3GPP TS 29244-g30 中英文对照 | 5.4.2 Service Detection and Bearer/QoS Flow Binding



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5.4.2 Service Detection and Bearer/QoS Flow Binding 业务检测和承载/QoS流绑定

Service detection refers to the process that identifies the packets belonging to a service data flow or application. For EPC, see clauses and 6.8.1 of 3GPP TS 23.203 [7]. For 5GC, see clause of 3GPP TS 23.503 [44].


For EPC, bearer binding is the procedure that associates service data flow(s) to an IP-CAN bearer deemed to transport the service data flow. UL bearer binding verification refers to the process of discarding uplink packets due to no matching service data flow template for the uplink direction. See clauses and of 3GPP TS 23.203 [7].


For 5GC, QoS flow binding is the procedure that associates service data flow(s) to a QoS flow deemed to transport the service data flow. UL QoS flow binding verification refers to the process of discarding uplink packets due to no matching QoS flow for the uplink direction. See clause of 3GPP TS 23.503 [44] and clause of 3GPP TS 23.501 [28].

对于5GC,QoS流绑定是将服务数据流与被视为传输服务数据流的QoS流相关联的过程。UL QoS流绑定验证是指由于上行方向没有匹配的QoS流而丢弃上行数据包的过程。

Service detection is controlled over the Sxa, Sxb, Sxc and N4 reference points by configuring Packet Detection Information in PDRs to match the intended service data flows or application.

通过在PDR中配置Packet Detection Information以匹配预期的业务数据流或应用程序,在Sxa、Sxb、Sxc和N4参考点上控制业务检测。

For EPC, the mapping of DL traffic to bearers is achieved by configuring and associating FARs to the downlink PDRs, with FARs set to forward the packets to the appropriate downstream bearers (S5/S8 or S1/S12/S4/Iu).


For 5GC, the mapping of DL traffic to QoS flows is achieved by configuring QERs with QFI(s) for the QoS flow marking and associating FARs to the downlink PDRs, with FARs set to forward the packets to the appropriate downstream GTP-U tunnel (N9 or N3).


For EPC, uplink bearer binding verification is achieved by configuring Packet Detection Information in uplink PDRs containing the local F-TEID of the uplink bearer, the UE IP address (source IP address to match for the incoming packet), and the SDF filter(s) or the Application ID. As a result, uplink packets received on the uplink bearer but that do not match the SDF filter(s) or Application detection filter associated to the uplink PDRs are discarded.

对于EPC,通过在上行链路PDR中配置包含上行链路承载的本地F-TEID、UE IP地址和SDF滤波器或应用ID的Packet Detection Information来实现上行链路承载绑定验证,在上行链路承载上接收的、但与上行链路PDR相关联的SDF过滤器Application检测过滤器不匹配的上行链路分组被丢弃。

For 5GC, uplink QoS flow binding verification (see clause of 3GPP TS 23.501 [28]) is achieved by configuring Packet Detection Information in uplink PDRs containing the local F-TEID of the uplink PDU session, the UE IP address (source IP address to match for the incoming packet), the QFI of the QoS flow and the SDF filter(s) or the Application ID. As a result, uplink packets received on the uplink PDU session but that do not match the SDF filter(s) or Application detection filter and QFI associated to the uplink PDRs are discarded.

对于5GC,通过在上行链路PDR中配置包含上行链路PDU会话的本地F-TEID、UE IP地址、QoS流的QFI和SDF过滤器或Application ID的Packet Detection Information来实现上行链路QoS流绑定验证。结果,在上行链路PDU会话上接收到的但与SDF过滤器或应用检测过滤器不匹配的上行链路分组和与上行链路PDR相关联的QFI被丢弃。

NOTE 1: For PCC Rules that contain an application identifier (i.e. that refer to an application detection filter), uplink traffic can be received on other IP-CAN bearers than the one determined by the binding mechanism. The detection of the uplink part of the service data flow can be activated in parallel on other bearers with non-GBR QCI (e.g. the default bearer) in addition to the bearer where the PCC rule is bound to. See clauses and of 3GPP TS 23.203 [7]. Therefore the uplink PDRs for these bearers can be provisioned with the PDI containing this service data flow and the local F-TEID of the uplink bearer.

注1:对于包含应用程序标识符的PCC规则(即引用应用程序检测过滤器),可以在除绑定机制确定的IP-CAN承载之外的其他IP-CAN承载上接收上行链路流量。除了绑定PCC规则的承载之外,还可以在具有非GBR QCI的其他承载(例如默认承载)上并行激活服务数据流的上行链路部分的检测。参见3GPP TS 23.203 [7]的第6.1.1.1和6.2.2.2条。因此,可以为这些承载的上行链路PDR提供包含该服务数据流和上行链路承载的本地F-TEID的PDI。

NOTE 2: To avoid the PGW-U discarding packets due to no matching service data flow template, the operator can apply open PCC rules (with wildcarded SDF filters) to allow for the passage of packets that do not match any other candidate SDF template. Therefore an uplink PDR can be provisioned with the PDI containing only the local F-TEID of the uplink bearer.


NOTE 3: Uplink bearer binding does not apply to Non-IP PDN connections.

注3:上行链路承载绑定不适用于非IP PDN连接。

NOTE 4: The UPF can be provisioned with a PDR (with low precedence) which contains the CN tunnel info, QFI and filter information that can detect any unwanted/unauthorized traffic with this QFI so that such traffic can be dropped with or without being counted before.


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