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原创 百度十周年感想 和 人计算

  这两天生病了,于是停下了手中的工作和申请的事情。闲下来时候重新看了看百度十年来相关的资料。这些阅读加深我的一个观念:成功人士都是“偏执”狂。这种“偏执”其实就是对于信念的坚定。李彦宏从上大学开始就没有离开过搜索。在大学里面他就认识到了“人人都需要信息,人人都需要搜索”,这种预见能力是令人叹服的。      但更令我佩服的是他的“偏执”:在他毕业申请出国的时候应该知道转专业一定会影响到了

2010-03-03 10:01:00 652

原创 DSR 和AODV的对比

DSR 和AODV 两种协议的路由寻找都是查询和应答往返过程进行的。按照一定的格式将路由信息存储在路由的所有中间节点上。但是两者在动态性上面有差别。第一DSR协议使用源路由访问的路由协议明显多于AODV协议。DSR协议中国,源节点使用一次路由请求与路由应答过程,除了可以得到目的节点的路由之外,还可以得到到达路由上每个中间节点的路由。第二,DSR协议对于在单独一个路由请求于路由应答过程中

2010-01-29 14:06:00 9181

原创 verilog做十进制计数器的时候。一定要用阻塞赋值

 在做本实验的过程中,深切感受到阻塞赋值=和非阻塞赋值的差别。regflag1;always@(posedgesignal)begin         if (clk_10k) begin                   flag1 = 1;                   //freq = freq + 4d2;               

2010-01-21 10:30:00 2409

原创 VC2003关于变量作用域的奇怪特性!

我最近在写一个关于图论的最大流问题的程序。我用的是VC2003,但是我发现了几个奇怪的问题,以前我一直用的都是VC6,所以我想应该是VC2003的编译规则不同导致的吧!首先,我发现不能在主函数外面用for循环。 // 0     1     2     1     INF//     INF     0     2     INF     1//     INF    IN

2008-07-30 19:28:00 507

原创 一种新的适合编写与人工智能有关的程序的语言的设想

  我是一个初学者,这篇文章只是自己的一点看法,希望大家看到后能给出自己的一些意见,谢谢!!计算机语言的作用就是为了方便程序员描述物理的世界,不论是从开始的过程化编程语言,后来的结构化编程语言,还是现在流行的面向对象的编程语言,都是建构在对客观物理世界的描述之上。       在过程化编程中,客观物理世界与现象被当作一个个过程的组合,编程员通过对具体过程的分析来构想程序具体的架构。

2008-02-04 12:13:00 725

MATLAB PPT_ToolBox Version 0.2

想写一份新年贺卡嘛? 想写PPT嘛?其实除了Flash和Office之外,MATLAB也可以实现这样的功能。有了MATLAB PPT_ToobBox 你可以轻松,自如的用MATLAB写贺卡,写演讲用的PPT,很酷吧。 这个工具箱是 华中科技大学王晶 在大四的圣诞节前开发的贺岁作品,开发时间为三天。开发时间虽短,但是功能不弱哟。后面如果有空的话,还会持续更新。。 下载请看 ReadME。另外,里面有两个Example,一个是用这个工具箱做的电子贺卡,主文件为main.m。另一个是PPT的模板,主文件为PPT.m。



这是一个基于B/S结构的通信原理仿真平台的源代码和技术报告还有Demo。它可以帮助你建立一个通信原理网上实验室,为学生提供在线实验。 这是由华中科技大学王晶 在大三的时候开发的。历时4个月。 Communication Principle is a very practical course, so doing some experiments will improve students’ understanding of the course. MATLAB is very good software to implement experiments of Communication Principle. It is a very powerful tool which has been used in many scientific areas. It consists of many toolboxes and blocksets and integrates them in a friendly environment where real problems can be easily modeled in mathematical way. However, MATLAB also has many drawbacks. The cumbersome volume and the high price of the authentication make it impossible for many students to install the program. To solve this problem, I implement a scalable and general simulation platform of MATLAB using MATLAB web server. The platform is friendlier to users since user can run the online experiment on browser even they don’t have MATLAB installed on their machine. The platform consists of five parts: Analog Modulation, Pulse Modulation, Digital Baseband, Digital Modulation, and Spread Spectrum. The 17 experiments cover all the key points of Communication Principle. Most of the experiments have been made into a system to give students a general concept of the communication system. To make the platform more interactive, I also develop a Telnet Terminal software using TCP protocol. With this terminal, users can access the MATLAB of Server directly. They can not only upload their own program but also publish their own webpage and experiment. Keywords: Communication Principle; Matlab; Web Server; Telnet Terminal; Great thanks to the association of Guo Xichen. She has helped me much in the process. Without her selfless help, I couldn’t finish the program in time



本软件为华中科技大学王晶大三时开发的作品。利用此软件,可以实现在没有MATLAB的电脑上面轻松使用MATLAB。增加了MATLAB软件的灵活性。 Matlab Remoter 0.1 Readme File copyright (c) 2009 by Jing Wang from Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tec. personal Webpage sites.google.com/site/wangjingpage Contents -------- 1. Web Site 2. The Function of the Software 3. How to use the Software 4. How this software is developed 5. Introduction to its "Father" -------- 1. Web Site please visit my personal webpage to view other achievements and softwares: sites.google.com/site/wangjingpage -------------- 2. The Function of the Software This software enable you use MATLAB even there is no matlab environment in your computer. Is it magic? uh, to some researcher, installing a new MATLAB environment in a new computer is very toughing thing for them because of MATLAB's large size. If you have MATLAB remoter, you can run server in a computer with MATLAB environment. To use MATLAB freely, You just need to bring client exe file in you USB disk, whose size is only 2 megabytes. After clicking client exe file and inputing the IP address of server, you can input any MATLAB command as you like. The interface of Matlab Remoter Client is very similiar to that of MATLAB. There are two modes, you can transist between them by clicking the "Mini" button. The interface in Min Mode is similar with command window in MATLAB. you can input the MATLAB command in input window and text output will be shown in output window. In max mode, the interface will have some IP address box and a picture window. ------------ 3. How to use the Software? You must copy "istherefigure.m" and "saveallfigure" to C:\\ This is a example process: copy "istherefigure.m" and "saveallfigure" to C:\\ Run Server.exe in your computer Run Client.exe in you computer Input a MATLAB command in input window. such as x = magic(10) press tab button in keyboard, to focus on input window again Input a MATLAB that will produce a figure, such as plot(x) click "first" button to view the picture. ---------------- 4. How this software is developed I am adept at MATLAB. I often dream one day MATLAB will overcome its shortcomings--slow speed and large size and becomes a mainstream language. So I want to develop a MATLAB remoter to extend the flexibility of MATLAB. Besides, I also want to develop a new MATLAB compiler since the current version of MATLAB compiler--mcc--is not very good. This software was developed before I was invented to Microsoft Research,Asia. Frustratly, When I demonstrate it to some friends in MSRA, it crashed. So when come back in May 23, I fixed some bugs in the software. At first, This is just a entainment for me to write this software and I didn't have the plan to publish it on the Web. Half a year has passed, Now when I find this software in my disk again, I feel that it is duty for every programmer to contribut something to the Open source community, So I put the source code of this small source code on the Web. tips: I am just a senior student so if there are some mistakes in the software, don't laugh at me, hehe:-) BTW, I am not sure whether there is bug in the software or not, So don't use it in important cases. ---------------- 5. Introduction to its "Father" Jing Wang is a student of Advanced Class, Huazhong Univ. of SCi.& Tec. His interest is in Web Information prossessing, Communication system and image prossessing. His Resume can be downloaded in his personal website. If you want to make friends with hime, you can contact him through email.


外国ECE系 通信原理 仿真实验的报告和代码

非常的相近,是国外的实验 配套资料. 里面总共有7个实验,50多个代码,十几的实验的指导书





MATLAB/SImulink通信系统建模与仿真实例分析 源代码

这是 MATLAB/SImulink通信系统建模与仿真实例分析 的源代码,做通信原理仿真必备






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