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原创 在mabook pro 上使用显卡进行人工智能模型训练

自从2019年6月份买了macbook pro 后,这台笔记本显卡如何用于平时的人工智能计算,一直困扰着我,因为当时还特地专门定制了外置显卡的的安装。当时多花了差不多3000港币,但是市面上AI计算的,基本用navidia 的卡,我找了几种办法,甚至想到了虚拟机映射物理显卡,还是以失败告终。–我还是会回来收拾这个显卡问题的,我潜意识里,一直记着这事情,早晚要搞定这个问题。终于时机来了。网上看到了几篇国外的文章,提到了 Deep Learning using GPU on your MacBook ...

2020-05-29 11:07:24 3151

原创 iPad 被锁死后如何恢复出厂设置

这几天,家里小朋友,又把iPad 锁屏密码弄锁死了。之前是花钱找人恢复,今天觉得这个应该不是很难,跟手机恢复出厂设置应该差不多。于是网上找了资料,动手实践起来。iPad已停用有三种方式可以恢复第一种:使用iCloud抹除密码1.在电脑上打开iCloud.com/find,登录Apple ID。2.点击顶部“所有设备”选择需要抹除开机密码的iPad设备名称。3.点击“抹除iPad设备名称...

2020-05-26 16:58:58 17992

原创 bash shell ffmpeg mp4批量转换为mp3

最需要把视频mp4转换为mp3,从百度网盘下载mp4到本地苹果电脑后,使用bash shell 和ffmpeg 批量转换,下面是实现代码:前提条件:1.电脑安装了bash shell2.安装了ffmpeg3.有mp4或其他格式的视频文件.mp4tomp3#!/usr/bin/env bashecho "批量转换当前文件夹的mp4为mp3文件"mp4PostFix=".mp4";file_not_ready="downloading"fileList=$(ls -1 | tr " "

2020-05-10 23:45:44 1076

Fourier Analysis_ An Introduction (Princet - Elias M. Stein, Rami Shakarchi.epub

Fourier Analysis 英文原版 Fourier Analysis_ An Introduction (Princet - Elias M. Stein, Rami Shakarchi.epub


The Road to GraphQL your journ

The Road to GraphQL your journ The Road to GraphQL your journ.pdf 2018年11月出版


Full-Stack Vue.js 2 and Laravel 5

Full-Stack Vue.js 2 and Laravel 5 Bring the frontend and backend together with Vue, Vuex, and Laravel 原版转换,目录完美.


2018.03 page303 (Web Development) Miguel Grinberg-Flask Web

2018.03 page303 Flask Web development 2nd pdf 这个是完整版本的,有正确的目录.


Mastering Spring 5.0

2017.08 page191 Mastering Spring 5.0 this is a spring5.0 book


Getting started with Spring Fra - J Sharma.pdf

Getting started with Spring Fra - J Sharma.pdf 版本


Learning Spring Boot2.0 2017.11

Learning Spring Boot2.0 2017.11版


Problem Solving A statistician Chris Chatfield 2017.08 第2版

Problem Solving A statistician Chris Chatfield 2017.08 第2版


Effective Data Visualization

Effective Data Visualization 2017 page 426 Stephanie D.H. Evergreen


2015 page270 our Final Invention Artificial Intelligence

2015 page270 our Final Invention Artificial Intelligence


2018 page364 Artificial Intelligence Advances in Research and Applications.pdf

2018 page364 Artificial Intelligence Advances in Research and Applications.pdf


2017.12 page394 Kotlin Blueprints-Packt Publishing(2017).pdf

2017.12 page394 Kotlin Blueprints-Packt Publishing(2017) (1).pdf


Optimize code using Functional Programming Techniques.pdf

2018.02 page445 Functional Kotlin Optimize code using Functional Programming Techniques.pdf


2017 page661 JavaScript_Novice to Ninja, 2nd Edition-SitePoint(2017)

2017 page661 JavaScript_Novice to Ninja, 2nd Edition-SitePoint(2017)


2017.08 page877 Cloud Native Java_ Designing Re - Josh Long.pdf )

2017.08 page877 Cloud Native Java_ Designing Re - Josh Long.pdf


Learning RxJava_ Reactive, Conc - Thomas Nield.pdf

Learning RxJava_ Reactive, Conc - Thomas Nield.pdf


Understanding GIS_ An ArcGIS(r) - David Smith 3rd

The first single-project GIS textbook on the market, Understanding GIS: An ArcGIS® Pro Project Workbook is an excellent resource for students and educators seeking a guide for an advanced, single-project-based course that incorporates GIS across a wide range of disciplines. In this third edition, readers progress through nine lessons (35 exercises), using ArcGIS Pro software from Esri to find the best location for a new park along the Los Angeles River in Southern California. Each exercise offers step-by-step instructions, graphics to confirm exercise results, and explanations of key concepts. The book includes access to ArcGIS Desktop software, which includes ArcGIS Pro. Project data—real data, all of it updated—is downloadable from the book's resource web page.


2017.09 page 481 Mobile App Development with Ion - Chris Griffith.pdf

Mobile App Development with Ionic 2: Cross-Platform Apps with Ionic, Angular, and Cordova 1st Edition by Chris Griffith (Author) ISBN-13: 978-1491937785 ISBN-10: 1491937785 Learn how to build app store-ready hybrid apps with the Ionic 2, the framework built on top of Apache Cordova (formerly PhoneGap) and Angular. This practical guide shows you how to use Ionic’s tools and services to develop apps with HTML, CSS, and TypeScript, rather than rely on platform-specific solutions found in Android, iOS, and Windows Phone.


2016 page220 Spring Security Essentials - Nanda Nachimuthu.pdf )

Spring Security Essentials - Nanda Nachimuthu.pdf


016.12 page412 Learning Vue.js 2 - Olga Filipova.pdf ) 您可以上传小于60MB的文件

Learning Vue.js 2 - Olga Filipova.pdf )


Service-Oriented Architecture - Thomas Erl 2016.12 page452

Service-Oriented Architecture


The Majesty Of Vue.js Paperback – October 28, 2016

Create fast front-end applications and increase the performance of your existing projects with Vue.js integration About This Book Learn about computed properties, components, filters, routing, ES6, and workflow automation This book will show you how easy Vue.js is to grasp, and that its integration can save you a lot of time and effort This book will guide you through the path of the rapidly spreading JavaScript Framework Vue.js Who This Book Is For This book is for anyone interested in learning to use a lightweight and simple JavaScript framework. No excessive knowledge is required, though it would be good to be familiar with HTML and JavaScript. This book is also useful for those who already know their way around Vue.js and want to expand their knowledge. What You Will Learn Get to know the fundamentals of Vue.js Consume an API using Vue Resource Explore components, filters, methods, and computed properties are and find out how to use them to build robust applications Break your applications into Single File Components Build Single Page Applications using Vue Router Automate your workflow using Vue.js In Detail Vue.js is a library to build interactive web interfaces. The aim is to provide the benefits of reactive data binding and composable view components with an API that is as simple as possible. This book will teach you how to efficiently implement Vue.js in your projects. It starts with the fundamentals of Vue.js to building large-scale applications. You will find out what components, filters, methods, and computed properties are and how to use them to build robust applications. Further on, you will become familiar with ES6, single file components, module bundlers, and workflow automation. The best way to learn to code is to write it, so there's an exercise at the end of most of the chapters for you to solve and actually test yourself on what you have learned. You can solve these in order to gain a better understanding of Vue.js. By the end of this book, you will be able to create fast front-end applications and increase the performance of your existing projects with Vue.js integration. Style and approach The book is written in an informal, intuitive, and easy-to-follow format, and all examples are detailed enough to provide adequate guidance to everyone."


Load Balancing with HAProxy

Product Details Paperback: 201 pages Publisher: Independently published (December 5, 2016) Language: English ISBN-10: 1519073844 ISBN-13: 978-1519073846 Product Dimensions: 7.5 x 0.5 x 9.2 inches Shipping Weight: 1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)


Nagios Core Administration Cook - Tom Ryder.pdf

2016 page764 Nagios Core Administration Cook - Tom Ryder.pdf


Mastering Mesos

The ultimate guide to managing, building, and deploying large-scale clusters with Apache Mesos, About This Book, Master the architecture of Mesos and intelligently distribute your task across clusters of machines, Explore a wide range of tools and platforms that Mesos works with, This real-world comprehensive and robust tutorial will help you become an expert, Who This Book Is For, The book aims to serve DevOps engineers and system administrators who are familiar with the basics of managing a Linux system and its tools, What You Will Learn, Understand the Mesos architecture, Manually spin up a Mesos cluster on a distributed infrastructure, Deploy a multi-node Mesos cluster using your favorite DevOps, See the nuts and bolts of scheduling, service discovery, failure handling, security, monitoring, and debugging in an enterprise-grade, production cluster deployment, Use Mesos to deploy big data frameworks, containerized applications, or even custom build your own applications effortlessly


Kubernetes Cookbook - Hideto Saito 2016

Kubernetes Cookbook - Hideto Saito.pdf 2016


Mastering Mobile Test Automatio - Feroz Pearl Louis.pdf

2015 page340 Mastering Mobile Test Automatio - Feroz Pearl Louis.pdf


wildfly new Features

wildfly new Features



Open street map 的入门教程


Hadoop The Definitive Guide 2nd Edition.pdf

Hadoop The Definitive Guide 2nd Edition.pdf



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