MATLAB crashes on startup (segmentation violation)

I have been using MATLAB2014b on Ubuntu 15.10 without any issue until the recent Ubuntu update. After the patch, MATLAB crashes after the splash screen. (See the error report below.) I wonder if there

I have been using MATLAB2014b on Ubuntu 15.10 without any issue until the recent Ubuntu update. After the patch, MATLAB crashes after the splash screen. (See the error report below.) I wonder if there is anything in my system causing the trouble?

I have tried removing and reinstalling MATLAB, and removing the .matlab directory but the problem still persists.

(Note: Command line mode using ‘-nodesktop’ option doesn’t seem to be affected by this issue.)

MATLAB crash file:/home/username/matlab_crash_dump.7598-1:

Segmentation violation detected at Wed Mar 23 15:52:27 2016

Crash Decoding : Disabled
Current Visual : None
Default Encoding : UTF-8
GNU C Library : 2.21 stable
MATLAB Architecture: glnxa64
MATLAB Root : /usr/local/MATLAB/R2014b
MATLAB Version : (R2014b)
Operating System : Linux 4.2.0-34-generic #39-Ubuntu SMP Thu Mar 10 22:13:01 UTC 2016 x86_64
Processor ID : x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 11, GenuineIntel
Virtual Machine : Java 1.7.0_11-b21 with Oracle Corporation Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM mixed mode
Window System : No active display
Fault Count: 1
Abnormal termination:
Segmentation violation
Register State (from fault):
RAX = 0000000000000000 RBX = 00007fdb91e76808
RCX = 0000000000000000 RDX = 0000000000000003
RSP = 00007fdc29c88ae0 RBP = 00007fdc29c88c00
RSI = 0000000000000000 RDI = 00007fdb91e729e8
R8 = 0000000000000018 R9 = 0000000000000000
R10 = 00007fdb91e72000 R11 = 00007fdb91e77450
R12 = 00007fdb92092f80 R13 = 0000000000000006
R14 = 00007fdb91e73cc0 R15 = 00007fdbb84c5bc0
RIP = 00007fdc40a3190a EFL = 0000000000010206
CS = 0033 FS = 0000 GS = 0000
Stack Trace (from fault):
[ 0] 0x00007fdc40a3190a /lib64/
[ 1] 0x00007fdc40a3a501 /lib64/
[ 2] 0x00007fdc40a354b4 /lib64/
[ 3] 0x00007fdc40a399f3 /lib64/
[ 4] 0x00007fdc3d2b6fc9 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
[ 5] 0x00007fdc40a354b4 /lib64/
[ 6] 0x00007fdc3d2b762d /lib/x86_64-li

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Segmentation fault (core dumped) is an error that occurs when a program tries to access a memory location that it is not allowed to access, or the memory location is corrupted. This error typically indicates a bug in the program. To troubleshoot this issue with Astra, you can try the following steps: 1. Check for any recent changes: If you made any modifications to the codebase or the environment, try reverting those changes and see if the issue persists. 2. Enable core dump files: By default, the core dump files are often disabled. You can enable them by running the following command before executing your program: ``` ulimit -c unlimited ``` This command sets the maximum size of core files to unlimited. 3. Analyze the core dump file: When the program crashes with a segmentation fault, it typically generates a core dump file that can be analyzed to determine the cause of the crash. You can use tools like `gdb` (GNU Debugger) to analyze the core dump file. Here's an example command to analyze the core dump file: ``` gdb <path_to_executable> <path_to_core_dump_file> ``` Once inside the debugger, you can use commands like `bt` (backtrace) to get more information about the crash. 4. Check for memory-related issues: Segmentation faults often occur due to issues with memory allocation or deallocation. Make sure that you are correctly managing memory in your code and not accessing any invalid memory locations. 5. Review the code and debug: Go through your code and look for any potential causes of the segmentation fault. Use print statements or a debugger to narrow down the problematic code section and identify the root cause. If you are still unable to resolve the issue, you can provide more details about your specific problem, including the programming language, any error messages, and a code snippet if possible.


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