HID to promote the development of materials

The advancement of technology to promote the soft ferrite materials application of rapid development, with the constant invention of new technologies and the continuous development of new products, and modern computers, communications, automation, and intelligent systems and related products, such as the continuous development of high-tech market Has greatly stimulated the ferrite materials to the development of high-performance, and to promote a new type of ferrite materials development. Communications market demand for higher magnetic material  Mobile phones to multimedia and 3 G development.  Now the functions of mobile phones is increasing, set camera, MP3, MP4 and TV features in the integrated development of multimedia mobile phones become mainstream.  The next few years, China 3 G mobile phone standard will become the focus of the development, production will exceed GSM standard.  As more functions and the improvement of technology, higher performance magnetic materials on the request.  Magnetic materials must meet the high-frequency, small size, chip-based, high-magnetic energy, low-loss and anti-electromagnetic interference requirements.  The growth of mobile phones, mobile switches will inevitably increase the capacity and the number of ground stations.  Mobile communications with the soft magnetic materials mainly soft magnetic devices. 。 Ferrite components mainly used magnetic antenna wireless paging, mobile phone electromagnetic compatibility with the core, such as high band of anti-parasitic oscillation with core, mixers used in the core, coupled with coil Cores, and Chip inductors, and so on , For these components, domestic supply can not meet the requirements, mainly rely on imports.  Program-controlled switches to small development.  Small mobile switches and no need for management of high-temperature range, low power consumption and high permeability of the soft ferrite cores.  At present, the main use of the core foreign imports.  China's production of the core material with similar properties on the international basically the same, but the appearance of poor quality products, not to be a lot to accept.  Program-controlled switches on the core requirements of power is used in high-frequency low-loss material, surface-mount technology used in chip inductors, LC filters, mixed-circuit chip devices, coupled with the transformer permeability rate of 12,000 to 15,000 high permeability Materials and the high rate of saturation flux materials.  Fixed to the cordless telephone and visual development. 。 Cordless telephone call must have high-definition quality, effective to prevent eavesdropping, anti-interference, call range, low power consumption, low radiation and other environmental advantages. 。 Require high permeability and low power loss as a power ferrite materials and anti-jamming device electromagnetic compatibility, to ensure the reliability and stability.  Computer soft market demand for a large number of devices  Laptop computer.  With notebook computers, electronic components and increase the clock speed of light, the components must also be applied to the corresponding high-frequency, the direction of chip development, such as reducing the power cord and the noise generated between the common mode of soft ferrite Filter; digital signal to remove the high harmonic distortion noise components of chip bead filter; absorb noise shield; gripping the cable line noise filter; DC battery supply voltage into the circuit DC voltage to DC - DC converter core; LCD backlight high-voltage exchange with DC - AC inverter; magnetic loss to be significantly reduced, to achieve the computer low heat, energy-efficient transformers ferrite core; IE EE1394 / Anti-jamming USB interface chip beads, common mode filter core, and so on.  LCD monitors.  At present, the display market, liquid crystal display market showing a strong momentum of growth, liquid crystal display is a typical digital consumer electronics, needs some important soft electronic components, so that the flat panel display thinner, higher quality, lower electromagnetic noise.  Magnetic devices such as one of three video filters, chokes, inductors patch, filter CLAMPING, Flake beads, DC - exchange converters, such as the large number of films rheostat demand.  EMI market inhibit the auto industry is crucial  Automotive electronics systems EMC with ferrite.  Automotive electronics systems more advanced, more complex, electromagnetic compatibility (E MC) issues more prominent.  In order to ensure that the automotive electronics system reliability, we must take effective measures to curb EMI.  In order to curb the conduction of automotive electronic system noise, the principle of using LC filter chokes the norm and common mode chokes is a simple and effective means. 。 As the norm chokes non-current compensation type, so it is necessary to large cross-section of the Cores and high saturation magnetic flux density, magnetic saturation is usually difficult to use the metal powder Cores, such as iron and iron-nickel Si-Al-Mo powder and so on, while the current Compensation of the common mode chokes, MnZn of the high permeability of ferrite is the most suitable material.  Automobile HID Ballasts with ferrite.  HID is high-intensity gas discharge lamps, also known as HID Kits  So far the world has more than 20 million cars equipped with HID headlamps, known as the 21st century revolutionary automotive electronics products.  Ballast in a variety of brands, the core components DC - DC converters, the main transformer, without exception, have adopted high-performance power ferrite Cores made, the main transformer Cores were in a small PQ and the RM-type.  EV charging devices Ferrites.  Pure electric vehicle (EV) is high-energy rechargeable batteries as a power source drive vehicles.  EV batteries way into contact and induction of two.  Inductive charging system (IC S) to overcome the shortcomings of the contact, safe, reliable, stable performance, charging technology represents the direction of development.  In this charging method, and car-charging stations-one each by ferrite materials made of large flat-shaped cans Cores, inlay around the coil.  Charging a two coil around a transformer, on the initial level of high-frequency magnetic induction will be coupled by the exchange of electric charging stations to feed the battery pack.  The study showed that similar TDK PC44, PC47 or FDK 6 H40, 6H45, and so is the production of low-loss power ferrite magnetic-coupled device more suitable for the Cores materials.  HEV power system with ferrite.  Hybrid Electric Vehicle (H EV) by the internal combustion engine and batteries of two power-driven vehicles, in order to achieve complex power conversion and transmission functions, HEV power system used by more than power transformers and chokes conversion.  In order to ensure that the environment in poor long-term reliable operation and to maintain high efficiency, these transformers and chokes the Cores are using high-performance wide temperature range low-loss power ferrite materials, such as TDKPC95 or FDK 6 H60, and other materials . Consumer electronics market increase the proportion of high-grade ferrite  And consumer electronics products have been China's largest magnetic materials market, but consumer electronics products has undergone a qualitative change, flat-panel TV to replace the traditional CRT TVs, digital trends become mainstream, some old products are losing market.  Color television sets.  China's color TV sets and consumer electronics products has been the dominant, global production at 1.7 billion around the year 2010 will reach 200 million Taiwan.  The future development of hot spots is high-definition, big screen and the transition to digital, flat-panel TVs will account for around 60%.  This magnetic materials products more stringent requirements: a high frequency of, and demand the power ferrite core work of a higher frequency, high-definition, require power transformer power stability, and material power loss small, saturation magnetization great image stabilization , Bright color, require the use of high permeability of materials and anti-electromagnetic interference soft-core and high-performance focus; figures of the development of soft magnetic materials on the power loss, the permeability rate, frequency of use than the requirements of the simulated high; The International Energy Agency provides color TV standby power to drop to 1 watt, low-loss power ferrite materials to new requirements. 。 From the future development of color television market, the premium will account for the ferrite 80 percent of the total.  Digital video and audio equipment.  Digital devices, including DVD, digital video recorders and digital cameras perturbation.  Perturbation global digital video recorders, digital cameras, digital recorders and other audio-video equipment developed very quickly. 。 Digital cameras are basically replace the traditional optical cameras, DVD and tape replaced the VCD players, digital cameras and DVD drives to replace the tape.  These digital products-LCD, magnetic recording and image processing in one, on request small size, anti-noise interference good magnetic components, the overwhelming majority of components used patch.  At present, only a small number of supporting domestic enterprises.
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