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自动换行  【由 孤帆代码着色器1.0.1  着色】  孤帆Blog

1    以前练手写的代码,拿来凑些热闹.如果有不妥之处请各位多多指教!
2    ;asm部份
3    .386
4    .model flat,stdcall
5    option casemap:none
7     .code
8    start:
9    ;冒泡排序.只对long型数字按伸序排序
10    DunkSort proc uses edx edi ebx  /
11     lpArray:DWORD,nlen:DWORD,x1,x2
12     mov edi,lpArray ;取第一个形参
13       mov ecx,nlen ;取第二个形参
14       dec ecx  ;置外循环次数
15       ;mov dl,1
16      lopfa: 
17       ;or dl,dl
18       ;jz exit
19       ;xor dl,dl    
20       push ecx ;保存外循环次数
21       xor ebx,ebx
22      lopch: 
23       mov eax,[edi+ebx]
24       cmp eax,[edi+ebx+4]
25       jle next
26       xchg eax, [edi+ebx+4]
27       mov [edi+ebx],eax
28       ;mov dl,1
29      next: 
30       add ebx,4
31            loop lopch
32            pop ecx  ;弹出外循环次数
33            loop lopfa
34      exit:
35     ret
36    DunkSort ENDP
37     end start
39    VERSION 5.00
40    Begin VB.Form frmSort 
41       Caption         =   "VB内嵌汇编玩排序"
42       ClientHeight    =   5850
43       ClientLeft      =   60
44       ClientTop       =   450
45       ClientWidth     =   10425
46       LinkTopic       =   "Form1"
47       ScaleHeight     =   5850
48       ScaleWidth      =   10425
49       StartUpPosition =   3  '窗口缺省
50       Begin VB.TextBox txtUseTime 
51          Height          =   285
52          Left            =   780
53          TabIndex        =   6
54          Top             =   5310
55          Width           =   1110
56       End
57       Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSortVB 
58          Caption         =   "VB冒泡排序"
59          Enabled         =   0   'False
60          Height          =   390
61          Left            =   6045
62          TabIndex        =   4
63          Top             =   5265
64          Width           =   1140
65       End
66       Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSortAsm 
67          Caption         =   "ASM冒泡排序"
68          Enabled         =   0   'False
69          Height          =   390
70          Left            =   7395
71          TabIndex        =   3
72          Top             =   5265
73          Width           =   1140
74       End
75       Begin VB.CommandButton cmdRndArray 
76          Caption         =   "随机产生"
77          Height          =   390
78          Left            =   4650
79          TabIndex        =   2
80          Top             =   5250
81          Width           =   1140
82       End
83       Begin VB.TextBox txtArrBottom 
84          Height          =   285
85          Left            =   4050
86          TabIndex        =   0
87          Top             =   5295
88          Width           =   465
89       End
90       Begin VB.Label Label2 
91          AutoSize        =   -1  'True
92          Caption         =   "耗时:             n秒"
93          Height          =   180
94          Left            =   210
95          TabIndex        =   5
96          Top             =   5355
97          Width           =   1980
98       End
99       Begin VB.Label Label1 
100          AutoSize        =   -1  'True
101          Caption         =   "数组下标:"
102          Height          =   180
103          Left            =   3165
104          TabIndex        =   1
105          Top             =   5340
106          Width           =   900
107       End
108    End
109    Attribute VB_Name = "frmSort"
110    Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
111    Attribute VB_Creatable = False
112    Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
113    Attribute VB_Exposed = False
114    Option Explicit
115    Private Declare Function QueryPerformanceCounter Lib "kernel32" (lpPerformanceCount As LARGE_INTEGER) As Long
116    Private Type LARGE_INTEGER
117        lowpart As Long
118        highpart As Long
119    End Type
120    Private Declare Function CallAsmProc Lib "user32" Alias "CallWindowProcA" _
121            (ByVal lpAsmFn&, ByVal var1&, ByVal var2&, ByVal var3&, ByVal var4&) As Long
123    Dim szAsmDKfn(0 To 46) As Byte          '汇编字节码
124    Dim arrVB() As Long, arrAsmDK() As Long '欲排序的数组
125    Dim arrBottom As Long                   '数组下标
127    '随机产生排序数组值
128    Private Sub cmdRndArray_Click()
129        Dim I As Long
130        Me.Cls
131        arrBottom = Val(txtArrBottom.Text)
132        If arrBottom < 1 Then Exit Sub
133        ReDim arrVB(arrBottom), arrAsmDK(arrBottom)
134        For I = 0 To arrBottom
135            arrVB(I) = Rnd * (arrBottom + 20)
136            arrAsmDK(I) = arrVB(I)
137        Next
139        PrintData arrVB
140        cmdSortVB.Enabled = True: cmdSortAsm.Enabled = True
141    End Sub
143    '使用内嵌汇编排序
144    Private Sub cmdSortAsm_Click()
145        Dim J As Long, I As Long, tmp As Long, t1 As Long
146        t1 = GetTime
147        CallAsmProc VarPtr(szAsmDKfn(0)), VarPtr(arrAsmDK(0)), arrBottom + 1, 0, 0
148        txtUseTime.Text = GetTime - t1
150        PrintData arrAsmDK
151        cmdSortAsm.Enabled = False
152    End Sub
154    'vb排序
155    Private Sub cmdSortVB_Click()
156        Dim J As Long, I As Long, tmp As Long, t1 As Long
157        t1 = GetTime
158        For I = 0 To arrBottom - 1
159            For J = 0 To arrBottom - I - 1
160                If arrVB(J) > arrVB(J + 1) Then
161                    tmp = arrVB(J)
162                    arrVB(J) = arrVB(J + 1): arrVB(J + 1) = tmp
163                End If
164            Next
165        Next
166        txtUseTime.Text = GetTime - t1
168        PrintData arrVB
169        cmdSortVB.Enabled = False
170    End Sub
172    Private Sub Form_Load()
173        '汇编字节码数组赋值
174        szAsmDKfn(0) = 85:   szAsmDKfn(1) = 139:  szAsmDKfn(2) = 236:  szAsmDKfn(3) = 82:   szAsmDKfn(4) = 87:   szAsmDKfn(5) = 83
175        szAsmDKfn(6) = 139:  szAsmDKfn(7) = 125:  szAsmDKfn(8) = 8:    szAsmDKfn(9) = 139:  szAsmDKfn(10) = 77:  szAsmDKfn(11) = 12
176        szAsmDKfn(12) = 73:  szAsmDKfn(13) = 81:  szAsmDKfn(14) = 51:  szAsmDKfn(15) = 219: szAsmDKfn(16) = 139: szAsmDKfn(17) = 4
177        szAsmDKfn(18) = 59:  szAsmDKfn(19) = 59:  szAsmDKfn(20) = 68:  szAsmDKfn(21) = 59:  szAsmDKfn(22) = 4:   szAsmDKfn(23) = 126
178        szAsmDKfn(24) = 7:   szAsmDKfn(25) = 135: szAsmDKfn(26) = 68:  szAsmDKfn(27) = 59:  szAsmDKfn(28) = 4:   szAsmDKfn(29) = 137
179        szAsmDKfn(30) = 4:   szAsmDKfn(31) = 59:  szAsmDKfn(32) = 131: szAsmDKfn(33) = 195: szAsmDKfn(34) = 4:   szAsmDKfn(35) = 226
180        szAsmDKfn(36) = 235: szAsmDKfn(37) = 89:  szAsmDKfn(38) = 226: szAsmDKfn(39) = 229: szAsmDKfn(40) = 91:  szAsmDKfn(41) = 95
181        szAsmDKfn(42) = 90:  szAsmDKfn(43) = 201: szAsmDKfn(44) = 194: szAsmDKfn(45) = 16:  szAsmDKfn(46) = 0
182    End Sub
184    '打印数组值
185    Private Sub PrintData(arr() As Long)
186        Dim I As Long
187        Me.Cls
188        For I = 0 To arrBottom
189            Print arr(I);
190            If (I + 1) Mod 20 = 0 Then Print
191        Next
192    End Sub
194    '测试使用时间函数
195    Private Function GetTime() As Long
196        Dim LI As LARGE_INTEGER
197        QueryPerformanceCounter LI
198        GetTime = LI.lowpart
199    End Function
VB6常用方法汇编                                                                                                                                                       基本语法                                                                                                                                                        过程                                                                                                                                                        Sub abc (i As Long )                                                                                                                                                         语句                                                                                                                                                        End Sub                                                                                                                                                        调用:abc ii                                                                                                                                                        或者:call abc(ii)                                                                                                                                                        如果要返回参数变化:                                                                                                                                                        Sub abcd ( ByRef i As Long )                                                                                                                                                         语句                                                                                                                                                        End Sub                                                                                                                                                        函数                                                                                                                                                        Function a1 (i As Long )                                                                                                                                                         语句                                                                                                                                                         a1=s0 ‘返回
评论 3




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