
ScalaTest 是一个开源测试框架,旨在令测试更加高效。其开发者是Bill Venners(Artima主编)。Bill Venners这样描述ScalaTest:

ScalaTest是比JUnit和TestNG更加高阶的测试编写工具,这个Scala应用在JVM上运行,可以测试Scala以及Java代码。除了与JUnit和TestNG的深层集成外,还支持Ant任务,与maven集成,并包括了流行的Java mocking框架JMock、EasyMock以及Mockito的语法增强。通过JUnit集成,ScalaTest可以轻松地在Eclipse、NetBeans以及IntelliJ IDEA等IDE,以及Infinitest等生产工具中使用。

本文将简单介绍如何使用 ScalaTest 测试框架对我们的Scala代码进行测试。

部分例子来自于 《Testing in Scala》 Daniel Hinojosa O’REILLY


有了对 SBT 和 Scala 的一些了解作为前置知识,看下面的内容会比较轻松。(部分单词为了表达上的准确并没有翻译成中文)


下面这个例子来自于Testing in Scala一书,先来直观的感觉一下ScalaTest这个测试框架。


// Artist类有两个属性 firstNam表示名字 和 lastName姓氏
class Artist(val firstName: String, val lastName: String)


// Album 有三个属性 title表示专辑名称 year表示发行年份 artist表示专辑作者
class Album(val title: String, val year: Int, val artist: Artist)


import org . scalatest .{ FunSpec , ShouldMatchers }
class AlbumTest extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers {
describe ( "An Album" ) {
it ( "can add an Artist object to the album" ) {
val album = new Album ( "Thriller" , 1981 , new Artist ( "Michael" , "Jackson" ))
album . artist . firstName should be ( "Michael" )

在终端输入test-only AlbumTest回车,得到如下输出:

[ info ] AlbumTest :
[ info ] An Album
[ info ] - can add an Artist object to the album
[ info ] Run completed in 197 milliseconds .
[ info ] Total number of tests run : 1
[ info ] Suites : completed 1 , aborted 0
[ info ] Tests : succeeded 1 , failed 0 , canceled 0 , ignored 0 , pending 0
[ info ] All tests passed .
[ success ] Total time : 0 s , completed May 18 , 2015 9 : 47 : 05 PM

根据输入信息可以知道通过测试为1个,则说明我们要验证的can add an Artist object to the album这个操作是可以执行的。



本文中讨论的项目都以SBT构建,相关知识可以在 SBT官网 学习。



libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "2.2.4"


libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" % "scalatest_2.10.4" % "2.2.4"


这里的区别仅在于%% "scalatest"% "scalatest_2.10.4",关于区别的详情,请参看SBT官网 



import org . scalatest .{ FunSpec , ShouldMatchers }
class AlbumTest extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers {
describe ( "An Album" ) {
it ( "can add an Artist object to the album" ) {
val album = new Album ( "Thriller" , 1981 , new Artist ( "Michael" , "Jackson" ))
album . artist . firstName should be ( "Michael" )

里,我们作出了一个断言:Thriller这张专辑的作者的firstName是Michael。可以看到在代码的第7行有一个should,这就是ScalaTest中的两大类Macher之一的Should Macher,另一类是Must Macher,用must来表示。


前面讲到ScalaTest中的Macher分为两大类--Should MacherMust Macher。它们的区别仅在测试报告中体现,所以在后面不同情形下的Macher的说明中,只以Should Macher为例。

Simple Macher

Simple Macher就是在两个值之间使用一个断言,如下例:

val list = 2 :: 4 :: 5 :: Nil
list . size should be ( 3 )

这里使用了Should Macher,来判断list.size是否和3相等。如果list.siz的大小不为3,则测试无法通过。


  • 右边的值需要使用圆括号()括起来
// 这种写法会导致编译错误
list.size should be 3
  • 可以将be替换为equal
// 这种写法和 list.size should be(3) 等价
list.size should equal( 3 )
  • 在ScalaTest中基本不使用==!=进行条件断言


list . size == 5

这样写只会验证list.size == 5这是表达式是true或者false,并不会进行断言的验证,因而不会有TestFailedException异常抛出,测试将继续运行。

String Macher

String Macher为字符串断言提供了一些有用的方法,利用这些方法可以判断一个字符串是否包含另一个字符串、一个字符串以某个字符串开头或结尾、一个字符串是否能匹配一个正则表达式等。如下面的例子:

val string = """I fell into a burning ring of fire.
I went down, down, down and the flames went higher"""
// 以 "I fell" 字符串开头
string should startWith( "I fell" )
// 以 "higher" 字符串结尾
string should endWith( "higher" )
// 不以 "My favorite friend, the end" 字符串结尾
string should not endWith "My favorite friend, the end"
// 包含 "down, down, down" 字符串
string should include( "down, down, down" )
// 不包含 "Great balls of fire" 字符串
string should not include ( "Great balls of fire" )
// 以匹配正则表达式 "I.fel+" 的字符串开头
string should startWith regex ( "I.fel+" )
// 以匹配正则表达式 "h.{4}r" 的字符串结尾
string should endWith regex ( "h.{4}r" )
// 不以匹配正则表达式 "\\d{5}" 的字符串结尾
string should not endWith regex( "\\d{5}" )
// 包含匹配正则表达式 "flames?" 的字符串
string should include regex ( "flames?" )
// 完全匹配正则表达式 "I(.|\n|\S)*higher"
string should fullyMatch regex ( """I(.|\n|\S)*higher""" )
Relational Operator Macher


val answerToLife = 42
answerToLife should be < ( 50 )
answerToLife should not be > ( 50 )
answerToLife should be > ( 3 )
answerToLife should be <= ( 100 )
answerToLife should be >= ( 0 )
answerToLife should be === ( 42 )
answerToLife should not be === ( 400 )

上面的例子中,要解释的应该只有===这个运算符了,这个运算符验等它左边的部分是否等于右边的部分。在前面说过,==只是验证值是否相等并不会验证断言,因此在涉及验证是否相等时最好使用should beshould equal===

Floating-point Macher

浮点数在JVM中实际上是很复杂的,考虑一个算式0.9 - 0.8,在我们看来结果应该是0.1,实际上在REPL中执行这个运算,会得到如下的结果:

scala > 0.9 - 0.8
res0 : Double = 0.09999999999999998


// 允许右边的范围在 0.1 - 0.01 到 0.1 + 0.01 之间
( 0.9 - 0.8 ) should be ( 0.1 plusOrMinus .01 )
// 允许右边的范围在 40 - 0.3 到 40 + 0.3 之间
( 0.4 + 0.1 ) should not be ( 40.00 plusOrMinus .30 )

实际上上面例子的第4行 0.4 + 0.1 在REPL中会输出一个准确的值 0.5

Reference Macher


val garthBrooks = new Artist ( "Garth" , "Brooks" )
val chrisGaines = garthBrooks
garthBrooks should be theSameInstanceAs ( chrisGaines )
val debbieHarry = new Artist ( "Debbie" , "Harry" )
garthBrooks should not be theSameInstanceAs ( debbieHarry )
Iterable Macher


List () should be ( 'empty )
8 :: 6 :: 7 :: 5 :: 3 :: 0 :: 9 :: Nil should contain( 7 )


Seq and Traversable Macher


( 1 to 9 ) should have length ( 9 )
( 20 to 60 by 2 ) should have size ( 21 )


Map Macher


val map = Map ( "Jimmy Page" -> "Led Zeppelin" , "Sting" -> "The Police" , "Aimee Mann" -> "Til\' Tuesday" )
// map中应该包含值为 "Sting" 的key
map should contain key ( "Sting" )
// map中应该包含值为 "Led Zeppelin" 的value
map should contain value ( "Led Zeppelin" )
// map中应该不包含值为 "Brian May" 的key
map should not contain key( "Brian May" )
Compound Macher


val redHotChiliPeppers = List ( "Anthony Kiedis" , "Flea" , "Chad Smith" , "Josh Klinghoffer" )
// redHotChiliPeppers变量中应该包含 "Anthony Kiedis" 不应该包含 "John Frusciante" 和 "Dave Navarro"
redHotChiliPeppers should (contain( "Anthony Kiedis" ) and (not contain ( "John Frusciante" ) or contain( "Dave Navarro" )))


  • andor的断言必须使用圆括号()包围起来
  • 断言的右边必须使用圆括号()包围起来


// 这会导致编译错误
redHotChiliPeppers should not contain "The Edge" or contain "Kenny G"
// 这也会导致编译错误
redHotChiliPeppers should not (contain "The Edge" or contain "Kenny G" )
// 这是正确的写法
redHotChiliPeppers should not (contain ( "The Edge" ) or contain ( "Kenny G" ))


var total = 3
redHotChiliPeppers should not ( contain ( "The Edge" ) or contain { total += 6 ; "Kenny G" })
total should be ( 9 )

如果发生短路total should be (9)这里肯定不能通过,not contain ("The Edge")已经是true,则or运算没必要再运行。但执行完这个测试发现total的值已经是9,说明此时并没有发生短路


gorillaz should ( not be ( null ) and contain ( "Damon Albarn" ))


gorillaz should not be ( null )
gorillaz should contain ( "Damon Albarn" )


Property Macher


import scala . collection . mutable . WrappedArray
val album = new Album ( "Blizzard of Ozz" , 1980 , new Artist ( "Ozzy" , "Osbourne" ))
album should have (
'title ( "Blizzard of Ozz" ),
'year ( 1980 ),
'artist ( new Artist( "Ozzy" , "Osbourne" ))




import java . util .{ List => JList , ArrayList => JArrayList , Map => JMap , HashMap => JHashMap }
val jList : JList [ Int ] = new JArrayList [ Int ]( 20 )
jList . add ( 3 ); jList . add ( 6 ); jList . add ( 9 )
val emptyJList : JList [ Int ] = new JArrayList [ Int ]()
emptyJList should be ( 'empty )
jList should have length ( 3 )
jList should have size ( 3 )
jList should contain( 6 )
jList should not contain ( 10 )
val backupBands: JMap[String, String] = new JHashMap()
backupBands.put( "Joan Jett" , "Blackhearts" )
backupBands.put( "Tom Petty" , "Heartbreakers" )
backupBands should contain key ( "Joan Jett" )
backupBands should contain value ( "Heartbreakers" )
backupBands should not contain key( "John Lydon" )


Must Macher

在前面的一些例子中,都是使用Should Machershould这个关键字,实际上可以把前面的should都换成must。如下面的一些例子:

val list = 2 :: 4 :: 5 :: Nil
list . size must be ( 3 )
val string = """I fell into a burning ring of fire.
I went down, down, down and the flames went higher"""
string must startWith regex ( "I.fel+" )
string must endWith regex ( "h.{4}r" )
val answerToLife = 42
answerToLife must be < ( 50 )
answerToLife must not be >( 50 )
val garthBrooks = new Artist ( "Garth" , "Brooks" )
val chrisGaines = garthBrooks
val debbieHarry = new Artist ( "Debbie" , "Harry" )
garthBrooks must be theSameInstanceAs ( chrisGaines )
( 0.9 - 0.8 ) must be ( 0.1 plusOrMinus .01 )
List () must be ( 'empty )
1 :: 2 :: 3 :: Nil must contain( 3 )
( 1 to 9 ).toList must have length ( 9 )
( 20 to 60 by 2 ).toList must have size ( 21 )
val map = Map( "Jimmy Page" -> "Led Zeppelin" , "Sting" -> "The Police" , "Aimee Mann" -> "Til\' Tuesday" )
map must contain key ( "Sting" )
map must contain value ( "Led Zeppelin" )
map must not contain key( "Brian May" )
val redHotChiliPeppers = List( "Anthony Kiedis" , "Flea" , "Chad Smith" , "Josh Klinghoffer" )
redHotChiliPeppers must (contain( "Anthony Kiedis" ) and (not contain ( "John Frusciante" ) or contain( "Dave Navarro" )))

上面的这些例子只是把之前的例子中的should换成了must,这完全是等价的。正如之前说过的,Should MacherMust Macher的不同之处只在测试报告中体现。


ScalaTest中,有两中方式来验证异常的抛出和捕获。intercept blockevaluating block

intercept block
intercept block这种方式把任何可能抛出异常的代码放入一个intercept代码块中,如果代码块没有抛出异常,则测试失败。如下面的例子:

"An album" should {
"throw an IllegalArgumentException if there are no acts when created" in {
intercept [ IllegalArgumentException ] {
new Album ( "The Joy of Listening to Nothing" , 1980 , List ())


evaluating block
evaluating block这种方式将可能抛出异常的代码放入一个evaluating代码块中,使用一个shouldmust加上一个produce关键字来指明异常的类型。如下面的例子:

val thrownException = evaluating { new Album ( "The Joy of Listening to Nothing" , 1980 , List ())} must produce [ IllegalArgumentException ]
thrownException . getMessage () must be ( "An Artist is required" )

intercept blockevaluating block其实做的是同样的事情,但是使用evaluating block方式可以捕获到抛出的异常。如果一次调用可能抛出多个不同的异常,那么这种方法的好处就是可以捕获到异常然后判断出抛出的是哪个异常。如果引起某个异常的原因有多个,如上例中的IllegalArgumentException可能是Artist未创建造成的,也可能是year这个参数不合法造成的。那么在这种情况下要确保异常的信息是An Artist is required,这就只能使用evaluating block这种方式了。



import org . scalatest .{ FunSpec , ShouldMatchers }
class AlbumTest extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers {
describe ( "An Album" ) {
it ( "can add an Artist object to the album" ) {
val album = new Album ( "Thriller" , 1981 , new Artist ( "Michael" , "Jackson" ))
info ( "Test firstName should be Michael" )
album . artist . firstName should be ( "Thriller" )


[ info ] AlbumTest :
[ info ] An Album
[ info ] - can add an Artist object to the album
[ info ] + Test firstName should be Michael
[ info ] Run completed in 231 milliseconds .
[ info ] Total number of tests run : 1
[ info ] Suites : completed 1 , aborted 0
[ info ] Tests : succeeded 1 , failed 0 , canceled 0 , ignored 0 , pending 0
[ info ] All tests passed .
[ success ] Total time : 0 s , completed May 19 , 2015 9 : 19 : 28 PM

可以和简单的例子中的输出结果进行比较,发现在第4行多出了一个+ Test firstName should be Michael,这里就是Informer的输出了,以+开头。



import core .{ Artist , Album }
import org . scalatest .{ GivenWhenThen , ShouldMatchers , FunSpec }
class AlbumSpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers with GivenWhenThen {
describe ( "An Album" ) {
it ( "can add an Artist to the album at construction time" ) {
Given ( "The album Thriller by Michael Jackson" )
val album = new Album ( "Thriller" , 1981 , new Artist ( "Michael" , "Jackson" ))
When ( "the album\'s artist is obtained" )
val artist = album . artist
Then ( "the artist obtained should be an instance of Artist" )
artist . isInstanceOf [ Artist ] should be ( true )
and ( "the artist's first name and last name should be Michael Jackson" )
artist . firstName should be ( "Michael" )
artist . lastName should be ( "Jackson" )


[ info ] AlbumSpec :
[ info ] An Album
[ info ] - can add an Artist to the album at construction time
[ info ] + Given The album Thriller by Michael Jackson
[ info ] + When the album 's artist is obtained
[info] + Then the artist obtained should be an instance of Artist
[info] + And the artist' s first name and last name should be Michael Jackson
[ info ] Run completed in 216 milliseconds .
[ info ] Total number of tests run : 1
[ info ] Suites : completed 1 , aborted 0
[ info ] Tests : succeeded 1 , failed 0 , canceled 0 , ignored 0 , pending 0
[ info ] All tests passed .
[ success ] Total time : 0 s , completed May 19 , 2015 9 : 31 : 47 PM



待测试(Pending Test)这个思想我觉得在实际中会用的比较多。pending是一个占位符,可以将尚未实现或定义的测试以pending来填充。Pending Test实际上就是利用pending来将测试标记为TODO的。如下面的例子:

class AlbumSpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers with GivenWhenThen {
describe ( "An Album" ) {
it ( "can add an Artist to the album at construction time" ) { pending }
it ( "can add opt to not have any artists at construction time" ) { pending }


[ info ] AlbumSpec :
[ info ] An Album
[ info ]- can add an Artist to the album at construction time ( pending )
[ info ]- can add opt to not have any artists at construction time ( pending )



class AlbumSpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers {
describe ( "An Album" ) {
it ( "can add an Artist to the album at construction time" ) {
val album = new Album ( "Thriller" , 1981 , new Artist ( "Michael" , "Jackson" ))
info ( "Making sure that Michael Jackson is indeed the artist of Thriller" )
it ( "can add opt to not have any artists at construction time" ) { pending }


[ info ] AlbumSpec :
[ info ] An Album
[ info ]- can add an Artist to the album at construction time ( pending )
[ info ] + Making sure that Michael Jackson is indeed the artist of Thriller
[ info ]- can add opt to not have any artists at construction time ( pending )



import org . scalatest .{ FunSpec , ShouldMatchers }
class AlbumTest extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers {
describe ( "An Album" ) {
it ( "can add an Artist object to the album" ) {
val album = new Album ( "Thriller" , 1981 , new Artist ( "Michael" , "Jackson" ))
album . artist . firstName should be ( "Michael" )
ignore ( "can add a Producer to an album at construction time" ) {
new Album ( "Breezin\'" , 1976 , new Artist ( "George" , "Benson" ))
//TODO: Figure out the implementation of an album producer


[ info ] AlbumSpec :
[ info ] An Album
[ info ]- can add an Artist to the album at construction time
[ info ]- can add a Producer to an album at construction time !!! IGNORED !!!

这是因为第二个测试can add a Producer to an album at construction time中的itignore给替代了,在运行测试时,它将被忽略。在上面的输出结果中的反映就是在测试名后面加上了!!! IGNORED !!!。如果要恢复这个测试,只需要将ignore替换成it就好了。



  • 你想跳过某些很费时的测试
  • 某些测试是检查一些相关的功能 需要在一起执行
  • 你想给测试分成单元测试综合测试验收测试等分类时


it ( "can add an Artist to the album at construction time" , Tag ( "construction" )) {
// 其它代码

上面的例子是在FunSpec接口中的实现,给can add an Artist to the album at construction time这个测试添加了construction的标记。


  • SBT的test命令暂时还不能支持运行指定标签的测试


  • SBT的test-only命令是支持执行指定标签的测试的


test - only AlbumTest -- - n construction

在待测试类名的后面加上--再加上n再加上标签,来指行指定的测试(有多个标签 则需要用双引号"将标签包围起来)。如果要排除某个标签,将前面说的n换成l即可。




import org . scalatest . matchers . ShouldMatchers
import org . scalatest .{ Tag , GivenWhenThen , FunSpec }
class AlbumSpecAll extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers with GivenWhenThen {
describe ( "An Album" ) {
it ( "can add an Artist to the album at construction time" , Tag ( "construction" )) {
given ( "The album Thriller by Michael Jackson" )
val album = new Album ( "Thriller" , 1981 , new Artist ( "Michael" , "Jackson" ))
when ( "the artist of the album is obtained" )
artist = album . artist
then ( "the artist should be an instance of Artist" )
artist . isInstanceOf [ Artist ] should be ( true )
and ( "the artist's first name and last name should be Michael Jackson" )
artist . firstName should be ( "Michael" )
artist . lastName should be ( "Jackson" )
info ( "This is still pending, since there may be more to accomplish in this test" )
ignore ( "can add a Producer to an album at construction time" ) {
//TODO: Add some logic to add a producer.


[ info ] AlbumSpecAll :
[ info ] An Album
[ info ] - can add an Artist to the album at construction time ( pending )
[ info ]
+ Given The album Thriller by Michael Jackson
[ info ]
+ When Artist of the album is obtained
[ info ]
+ Then the Artist should be an instance of Artist
[ info ]
+ And the artist 's first name and last name should be Michael Jackson
+ This is still pending, since there may be more to accomplish in this
[info] - can add a Producer to an album at construction time !!! IGNORED !!!
[info] Passed: : Total 2, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 0, Skipped 2



test - only AlbumSpecAll -- - n construction
[ info ] AlbumSpecAll :
[ info ] An Album
[ info ] - can add an Artist to the album at construction time ( pending )
[ info ] + Given The album Thriller by Michael Jackson
[ info ] + When Artist of the album is obtained
[ info ] + Then the Artist should be an instance of Artist
[ info ] + And the artist 's first name and last name should be Michael Jackson
[info] + This is still pending, since there may be more to accomplish in this test
[info] Passed: : Total 1, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 0, Skipped 1



import org . scalatest . matchers . ShouldMatchers
import org . scalatest .{ Tag , GivenWhenThen , FunSpec }
class A extends FunSpec with ShouldMachers {
describe ( "一些描述信息" ) {
it ( "一些描述信息" ) {
// 其它的 it





class Act


class Album(val title: String, val year: Int, val acts: Act*)


class Band(name: String, members: List[Artist]) extends Act


import org . scalatest .{ ShouldMatchers , WordSpec }
class AlbumWordSpec extends WordSpec with ShouldMatchers {
"An Album" when {
"created" should {
"accept the title, the year, and a Band as a parameter, and be able to read those parameters back" in {
new Album ( "Hotel California" , 1997 ,
new Band ( "The Eagles" , List ( new Artist ( "Don" , "Henley" ),
new Artist ( "Glenn" , "Frey" ),
new Artist ( "Joe" , "Walsh" ),
new Artist ( "Randy" , "Meisner" ),
new Artist ( "Don" , "Felder" ))))


[ info ] AlbumWordSpec :
[ info ] An Album
[ info ] when created
[ info ] - should accept the title , the year , and a Band as a parameter , and be able to read those parameters back
[ info ] Run completed in 170 milliseconds .
[ info ] Total number of tests run : 1
[ info ] Suites : completed 1 , aborted 0
[ info ] Tests : succeeded 1 , failed 0 , canceled 0 , ignored 0 , pending 0
[ info ] All tests passed .
[ success ] Total time : 0 s , completed May 20 , 2015 7 : 39 : 45 AM


import org . scalatest .{ ShouldMatchers , WordSpec }
class A extends WordSpec with ShouldMatchers {
"一些描述" when {
"一些描述" should {
"一些描述" in {
// 其它代码


import org . scalatest .{ ShouldMatchers , WordSpec }
class AlbumWordSpec extends WordSpec with ShouldMatchers {
"An Album" when {
"created" should {
"accept the title, the year, and a Band as a parameter, and be able to read those parameters back" in {
new Album ( "Hotel California" , 1997 ,
new Band ( "The Eagles" , List ( new Artist ( "Don" , "Henley" ),
new Artist ( "Glenn" , "Frey" ),
new Artist ( "Joe" , "Walsh" ),
new Artist ( "Randy" , "Meisner" ),
new Artist ( "Don" , "Felder" ))))
"lack of parameters" should {
"throw an IllegalArgumentException if there are no acts when created" in {
intercept [ IllegalArgumentException ] {
new Album ( "The Joy of Listening to Nothing" , 2000 )


[ info ] AlbumWordSpec :
[ info ] An Album
[ info ] when created
[ info ] - should accept the title , the year , and a Band as a parameter , and be able to read those parameters back
[ info ] lack of parameters
[ info ] - should throw an IllegalArgumentException if there are no acts when created
[ info ] Run completed in 173 milliseconds .
[ info ] Total number of tests run : 2
[ info ] Suites : completed 1 , aborted 0
[ info ] Tests : succeeded 2 , failed 0 , canceled 0 , ignored 0 , pending 0
[ info ] All tests passed .
[ success ] Total time : 0 s , completed May 20 , 2015 7 : 49 : 07 AM




import org . scalatest . matchers . ShouldMatchers
import org . scalatest . FeatureSpec
class AlbumFeatureSpec extends FeatureSpec with ShouldMatchers {
feature ( "An album's default constructor should support a parameter that acceptsOption(List(Tracks)) " ) { ... }
feature ( "An album should have an addTrack method that takes a track and returns an immutable copy of the Album with the added track" ) { ... }



class Track(name: String)


class Album (val title:String, val year:Int, val tracks:Option[List[Track]], val acts:Act*) {
require ( acts . size > 0 )
def this ( title : String , year : Int , acts : Act *) = this ( title , year , None , acts : _ *)


  • 构造Album时提供一个长度为3的List[Track]
  • 构造Album时提供一个空List
  • 构造Album时提供一个null


class AlbumFeatureSpec extends FeatureSpec with ShouldMatchers {
feature ( "An album's default constructor should support a parameter that accepts Option(List(Tracks))" ) {
scenario ( "Album's default constructor is given a list of the 3 tracks exactly for the tracks parameter" ) { pending }
scenario ( "Album's default constructor is given an empty List for the tracks parameter" ) { pending }
scenario ( "Album's default constructor is given null for the tracks parameter" ) { pending }
feature ( "An album should have an addTrack method that takes a track and returns an immutable copy of the Album with the added track" ) { }


Album's default constructor is given a list of the 3 tracks exactly for the tracks parameter这个scenario中,我们加入如下代码:

val depecheModeCirca1990 = new Band ( "Depeche Mode" , List (
new Artist ( "Dave" , "Gahan" ),
new Artist ( "Martin" , "Gore" ),
new Artist ( "Andrew" , "Fletcher" ),
new Artist ( "Alan" , "Wilder" )))
val blackCelebration = new Album ( "Black Celebration" , 1990 ,
Some ( List ( new Track ( "Black Celebration" ),
new Track ( "Fly on the Windscreen" ),
new Track ( "A Question of Lust" ))), depecheModeCirca1990 )
blackCelebration . tracks . get should have size ( 3 )

接下来是Album's default constructor is given an empty List for the tracks parameter这个scenario

given ( "the band, the Doobie Brothers from 1973" )
val theDoobieBrothersCirca1973 = new Band ( "The Doobie Brothers" ,
new Artist ( "Tom" , "Johnston" ),
new Artist ( "Patrick" , "Simmons" ),
new Artist ( "Tiran" , "Porter" ),
new Artist ( "Keith" , "Knudsen" ),
new Artist ( "John" , "Hartman" ))
when ( "the album is instantiated with the title, the year, none tracks, and the Doobie Brothers" )
val album = new Album ( "The Captain and Me" , 1973 , None , theDoobieBrothersCirca1973 )
then ( "calling the albums's title, year, tracks, acts property should yield the same results" )
album . title should be ( "The Captain and Me" )
album . year should be ( 1973 )
album . tracks should be ( None )
album . acts ( 0 ) should be ( theDoobieBrothersCirca1973 )


[ info ] AlbumFeatureSpec :
[ info ] Feature : An album 's default constructor should support a parameter that accepts Option(List(Tracks))
[info] Scenario: Album' s default constructor is given a list of the 3 tracks exactly for the tracks parameter
[ info ] Scenario : Album 's default constructor is given a None for the tracks parameter
[info] Given the band, the Doobie Brothers from 1973
[info] When the album is instantiated with the title, the year, none tracks, and the Doobie Brothers
[info] Then calling the albums' s title , year , tracks , acts property should yield the same results
[ info ] Scenario : Album 's default constructor is given null for the tracks parameter (pending)
[info] Feature: An album should have an addTrack method that takes a track and returns an immutable copy of the Album with the added track
[info] Run completed in 177 milliseconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 2
[info] Suites: completed 1, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 2, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 1
[info] All tests passed.
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed May 20, 2015 8:38:47 AM





class JukeBox(val albums:Option[List[Album]]) {
def readyToPlay = albums . isDefined


import org . scalatest . matchers . ShouldMatchers
import org . scalatest . FreeSpec
class JukeboxFreeSpec extends FreeSpec with ShouldMatchers {
"given 3 albums" - {
val badmotorfinger = new Album ( "Badmotorfinger" , 1991 , None , new Band ( "Soundgarden" ))
val thaDoggFather = new Album ( "The Dogg Father" , 1996 , None , new Artist ( "Snoop Doggy" , "Dogg" ))
val satchmoAtPasadena = new Album ( "Satchmo At Pasadena" , 1951 , None , new Artist ( "Louis" , "Armstrong" ))
"when a juke box is instantiated it should accept some albums" - {
val jukebox = new JukeBox ( Some ( List ( badmotorfinger , thaDoggFather , satchmoAtPasadena )))
"then a jukebox's album catalog size should be 3" in {
jukebox . albums . get should have size ( 3 )
"El constructor de Jukebox puedo aceptar la palabra clave de 'None'" - {
val jukebox = new JukeBox ( None )
"y regresas 'None' cuando llamado" in {
jukebox . albums should be ( None )

从上面的例子中,可以看到FreeSpec的结构是很自由的。描述字符串加上一个-{ }的代码块,如果需要使用断言,则使用描述字符串加上in。在FreeSpec中,并不强制使用shouldwhen等内容。在FreeSpec中,使用如下形式的代码风格写测试:

import org . scalatest . matchers . ShouldMatchers
import org . scalatest . FreeSpec
class A extends FreeSpec with ShouldMatchers {
"一些描述" - {
// 一些代码
"一些描述" in {
// 断言



libraryDependencies += "junit" % "junit" % "4.12"


import org . scalatest . junit . JUnitSuite
import org . junit .{ Test , Before }
import org . junit . Assert . _
class ArtistJUnitSuite extends JUnitSuite {
var artist : Artist = _
def startUp () {
artist = new Artist ( "Kenny" , "Rogers" )
def addOneAlbumAndGetCopy () {
val copyArtist = artist . addAlbum ( new Album ( "Love will turn you around" , 1982 , artist ))
assertEquals ( copyArtist . albums . size , 1 )
def addTwoAlbumsAndGetCopy () {
val copyArtist = artist
. addAlbum ( new Album ( "Love will turn you around" , 1982 , artist ))
. addAlbum ( new Album ( "We've got tonight" , 1983 , artist ))
assertEquals ( copyArtist . albums . size , 2 )
def shutDown () {
this . artist = null






libraryDependencies += "org.testng" % "testng" % "6.8.21"


import org . scalatest . testng . TestNGSuite
import collection . mutable . ArrayBuilder
import org . testng . annotations .{ Test , DataProvider }
import org . testng . Assert . _
class ArtistTestNGSuite extends TestNGSuite {
@DataProvider ( name = "provider" )
def provideData = {
val g = new ArrayBuilder . ofRef [ Array [ Object ]]()
g += ( Array [ Object ]( "Heart" , 5. asInstanceOf [ java . lang . Integer ]))
g += ( Array [ Object ]( "Jimmy Buffet" , 12. asInstanceOf [ java . lang . Integer ]))
g . result ()
@Test ( dataProvider = "provider" )
def testTheStringLength ( n1 : String , n2 : java . lang . Integer ) {
assertEquals ( n1 . length , n2 )




@Test ( dataProvider = "provider" , groups = Array ( "word_count_analysis" ))
def testTheStringLength ( n1 : String , n2 : java . lang . Integer ) {
assertEquals ( n1 . length , n2 )


test - only ArtistTestNGSuite -- - n word_count_analysis





  • Scala语言自带的方法
  • ScalaTest测试框架提供的解决方案
  • 每一种测试方法也有自己的一些实现
  • JUnitTestNG也有它们自己的结构



import org . scalatest . matchers . ShouldMatchers
import org . scalatest . FunSpec
class AlbumFixtureSpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers {
def fixture = new {
val letterFromHome = new Album ( "Letter from Home" , 1989 , new Band ( "Pat Metheny Group" ))
describe ( "The Letter From Home Album by Pat Metheny" ) {
it ( "should get the year 1989 from the album" ) {
val album = fixture . letterFromHome
album . year should be ( 1989 )



import org . scalatest . FunSpec
import org . scalatest . matchers . ShouldMatchers
class AlbumMutableFixtureSpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers {
def fixture = new {
import scala . collection . mutable . _
val beachBoys = new Band ( "Beach Boys" )
val beachBoysDiscography = new ListBuffer [ Album ]()
beachBoysDiscography += ( new Album ( "Surfin' Safari" , 1962 , beachBoys ))
describe ( "Given a single fixture each beach boy discography initially contains a single album" ) {
it ( "then after 1 album is added, the discography size should have 2" ) {
val discographyDeBeachBoys = fixture . beachBoysDiscography
discographyDeBeachBoys += ( new Album ( "Surfin' Safari" , 1962 , fixture . beachBoys ))
discographyDeBeachBoys . size should be ( 2 )
it ( "then after 2 albums are added, the discography size should return 3" ) {
val discographyDeBeachBoys = fixture . beachBoysDiscography
discographyDeBeachBoys += ( new Album ( "Surfin' Safari" , 1962 , fixture . beachBoys ))
discographyDeBeachBoys += ( new Album ( "All Summer Long" , 1964 , fixture . beachBoys ))
discographyDeBeachBoys . size should be ( 3 )


Fixture Traits


import org . scalatest . matchers . ShouldMatchers
import org . scalatest . FunSpec
class AlbumFixtureTraitSpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers {
trait AlbumFixture {
val letterFromHome = new Album ( "Letter from Home" , 1989 , new Band ( "Pat Metheny Group" ))
describe ( "The Letter From Home Album by Pat Metheny" ) {
it ( "should get the year 1989 from the album" ) {
new AlbumFixture {
letterFromHome . year should be ( 1989 )




import org . scalatest . matchers . ShouldMatchers
import collection . mutable . ListBuffer
import org . scalatest .{ FreeSpec , OneInstancePerTest }
class AlbumListOneInstancePerTestFreeSpec extends FreeSpec with ShouldMatchers
with OneInstancePerTest {
val graceJonesDiscography = new ListBuffer [ Album ]()
graceJonesDiscography += ( new Album ( "Portfolio" , 1977 , new Artist ( "Grace" , "Jones" )))
"Given an initial Grace Jones Discography" - {
"when an additional two albums are added, then the discography size should be 3" in {
graceJonesDiscography += ( new Album ( "Fame" , 1978 , new Artist ( "Grace" , "Jones" )))
graceJonesDiscography += ( new Album ( "Muse" , 1979 , new Artist ( "Grace" , "Jones" )))
graceJonesDiscography . size should be ( 3 )
"when one additional album is added, then the discography size should be 2" in {
graceJonesDiscography += ( new Album ( "Warm Leatherette" , 1980 , new Artist ( "Grace" , "Jones" )))
graceJonesDiscography . size should be ( 2 )
"Given an initial Grace Jones Discography " - {
"when one additional album from 1980 is added, then the discography size should be 2" in {
graceJonesDiscography += ( new Album ( "Nightclubbing" , 1981 , new Artist ( "Grace" , "Jones" )))
graceJonesDiscography . size should be ( 2 )



Before and After


import collection . mutable . ListBuffer
import org . scalatest .{ BeforeAndAfter , WordSpec }
import org . scalatest . matchers . ShouldMatchers
class AlbumBeforeAndAfterFixtureSpec extends WordSpec with ShouldMatchers with BeforeAndAfter {
val humanLeagueDiscography = new ListBuffer [ Album ]()
before {
info ( "Starting to populate the discography" )
humanLeagueDiscography += ( new Album ( "Dare" , 1981 , new Band ( "Human League" )))
"A mutable ListBuffer of albums" should {
"have a size of 3 when two more albums are added to the Human League Discography" in {
humanLeagueDiscography += ( new Album ( "Hysteria" , 1984 , new Band ( "Human League" )))
humanLeagueDiscography += ( new Album ( "Crash" , 1986 , new Band ( "Human League" )))
humanLeagueDiscography should have size ( 3 )
"have a size of 2 when one more album is added to the Human League Discography" in {
humanLeagueDiscography += ( new Album ( "Romantic" , 1990 , new Band ( "Human League" )))
humanLeagueDiscography should have size ( 2 )
after {
info ( "Clearing the discography" )
humanLeagueDiscography . clear ()




ScalaTest是一个强大的测试框架,它是Java友好的,集成了JUnitTestNG的测试风格,是学习Scala语言的一大利器。本文通过各种代码举例,简单的说明了ScalaTest中的各种Spec,是对ScalaTest的一个简单的介绍。软件 测度是一门大学问,只有通过不断的实践才能获得属于自己的经验。

本文中大量参考了《Testing in Scala》一书,文中有些地方是对原书的翻译,本人水平有限,对知识的理解也有限,欢迎大家指点~如果您对本文有任何疑问,欢迎与我联系。


Testing in Scala by Daniel Hinojosa (O’REILLY) 密码:5vjs

本文链接:  ScalaTest测试框架
转载请注明作者 xring 和出处  xring's
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