

本文向大家推荐12款免费的优秀高质量 HTML5+CSS3 模板。

1. Touch The Future: Create An Elegant Website With HTML 5 And CSS3

The aim of this tutorial is to create an elegant blog/portfolio for an efficient professional (graphic and web designer or photographer). You will can download the template at the end of the tutorial.


2. Free 2 Column & 3Column HTML5 template

2 column layout and another 3 column with a little contact box, .psd file is included with each template.

3. One-Page Website Template

An HTML5 web template, using some of the new features brought by CSS3 and jQuery, with the scrollTo plug-in.

4. EarthDay HTML5 and CSS3 Template

EarthDay is a 3-column HTML5 and CSS3 template designed to honor Earth Day. Sporting the blues and greens we’ve come to expect from eco-friendly sites, the template should work well for any green inspired content.

5. Coding A HTML 5 Layout From Scratch

A very basic layout which covers most of the elements we can start coding using HTML5. Basically: the page’s name and it’s slogan, a menu, a highlighted (featured) area, a post listing, an extras section with some external links, an about box and finally a copyright statement.

6. FlipThru HTML5 and CSS3 Template

FlipThru is a 1-column business-oriented HTML5 and CSS3 template that makes extensive use of CSS3 to create a horizontal accordion effect. This effect does work in IE as well.

7. HTML 5 and CSS 3: The Techniques You’ll Soon Be Using

In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to build a blog page using next-generation techniques from HTML 5 and CSS 3. Pretty much your every day blog design. Header with title, horizontal navigation, content area with comments and form, sidebar and a footer.

Take a look at the markup:


< !doctype html> <html> <head>    </head> <body><br /><header><h1>Page title</h1></header><nav>         <!– Navigation –>   </nav><section id=”intro”>      <!– Introduction –>     </section><section>         <!– Main content area –>    </section><aside>       <!– Sidebar –>  </aside><footer>      <!– Footer –>   </footer><p>  </body> </html>



8. Simple Website Layout Tutorial

A very Simple web page with HTML 5 and styling with CSS3.

9. Gotta’ love HTML5 & CSS3

A tabbed image gallery but animated using some CSS transitions. All of this is going to be built with HTML5 & CSS3, there is going to be NO use of flash or javascript for this layout.

10. HTML5 CSS3 starting template

It’s always useful to have a base to start a new website build from and what better way to encourage people to use HTML5 and CSS3 than sharing my basic HTML5/CSS3 template.

11. H5 WordPress Theme Template

The H5 Theme Template provides everything you need to create beautiful themes with HTML 5 right now. H5 contains a complete set of theme files and folders, and each file has been meticulously crafted with all of the latest and greatest WordPress functionality.

12. A free HTML5 and CSS3 theme

A truly HTML5 and CSS3 elegant theme with a Fully working Ajax PHP contact form, Uses the ChunkFive font to headings and IE6 & IE7 warning.(Source:html5age)

  HTML5添加非常多的新语法特性包括:<video>, <audio>, <canvas>等元素以及以及与SVG内容整合。免费网站模板总是设计者和开发者的高需求。以下是为大家推荐2011年初至今的一些不错且免费的HTML5的模板。

1. Free Website Template Slider Typography


2. Free Communication HTML5 wesite template(适用于通信行业的网站建站)


3. HTML5 website template for airline company(适用于航空公司网站)


4. TheHoleInOne HTML5 template       

5.Free Science HTML5 template(科学相关网站)     

6.  Free HTML5 Template For Hosting  Website(主机托管) 

7. CowboyUp HTML5 Template

8. HTML5 Templates For Real Estate Websites(适用于房地产网站)     

9. HTML5 Portfolio Website Template      

10. Website Template For Business Company


11. BoldAs HTML5 Template

12. HTML5 Music Website Template(适用于建设音乐网站)

13. HTML5 Template For Design Company Website(适用于设计公司)



14. ArchiteXtrue HTML5 Template

15. Eductation Website Template For Learn Center(适用于建设教育/培训网站)       

16. Static Facebook template For Music Band Page

 17) Free Travel Website Template(适用于建设旅游网站)



18) Free Business Website Template(商务网站)


19) Free Website Template Web Design Studio


20) Free Music Website Template(适用于建设音乐网站)








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