

COMP9315 Postgres Implementation 2019_哔哩哔哩_bilibili


# DBMS Implementation COMP9315 19T2

## Course Summary
This course aims to introduce students to the detailed internal structure of database management systems (DBMSs) such as Oracle or SQL Server. DBMSs contain a variety of interesting data structures and algorithms that are also potentially useful outside the DBMS context; knowing about them is a useful way of extending your general programming background. While the focus is on relational DBMSs, given that they have the best-developed technological foundation, we will also consider more recent developments in the management of large data repositories.  

Relational DBMSs need to deal with a variety of issues: storage structures and management, implementation of relational operations, query optimisation, transactions, concurrency, recovery, security. The course will address most of these, along with a brief look at emerging database systems trends. The level of detail on individual topics will vary; some will be covered in significant detail, others will be covered relatively briefly.  

An important aspect of this course is to give you a chance to undertake an in-depth exploration of the internals of a real DBMS: PostgreSQL. Lectures will discuss the general principles of how DBMSs are implemented, and will also illustrate them with examples from PostgreSQL where possible.  

comp9315 19T2

DBMS Implementation(data structures and algorithms inside relational DBMSs)
Lecturer: john Shepherd
Web Site:
Lecturer jiangshi 
Course Goals
Introduce you to:
- architecture of relational DBMSs (e.g. PostgreSQL)
- algorithms/data-structures for data-intensive computing
- representation of relational database objects
- representation of relational operators(sel, proj, join)
- techniques for processing SQL queries
- techniques for managing concurrent transactions i?concepts in
  distributed and non-relational databases?
  Develop skill in:
  - analysing the performance of data-intensive algorithms
  - the use of C to implment data-instensive algorithms
We assume that you are already familiar with
- the C language and programming in C(or C++)
  (e.g. completed >= 1 programming course in c)
- developing applicaiton on RDBMSs
  (SQL,[relational algebra], e.g. an intro DB course)
- basic ideas about file organisation and file manipulation
  (Unix open, close, lseek, read, write, flock)
- sorting algorithms, data structures for searching
  (sorting, trees, hashing, e.g. a data structures course)
If you don't know this material very well, don't take this course.
Exercise 1: SQL(revision)
Given the following schema:
Students(sid, name ,degree,...)
e.g. Students(3322111, 'John Smith', ‘MEngSc’,...)
e.g. Courses(1732, 'COMP9311', '12s1', 'databases',...)
e.g. Enrolments(3322111,1732,50,'PS')

Write ann SQL query to solve the problem
- find all students who passed COMP9315 in 18s2
- for each student, give(student ID, name,mark)

cd cs9315
$source srvr/env9
-bash: srvr/env9: No such file
$ cd lectures
$ cd exercises
$ ls
pg-data pizza.dump uni.sql pg-src query unixio
$vi query
---------------query begin


-- Schema:
-- Students(sid, name, degree, ...)
-- Courses(cid, code, term, title, ...)
-- Enrolments(sid, cid, mark, grade)
-- sample data is avaiable in ../databases/uni.sql

-- all students who passed COMP9315 in 18s2 (sid,name,mark)

select s.sid,, e.mark
from   Students s join Enrolments e join Courses c
where  c.code = 9315 and c.term = '18s2' and mark >= 50

select s.sid,, e.mark
from Students s join Enrolments e join Courses c
where c.code = 'COMP9315' and c.term = '18s2' and mark >= 50

Tmp1 = sel[code=9315 and term=18s2]Courses
Tmp2 = join[cid](Tmp1,Enrolments)
Tmp3 = sel[mark >= 50]Tmp2
Tmp4 = join[sid](Tmp2,Students)
Res = proj[sid,name,mark]Tmp4
---------------query end


Exercise 2: Unix File I/O (revision)
Write a C program that reads a file, block-by-block.
Command-line parameters:
- block size in bytes
- name of input file

Use low-level C operations: open,read.
Count and display how many blocks/bytes read.

$ cd unixio
$ ls
Makefile blocks small.txt big.txt blocks.c
$ ./blocks 1024 big.txt
$ vi blocks.c

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

void giveUp(char *);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	char   *buf;
	int     inf;  // file descriptor
	int     bufsize;
	ssize_t nread;
	int     nblocks = 0, nbytes = 0;

	// process command line args

	if (argc < 3) giveUp("Insufficient args");
	bufsize = atoi(argv[1]);
	if (bufsize < 100) giveUp("Invalid buffer size");
	buf = malloc(bufsize * sizeof(char));
	if (buf == NULL) giveUp("Can't create buffer");

    // open file

	if ((inf = open(argv[2], O_RDONLY)) < 0)
		giveUp("Can't read file");

	// read file and count blocks/bytes

	while ((nread = read(inf,buf,bufsize)) != 0) {
		nbytes += nread;
		printf("%ld bytes read in current block\n",nread);

	// display results

	printf("Read %d blocks and %d bytes\n",nblocks,nbytes);

void giveUp(char *msg)
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n",msg);
	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ./blocks BlockSize InputFile\n");

- Textbooks: descirbe some syllabus(kechengbiao)topics in detail
- Notes: descirbe syllabus topcis in some detail
- Lecture slides: summarise Note and contain exercises
- Lecture videos: for review or if you miss a lecture, or are in WEB stream
- Readings: research papers on selected topics

The onus(zeren) is on you to use this materail

Note: Exercises and vidoes will be availabel only after the lecture.
Learning/Teaching  (cont)
Things that you need to do :
- Exercises: tutorial-like questions
- Prac work: lab-class-like exercises
- Assignments:large/important practical exercises
- On-line quizzes: for self-assessment(pingjia)

- Exercises -> Exam(theory part)
- Prac work -> Assignments -> Exam(prac part)
There are no tute/lab classes; use Forum, Email, Consults
- Debugging is best done in person(can see ful context)

Prac Exercises
P01 installing your PostgreSQL server
cd /srvr/YOU
tar xfj /web/cs9315/postsql/postgresql-10.
... creaes and populates a directory called postgresql-11.3
cd postgresql-11.3
./configure --prefix=/srvr/YOU/pgsql
...produces lots of output...
edit src/backend/storage/ipc/latch.c
... and fix an annoying Grieg glitch ...
... search for "epoll_create1" ...
... on the line above "#if define(WAIT_USE_EPOLL" ...
... add #undef EPOLL_CLOEXEC" ...
$ make
... produces lots of output; take approx 3-5 minutes...
$ make install
... produces lots of output ...
$ cp /web/cs9315/19T2/postgresql/env /srvr/YOU/env
$ source /srvr/YOU/env
$ which inidb
$ inidb
... produces some output, takes approx 1 minute...
$ ls $PGDATA
... gives a listing of newly-created PostgreSQL data directory
Rough Schedule
week01 intro, dbms review, RA, catalogs
week02 storage: disks,buffers, pages, tuples
week03 RA ops:scan, sort, projection
week04 selection:heaps, hashing, indexes
week05 no lecutes
week06 selection:N-d matching, similarity
week07 joins:naive, sort-merge,hash join
week08 query processing, optimisation
week09 transactions: concurrency, recovery
week10 distributed and non-SQL databases
No official text book; serveral are suitable...
- Garcia-Molina,Ullman,Widom
  "Database Systems: The Complete Book"
- Remakrishnan, Gehrke
  "Database Systems management"
-Silberschatz, Korth, Sudarshan
  "Database System Concepts"
- Kifer, Bernstern, Lewis
  "Database Systems: An algorithmic-oriented approach"
- Elmasri, Navathe
  "Database Systems: Models, languages, design..."
  but not all cover all topics in detail        
Prac Work
In this course, we use PostgreSQL V11.3(compulsory) qiangzhi
Prac Work requires you to compile PostgreSQL from source code
-instructions explain how to do this on Linux at CSE
-also works easily on linux and Mac OSX at home
-PostgreSQl docs describe how to compile for windows
Make sure do the first Prac Exercise when it becomes availabel
Sort out any problems ASAP (preferably at a consultation)
Prac Work (cont)
PostgreSQL is a large software system:
- >1700 source code files in the core engine/clients
- > 1,000,000 lines of c code in the core
You won't be required to understand all of it :-)
You will need to learn to navigate this code effectively.
Will discuss relevant parts in lectures to help whith this.
PostgreSQK books?
- tend to add little to the manual, and cost a lot

cd systems
cd postgresql-11.3
cd src
$ vi -t PostgresMain
: ta exec_query

Schedule of assignment work:
1 storage management week5 13%
2 query processing   week10 17%
Assignments will be carried out in groups of size 1-3
choose own online tools to share code(e.g. git, dropbox).
ultimately, submission is via CSE's give system
Wil spend some time in lectures reviewing assignments.
Assignments will require up-front code-reading (see pracs).
Don't leave assignment to the last minute
- they require significant cod reading
- as well as code writing and testing
- and, you cna submit early
carrot: bounus marks are available for early submissions.
stick: marks deducted (from max) for late submissions.
Quizzes xiaoceyan
Over the course of the semester.. xueqi
- six online quizzes
- taken in your own time (but there are deadlines)
- each quiz is worth a small number of marks
Quizzes are primarily a review tool to check progress.
But they contribute 10% of your overall mark for the course.
Three-hour exam in the August exam period
Exam is held in CSE labs(learn the environment,VLab)
The course notes(only) will be available in the exam
Thins that we can't reasonably test in the exam:
- writing large programs, running major experiments.
Everything else is potentially examinable.
Contains: descriptive questions, analysis, small programming exercises.
Exam contribute 60% of the overall mark for this course.

Exam cont
If you cannot attend the final exam...
- because of documented illness/misadventure
then you will be offered a Supplementary Exam.
You get one chance at passing the exam
-unsw's new fit-to-sit rule applies
-exam hurdle 24/60 which is only 40%

Relational DBMS Functinality
Relational DBMSs provide a variety of functionalities:
- storing/modifying data and meta-data (data definitions)
- constraint definition/storage/maintenance/checking
-declarative manipulation of data(via SQL)
-extensibility via veiws,triggers,stored procedures
-querey re-writing(rules), optimisation(index)
-transaction processing, concurrency/recovery
Common feature of all relational DBMSs: relational model, SQL.





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