3GPP TS 29244-g30 中英文对照 | 5.21.3 UE IP address/prefix allocation in the UP function


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5.21.3 UE IP address/prefix allocation in the UP function UP功能中的UE IP地址/前缀分配

When performing UE IP address/prefix allocation in the UP function, the CP function shall request the UP function to allocate the UE IP address/prefix by:

在UP功能中进行UE IP地址/前缀分配时,CP功能通过以下方式请求UP功能分配UE IP地址/前缀:

- setting the CHOOSE flags (CHOOSE IPV4 and/or CHOOSE IPV6) in the UE IP Address IE of the PDR IE (see Table or of the Traffic Endpoint (see Table; the IPv6 prefix length shall be indicated in the UE IP Address if an IPv6 prefix other than default /64 and other than for IPv6 prefix delegation (see clause 5.14) is to be assigned and the UPF indicated support of the IP6PL feature (see clause 8.2.25); and

-在PDR IE或Traffic Endpoint的UE Address IE中设置CHOOSE标志;如果要分配除default /64和IPv6前缀委派以外的IPv6前缀,并且UPF指示支持IP6PL特性,则应在UE IP地址中指示IPv6前缀长度;以及

- including the Network Instance IE to indicate the IP address pool from which the UE IP address/prefix is to be assigned.

-包括Network Instance IE以指示从其分配UE IP地址/前缀的IP地址池。

- optionally including the UE IP address Pool Identity from which the UE IP address shall be allocated by the UP function.

-可选地包括UE IP address Pool Identity,UE IP地址应由UP功能从中分配。

The CP function may request the UP function to allocate the same UE IP address/prefix to several PDRs to be created within one single PFCP Session Establishment Request or PFCP Session Modification Request by:

CP功能可通过以下方式请求UP功能将相同UE IP地址/前缀分配给要在单个PFCP Session Establishment Request或PFCP Session Modification Request内创建的多个PDR

- setting the CHOOSE flags (CHOOSE IPV4 and/or CHOOSE IPV6) in the UE IP Address IE of each PDR to be created with a new UE IP address/prefix;

-要使用新的UE IP地址/前缀创建的每个PDR的UE IP Address IE中设置CHOOSE标志

or, if the UP function indicated support of the PDI optimization (see clause 8.2.25), by:


- including the UE IP Address IE only in the Create Traffic Endpoint IE and by setting the CHOOSE flags (CHOOSE IPV4 and/or CHOOSE IPV6) in the UE IP Address IE of this IE; and

-仅在Create Traffic Endpoint IE中包括UE IP Address IE,并通过在该IE的UE IP Address IE中设置CHOOSE标志;以及

- including the Traffic Endpoint ID in all the PDRs to be created with the same UE IP address.

-在要使用相同UE IP地址创建的所有PDR中包括Traffic Endpoint ID。

If the PDR(s) is created successfully, the UP function shall return the UE IP address/prefix it has assigned to the PDR(s) or to the Traffic Endpoint(s) in the PFCP Session Establishment Response or PFCP Session Modification Response.

如果成功创建PDR,则UP功能应返回其在PFCP Session Establishment Response或PFCP Session Modification Response中分配给PDR或Traffic Endpoint的UE IP地址/前缀。

Upon receiving a request to delete a PFCP session, to remove a Traffic Endpoint, or to remove the last PDR associated with the UE IP address/prefix, the UP function shall release the UE IP address/prefix that was assigned to the PFCP session, to the Traffic Endpoint, or to the PDR.

在接收到删除PFCP会话、删除Traffic Endpoint或删除与UE IP地址/前缀相关联的最后一个PDR的请求时,UP功能应释放分配给PFCP会话、Traffic Endpoint或PDR的UE IP地址/前缀。





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