
sqlplus / as sysdba 

Current Instance

   DB Id    DB Name Inst Num Instance
----------- ------------ -------- ------------
  857742363 HXY 1 HXY

Specify the Report Type
Would you like an HTML report, or a plain text report?
Enter 'html' for an HTML report, or 'text' for plain text
Defaults to 'html'
Enter value for report_type: text

Type Specified:  text

Instances in this Workload Repository schema

   DB Id     Inst Num DB Name    Instance Host
------------ -------- ------------ ------------ ------------
* 857742363     1 HXY    HXY hxy.up.com

Using  857742363 for database Id
Using        1 for instance number

Specify the number of days of snapshots to choose from
Entering the number of days (n) will result in the most recent
(n) days of snapshots being listed.  Pressing <return> without
specifying a number lists all completed snapshots.

Enter value for num_days: 1

Listing the last day's Completed Snapshots

Instance     DB Name     Snap Id    Snap Started    Level
------------ ------------ --------- ------------------ -----
HXY      HXY 165 12 Oct 2013 11:11    1
166 12 Oct 2013 12:00    1
167 12 Oct 2013 13:00    1
168 12 Oct 2013 14:00    1

Specify the Begin and End Snapshot Ids
Enter value for begin_snap: 167
Begin Snapshot Id specified: 167

Enter value for end_snap: 168
End   Snapshot Id specified: 168

Specify the Report Name
The default report file name is awrrpt_1_167_168.txt.  To use this name,
press <return> to continue, otherwise enter an alternative.

Enter value for report_name: 

Using the report name awrrpt_1_167_168.txt


DB Name DB Id Instance     Inst Num Release    RAC Host
------------ ----------- ------------ -------- ----------- --- ------------
HXY        857742363 HXY      1  NO  hxy.up.com

      Snap Id    Snap Time   Sessions Curs/Sess
    --------- ------------------- -------- ---------
Begin Snap:   167 12-Oct-13 13:00:33 19 2.6
  End Snap:   168 12-Oct-13 14:00:36 18 2.8
   Elapsed:   60.05 (mins)
   DB Time:    0.06 (mins)

Cache Sizes
~~~~~~~~~~~   Begin        End
     ---------- ----------
       Buffer Cache:     64M        64M  Std Block Size:     8K
   Shared Pool Size:     76M        76M Log Buffer: 2,124K

Load Profile
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Per Second Per Transaction
   --------------- ---------------
  Redo size:     377.69 4,791.66
      Logical reads:      15.12   191.77
      Block changes:       1.73    21.99
     Physical reads:       0.03     0.38
    Physical writes:       0.23     2.95
User calls:       0.09     1.19
     Parses:       1.28    16.28
Hard parses:       0.13     1.67
      Sorts:       0.82    10.36
     Logons:       0.03     0.39
   Executes:       2.76    34.99
       Transactions:       0.08

  % Blocks changed per Read:   11.47 Recursive Call %:    99.62
 Rollback per transaction %: 0.00    Rows per Sort:     6.92

Instance Efficiency Percentages (Target 100%)
    Buffer Nowait %:  100.00    Redo NoWait %:  100.00
    Buffer  Hit   %:   99.80 In-memory Sort %:  100.00
    Library Hit   %:   88.67     Soft Parse %:   89.73
Execute to Parse %:   53.48      Latch Hit %:  100.00
Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %:   61.90 % Non-Parse CPU:   72.61

 Shared Pool Statistics        Begin End
      ------  ------
     Memory Usage %:   95.55   95.03
    % SQL with executions>1:   82.53   86.55
  % Memory for SQL w/exec>1:   92.99   94.03

Top 5 Timed Events    Avg %Total
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   wait Call
Event       Waits    Time (s)   (ms) Time Wait Class
------------------------------ ------------ ----------- ------ ------ ----------
control file parallel write       1,197       9      7 221.4 System I/O
os thread startup 55       5     87 124.1 Concurrenc
CPU time       3 74.2
log file parallel write 368       2      6 59.2 System I/O
db file sequential read 99       0      3   8.1 User I/O
Time Model Statistics       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> Total time in database user-calls (DB Time): 3.8s
-> Statistics including the word "background" measure background process
   time, and so do not contribute to the DB time statistic
-> Ordered by % or DB time desc, Statistic name

Statistic Name      Time (s) % of DB Time
------------------------------------------ ------------------ ------------
sql execute elapsed time   6.0      157.4
DB CPU   2.8       74.2
parse time elapsed   2.1       53.9
hard parse elapsed time   1.4       35.3
PL/SQL execution elapsed time   1.3       34.4
hard parse (sharing criteria) elapsed time   0.1        2.4
PL/SQL compilation elapsed time   0.1        1.9
repeated bind elapsed time   0.0 .1
sequence load elapsed time   0.0 .0
hard parse (bind mismatch) elapsed time   0.0 .0
DB time   3.8        N/A
background elapsed time 26.4        N/A
background cpu time 10.1        N/A

Wait Class       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> s  - second
-> cs - centisecond -   100th of a second
-> ms - millisecond - 1000th of a second
-> us - microsecond - 1000000th of a second
-> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc

       %Time    Total Wait wait   Waits
Wait Class Waits  -outs      Time (s) (ms)    /txn
-------------------- ---------------- ------ ---------------- ------- ---------
System I/O 3,243   .0    11     3    11.4
Concurrency    55   .0     5    87     0.2
User I/O   104   .0     0     3     0.4
Commit    65   .0     0     4     0.2
Other    28   .0     0     6     0.1

Wait Events       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> s  - second
-> cs - centisecond -   100th of a second
-> ms - millisecond - 1000th of a second
-> us - microsecond - 1000000th of a second
-> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc (idle events last)

     %Time  Total Wait   wait    Waits
Event       Waits  -outs    Time (s)   (ms)     /txn
---------------------------- -------------- ------ ----------- ------- ---------
control file parallel write       1,197 .0      9      7      4.2
os thread startup 55 .0      5     87      0.2
log file parallel write 368 .0      2      6      1.3
db file sequential read 99 .0      0      3      0.3
log file sync 65 .0      0      4      0.2
latch free   5 .0      0     19      0.0
LGWR wait for redo copy 22 .0      0      4      0.1
control file sequential read       1,678 .0      0      0      5.9
db file scattered read   5 .0      0      0      0.0
latch: redo allocation   1 .0      0      0      0.0
Streams AQ: qmn coordinator       1,685   39.2 3,524   2091      5.9
Streams AQ: qmn slave idle w       1,025 .0 3,524   3438      3.6
virtual circuit status 120  100.0 3,516 29297      0.4
jobq slave wait       1,113   99.6 3,254   2924      3.9
Streams AQ: waiting for time   1  100.0    683 682964      0.0

Background Wait Events       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc (idle events last)

     %Time  Total Wait   wait    Waits
Event       Waits  -outs    Time (s)   (ms)     /txn
---------------------------- -------------- ------ ----------- ------- ---------
control file parallel write       1,197 .0      9      7      4.2
os thread startup 55 .0      5     87      0.2
log file parallel write 370 .0      2      6      1.3
db file sequential read 36 .0      0      4      0.1
events in waitclass Other 30 .0      0      3      0.1
control file sequential read       1,024 .0      0      0      3.6
db file scattered read   4 .0      0      0      0.0
buffer busy waits   1 .0      0      1      0.0
rdbms ipc message      11,927   97.2 37,048   3106     42.0
Streams AQ: qmn coordinator       1,685   39.2 3,524   2091      5.9
Streams AQ: qmn slave idle w       1,025 .0 3,524   3438      3.6
smon timer 13   92.3 3,521 270838      0.0
pmon timer       1,260  100.0 3,519   2793      4.4
Streams AQ: waiting for time   1  100.0    683 682964      0.0

Operating System Statistics       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168

Statistic Total
-------------------------------- --------------------
IDLE_TIME       299,507
SYS_TIME 1,485
LOAD     0
NUM_CPUS     1

Service Statistics       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> ordered by DB Time

     Physical Logical
Service Name   DB Time (s) DB CPU (s) Reads    Reads
-------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ----------
SYS$USERS   3.8        2.8     2   23,678
HXY   0.0        0.0     0        0
HXYXDB   0.0        0.0     0        0
SYS$BACKGROUND   0.0        0.0   107   30,532

Service Wait Class Stats       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> Wait Class info for services in the Service Statistics section.
-> Total Waits and Time Waited displayed for the following wait
   classes:  User I/O, Concurrency, Administrative, Network
-> Time Waited (Wt Time) in centisecond (100th of a second)

Service Name
 User I/O  User I/O  Concurcy  Concurcy     Admin     Admin   Network Network
Total Wts   Wt Time Total Wts Wt Time Total Wts   Wt Time Total Wts Wt Time
--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
2   0     0       0 0   0     0       0
      102 32    55     476 0   0     0       0

SQL ordered by Elapsed Time       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> Resources reported for PL/SQL code includes the resources used by all SQL
   statements called by the code.
-> % Total DB Time is the Elapsed Time of the SQL statement divided
   into the Total Database Time multiplied by 100

  Elapsed      CPU     Elap per  % Total
  Time (s)   Time (s)  Executions   Exec (s)  DB Time SQL Id
---------- ---------- ------------ ---------- ------- -------------
0     0        534   0.0   5.9 3c1kubcdjnppq
update sys.col_usage$ set equality_preds = equality_preds + decode(bitan
d(:flag,1),0,0,1), equijoin_preds = equijoin_preds + decode(bitand(:flag
,2),0,0,1), nonequijoin_preds = nonequijoin_preds + decode(bitand(:flag,4),0,0
,1), range_preds = range_preds + decode(bitand(:flag,8),0,0,1),

0     0        194   0.0   4.5 7ng34ruy5awxq
select i.obj#,i.ts#,i.file#,i.block#,i.intcols,i.type#,i.flags,i.property,i.pctf

0     0        719   0.0   3.2 803b7z0t84sq7
select job, nvl2(last_date, 1, 0) from sys.job$ where (((:1 <= next_date) and (n
ext_date < :2)) or ((last_date is null) and (next_date < :3))) and (field1 =
 :4 or (field1 = 0 and 'Y' = :5)) and (this_date is null) order by next_date, jo

0     0        120   0.0   2.1 aykvshm7zsabd
select size_for_estimate, size_factor * 100 f,
 estd_physical_read_time, estd_physical_reads
from v$db_cache_advice where id = '3'

0     0        110   0.0   1.8 g00cj285jmgsw
update sys.mon_mods$ set inserts = inserts + :ins, updates = updates + :upd, del
etes = deletes + :del, flags = (decode(bitand(flags, :flag), :flag, flags, flags
 + :flag)), drop_segments = drop_segments + :dropseg, timestamp = :time where ob
j# = :objn

0     0 1   0.1   1.7 bunssq950snhf
insert into wrh$_sga_target_advice (snap_id, dbid, instance_number, SGA_SIZ
EADS from v$sga_target_advice

0     0 8   0.0   1.7 g337099aatnuj
update smon_scn_time set orig_thread=0, time_mp=:1, time_dp=:2, scn=:3, scn_wrp
=:4, scn_bas=:5, num_mappings=:6, tim_scn_map=:7 where thread=0 and scn = (sel
ect min(scn) from smon_scn_time where thread=0)

0     0        690   0.0   1.5 53saa2zkr6wc3
select intcol#,nvl(pos#,0),col#,nvl(spare1,0) from ccol$ where con#=:1

0     0        664   0.0   1.3 g2wr3u7s1gtf3
select count(*) from sys.job$ where (next_date > sysdate) and (next_date < (sysd

0     0        140   0.0   1.2 cqgv56fmuj63x
select owner#,name,namespace,remoteowner,linkname,p_timestamp,p_obj#, nvl(proper
ty,0),subname,d_attrs from dependency$ d, obj$ o where d_obj#=:1 and p_obj#=obj#
(+) order by order#

0     0        204   0.0   1.2 83taa7kaw59c1
select name,intcol#,segcol#,type#,length,nvl(precision#,0),decode(type#,2,nvl(sc
ty, nvl(charsetid,0),nvl(charsetform,0),spare1,spare2,nvl(spare3,0) from col$ wh

0     0        120   0.0   1.0 g6gu1n3x0h1h4
select streams_pool_size_for_estimate s, streams_pool_size_factor * 10
SQL ordered by Elapsed Time       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> Resources reported for PL/SQL code includes the resources used by all SQL
   statements called by the code.
-> % Total DB Time is the Elapsed Time of the SQL statement divided
   into the Total Database Time multiplied by 100

  Elapsed      CPU     Elap per  % Total
  Time (s)   Time (s)  Executions   Exec (s)  DB Time SQL Id
---------- ---------- ------------ ---------- ------- -------------
0 f, estd_spill_time + estd_unspill_time, 0 from v$streams_pool_advic


SQL ordered by CPU Time       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> Resources reported for PL/SQL code includes the resources used by all SQL
   statements called by the code.
-> % Total DB Time is the Elapsed Time of the SQL statement divided
   into the Total Database Time multiplied by 100

    CPU      Elapsed       CPU per  % Total
  Time (s)   Time (s)  Executions     Exec (s) DB Time   SQL Id
---------- ---------- ------------ ----------- ------- -------------
0     0        534   0.00    5.9 3c1kubcdjnppq
update sys.col_usage$ set equality_preds = equality_preds + decode(bitan
d(:flag,1),0,0,1), equijoin_preds = equijoin_preds + decode(bitand(:flag
,2),0,0,1), nonequijoin_preds = nonequijoin_preds + decode(bitand(:flag,4),0,0
,1), range_preds = range_preds + decode(bitand(:flag,8),0,0,1),

0     0        194   0.00    4.5 7ng34ruy5awxq
select i.obj#,i.ts#,i.file#,i.block#,i.intcols,i.type#,i.flags,i.property,i.pctf

0     0        719   0.00    3.2 803b7z0t84sq7
select job, nvl2(last_date, 1, 0) from sys.job$ where (((:1 <= next_date) and (n
ext_date < :2)) or ((last_date is null) and (next_date < :3))) and (field1 =
 :4 or (field1 = 0 and 'Y' = :5)) and (this_date is null) order by next_date, jo

0     0        120   0.00    2.1 aykvshm7zsabd
select size_for_estimate, size_factor * 100 f,
 estd_physical_read_time, estd_physical_reads
from v$db_cache_advice where id = '3'

0     0        110   0.00    1.8 g00cj285jmgsw
update sys.mon_mods$ set inserts = inserts + :ins, updates = updates + :upd, del
etes = deletes + :del, flags = (decode(bitand(flags, :flag), :flag, flags, flags
 + :flag)), drop_segments = drop_segments + :dropseg, timestamp = :time where ob
j# = :objn

0     0 1   0.06    1.7 bunssq950snhf
insert into wrh$_sga_target_advice (snap_id, dbid, instance_number, SGA_SIZ
EADS from v$sga_target_advice

0     0 8   0.01    1.7 g337099aatnuj
update smon_scn_time set orig_thread=0, time_mp=:1, time_dp=:2, scn=:3, scn_wrp
=:4, scn_bas=:5, num_mappings=:6, tim_scn_map=:7 where thread=0 and scn = (sel
ect min(scn) from smon_scn_time where thread=0)

0     0        664   0.00    1.3 g2wr3u7s1gtf3
select count(*) from sys.job$ where (next_date > sysdate) and (next_date < (sysd

0     0        140   0.00    1.2 cqgv56fmuj63x
select owner#,name,namespace,remoteowner,linkname,p_timestamp,p_obj#, nvl(proper
ty,0),subname,d_attrs from dependency$ d, obj$ o where d_obj#=:1 and p_obj#=obj#
(+) order by order#

0     0        204   0.00    1.2 83taa7kaw59c1
select name,intcol#,segcol#,type#,length,nvl(precision#,0),decode(type#,2,nvl(sc
ty, nvl(charsetid,0),nvl(charsetform,0),spare1,spare2,nvl(spare3,0) from col$ wh

0     0        120   0.00    1.0 g6gu1n3x0h1h4
select streams_pool_size_for_estimate s, streams_pool_size_factor * 10
0 f, estd_spill_time + estd_unspill_time, 0 from v$streams_pool_advic

SQL ordered by CPU Time       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> Resources reported for PL/SQL code includes the resources used by all SQL
   statements called by the code.
-> % Total DB Time is the Elapsed Time of the SQL statement divided
   into the Total Database Time multiplied by 100

    CPU      Elapsed       CPU per  % Total
  Time (s)   Time (s)  Executions     Exec (s) DB Time   SQL Id
---------- ---------- ------------ ----------- ------- -------------
0     0        690   0.00    1.5 53saa2zkr6wc3
select intcol#,nvl(pos#,0),col#,nvl(spare1,0) from ccol$ where con#=:1


SQL ordered by Gets       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> Resources reported for PL/SQL code includes the resources used by all SQL
   statements called by the code.
-> Total Buffer Gets:        54,463
-> Captured SQL account for 52.6% of Total

Gets   CPU   Elapsed
  Buffer Gets Executions    per Exec %Total Time (s)  Time (s)    SQL Id
-------------- ------------ ------------ ------ -------- --------- -------------
3,230 690      4.7    5.9     0.03      0.06 53saa2zkr6wc3
select intcol#,nvl(pos#,0),col#,nvl(spare1,0) from ccol$ where con#=:1

2,852 140     20.4    5.2     0.05      0.05 cqgv56fmuj63x
select owner#,name,namespace,remoteowner,linkname,p_timestamp,p_obj#, nvl(proper
ty,0),subname,d_attrs from dependency$ d, obj$ o where d_obj#=:1 and p_obj#=obj#
(+) order by order#

2,596 140     18.5    4.8     0.03      0.03 8swypbbr0m372
select order#,columns,types from access$ where d_obj#=:1

2,277   8    284.6    4.2     0.06      0.07 g337099aatnuj
update smon_scn_time set orig_thread=0, time_mp=:1, time_dp=:2, scn=:3, scn_wrp
=:4, scn_bas=:5, num_mappings=:6, tim_scn_map=:7 where thread=0 and scn = (sel
ect min(scn) from smon_scn_time where thread=0)

2,157 719      3.0    4.0     0.12      0.12 803b7z0t84sq7
select job, nvl2(last_date, 1, 0) from sys.job$ where (((:1 <= next_date) and (n
ext_date < :2)) or ((last_date is null) and (next_date < :3))) and (field1 =
 :4 or (field1 = 0 and 'Y' = :5)) and (this_date is null) order by next_date, jo

1,824 534      3.4    3.3     0.23      0.23 3c1kubcdjnppq
update sys.col_usage$ set equality_preds = equality_preds + decode(bitan
d(:flag,1),0,0,1), equijoin_preds = equijoin_preds + decode(bitand(:flag
,2),0,0,1), nonequijoin_preds = nonequijoin_preds + decode(bitand(:flag,4),0,0
,1), range_preds = range_preds + decode(bitand(:flag,8),0,0,1),

1,802 263      6.9    3.3     0.02      0.02 6769wyy3yf66f
select pos#,intcol#,col#,spare1,bo#,spare2 from icol$ where obj#=:1

1,641 194      8.5    3.0     0.17      0.17 7ng34ruy5awxq
select i.obj#,i.ts#,i.file#,i.block#,i.intcols,i.type#,i.flags,i.property,i.pctf

1,636 128     12.8    3.0     0.02      0.02 a73wbv1yu8x5c
select con#,type#,condlength,intcols,robj#,rcon#,match#,refact,nvl(enabled,0),ro
wid,cols,nvl(defer,0),mtime,nvl(spare1,0) from cdef$ where obj#=:1

1,119 85     13.2    2.1     0.03      0.03 cvn54b7yz0s8u
select /*+ index(idl_ub1$ i_idl_ub11) +*/ piece#,length,piece from idl_ub1$ wher
e obj#=:1 and part=:2 and version=:3 order by piece#

   841 204      4.1    1.5     0.05      0.05 83taa7kaw59c1
select name,intcol#,segcol#,type#,length,nvl(precision#,0),decode(type#,2,nvl(sc
ty, nvl(charsetid,0),nvl(charsetform,0),spare1,spare2,nvl(spare3,0) from col$ wh

   743 181      4.1    1.4     0.03      0.03 1gu8t96d0bdmu
select t.ts#,t.file#,t.block#,nvl(t.bobj#,0),nvl(t.tab#,0),t.intcols,nvl(t.cluco

   664 664      1.0    1.2     0.05      0.05 g2wr3u7s1gtf3
select count(*) from sys.job$ where (next_date > sysdate) and (next_date < (sysd
SQL ordered by Gets       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> Resources reported for PL/SQL code includes the resources used by all SQL
   statements called by the code.
-> Total Buffer Gets:        54,463
-> Captured SQL account for 52.6% of Total

Gets   CPU   Elapsed
  Buffer Gets Executions    per Exec %Total Time (s)  Time (s)    SQL Id
-------------- ------------ ------------ ------ -------- --------- -------------


SQL ordered by Reads       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> Total Disk Reads: 108
-> Captured SQL account for 5.6% of Total

       Reads   CPU   Elapsed
Physical Reads Executions    per Exec %Total Time (s)  Time (s)    SQL Id
-------------- ----------- ------------- ------ -------- --------- -------------
     2        181      0.0    1.9     0.03      0.03 1gu8t96d0bdmu
select t.ts#,t.file#,t.block#,nvl(t.bobj#,0),nvl(t.tab#,0),t.intcols,nvl(t.cluco

     1 22      0.0    0.9     0.00      0.00 0m78skf1mudnb
select audit$,properties from type_misc$ where obj#=:1

     1 6      0.2    0.9     0.00      0.00 52kfqq6q4ntj5
select o.obj#, t.flags from tab$ t, obj$ o, user$ u where u.user# = :1 and u.us
er# = o.owner# and o.name = :2 and o.obj# = t.obj#

     1        690      0.0    0.9     0.03      0.06 53saa2zkr6wc3
select intcol#,nvl(pos#,0),col#,nvl(spare1,0) from ccol$ where con#=:1

     1 14      0.1    0.9     0.01      0.01 c0agatqzq2jzr
insert into "SYS"."ALERT_QT" (q_name, msgid, corrid, priority, state, delay, ex
piration, time_manager_info, local_order_no, chain_no, enq_time, step_no, enq_
uid, enq_tid, retry_count, exception_qschema, exception_queue, recipient_key,
 dequeue_msgid, user_data, sender_name, sender_address, sender_protocol, user

     0 6      0.0    0.0     0.00      0.00 04xtrk7uyhknh
select obj#,type#,ctime,mtime,stime,status,dataobj#,flags,oid$, spare1, spare2 f
rom obj$ where owner#=:1 and name=:2 and namespace=:3 and remoteowner is null an
d linkname is null and subname is null

     0 0      N/A    0.0     0.00      0.00 0cc4xv33r5uhm
select inst_id,sid_knst,serial_knst, applynum_knstacr, applyname_knstacr,decode(
'ABORTING',4,'IDLE'),total_applied_knstacr, total_waitdeps_knstacr,total_waitcom

     0 2      0.0    0.0     0.03      0.03 0cjngzmtm4yv1
select reason_id, object_id, subobject_id, internal_instance_number, time_sugges
ted, context, reason_argument_1, reason_argument_2, reason_argument_3, reason_ar
gument_4, reason_argument_5, action_argument_1, action_argument_2, action_argume
nt_3, action_argument_4, action_argument_5, sequence_id, metric_value, instance_

     0 26      0.0    0.0     0.00      0.00 0fr8zhn4ymu3v
select intcol#,type,flags,lobcol,objcol,extracol,schemaoid, elemnum from opqtyp
e$ where obj# = :1 order by intcol# asc

     0 18      0.0    0.0     0.02      0.02 130dvvr5s8bgn
select obj#, dataobj#, part#, hiboundlen, hiboundval, ts#, file#, block#, pctfre
e$, pctused$, initrans, maxtrans, flags, analyzetime, samplesize, rowcnt, blkcnt
, empcnt, avgspc, chncnt, avgrln, length(bhiboundval), bhiboundval from tabpart$
 where bo# = :1 order by part#


SQL ordered by Executions       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> Total Executions:        9,937
-> Captured SQL account for 58.9% of Total

      CPU per Elap per
 Executions   Rows Processed  Rows per Exec   Exec (s) Exec (s)     SQL Id
------------ --------------- -------------- ---------- ----------- -------------
719   55 0.1   0.00       0.00 803b7z0t84sq7
select job, nvl2(last_date, 1, 0) from sys.job$ where (((:1 <= next_date) and (n
ext_date < :2)) or ((last_date is null) and (next_date < :3))) and (field1 =
 :4 or (field1 = 0 and 'Y' = :5)) and (this_date is null) order by next_date, jo

690 925 1.3   0.00       0.00 53saa2zkr6wc3
select intcol#,nvl(pos#,0),col#,nvl(spare1,0) from ccol$ where con#=:1

664 664 1.0   0.00       0.00 g2wr3u7s1gtf3
select count(*) from sys.job$ where (next_date > sysdate) and (next_date < (sysd

534 534 1.0   0.00       0.00 3c1kubcdjnppq
update sys.col_usage$ set equality_preds = equality_preds + decode(bitan
d(:flag,1),0,0,1), equijoin_preds = equijoin_preds + decode(bitand(:flag
,2),0,0,1), nonequijoin_preds = nonequijoin_preds + decode(bitand(:flag,4),0,0
,1), range_preds = range_preds + decode(bitand(:flag,8),0,0,1),

263 638 2.4   0.00       0.00 6769wyy3yf66f
select pos#,intcol#,col#,spare1,bo#,spare2 from icol$ where obj#=:1

204        2,417        11.8   0.00       0.00 83taa7kaw59c1
select name,intcol#,segcol#,type#,length,nvl(precision#,0),decode(type#,2,nvl(sc
ty, nvl(charsetid,0),nvl(charsetform,0),spare1,spare2,nvl(spare3,0) from col$ wh

196   99 0.5   0.00       0.00 asvzxj61dc5vs
select timestamp, flags from fixed_obj$ where obj#=:1

194 263 1.4   0.00       0.00 7ng34ruy5awxq
select i.obj#,i.ts#,i.file#,i.block#,i.intcols,i.type#,i.flags,i.property,i.pctf

181 181 1.0   0.00       0.00 1gu8t96d0bdmu
select t.ts#,t.file#,t.block#,nvl(t.bobj#,0),nvl(t.tab#,0),t.intcols,nvl(t.cluco

141   23 0.2   0.00       0.00 2q93zsrvbdw48
select grantee#,privilege#,nvl(col#,0),max(mod(nvl(option$,0),2))from objauth$ w
here obj#=:1 group by grantee#,privilege#,nvl(col#,0) order by grantee#

140        1,158 8.3   0.00       0.00 8swypbbr0m372
select order#,columns,types from access$ where d_obj#=:1

140        1,149 8.2   0.00       0.00 cqgv56fmuj63x
select owner#,name,namespace,remoteowner,linkname,p_timestamp,p_obj#, nvl(proper
ty,0),subname,d_attrs from dependency$ d, obj$ o where d_obj#=:1 and p_obj#=obj#
(+) order by order#

139    0 0.0   0.00       0.00 6aq34nj2zb2n7
select col#, grantee#, privilege#,max(mod(nvl(option$,0),2)) from objauth$ where
 obj#=:1 and col# is not null group by privilege#, col#, grantee# order by col#,

SQL ordered by Executions       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> Total Executions:        9,937
-> Captured SQL account for 58.9% of Total

      CPU per Elap per
 Executions   Rows Processed  Rows per Exec   Exec (s) Exec (s)     SQL Id
------------ --------------- -------------- ---------- ----------- -------------
128 690 5.4   0.00       0.00 a73wbv1yu8x5c
select con#,type#,condlength,intcols,robj#,rcon#,match#,refact,nvl(enabled,0),ro
wid,cols,nvl(defer,0),mtime,nvl(spare1,0) from cdef$ where obj#=:1

128    3 0.0   0.00       0.00 f8pavn1bvsj7t
select con#,obj#,rcon#,enabled,nvl(defer,0) from cdef$ where robj#=:1

120        1,429        11.9   0.00       0.00 772s25v1y0x8k
select shared_pool_size_for_estimate s, shared_pool_size_factor * 100 f
, estd_lc_load_time l, 0 from v$shared_pool_advice

120        2,400        20.0   0.00       0.00 aykvshm7zsabd
select size_for_estimate, size_factor * 100 f,
 estd_physical_read_time, estd_physical_reads
from v$db_cache_advice where id = '3'

120        2,400        20.0   0.00       0.00 g6gu1n3x0h1h4
select streams_pool_size_for_estimate s, streams_pool_size_factor * 10
0 f, estd_spill_time + estd_unspill_time, 0 from v$streams_pool_advic

110 110 1.0   0.00       0.00 g00cj285jmgsw
update sys.mon_mods$ set inserts = inserts + :ins, updates = updates + :upd, del
etes = deletes + :del, flags = (decode(bitand(flags, :flag), :flag, flags, flags
 + :flag)), drop_segments = drop_segments + :dropseg, timestamp = :time where ob
j# = :objn


SQL ordered by Parse Calls       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> Total Parse Calls: 4,623
-> Captured SQL account for 39.8% of Total

    % Total
 Parse Calls  Executions     Parses    SQL Id
------------ ------------ --------- -------------
211       534      4.56 3c1kubcdjnppq
update sys.col_usage$ set equality_preds = equality_preds + decode(bitan
d(:flag,1),0,0,1), equijoin_preds = equijoin_preds + decode(bitand(:flag
,2),0,0,1), nonequijoin_preds = nonequijoin_preds + decode(bitand(:flag,4),0,0
,1), range_preds = range_preds + decode(bitand(:flag,8),0,0,1),

211 0      4.56 53btfq0dt9bs9
insert into sys.col_usage$ values ( :objn, :coln, decode(bitand(:flag,1),0,0
,1), decode(bitand(:flag,2),0,0,1), decode(bitand(:flag,4),0,0,1), decode(
bitand(:flag,8),0,0,1), decode(bitand(:flag,16),0,0,1), decode(bitand(:flag,
32),0,0,1), :time)

196       196      4.24 asvzxj61dc5vs
select timestamp, flags from fixed_obj$ where obj#=:1

140       140      3.03 8swypbbr0m372
select order#,columns,types from access$ where d_obj#=:1

140       140      3.03 cqgv56fmuj63x
select owner#,name,namespace,remoteowner,linkname,p_timestamp,p_obj#, nvl(proper
ty,0),subname,d_attrs from dependency$ d, obj$ o where d_obj#=:1 and p_obj#=obj#
(+) order by order#

110       110      2.38 g00cj285jmgsw
update sys.mon_mods$ set inserts = inserts + :ins, updates = updates + :upd, del
etes = deletes + :del, flags = (decode(bitand(flags, :flag), :flag, flags, flags
 + :flag)), drop_segments = drop_segments + :dropseg, timestamp = :time where ob
j# = :objn

  85        85      1.84 39m4sx9k63ba2
select /*+ index(idl_ub2$ i_idl_ub21) +*/ piece#,length,piece from idl_ub2$ wher
e obj#=:1 and part=:2 and version=:3 order by piece#

  85        85      1.84 c6awqs517jpj0
select /*+ index(idl_char$ i_idl_char1) +*/ piece#,length,piece from idl_char$ w
here obj#=:1 and part=:2 and version=:3 order by piece#

  85        85      1.84 cvn54b7yz0s8u
select /*+ index(idl_ub1$ i_idl_ub11) +*/ piece#,length,piece from idl_ub1$ wher
e obj#=:1 and part=:2 and version=:3 order by piece#

  85        85      1.84 ga9j9xk5cy9s0
select /*+ index(idl_sb4$ i_idl_sb41) +*/ piece#,length,piece from idl_sb4$ wher
e obj#=:1 and part=:2 and version=:3 order by piece#

  59        59      1.28 b1wc53ddd6h3p
select audit$,options from procedure$ where obj#=:1


SQL ordered by Sharable Memory       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168

  No data exists for this section of the report.

SQL ordered by Version Count       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168

  No data exists for this section of the report.

Instance Activity Stats       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168

Statistic       Total per Second     per Trans
-------------------------------- ------------------ -------------- -------------
CPU used by this session 766        0.2      2.7
CPU used when call started 148        0.0      0.5
CR blocks created   1        0.0      0.0
DB time     337,465       93.7 1,188.3
DBWR checkpoint buffers written 837        0.2      3.0
DBWR checkpoints   0        0.0      0.0
DBWR transaction table writes 97        0.0      0.3
DBWR undo block writes 162        0.0      0.6
IMU CR rollbacks   0        0.0      0.0
IMU Flushes 19        0.0      0.1
IMU Redo allocation size     107,160       29.7    377.3
IMU commits 265        0.1      0.9
IMU contention   0        0.0      0.0
IMU undo allocation size   1,115,464      309.6 3,927.7
SMON posted for undo segment shr   1        0.0      0.0
SQL*Net roundtrips to/from clien   0        0.0      0.0
active txn count during cleanout 16        0.0      0.1
background timeouts      11,590        3.2     40.8
buffer is not pinned count      31,677        8.8    111.5
buffer is pinned count       7,723        2.1     27.2
bytes received via SQL*Net from   0        0.0      0.0
bytes sent via SQL*Net to client   0        0.0      0.0
calls to get snapshot scn: kcmgs      14,821        4.1     52.2
calls to kcmgas 662        0.2      2.3
calls to kcmgcs 46        0.0      0.2
change write time 34        0.0      0.1
cleanout - number of ktugct call 18        0.0      0.1
cleanouts and rollbacks - consis   0        0.0      0.0
cleanouts only - consistent read   0        0.0      0.0
cluster key scan block gets       5,165        1.4     18.2
cluster key scans 775        0.2      2.7
commit batch/immediate performed   0        0.0      0.0
commit batch/immediate requested   0        0.0      0.0
commit cleanout failures: callba   3        0.0      0.0
commit cleanouts       1,440        0.4      5.1
commit cleanouts successfully co       1,437        0.4      5.1
commit immediate performed   0        0.0      0.0
commit immediate requested   0        0.0      0.0
commit txn count during cleanout 12        0.0      0.0
concurrency wait time 476        0.1      1.7
consistent changes   1        0.0      0.0
consistent gets      48,897       13.6    172.2
consistent gets - examination      18,341        5.1     64.6
consistent gets from cache      48,897       13.6    172.2
cursor authentications 131        0.0      0.5
data blocks consistent reads - u   1        0.0      0.0
db block changes       6,246        1.7     22.0
db block gets       5,566        1.5     19.6
db block gets from cache       5,566        1.5     19.6
deferred (CURRENT) block cleanou 932        0.3      3.3
enqueue conversions 725        0.2      2.6
enqueue releases      32,678        9.1    115.1
enqueue requests      32,678        9.1    115.1
enqueue timeouts   0        0.0      0.0
enqueue waits   0        0.0      0.0
execute count       9,937        2.8     35.0
frame signature mismatch   0        0.0      0.0
free buffer inspected   0        0.0      0.0
free buffer requested 173        0.1      0.6
heap block compress 21        0.0      0.1
Instance Activity Stats       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168

Statistic       Total per Second     per Trans
-------------------------------- ------------------ -------------- -------------
hot buffers moved to head of LRU   0        0.0      0.0
immediate (CR) block cleanout ap   0        0.0      0.0
immediate (CURRENT) block cleano 194        0.1      0.7
index fast full scans (full)   8        0.0      0.0
index fetch by key       7,248        2.0     25.5
index scans kdiixs1       6,371        1.8     22.4
leaf node 90-10 splits   7        0.0      0.0
leaf node splits 10        0.0      0.0
lob reads 79        0.0      0.3
lob writes 10        0.0      0.0
lob writes unaligned 10        0.0      0.0
logons cumulative 112        0.0      0.4
messages received       1,040        0.3      3.7
messages sent       1,040        0.3      3.7
no buffer to keep pinned count   0        0.0      0.0
no work - consistent read gets      21,380        5.9     75.3
opened cursors cumulative       6,119        1.7     21.6
parse count (hard) 475        0.1      1.7
parse count (total)       4,623        1.3     16.3
parse time cpu 78        0.0      0.3
parse time elapsed 126        0.0      0.4
physical read IO requests 97        0.0      0.3
physical read bytes     884,736      245.6 3,115.3
physical read total IO requests       1,780        0.5      6.3
physical read total bytes 28,418,048    7,887.3     100,063.6
physical read total multi block   5        0.0      0.0
physical reads 108        0.0      0.4
physical reads cache 108        0.0      0.4
physical reads cache prefetch 11        0.0      0.0
physical reads direct   0        0.0      0.0
physical reads direct temporary   0        0.0      0.0
physical reads prefetch warmup   0        0.0      0.0
physical write IO requests 680        0.2      2.4
physical write bytes   6,856,704    1,903.0 24,143.3
physical write total IO requests       4,641        1.3     16.3
physical write total bytes 67,203,072   18,651.9     236,630.5
physical write total multi block 410        0.1      1.4
physical writes 837        0.2      3.0
physical writes direct   0        0.0      0.0
physical writes from cache 837        0.2      3.0
physical writes non checkpoint 130        0.0      0.5
pinned buffers inspected   0        0.0      0.0
prefetch warmup blocks aged out   0        0.0      0.0
recovery blocks read   0        0.0      0.0
recursive calls      87,814       24.4    309.2
recursive cpu usage 386        0.1      1.4
redo blocks read for recovery   0        0.0      0.0
redo blocks written       2,952        0.8     10.4
redo entries       2,872        0.8     10.1
redo size   1,360,832      377.7 4,791.7
redo synch time 29        0.0      0.1
redo synch writes 985        0.3      3.5
redo wastage      94,148       26.1    331.5
redo write time 237        0.1      0.8
redo writer latching time   7        0.0      0.0
redo writes 370        0.1      1.3
rollback changes - undo records   0        0.0      0.0
rollbacks only - consistent read   1        0.0      0.0
rows fetched via callback       4,478        1.2     15.8
session cursor cache hits       3,811        1.1     13.4
Instance Activity Stats       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168

Statistic       Total per Second     per Trans
-------------------------------- ------------------ -------------- -------------
session logical reads      54,463       15.1    191.8
session pga memory 80,028,480   22,211.5     281,790.4
session pga memory max 85,205,824   23,648.4     300,020.5
session uga memory     244,816,092,696   67,947,413.2 #############
session uga memory max 73,911,912   20,513.9     260,253.2
shared hash latch upgrades - no       6,488        1.8     22.9
sorts (memory)       2,941        0.8     10.4
sorts (rows)      20,362        5.7     71.7
sql area purged   0        0.0      0.0
switch current to new buffer   0        0.0      0.0
table fetch by rowid      13,136        3.7     46.3
table fetch continued row 227        0.1      0.8
table scan blocks gotten       4,541        1.3     16.0
table scan rows gotten     122,889       34.1    432.7
table scans (long tables)   1        0.0      0.0
table scans (short tables)       1,266        0.4      4.5
total number of times SMON poste   1        0.0      0.0
transaction rollbacks   0        0.0      0.0
undo change vector size     446,456      123.9 1,572.0
user I/O wait time 31        0.0      0.1
user calls 337        0.1      1.2
user commits 284        0.1      1.0
workarea executions - optimal       1,918        0.5      6.8

Instance Activity Stats - Absolute Values    DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> Statistics with absolute values (should not be diffed)

Statistic      Begin Value       End Value
-------------------------------- --------------- ---------------
session cursor cache count    2,295    3,203
opened cursors current       50       50
workarea memory allocated      127      127
logons current       19       18

Instance Activity Stats - Thread Activity     DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> Statistics identified by '(derived)' come from sources other than SYSSTAT

Statistic       Total  per Hour
-------------------------------- ------------------ ---------
log switches (derived)   0   .00

Tablespace IO Stats       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> ordered by IOs (Reads + Writes) desc

Av Av Av Av Buffer Av Buf
Reads Reads/s Rd(ms) Blks/Rd     Writes Writes/s Waits Wt(ms)
-------------- ------- ------ ------- ------------ -------- ---------- ------
    43      0   2.1   1.0        381   0      0   0.0
     0      0   0.0    .0        198   0      0   0.0
    55      0   4.2   1.2        101   0      0   0.0

File IO Stats       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> ordered by Tablespace, File

Tablespace Filename
------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------
Av Av Av Av Buffer Av Buf
Reads Reads/s Rd(ms) Blks/Rd     Writes Writes/s Waits Wt(ms)
-------------- ------- ------ ------- ------------ -------- ---------- ------
SYSAUX /u01/app/oracle/oradata/HXY/sysaux01.dbf
    43      0   2.1   1.0        381   0      0   0.0
SYSTEM /u01/app/oracle/oradata/HXY/system01.dbf
    55      0   4.2   1.2        101   0      0   0.0
UNDOTBS1 /u01/app/oracle/oradata/HXY/undotbs01.dbf
     0      0   N/A   N/A        198   0      0   0.0

Buffer Pool Statistics       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> Standard block size Pools  D: default,  K: keep,  R: recycle
-> Default Pools for other block sizes: 2k, 4k, 8k, 16k, 32k

    Free Writ   Buffer
     Number of Pool     Buffer     Physical    Physical Buff Comp     Busy
P      Buffers Hit%       Gets   Reads      Writes Wait Wait    Waits
--- ---------- ---- -------------- ------------ ----------- ---- ---- ----------
D 7,918 100     54,363     109 837    0    0        1

Instance Recovery Stats       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> B: Begin snapshot,  E: End snapshot

  Targt  Estd        Log File Log Ckpt     Log Ckpt
  MTTR MTTR Recovery  Actual    Target Size Timeout     Interval
   (s)   (s) Estd IOs Redo Blks Redo Blks  Redo Blks Redo Blks   Redo Blks
- ----- ----- ---------- --------- --------- ---------- --------- ------------
B     0    34      221       640 996 184320       996    N/A
E     0    34      167       372 655 184320       655    N/A

Buffer Pool Advisory    DB/Inst: HXY/HXY  Snap: 168
-> Only rows with estimated physical reads >0 are displayed
-> ordered by Block Size, Buffers For Estimate

    Size for   Size Buffers for   Read      Estimated
P    Est (M) Factor     Estimate Factor Physical Reads
--- -------- ------ ---------------- ------ ------------------
D    4 .1 495 3.1 28,889
D    8 .1 990 2.4 22,125
D   12 .2        1,485 2.0 18,221
D   16 .3        1,980 1.7 16,140
D   20 .3        2,475 1.7 15,499
D   24 .4        2,970 1.5 13,436
D   28 .4        3,465 1.4 12,621
D   32 .5        3,960 1.3 11,640
D   36 .6        4,455 1.2 11,099
D   40 .6        4,950 1.2 10,760
D   44 .7        5,445 1.1 10,586
D   48 .8        5,940 1.1 10,073
D   52 .8        6,435 1.1 9,798
D   56 .9        6,930 1.0 9,486
D   60 .9        7,425 1.0 9,294
D   64 1.0        7,920 1.0 9,257
D   68 1.1        8,415 1.0 9,257
D   72 1.1        8,910 1.0 9,257
D   76 1.2        9,405 1.0 9,257
D   80 1.3        9,900 1.0 9,037

PGA Aggr Summary       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> PGA cache hit % - percentage of W/A (WorkArea) data processed only in-memory

PGA Cache Hit %   W/A MB Processed  Extra W/A MB Read/Written
--------------- ------------------ --------------------------
  100.0 21     0

Warning:  pga_aggregate_target was set too low for current workload, as this
  value was exceeded during this interval.  Use the PGA Advisory view
  to help identify a different value for pga_aggregate_target.
PGA Aggr Target Stats       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> B: Begin snap   E: End snap (rows dentified with B or E contain data
   which is absolute i.e. not diffed over the interval)
-> Auto PGA Target - actual workarea memory target
-> W/A PGA Used    - amount of memory used for all Workareas (manual + auto)
-> %PGA W/A Mem    - percentage of PGA memory allocated to workareas
-> %Auto W/A Mem   - percentage of workarea memory controlled by Auto Mem Mgmt
-> %Man W/A Mem    - percentage of workarea memory under manual control

%PGA  %Auto   %Man
    PGA Aggr   Auto PGA   PGA Mem    W/A PGA W/A W/A    W/A Global Mem
   Target(M)  Target(M)  Alloc(M)    Used(M) Mem Mem    Mem   Bound(K)
- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------ ------ ----------
B   16       4       92.2   0.1   .1  100.0 .0 3,276
E   16       4       90.8   0.1   .1  100.0 .0 3,276

PGA Aggr Target Histogram       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> Optimal Executions are purely in-memory operations

  Low   High
Optimal Optimal    Total Execs Optimal Execs 1-Pass Execs M-Pass Execs
------- ------- -------------- -------------- ------------ ------------
     2K      4K 1,895 1,895 0       0
    64K    128K      3     3 0       0
   512K   1024K     17    17 0       0
     1M      2M      3     3 0       0

PGA Memory Advisory    DB/Inst: HXY/HXY  Snap: 168
-> When using Auto Memory Mgmt, minimally choose a pga_aggregate_target value
   where Estd PGA Overalloc Count is 0

       Estd Extra    Estd PGA Estd PGA
PGA Target    Size      W/A MB   W/A MB Read/ Cache  Overalloc
  Est (MB)   Factr   Processed Written to Disk Hit %    Count
---------- ------- ---------------- ---------------- -------- ----------
12     0.8       107.7 0.0 100.0        1
16     1.0       107.7 0.0 100.0        1
19     1.2       107.7 0.0 100.0        1
22     1.4       107.7 0.0 100.0        1
26     1.6       107.7 0.0 100.0        1
29     1.8       107.7 0.0 100.0        1
32     2.0       107.7 0.0 100.0        1
48     3.0       107.7 0.0 100.0        1
64     4.0       107.7 0.0 100.0        0
96     6.0       107.7 0.0 100.0        0
       128     8.0       107.7 0.0 100.0        0

Shared Pool Advisory    DB/Inst: HXY/HXY  Snap: 168
-> SP: Shared Pool     Est LC: Estimated Library Cache Factr: Factor
-> Note there is often a 1:Many correlation between a single logical object
   in the Library Cache, and the physical number of memory objects associated
   with it.  Therefore comparing the number of Lib Cache objects (e.g. in
   v$librarycache), with the number of Lib Cache Memory Objects is invalid.

Est LC Est LC  Est LC Est LC
    Shared    SP   Est LC   Time Time Load Load   Est LC
      Pool  Size     Size Est LC Saved Saved Time Time      Mem
   Size(M) Factr      (M)      Mem Obj    (s) Factr   (s)  Factr Obj Hits
---------- ----- -------- ------------ ------- ------ ------- ------ -----------
68    .9 8    887    194   1.0    42 1.1   50,392
76   1.0       15 1,523    196   1.0    40 1.0   51,301
84   1.1       22 2,423    197   1.0    39 1.0   52,090
92   1.2       29 3,109    198   1.0    38 1.0   52,814
       100   1.3       36 3,525    200   1.0    36   .9   53,597
       108   1.4       43 4,132    200   1.0    36   .9   53,857
       116   1.5       50 5,016    200   1.0    36   .9   53,975
       124   1.6       57 5,581    200   1.0    36   .9   53,997
       132   1.7       64 6,144    200   1.0    36   .9   54,003
       140   1.8       71 7,153    200   1.0    36   .9   54,009
       148   1.9       78 8,059    200   1.0    36   .9   54,011
       156   2.1       85 9,052    200   1.0    36   .9   54,011

SGA Target Advisory    DB/Inst: HXY/HXY  Snap: 168

SGA Target   SGA Size     Est DB     Est Physical
  Size (M)     Factor   Time (s)       Reads
---------- ---------- ------------ ----------------
       120   0.8        105      11,071
       160   1.0 86       9,240
       200   1.3 80       9,019
       240   1.5 80       9,019
       280   1.8 80       9,019
       320   2.0 80       9,019

Streams Pool Advisory    DB/Inst: HXY/HXY  Snap: 168

  Size for Size   Est Spill   Est Spill Est Unspill Est Unspill
  Est (MB)    Factor    Count    Time (s)    Count    Time (s)
---------- --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
4 0.5        0    0        0    0
8 1.0        0    0        0    0
12 1.5        0    0        0    0
16 2.0        0    0        0    0
20 2.5        0    0        0    0
24 3.0        0    0        0    0
28 3.5        0    0        0    0
32 4.0        0    0        0    0
36 4.5        0    0        0    0
40 5.0        0    0        0    0
44 5.5        0    0        0    0
48 6.0        0    0        0    0
52 6.5        0    0        0    0
56 7.0        0    0        0    0
60 7.5        0    0        0    0
64 8.0        0    0        0    0
68 8.5        0    0        0    0
72 9.0        0    0        0    0
76 9.5        0    0        0    0
80 10.0        0    0        0    0

Java Pool Advisory    DB/Inst: HXY/HXY  Snap: 168

  No data exists for this section of the report.

Buffer Wait Statistics       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc

Class Waits Total Wait Time (s)  Avg Time (ms)
------------------ ----------- ------------------- --------------
undo header      1 0 0

Enqueue Activity       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168

  No data exists for this section of the report.

Undo Segment Summary       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> Min/Max TR (mins) - Min and Max Tuned Retention (minutes)
-> STO - Snapshot Too Old count,  OOS - Out of Space count
-> Undo segment block stats:
-> uS - unexpired Stolen,   uR - unexpired Released,   uU - unexpired reUsed
-> eS - expired   Stolen,   eR - expired   Released,   eU - expired   reUsed

Undo   Num Undo       Number of  Max Qry   Max Tx Min/Max   STO/     uS/uR/uU/
 TS# Blocks (K)    Transactions  Len (s) Concurcy TR (mins) OOS      eS/eR/eU
---- ---------- --------------- -------- -------- --------- ----- --------------
   1      .0     534        0 1 15/15     0/0   0/0/0/0/0/0

Undo Segment Stats       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> Most recent 35 Undostat rows, ordered by Time desc

Num Undo    Number of Max Qry  Max Tx Tun Ret STO/    uS/uR/uU/
End Time   Blocks Transactions Len (s) Concy  (mins) OOS     eS/eR/eU
------------ ----------- ------------ ------- ------- ------- ----- ------------
12-Oct 13:50        5    43     0     1    15 0/0   0/0/0/0/0/0
12-Oct 13:40        2    61     0     1    15 0/0   0/0/0/0/0/0
12-Oct 13:30        3    45     0     1    15 0/0   0/0/0/0/0/0
12-Oct 13:20       13   327     0     1    15 0/0   0/0/0/0/0/0
12-Oct 13:10        3    58     0     1    15 0/0   0/0/0/0/0/0

Latch Activity       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> "Get Requests", "Pct Get Miss" and "Avg Slps/Miss" are statistics for
   willing-to-wait latch get requests
-> "NoWait Requests", "Pct NoWait Miss" are for no-wait latch get requests
-> "Pct Misses" for both should be very close to 0.0

   Pct   Avg Wait      Pct
    Get    Get Slps Time    NoWait NoWait
Latch Name        Requests   Miss /Miss (s) Requests   Miss
------------------------ -------------- ------ ------ ------ ------------ ------
AWR Alerted Metric Eleme 12,742    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
Consistent RBA     370    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
FAL request queue      72    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
FAL subheap alocation      72    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
FOB s.o list latch      44    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
In memory undo latch   3,665    0.0   N/A    0     1,149    0.0
JS mem alloc latch       4    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
JS queue access latch       4    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
JS queue state obj latch 26,026    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
JS slv state obj latch     171    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
KGX       0    N/A   N/A    0    12,215    0.0
KMG MMAN ready and start   1,200    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
KTF sga latch       7    0.0   N/A    0     1,145    0.0
KWQMN job cache list lat      17    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
KWQP Prop Status     405    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
MQL Tracking Latch       0    N/A   N/A    0        72    0.0
Memory Management Latch       0    N/A   N/A    0     1,200    0.0
Memory Queue     403    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
OS process     498    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
OS process allocation   1,531    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
OS process: request allo     111    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
PL/SQL warning settings     242    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
SGA IO buffer pool latch       1    0.0   N/A    0 1    0.0
SQL memory manager latch     460    0.0   N/A    0     1,197    0.0
SQL memory manager worka 111,941    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
Shared B-Tree   2,577    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
active checkpoint queue   1,880    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
active service list   7,693    0.0   N/A    0     1,260    0.0
archive control      68    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
archive process latch   1,269    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
bq:time manger info latc     133    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
bufq statistics     406    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
cache buffer handles      20    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
cache buffers chains 109,555    0.0   N/A    0       480    0.0
cache buffers lru chain   2,720    0.0   N/A    0     1,066    0.0
cache table scan latch       0    N/A   N/A    0 5    0.0
cas latch   2,336    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
channel handle pool latc     111    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
channel operations paren 17,106    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
checkpoint queue latch 26,967    0.0   N/A    0       577    0.0
client/application info   1,445    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
commit callback allocati      28    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
compile environment latc     224    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
dml lock allocation   2,284    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
dummy allocation     225    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
enqueue hash chains 66,097    0.0   N/A    0       120    0.0
enqueues 61,835    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
event group latch      55    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
file cache latch      79    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
hash table column usage     426    0.0   N/A    0     5,173    0.0
hash table modification      63    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
job workq parent latch       0    N/A   N/A    0       114    0.0
job_queue_processes para     117    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
kks stats   1,649    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
ksuosstats global area     242    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
ktm global data      15    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
kwqbsn:qsga   2,037    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
lgwr LWN SCN   1,424    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
library cache 65,439    0.0   N/A    0       203    0.0
library cache load lock   2,480    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
Latch Activity       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> "Get Requests", "Pct Get Miss" and "Avg Slps/Miss" are statistics for
   willing-to-wait latch get requests
-> "NoWait Requests", "Pct NoWait Miss" are for no-wait latch get requests
-> "Pct Misses" for both should be very close to 0.0

   Pct   Avg Wait      Pct
    Get    Get Slps Time    NoWait NoWait
Latch Name        Requests   Miss /Miss (s) Requests   Miss
------------------------ -------------- ------ ------ ------ ------------ ------
library cache lock 24,358    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
library cache lock alloc   1,296    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
library cache pin 37,828    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
library cache pin alloca     591    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
list of block allocation     133    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
logminer context allocat       1    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
messages 25,685    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
mostly latch-free SCN   2,089    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
multiblock read objects      38    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
ncodef allocation latch      60    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
object queue header heap       2    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
object queue header oper   4,571    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
object stats modificatio       1    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
parallel query alloc buf     480    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
parameter table allocati     115    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
post/wait queue     154    0.0   N/A    0        68    0.0
process allocation     111    0.0   N/A    0        55    0.0
process group creation     111    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
qmn task queue latch   3,707    0.1   1.0    0 0    N/A
redo allocation   4,093    0.0   1.0    0     2,910    0.1
redo copy       1    0.0   N/A    0     2,910    0.8
redo on-disk SCN   4,519    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
redo writing   5,504    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
resmgr group change latc     293    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
resmgr:actses active lis     222    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
resmgr:actses change gro      57    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
resmgr:free threads list     221    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
resmgr:schema config       1    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
rm cas latch     563    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
row cache objects 46,163    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
rules engine aggregate s      14    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
rules engine rule set st     128    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
sequence cache      49    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
session allocation 99,343    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
session idle bit     787    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
session state list latch     236    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
session switching      60    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
session timer   1,260    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
shared pool 47,741    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
simulator hash latch   4,020    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
simulator lru latch   3,903    0.0   N/A    0        11    0.0
slave class       2    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
slave class create       8   12.5   1.0    0 0    N/A
sort extent pool      91    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
state object free list       2    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
statistics aggregation     140    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
threshold alerts latch     253    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
transaction allocation     133    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
transaction branch alloc      60    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
undo global data   2,981    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A
user lock     114    0.0   N/A    0 0    N/A

Latch Sleep Breakdown       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> ordered by misses desc

Latch Name
  Get Requests     Misses Sleeps Spin Gets   Sleep1   Sleep2   Sleep3
-------------- ----------- ----------- ---------- -------- -------- --------
qmn task queue latch
3,707 4      4 0 0   0    0
redo allocation
4,093 1      1 0 0   0    0
slave class create
     8 1      1 0 0   0    0

Latch Miss Sources       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> only latches with sleeps are shown
-> ordered by name, sleeps desc

     NoWait Waiter
Latch Name Where      Misses Sleeps Sleeps
------------------------ -------------------------- ------- ---------- --------
event range base latch No latch   0      4       4
redo allocation kcrfw_redo_gen: redo alloc   0      1       0
slave class create ksvcreate   0      1       0

Parent Latch Statistics       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168

  No data exists for this section of the report.

Child Latch Statistics       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168

  No data exists for this section of the report.

Segments by Logical Reads       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> Total Logical Reads: 54,463
-> Captured Segments account for   71.3% of Total

   Tablespace    Subobject  Obj. Logical
Owner       Name    Object Name      Name     Type    Reads  %Total
---------- ---------- -------------------- ---------- ----- ------------ -------
SYS    SYSTEM     SMON_SCN_TIME       TABLE    3,872    7.11
SYS    SYSTEM     JOB$       TABLE    2,448    4.49
SYS    SYSTEM     I_SYSAUTH1       INDEX    2,272    4.17
SYS    SYSTEM     I_CCOL1       INDEX    2,256    4.14
SYS    SYSTEM     SYS_C00650       INDEX    2,064    3.79

Segments by Physical Reads       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> Total Physical Reads:      108
-> Captured Segments account for    64.8% of Total

   Tablespace    Subobject  Obj. Physical
Owner       Name    Object Name      Name     Type    Reads  %Total
---------- ---------- -------------------- ---------- ----- ------------ -------
SYS    SYSTEM     TAB$       TABLE       40   37.04
SYS    SYSAUX     WRH$_SQL_BIND_METADA       TABLE        7    6.48
SYS    SYSAUX     WRH$_SYSMETRIC_SUMMA       INDEX        4    3.70
SYS    SYSAUX     WRH$_ROWCACHE_SUMMAR 742363_147 INDEX        3    2.78
SYS    SYSAUX     WRH$_SYSMETRIC_SUMMA       TABLE        3    2.78

Segments by Row Lock Waits       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> % of Capture shows % of row lock waits for each top segment compared
-> with total row lock waits for all segments captured by the Snapshot

   Tablespace    Subobject  Obj.     Lock    % of
Owner       Name    Object Name      Name     Type    Waits Capture
---------- ---------- -------------------- ---------- ----- ------------ -------
SYS    SYSTEM     SMON_SCN_TIME       TABLE        1  100.00

Segments by ITL Waits       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168

  No data exists for this section of the report.

Segments by Buffer Busy Waits       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168

  No data exists for this section of the report.

Dictionary Cache Stats       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> "Pct Misses"  should be very low (< 2% in most cases)
-> "Final Usage" is the number of cache entries being used

   Get   Pct Scan Pct Mod   Final
Cache       Requests Miss Reqs  Miss Reqs   Usage
------------------------- ------------ ------ ------- ----- -------- ----------
dc_awr_control     66   0.0     0 N/A    2       1
dc_global_oids    192   0.0     0 N/A    0      32
dc_histogram_data 1,898   0.0     0 N/A    0     768
dc_histogram_defs 3,714   0.0     0 N/A    0   3,114
dc_object_grants      4   0.0     0 N/A    0       2
dc_object_ids 3,083   0.1     0 N/A    0     820
dc_objects 1,735   0.5     0 N/A    5     786
dc_profiles     59   0.0     0 N/A    0       1
dc_rollback_segments    646   0.0     0 N/A    0      22
dc_segments    854   0.0     0 N/A    1     532
dc_sequences      5   0.0     0 N/A    5       5
dc_tablespaces 1,676   0.0     0 N/A    0       6
dc_usernames    446   0.0     0 N/A    0      10
dc_users 2,370   0.0     0 N/A    0      12
outstanding_alerts    100   7.0     0 N/A   14      14

Library Cache Activity       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> "Pct Misses"  should be very low

Get Pct        Pin    Pct       Invali-
Namespace     Requests   Miss   Requests   Miss    Reloads  dations
--------------- ------------ ------ -------------- ------ ---------- --------
BODY 603 0.0        750    4.3   32     0
CLUSTER   33 0.0 58    6.9    4     0
INDEX   20 0.0 22   90.9   20     0
SQL AREA        1,573 0.1     12,855    6.6 461     0
TABLE/PROCEDURE        1,805 0.0      4,105   27.6 521     0
TRIGGER   10 0.0        164    1.2    2     0

Process Memory Summary       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> B: Begin snap   E: End snap
-> All rows below contain absolute values (i.e. not diffed over the interval)
-> Max Alloc is Maximum PGA Allocation size at snapshot time
-> Hist Max Alloc is the Historical Max Allocation for still-connected processes
-> ordered by Begin/End snapshot, Alloc (MB) desc

    Avg  Std Dev     Max     Max
       Alloc   Used   Alloc    Alloc   Alloc   Alloc    Num    Num
  Category (MB)   (MB)    (MB)     (MB)    (MB)    (MB)   Proc  Alloc
- -------- --------- --------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------ ------
B Other 83.6    N/A     4.0      7.5      22      37     21     21
  Freeable 7.4     .0      .8       .3       1     N/A      9      9
  SQL   .9     .5      .1       .1       0       1     12      9
  PL/SQL   .2     .1      .0       .0       0       0     19     19
E Other 82.5    N/A     4.1      7.7      22      37     20     20
  Freeable 7.3     .0      .9       .4       2     N/A      8      8
  SQL   .9     .5      .1       .1       0       1     11      9
  PL/SQL   .1     .1      .0       .0       0       0     18     18

SGA Memory Summary       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168

      End Size (Bytes)
SGA regions Begin Size (Bytes) (if different)
------------------------------ ------------------- -------------------
Database Buffers 67,108,864
Fixed Size 2,019,320
Redo Buffers 2,174,976
Variable Size 96,469,000
sum        167,772,160

SGA breakdown difference       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> ordered by Pool, Name
-> N/A value for Begin MB or End MB indicates the size of that Pool/Name was
   insignificant, or zero in that snapshot

Pool   Name     Begin MB      End MB  % Diff
------ ------------------------------ -------------- -------------- -------
java   free memory 4.0 4.0    0.00
large  PX msg pool   .2 .2    0.00
large  free memory 3.8 3.8    0.00
shared ASH buffers 2.0 2.0    0.00
shared CCursor   .9 .9    5.70
shared FileOpenBlock 1.4 1.4    0.00
shared KCB Table Scan Buffer 3.8 3.8    0.00
shared KGLS heap   .9 .8   -4.80
shared KQR L PO   .8 .8    1.03
shared KQR M PO 2.2 2.2    0.04
shared KSFD SGA I/O b 3.8 3.8    0.00
shared KSXR pending messages que   .8 .8    0.00
shared KSXR receive buffers 1.0 1.0    0.00
shared KTI-UNDO 1.2 1.2    0.00
shared event statistics per sess 1.5 1.5    0.00
shared free memory 3.4 3.8   11.69
shared kglsim hash table bkts 4.0 4.0    0.00
shared kglsim object batch   .7 .8   13.57
shared kks stbkt 1.5 1.5    0.00
shared library cache 5.8 5.9    2.19
shared message pool freequeue   .7 .7    0.00
shared private strands 2.3 2.3    0.00
shared returns from metrics req   .7 .7    0.00
shared row cache 7.1 7.1    0.00
shared sessions   .8 .8    0.00
shared sql area 3.2 3.0   -4.16
stream KGH: NO ACCESS 4.0 4.0    0.00
stream free memory 8.0 8.0    0.00
       buffer_cache 64.0        64.0    0.00
       fixed_sga 1.9 1.9    0.00
       log_buffer 2.1 2.1    0.00

Streams CPU/IO Usage       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> Streams processes ordered by CPU usage
-> CPU and I/O Time in micro seconds

Session Type CPU Time  User I/O Time   Sys I/O Time
------------------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
QMON Slaves 124,609       0      0
QMON Coordinator 116,713       0      0

Streams Capture       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168

  No data exists for this section of the report.

Streams Apply       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168

  No data exists for this section of the report.

Buffered Queues       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> The Spill Rate should be very close to zero
-> The Diff in Percentage Spilled should be very close to zero or negative

Incoming    Outgoing   Spilled   Diff
Queue Schema and Name  per second  per second  per second  Pct Spilled
--------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
SYS.KUPC$C_1_20130628 0     0 0      0

Buffered Subscribers       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> All Subscribers should have a zero spill rate

Incoming    Outgoing Spilled
Subscriber Name       per second  per second  per second
-------------------- ----------- ----------- -----------
MCP        0    0        0

Rule Set       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168
-> Rule Sets ordered by Evaluations

       Fast SQL   CPU  Elapsed
Ruleset Name      Evals    Evals    Execs Time   Time
------------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
SYS.ALERT_QUE_R 14   0    0     4      4

Resource Limit Stats    DB/Inst: HXY/HXY  Snap: 168

  No data exists for this section of the report.

init.ora Parameters       DB/Inst: HXY/HXY Snaps: 167-168

End value
Parameter Name       Begin value (if different)
----------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------
audit_file_dest       /u01/app/oracle/admin/HXY/adump
background_dump_dest       /u01/app/oracle/admin/HXY/bdump
control_files       /u01/app/oracle/oradata/HXY/contr
core_dump_dest       /u01/app/oracle/admin/HXY/cdump
db_block_size       8192
db_file_multiblock_read_count 16
db_name       HXY
db_recovery_file_dest       /u01/app/oracle/flash_recovery_ar
db_recovery_file_dest_size    2147483648
dispatchers       (PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=HXYXDB)
job_queue_processes       10
log_archive_dest_1       location=/u01/app/oracle/oradata/
open_cursors       300
pga_aggregate_target       16777216
processes       150
remote_login_passwordfile     EXCLUSIVE
sga_target       167772160
undo_management       AUTO
undo_tablespace       UNDOTBS1
user_dump_dest       /u01/app/oracle/admin/HXY/udump

End of Report
Report written to awrrpt_1_167_168.txt




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