在VS 2010中搜索定位代码新招盘点 (VS 2010 和.NET 4.0 系列博文)


This is the ninth in a series of blog posts I’m doing on the upcoming VS 2010 and .NET 4 release.  In today’s blog post I’m going to cover some of the new code searching and navigation features that are now built-into VS 2010.

这篇文章是为了迎接 VS 2010 .NET 4 正式版前的第 9 篇博文,今天要介绍的是已经内嵌到 VS 2010 中的代码搜索和定位功能。

Searching and Navigating code


Developers need to be able to easily navigate, search and understand the code-base they are working on.  In usability studies we’ve done, we typically find that developers spend more time reading, reviewing and searching existing code than actually writing new code. 


The VS 2010 code editor adds some nice new features that allow you to more productively search and navigate a code-base, and enable you to more easily understand how code is being used within a solution. 

新版 VS 2010 的代码编辑器新增了许多新特性,你会逐渐发现搜索定位代码越发地高效,同时更加方便你理解现有的代码结构。

Searching and Navigating the ASP.NET MVC Source Code

搜索定位 ASP.NET MVC 源代码

For this blog post I’m going to use the ASP.NET MVC framework code-base (which has many thousand lines of code) to help demonstrate some of the new VS 2010 searching and navigation features.  If you have VS 2010 Beta 2 installed, you can follow along by downloading and opening the ASP.NET MVC framework source code from here .

这里以 ASP.NET MVC 架构源文件作为示例,来为大家做下演示,如果你已经安装了 VS 2010 Beta2 ,你只需要再下载一下 ASP.NET MVC 架构的源文件即可,地址如下:




You should find that the performance of the below features is really fast with this project – despite it being many thousands of lines of code in size.  All of the features I’m demonstrating below are also now built-into VS 2010 (and work for all project types and for both VB and C#).

你会发现接下来演示的众多特性都是如此地高效,尽管代码量都很很大。当然,这些特性都已经集成到 VS 2010 中啦。

VS 2010 “Navigate To” Support

VS 2010 “定位到”功能

Being able to quickly find and navigate code is important with both big and small solutions.


Visual Studio 2010 now supports a new ( Ctrl + comma) keyboard shortcut (meaning the control key is held down together with the comma key).  When you press the ( Ctrl+comma) combination, a new VS 2010 “Navigate To” dialog will appear that allows you to quickly search for types, files, variables and members within your solution – and then open and navigate to them:

VS 2010 新增了一个“ Ctrl+comma ”快捷键,同时按下,会弹出一个新的“定位到”对话框,你可以用它来快速搜索你项目中涉及的类型、文件、变量及成员等。



The “Navigate To” dialog provides an fast incremental search UI – with results immediately populating as soon as you start typing search terms.  For example, type “cont” (without pressing enter) and you’ll see that 176 results immediately show up within the results list as you start to type:

这个“定位到”对话框提供了一个简洁快速的查找界面,下面的结果栏会快速显示查询结果。例如,你键入“ cont ”(无需点击回车),你会立即看到所有结果立即显示在你的面前:


Type a few more characters and you’ll see the list automatically filters to just those results that match “controller”:

稍微键入多一些字符后,你会发现列表页也在不断地进行过滤,直到满足你键入的“ controller ”。


You can use the scroll bar to scroll through the results – or alternatively press the tab key and then use the cursor arrows if you don’t want to take your hands off the keyboard.  You’ll find that the “Navigate To” window lists all types of results that match your search term – including Type names, Method/Property names, Field declarations, and file names:

你可以拉动结果栏中的滚动条,或者选择按下 tab 键切换到结果项中,并使用方向键来进行再定位,你会发现这个“定位到”窗口列出了所有匹配你键入内容的类型。


Selecting any of the results in the results list will open the relevant source file within VS 2010 (if it isn’t already open) and take you immediately to the relevant source location (and highlight the relevant name within it):

选中任意结果,并点击该条记录,都会自动通过 VS 2010 来打开相应的文件,并将焦点定位到对应的代码段上。


Nice Fuzzy Search Capabilities


The “Navigate To” search box supports some nice “fuzzy search” capabilities that allow you to perform smart filters and searches without having to know exactly the name of the thing you are looking for.  These work well with the incremental/immediate search UI of the dialog – and allow you to refine your searches and get real-time results as you type.


To try this out let’s first search on the word “cache”.  Notice how the search results include not just items that start with the word “cache” – but also display any results that have the word “cache” in it:

我们尝试键入“ cache ”这个单词,注意在结果框中不仅出现了所有以 cache 开头的项,同时也列出了一些包含“ cache ”的结果项。


We can add multiple words to the search textbox to further filter the results.  For example, below I am filtering the list to only include those that have both “cache” and “action” in the name:

我们可以通过键入多个关键字来对结果进行过滤。例如,下面我要搜索同时包含“ cache ”和“ action ”这两个关键字的结果项:


Types and members within the .NET Framework using a naming design-guideline pattern called “Pascal Casing” – which means that the first letter of each word in a Type or Member name is capitalized.  The “Navigate To” dialog allows you to optionally use this “Pascal Casing” convention to quickly filter types. Just type the uppercase first letter of names in a type/member and it will automatically filter for results that match the uppercase pascal naming convention. 

对于 .NET Framework 中的类型和成员,我们统一使用一种称为 Pascal Casing 的匹配方式,也就是说每个类型和成员中独立单位的首字母作为关键字。你可以根据需要使用“定位到”搜索框的“ Pascal Casing ”特性来过滤结果。只需键入类型 / 成员的名称首字母,系统会自动进行过滤。

For example, typing “AMS” will filter to the below results (just those types and members that have words in them that start with A then M then S):

例如,当你键入“ AMS ”后,你会得到如下的一个结果:


The “Navigate To” dialog allows you to quickly filter and locate code with a minimum of keystrokes – and avoid you ever having to use the mouse, open the solution explorer, and click on a file directly.


View Call Hierarchy


Having the ability to quickly search and navigate to code is great.  Being able to also quickly discover how that code is being used is even better.  VS 2010 introduces a new “View Call Hierarchy” feature that allows you to quickly discover where a particular method or property within your code-base is being called from, and allows you to quickly traverse the call tree graph throughout the code-base (without having to run or debug the solution).

快速搜索定位代码实在是太方便了。但能快速查看这些代码的调用关系那就更帅了。 VS 2010 新增了一项“查看调用关系”功能,通过它你可以快速查找当前方法或属性调用来源,并能快速定位到相应位置,不必每次都重新调试。

To use this feature, simply select a method or property name within your code-base, and then either type the ( Ctrl+K,Ctrl+T) keyboard shortcut combination, or right-click and select the “View Call Hierarchy” context menu command:

用法很简单,在工程中任意选择一个方法或者属性名,使用快捷键“ Ctrl+K Ctrl+T ”,或者右键属性,选择“ View Call Hierarchy ”命令:


This will bring up a new “Call Hierarchy” tool window that by default shows up under the code editor.  Below you can see how the “Call Hierarchy” window is displaying the two methods within our solution that invoke the ViewPage.RenderView() method we selected above. 

指令会在代码编辑器的下方,自动打开一个新的“ Call Hierarchy ”工具窗口。我们会看到窗口中列出了调用我们所选 ViewPage.renderView() 的两个方法。


We can then optionally drill down hierarchically into the first “RenderViewAndRestoreContentType” method to see who in-turn calls it:



For virtual methods/properties you can also use the call hierarchy window to see what types sub-class and override them.


Double clicking any of the members within the “Call Hierarchy” window will open the appropriate source file and take you immediately to that source location:



This allows you to quickly navigate throughout a code-base and better understand the relationships between classes and methods as you code.


Highlighted References


With VS 2010, when you select or highlight a variable / parameter / field declaration within the code-editor, all subsequent usages of it are now automatically highlighted for you within the editor.  This makes it easy to quickly identify where and how a variable or parameter is being used.

VS 2010 中,当你在代码编辑器中选择一个变量、参数或其他代码块时,所有对应的部分都会高亮显示,以后再也不用为寻找变量而发愁了!

For example, when we select the “controllerContext” parameter passed to the ControllerActionInvoker.GetParameterValue() method in the editor below, notice how the 4 usages of it within that method are also now automatically highlighted:

例如,当我们选择 ControllerActionInvoker.GetParameterValue() 方法中的“ controllerContext ”这个参数时,注意方法中用到的该变量都会高亮显示!


If I select a local variable within the method, all the places it is used are also now automatically highlighted:



If multiple usages are highlighted, you can cycle through them using the ( Ctrl-Shift-up arrow) and ( Ctrl-Shift-Down arrow ) keystrokes to quickly move the cursor to the previous or next highlighted symbol.

你可通过快捷键“ Ctrl-Shift-up arrow ”和“ Ctrl-Shift-Down arrow ”来快速移动你的焦点,很方便哈!


The new VS 2010 text editor makes it easy to quickly search, navigate and explore code within a project or solution.  The performance of these operations is really fast (even with a large code-base) and are kept up to date as you work on the project and make changes to it.  The end result enables you to be much more productive.


Hope this helps,










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