authorization to run certain widely installed but less commonly used plugins. 
--always-on No description 
--always-use-complex-text Always use the complex text path for layout tests. 
--alwaystrue No description 
--android-fonts-path Uses the android SkFontManager on linux. The specified directory should include the configuration xml file with the name "fonts.xml". This is used in blimp to emulate android fonts on linux. 
--android-stderr-port[6] Redirect stderr to the given port. Only supported on Android. 
--android-stdin-port[6] Redirect stdin to the given port. Only supported on Android. 
--android-stdout-port[6] Redirect stdout to the given port. Only supported on Android. 
--angle No description 
--app Specifies that the associated value should be launched in "application" mode. 
--app-auto-launched Specifies whether an app launched in kiosk mode was auto launched with zero delay. Used in order to properly restore auto-launched state during session restore flow. 
--app-id Specifies that the extension-app with the specified id should be launched according to its configuration. 
--app-mode-auth-code Value of GAIA auth code for --force-app-mode. 
--app-mode-oauth-token Value of OAuth2 refresh token for --force-app-mode. 
--app-mode-oem-manifest Path for app's OEM manifest file. 
--app-shell-allow-roaming Allow roaming in the cellular network. 
--app-shell-host-window-size Size for the host window to create (i.e. "800x600"). 
--app-shell-preferred-network SSID of the preferred WiFi network. 
--app-shell-refresh-token Refresh token for identity API calls for the current user. Used for testing. 
--app-shell-user User email address of the current user. 
--apple No description 
--apps-keep-chrome-alive-in-tests[7] Prevents Chrome from quitting when Chrome Apps are open. 
--arc-availability Signals ARC support status on this device. This can take one of the following three values. - none: ARC is not installed on this device. (default) - installed: ARC is installed on this device, but not officially supported. Users can enable ARC only when Finch experiment is turned on. - officially-supported: ARC is installed and supported on this device. So users can enable ARC via settings etc. 
--arc-available DEPRECATED: Please use --arc-availability=installed. Signals the availability of the ARC instance on this device. 
--arc-start-mode Defines how to start ARC. This can take one of the following values: - always-start automatically start with Play Store UI support. - always-start-with-no-play-store automatically start without Play Store UI. In both cases ARC starts after login screen in almost all cases. Secondary profile is an exception where ARC won't start. If it is not set, then ARC is started in default mode. 

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