C++ Standards Support in GCC

C++ Standards Support in GCC

GCC supports different dialects of C++, corresponding to the multiple published ISO standards. Which standard it implements can be selected using the -std= command-line option.

For information about the status of C++ defect reports, please see this page.

For information about the status of the library implementation, please see the Implementation Status section of the Libstdc++ manual.

C++23 Support in GCC

GCC has experimental support for the next revision of the C++ standard, which is expected to be published in 2023.

C++23 features are available since GCC 11. To enable C++23 support, add the command-line parameter -std=c++2b to your g++ command line. Or, to enable GNU extensions in addition to C++23 features, add -std=gnu++2b.

Important: Because the ISO C++23 standard is still evolving, GCC's support is experimental. No attempt will be made to maintain backward compatibility with implementations of C++23 features that do not reflect the final standard.

C++23 Language Features

Language FeatureProposalAvailable in GCC?SD-6 Feature Test
Literal Suffix for (signed) size_tP0330R811__cpp_size_t_suffix >= 202006L
Make () more optional for lambdasP1102R211 
DR: Declarations and where to find themP1787R6No 

C++20 Support in GCC

GCC has experimental support for the latest revision of the C++ standard, which was published in 2020.

C++20 features are available since GCC 8. To enable C++20 support, add the command-line parameter -std=c++20 (use -std=c++2a in GCC 9 and earlier) to your g++ command line. Or, to enable GNU extensions in addition to C++20 features, add -std=gnu++20.

Important: Because the ISO C++20 standard is very recent, GCC's support is experimental.

C++20 Language Features

The following table lists new language features that have been accepted into the C++20 working draft. The "Proposal" column provides a link to the ISO C++ committee proposal that describes the feature, while the "Available in GCC?" column indicates the first version of GCC that contains an implementation of this feature (if it has been implemented).

Language FeatureProposalAvailable in GCC?SD-6 Feature Test
Default member initializers for bit-fieldsP0683R18 
Fixing const-qualified pointers to membersP0704R18 
Allow lambda capture [=, this]P0409R28 
__VA_OPT__ for preprocessor comma elisionP0306R4
8 (partial, no #__VA_OPT__ support)
10 (partial, no placemarker token handling changes)
Designated initializersP0329R48__cpp_designated_initializers >= 201707
Familiar template syntax for generic lambdasP0428R28__cpp_generic_lambdas >= 201707
List deduction of vectorP0702R18 
ConceptsP0734R010__cpp_concepts >= 201907
P2113R010.2 (no reversed operator handling)
Range-based for statements with initializerP0614R19 
Simplifying implicit lambda captureP0588R18 
ADL and function templates that are not visibleP0846R09 
const mismatch with defaulted copy constructorP0641R29 
Less eager instantiation of constexpr functionsP0859R05.2 (mostly)
9 (P0859R0)
__cpp_constexpr_in_decltype >= 201711
Consistent comparison (operator<=>)P0515R310__cpp_impl_three_way_comparison >= 201711
Access checking on specializationsP0692R1Yes 
Default constructible and assignable stateless lambdasP0624R29 
Lambdas in unevaluated contextsP0315R49 
Language support for empty objectsP0840R29 
Relaxing the range-for loop customization point finding rulesP0962R18 
Allow structured bindings to accessible membersP0969R08 
Relaxing the structured bindings customization point finding rulesP0961R18 
Down with typename!P0634R39 
Allow pack expansion in lambda init-captureP0780R29__cpp_init_captures >= 201803
Proposed wording for likely and unlikely attributesP0479R59 
Deprecate implicit capture of this via [=]P0806R29 
Class Types in Non-Type Template ParametersP0732R29__cpp_nontype_template_parameter_class >= 201806
Inconsistencies with non-type template parametersP1907R110 (no floating point, union, or subobject template args)
11 (complete)
__cpp_nontype_template_args >= 201911
Atomic Compare-and-Exchange with Padding BitsP0528R311 
Efficient sized delete for variable sized classesP0722R39__cpp_impl_destroying_delete >= 201806
Allowing Virtual Function Calls in Constant ExpressionsP1064R09 
Prohibit aggregates with user-declared constructorsP1008R19 
explicit(bool)P0892R29__cpp_conditional_explicit >= 201806
Signed integers are two's complementP1236R19 
char8_tP0482R69__cpp_char8_t >= 201811
Immediate functions (consteval)P1073R310 (no consteval virtual)
11 (full)
__cpp_consteval >= 201811
Nested inline namespacesP1094R29 
Relaxations of constexpr restrictionsP1002R19 
P1331R210__cpp_constexpr >= 201907
Feature test macrosP0941R24.9 (__cpp_ macros)
5 (__has_cpp_attribute)
ModulesP1103R311 (requires -fmodules-ts)
(No Private Module Fragment,
Parser-level Global Module Entity Merging,
Global Module Implications of extern "C/C++",
or Partition-specific Definition Visibility)
__cpp_modules >= 201810L
(Date of p1103r3)
P1703R1 (superceded by p1857)11 
CoroutinesP0912R5 as applied to n486110 (requires -fcoroutines)__cpp_impl_coroutine >= 201902
Parenthesized initialization of aggregatesP0960R310__cpp_aggregate_paren_init >= 201902
DR: array size deduction in new-expressionP1009R211 
DR: Converting from T* to bool should be considered narrowingP1957R210 (C++20 mode only), 11 (all modes) 
Stronger Unicode requirementsP1041R4
Structured binding extensionsP1091R3
Deprecate a[b,c]P1161R310 
Deprecating some uses of volatileP1152R410 
[[nodiscard("with reason")]]P1301R410 
using enumP1099R511 
Class template argument deduction for aggregatesP1816R010__cpp_deduction_guides >= 201907L
Class template argument deduction for alias templatesP1814R010
Permit conversions to arrays of unknown boundP0388R410 
constinitP1143R210__cpp_constinit >= 201907
DR: Checking for abstract class typesP0929R211 
DR: More implicit moves (merge P0527R1 and P1155R3)P1825R011 (C++20 mode) 
DR: Pseudo-destructors end object lifetimesP0593R611 

C++17 Support in GCC

GCC has almost full support for the previous revision of the C++ standard, which was published in 2017. Some library features are missing or incomplete, as described in the library documentation.

C++17 features are available since GCC 5. This mode is the default in GCC 11; it can be explicitly selected with the -std=c++17 command-line flag, or -std=gnu++17 to enable GNU extensions as well.

C++17 Language Features

The following table lists new language features that have been accepted into the C++17 working draft. The "Proposal" column provides a link to the ISO C++ committee proposal that describes the feature, while the "Available in GCC?" column indicates the first version of GCC that contains an implementation of this feature (if it has been implemented).

Language FeatureProposalAvailable in GCC?SD-6 Feature Test
Removing trigraphsN40865 
u8 character literalsN42676__cpp_unicode_characters >= 201411
Folding expressionsN42956__cpp_fold_expressions >= 201411
Attributes for namespaces and enumeratorsN42664.9 (namespaces)
6 (enumerators)
__cpp_namespace_attributes >= 201411
__cpp_enumerator_attributes >= 201411
Nested namespace definitionsN42306__cpp_nested_namespace_definitions >= 201411
Allow constant evaluation for all non-type template argumentsN42686__cpp_nontype_template_args >= 201411
Extending static_assertN39286__cpp_static_assert >= 201411
New Rules for auto deduction from braced-init-listN39225 
Allow typename in a template template parameterN40515 
[[fallthrough]] attributeP0188R17__has_cpp_attribute(fallthrough)
[[nodiscard]] attributeP0189R14.8 ([[gnu::warn_unused_result]])
7 (P0189R1)
[[maybe_unused]] attributeP0212R14.8 ([[gnu::unused]])
7 (P0212R1)
Extension to aggregate initializationP0017R17__cpp_aggregate_bases >= 201603
Wording for constexpr lambdaP0170R17__cpp_constexpr >= 201603
Unary Folds and Empty Parameter PacksP0036R06__cpp_fold_expressions >= 201603
Generalizing the Range-Based For LoopP0184R06__cpp_range_based_for >= 201603
Lambda capture of *this by ValueP0018R37__cpp_capture_star_this >= 201603
Construction Rules for enum class variablesP0138R27 
Hexadecimal floating literals for C++P0245R13.0__cpp_hex_float >= 201603
Dynamic memory allocation for over-aligned dataP0035R47__cpp_aligned_new >= 201606
Guaranteed copy elisionP0135R17__cpp_guaranteed_copy_elision >= 201606
Refining Expression Evaluation Order for Idiomatic C++P0145R37 
constexpr ifP0292R27__cpp_if_constexpr >= 201606
Selection statements with initializerP0305R17 
Template argument deduction for class templatesP0091R3
__cpp_deduction_guides >= 201606
__cpp_deduction_guides >= 201611
Declaring non-type template parameters with autoP0127R27__cpp_template_auto >= 201606
__cpp_nontype_template_parameter_auto >= 201606
Using attribute namespaces without repetitionP0028R47 
Ignoring unsupported non-standard attributesP0283R2Yes 
Structured bindingsP0217R37__cpp_structured_bindings >= 201606
Remove Deprecated Use of the register KeywordP0001R17 
Remove Deprecated operator++(bool)P0002R17 
Make exception specifications be part of the type systemP0012R17__cpp_noexcept_function_type >= 201510
__has_include for C++17P0061R15 
Rewording inheriting constructors (core issue 1941 et al)P0136R17__cpp_inheriting_constructors >= 201511
Inline variablesP0386R27__cpp_inline_variables >= 201606
DR 150, Matching of template template argumentsP0522R07__cpp_template_template_args >= 201611
Removing dynamic exception specificationsP0003R57 
Pack expansions in using-declarationsP0195R27__cpp_variadic_using >= 201611
byte type definitionP0298R07 

Technical Specifications

GCC also implements experimental support for some language Technical Specifications published by the C++ committee.

Important: Because these Technical Specifications are still evolving toward future inclusion in a C++ standard, GCC's support is experimental. No attempt will be made to maintain backward compatibility with implementations of features that do not reflect the final standard.

Technical SpecificationDocumentAvailable in GCC?Compiler OptionSD-6 Feature Test
ConceptsN43776-fconcepts__cpp_concepts >= 201507
Transactional MemoryN45146 (no atomic_cancel)-fgnu-tm__cpp_transactional_memory >= 201505
CoroutinesN464910-fcoroutines__cpp_impl_coroutine >= 201902L
ModulesN472011-fmodules-ts__cpp_modules >= 201810L

C++14 Support in GCC

GCC has full support for the of the 2014 C++ standard.

This mode is the default in GCC 6.1 up until GCC 10 (including); it can be explicitly selected with the -std=c++14 command-line flag, or -std=gnu++14 to enable GNU extensions as well.

C++14 Language Features

The following table lists new language features that are part of the C++14 standard. The "Proposal" column provides a link to the ISO C++ committee proposal that describes the feature, while the "Available in GCC?" column indicates the first version of GCC that contains an implementation of this feature.

Language FeatureProposalAvailable in GCC?SD-6 Feature Test
Tweak to certain C++ contextual conversionsN33234.9 
Binary literalsN34724.3 (GNU)
4.9 (N3472)
__cpp_binary_literals >= 201304
Return type deduction for normal functionsN36384.8 (N3386)
4.9 (N3638)
__cpp_decltype_auto >= 201304
Generalized lambda capture (init-capture)N36484.5 (partial)
4.9 (N3648)
__cpp_init_captures >= 201304
Generic (polymorphic) lambda expressionsN36494.9__cpp_generic_lambdas >= 201304
Variable templatesN36515__cpp_variable_templates >= 201304
Relaxing requirements on constexpr functionsN36525__cpp_constexpr >= 201304
Member initializers and aggregatesN36535__cpp_aggregate_nsdmi >= 201304
Clarifying memory allocationN3664N/A 
Sized deallocationN37785__cpp_sized_deallocation >= 201309
[[deprecated]] attributeN37604.9 (N3797)__has_cpp_attribute(deprecated) >= 201309
Single-quotation-mark as a digit separatorN37814.9 (N3797)__cpp_digit_separator >= 201309

This feature was briefly part of the C++14 working paper, but was not part of the published standard; as a result, it has been removed from the compiler.

Language FeatureProposalAvailable in GCC?SD-6 Feature Test
Runtime-sized arrays with automatic storage duration
(Removed from the standard)
N3639?.? (GNU VLAs)
4.9 (N3639)
5 (GNU VLAs)
__cpp_runtime_arrays >= 198712

C++11 Support in GCC

GCC 4.8.1 was the first feature-complete implementation of the 2011 C++ standard, previously known as C++0x.

This mode can be selected with the -std=c++11 command-line flag, or -std=gnu++11 to enable GNU extensions as well.

For information about C++11 support in a specific version of GCC, please see:

Language FeatureProposalAvailable in GCC?SD-6 Feature Test
Rvalue referencesN2118GCC 4.3__cpp_rvalue_references >= 200610
    Rvalue references for *thisN2439GCC 4.8.1__cpp_ref_qualifiers >= 200710
Initialization of class objects by rvaluesN1610Yes 
Non-static data member initializersN2756GCC 4.7__cpp_nsdmi >= 200809
Variadic templatesN2242GCC 4.3__cpp_variadic_templates >= 200704
    Extending variadic template template parametersN2555GCC 4.4 
Initializer listsN2672GCC 4.4__cpp_initializer_lists >= 200806
Static assertionsN1720GCC 4.3__cpp_static_assert >= 200410
auto-typed variablesN1984GCC 4.4 
    Multi-declarator autoN1737GCC 4.4 
    Removal of auto as a storage-class specifierN2546GCC 4.4 
    New function declarator syntaxN2541GCC 4.4 
New wording for C++0x lambdasN2927GCC 4.5__cpp_lambdas >= 200907
Declared type of an expressionN2343GCC 4.3__cpp_decltype >= 200707
    decltype and call expressionsN3276GCC 4.8.1 
Right angle bracketsN1757GCC 4.3 
Default template arguments for function templatesDR226GCC 4.3 
Solving the SFINAE problem for expressionsDR339GCC 4.4 
Template aliasesN2258GCC 4.7__cpp_alias_templates >= 200704
Extern templatesN1987Yes 
Null pointer constantN2431GCC 4.6 
Strongly-typed enumsN2347GCC 4.4 
Forward declarations for enumsN2764GCC 4.6 
Generalized attributesN2761GCC 4.8__cpp_attributes >= 200809;
__has_cpp_attribute(noreturn) >= 200809;
__has_cpp_attribute(carries_dependency) == 0 (not implemented)
Generalized constant expressionsN2235GCC 4.6__cpp_constexpr >= 200704
Alignment supportN2341GCC 4.8 
Delegating constructorsN1986GCC 4.7__cpp_delegating_constructors >= 200604
Inheriting constructorsN2540GCC 4.8__cpp_inheriting_constructors >= 200802
Explicit conversion operatorsN2437GCC 4.5 
New character typesN2249GCC 4.4__cpp_unicode_characters >= 200704
Unicode string literalsN2442GCC 4.5__cpp_unicode_literals >= 200710
Raw string literalsN2442GCC 4.5__cpp_raw_strings >= 200710
Universal character name literalsN2170GCC 4.5 
User-defined literalsN2765GCC 4.7__cpp_user_defined_literals >= 200809
Standard Layout TypesN2342GCC 4.5 
Defaulted and deleted functionsN2346GCC 4.4 
Extended friend declarationsN1791GCC 4.7 
Extending sizeofN2253GCC 4.4 
Inline namespacesN2535GCC 4.4 
Unrestricted unionsN2544GCC 4.6 
Local and unnamed types as template argumentsN2657GCC 4.5 
Range-based forN2930GCC 4.6__cpp_range_based_for >= 200907
Explicit virtual overridesN2928
GCC 4.7 
Minimal support for garbage collection and reachability-based leak detectionN2670No 
Allowing move constructors to throw [noexcept]N3050GCC 4.6 
Defining move special member functionsN3053GCC 4.6 
Sequence pointsN2239Yes 
Atomic operationsN2427GCC 4.4 
Strong Compare and ExchangeN2748GCC 4.5 
Bidirectional FencesN2752GCC 4.8 
Memory modelN2429GCC 4.8 
Data-dependency ordering: atomics and memory modelN2664GCC 4.4
Propagating exceptionsN2179GCC 4.4 
Abandoning a process and at_quick_exitN2440GCC 4.8 
Allow atomics use in signal handlersN2547Yes 
Thread-local storageN2659GCC 4.8 
Dynamic initialization and destruction with concurrencyN2660GCC 4.3__cpp_threadsafe_static_init >= 200806
C99 Features in C++11
__func__ predefined identifierN2340GCC 4.3 
C99 preprocessorN1653GCC 4.3 
long longN1811GCC 4.3 
Extended integral typesN1988Yes 

C++98 Support in GCC

GCC has full support for the 1998 C++ standard as modified by the 2003 technical corrigendum and some later defect reports, excluding the export feature which was later removed from the language.

This mode is the default in GCC versions prior to 6.1; it can be explicitly selected with the -std=c++98 command-line flag, or -std=gnu++98 to enable GNU extensions as well.





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