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原创 20151231 OCP 053 90-120

93.the oracle_sid environment variable is set to +asm,asmlb is  not used in the configuration.you executed the following command to statrtup the automatic storage management (ASM) instance .sql>star

2015-12-31 21:35:43 485

原创 20151230 053 60-b20

61.report need backup days 5;即所列的文件需要5天以前的归档日志,也就是说5天内没有备份过62.retention plicy是指rman备份保留策略configure retention policy to redundancy 1;表示备份的冗余度为1,就是保留最近一次的备份(可以做数据库恢复需要的一次备份,比如全备)conf

2015-12-30 20:15:14 321

原创 理解 alter table nologging

nologging使用,同时满足一下三个条件才不会真正产生日志1.表空间:alter tablespace test3 nologging;2.表:alter table a nologging;3.插入:insert/*+append*/into test3 sleect * from t3;sql%rowcount用于记录修改的条数,就如你在sqlplus下执行dele

2015-12-29 23:09:32 7174

原创 20151229 053 30-60

31.which of the following is a benifit of asm fast disk resync?a.failed disks are taken offline immeidately but are not droppedASM快速镜像重新同步可以显著减少重新同步临时故障磁盘所需要的时间,如果某个磁盘因临时故障而脱机ASM将跟踪在中断期间发生修改的区,临

2015-12-29 21:08:03 324

原创 login.sql 和临时表的一些概念

1.建立login.sql文件,使sqlplus每次启动的时候都执行这个脚本。将login.sql的路径放到oracle环境变量中export SQLPATH='''. ./.bash_profile 使环境变量生效2.临时表:像普通表一样,有结构,但是对数据的管理上不一样,临时表存储事务或会话的中间结果集,临时表中保存的数据只对当前 会话可见,所有会话都看不到其他

2015-12-28 22:27:35 395

原创 20151228 ocp 053 1-30

4.which two statements about the sql management base(SMB) are true ?c.it is part of the data dictionary and stored in the syssaux tablespacee.it contains the statement log,the plan history,plan ba

2015-12-28 19:40:52 536

原创 oracle 导入导出


2015-12-26 21:52:14 295

原创 047出错的一些题 记录一下

1.which statements are true regarding the usage of the with cluase in complex correlated subqueeiresa.it can be used only with the select cluasewith 必须紧跟sleect使用,这是必须的2.view the exhibit and exam

2015-12-23 23:07:31 445

原创 047 exam c 20-end

22.which three statements are turea.only one long column can be used per tableoracle只允许每个表中有一个long类型的列b.a timestamp data type column stores only time values wqith fractinal secondsstimestamp类型

2015-12-22 23:32:09 329

原创 examine c 1-20 执行计划的一些概念

2.which statements are true ?a.the data dictionary is created and maintained by the database administrtor多少次了,是由oracle服务器创建和维护的(除了审计相关的数据字典aud$开头的,这些表示可以修改的)b.the data dictionary views can consi

2015-12-21 21:30:15 625

原创 20151220 OCP 047 b 20-50

24.a subquery is called a single-row subquery when a.the inner query returns a single value to the main query顾名思义,对于主查询只返回一个值34.evaluate the following statement;insert all when order_total

2015-12-20 21:19:32 516

原创 控制文件丢失,非当前日志组丢失以及系统表空间或非系统表空间丢失

a.控制文件丢失-----一般情况1.alter database backup controlfile to '/backup...';2.ho rm -rf 所有的控制文件 startup force3.ho cp 从备份的控制文件恢复到原位置4.介质恢复recover database using backup controlfile--------修改数据库结构

2015-12-19 21:48:55 442

原创 20151219 ocp examA(60-70) examB(1-20)

64.view the exhibit button and examine the structures of orders and order_iten tables.in the orders table.order_id is the primary key and in the order_iterms table ,order_id and line_item_id form th

2015-12-19 21:01:27 376

原创 rman恢复的一个案例

在模拟丢失所有控制文件的时候出现了一些困难,这里记录一下案例如下:4所有的控制文件 are lost;通过v$controlfile查出所有的,然后删除所有控制文件,通过控制文件的自动备份来恢复控制文件。run { allocate channel v1 type disk;restore controlfile  from '/u01/app/oracle/f

2015-12-18 21:40:45 355

原创 20151218 OCP 047 30-60

31.select to_char(list_price,$0,999") from product_information;which two statements would be true regarding the outpput for this sql statement?这道题考查的是格式化输出/format'$9,999'的意思是以$开头,显示四位整数,位数超过全部为#

2015-12-18 21:06:44 426

原创 20151217 OCP047 新题库 1-30

2.evaluate the following create table command;create table order_item(order_id number(3),item_id number(2),aty number(4),constraint ord_itm_id_pk primary key (order_id,item_id)using index(

2015-12-17 22:05:22 630

原创 20151216 OCP 047 100-120meta character syntaxes and the

102.evaluate the dollowing command;CREATE TABLE employees( employee_id number(2) PRIMARY KEY,last_name varchar2(25) not null,department_id number(2),job_id varchar2(8),salary number(10,2))

2015-12-16 20:32:03 616

原创 20151215 OCP 047 80-110

82.which three statements indicate the end of a transation?a.after a commit is issuedb.after a rollback is issuedrollback transaction ,本transation全不会滚,回到本trasantion开始的地方,也就是上个transation结束的地方d.

2015-12-15 21:01:03 414

原创 20151212 OCP047 60-80d.d.

63.which create table statemenbt is vaild?d.create table ord_details(ord_no number(2),item_no numnber(3),ord_data data default sysdate not null需要注意的几个点,一个字段有多个限制的时候需要用空格隔开而不是逗号,default后面要加默认

2015-12-12 20:39:56 608

原创 20151211 OCP 047 40-60

41.view the exhibit and examine the structure of the emp table .you executed the following command to add a primary key to the emp table ;alter table emp add constraint emp_id_pk primary key(emp_i

2015-12-11 20:21:39 384

原创 20151209 OCP 047 1-40

6.which two statements are true?a.the user_sysnonyyms view can provide information about privite synoyms.对,无论是共有同义词还是私有同义词都可以提供b.the user system owns all the base tables and user-accessible view

2015-12-09 19:25:20 394

原创 20151208 再次搭建Oracle11g环境 ocp 047 20-40

重装redhat虚拟机出现了一个情况,忘记了root用户的密码 这里记录一下在字符界面引导更改root用户的密码启东虚拟机后按e,按选择kernel /vmlinuz-2.4.20-8 ro root=LABEL=/ 项,按e键,然后“空格” 输入 “single进入single模式输入之后b键进入字符引导模式输入passwd root来更改root用户的密码即可3.w

2015-12-08 19:15:36 610

原创 20151207 ocp 052出错题 总结

2.which two statements are true about the automatic workload repository(AWR)?c.the snapshots collected by the AWR are accessible theough data dictionary viewsd.the snapshots collected by the AWR a

2015-12-07 20:02:24 1394

原创 20151206 重新搭建oracle11g单机环境 oracle篇

一个小插曲由于修改了hosts文件和sysconfig下的network文件,可能是由于修改不彻底导致系统启动sendmail无法正确解析,造成启动很慢这里直接禁用掉sendmail服务chkconfig --list sendmail查看sendmail服务的启动级别chkconfig --level 2345 sendmail off;就是说在2345级别也不启动sendm

2015-12-06 19:57:10 367

原创 20151206 重新搭建oracle11g环境碰到的困难 Linux篇

一.linux安装1.磁盘分区选择最后一项,手工分区create custom layout.nexta./boot 100mbb.swap 内存的两倍c./ 剩余所有的内存2.ip地址设置eth0 ip地址跟主机在同一网段192.168.48.10 网关: ip 网关255.255.255.0

2015-12-06 16:53:27 377

原创 20151204 ocp模拟机测试成果

117.view the exhibit and examine the initialization parameter settingwhich three initliazation parameters are to be set manually as they are not automatically tuned?a.log_buffere.DB_16K_CH

2015-12-04 21:02:27 602

原创 20151203 ocp 052 卷3 55-70

56.after performing a clean shut down of the database instance for maintenance.you mount the database and then execute a command to open the database;sql>alter database open;which two statements

2015-12-03 22:02:53 364

原创 20151202 ocp 卷3 30-55

24.which statement is true about loading data using the conventional path of sql*loaderc.no exclusive locks are acquired when the conventional path loads are performed常规路径加载通过执行sql insert 语句,将表填充到

2015-12-02 20:26:00 358

原创 20151201 ocp 卷3 1-30

1.examine the following statement that is used to modify the primary key constraint on the sales tablesql>alter table sales midify constraint pk disable validate;a.the constraint remains calidb.

2015-12-02 20:17:09 292








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