解析 SCZ 字符串
typedef WCHAR *PSCZ;
就是说,PSCZ 就是保存了WCHAR *的首地址。
真正的 SCZ 字符串有两部分组成:第一部分是字符串的长度,第二部分是字符串本身,字符串以空结尾。
//----- (1008EBD7)--------------------------------------------------------
int __fastcall SczAlloc(int *a1,unsigned int a2)
v2 =a1;
v3 =a2;
if (!a1 )
CbsUtil_Assert((int)"base\\cbs\\util\\cbsstr.cpp", 21, (int)"pscz");
v4 =0;
v8 =0;
if (v3 > 0x3FFFFFFF)
v4 =-2147317563;
CBSWdsLog(0x4000000, -2147317563, 1, "string sizetoo big");
return v4;
if (!*v2 )
goto LABEL_5;
v4 =SczSize(*v2,&v8);
if (v4 < 0)
CBSWdsLog(0x4000000, v4, 1, "Failed to get size of existing string");
return v4;
if (v8 < v3 )
operator delete((void *)(*v2 - 4));
*v2= 0;
v5 =(unsigned int *)operatornew(2 * v3 +4);
if (v5 )
*v5= v3;
v6 =v5 + 1;
*v2= (int)v6;
*v6= 0;
v4 =-2147024882;
CBSWdsLog(0x4000000, -2147024882, 1, "Failed to allocate string");
return v4;
if (v8 )
*(_WORD *)*v2 = 0;
if (!*v2 )
goto LABEL_5;
return v4;
//----- (000000018001064C)----------------------------------------------------
__int64 __fastcall SczAlloc(__int64 *a1,unsigned __int64 a2)
v2 =a2;
v3 =a1;
if (!a1 )
CbsUtil_Assert((__int64)"base\\cbs\\util\\cbsstr.cpp", 21i64, (__int64)"pscz");
v11 =0i64;
v4 =0;
if (v2 > 0x3FFFFFFF)
v4 =-2147317563;
v5 ="string sizetoo big";
v7 =v4;
goto LABEL_16;
if (!*v3 )
v8 =(unsigned __int64 *)operatornew(2 * v2 +8);
if (v8 )
*v8= v2;
v9 =v8 + 1;
*v3= (__int64)v9;
*v9= 0;
return (unsigned int)v4;
v4 =-2147024882;
v5 ="Failed to allocate string";
goto LABEL_15;
v6 =SczSize(*v3,&v11);
v4 =v6;
if (v6 < 0)
v5 ="Failed to get size of existing string";
v7 =v6;
CBSWdsLog(0x4000000u,v7, (size_t *)1, v5);
return (unsigned int)v4;
if (v2 > 0)
operator delete((void *)(*v3 - 8));
*v3= 0i64;
goto LABEL_13;
if (v11 )
*(_WORD *)*v3 = 0;
if (!*v3 )
goto LABEL_13;
return (unsignedint)v4;
//----- (1008C877)--------------------------------------------------------
int __fastcall SczSize(int a1, _DWORD *a2)
v2 =a1;
v3 =a2;
if (!a1 )
CbsUtil_Assert((int)"base\\cbs\\util\\cbsstr.cpp", 639, (int)"sz");
if (!v3 )
CbsUtil_Assert((int)"base\\cbs\\util\\cbsstr.cpp", 640, (int)"pcch");
*v3= *(_DWORD *)(v2 - 4);
return 0;
//----- (00000001800117C8)----------------------------------------------------
__int64 __fastcall SczSize(__int64 a1, _QWORD *a2)
v2 =a2;
v3 =a1;
if (!a1 )
CbsUtil_Assert((__int64)"base\\cbs\\util\\cbsstr.cpp", 639i64, (__int64)"sz");
if (!v2 )
CbsUtil_Assert((__int64)"base\\cbs\\util\\cbsstr.cpp", 640i64, (__int64)"pcch");
*v2= *(_QWORD *)(v3 - 8);
return 0i64;