python3 asyncio库学习(一)—— coroutine, task , future的区别 Coroutines¶
Coroutines used with asyncio may be implemented using the async def statement, or by using generators. The async def type of coroutine was added in Python 3.5, and is recommended if there is no need to support older Python versions.
Generator-based coroutines should be decorated with @asyncio.coroutine, although this is not strictly enforced. The decorator enables compatibility with async def coroutines, and also serves as documentation. Generator-based coroutines use the yield from syntax introduced in PEP 380, instead of the original yield syntax.
The word “coroutine”, like the word “generator”, is used for two different (though related) concepts:
The function that defines a coroutine (a function definition using async def or decorated with @asyncio.coroutine). If disambiguation is needed we will call this a coroutine function (iscoroutinefunction() returns True).
The object obtained by calling a coroutine function. This object represents a computation or an I/O operation (usually a combination) that will complete eventually. If disambiguation is needed we will call it a coroutine object (iscoroutine() returns True).
Things a coroutine can do:
result = await future or result = yield from future – suspends the coroutine until the future is done, then returns the future’s result, or raises an exception, which will be propagated. (If the future is cancelled, it will raise a CancelledError exception.) Note that tasks are futures, and everything said about futures also applies to tasks.
result = await coroutine or result = yield from coroutine – wait for another coroutine to produce a result (or raise an exception, which will be propagated). The coroutine expression must be a call to another coroutine.
return expression – produce a result to the coroutine that is waiting for this one using await or yield from.
raise exception – raise an exception in the coroutine that is waiting for this one using await or yield from.
Calling a coroutine does not start its code running – the coroutine object returned by the call doesn’t do anything until you schedule its execution. There are two basic ways to start it running: call await coroutine or yield from coroutinefrom another coroutine (assuming the other coroutine is already running!), or schedule its execution using the ensure_future() function or the AbstractEventLoop.create_task() method.
Coroutines (and tasks) can only run when the event loop is running.
Decorator to mark generator-based coroutines. This enables the generator use yield from to call async def coroutines, and also enables the generator to be called by async def coroutines, for instance using an await expression.
There is no need to decorate async def coroutines themselves.
If the generator is not yielded from before it is destroyed, an error message is logged. See Detect coroutines never scheduled.

In this documentation, some methods are documented as coroutines, even if they are plain Python functions returning a Future. This is intentional to have a freedom of tweaking the implementation of these functions in the future. If such a function is needed to be used in a callback-style code, wrap its result with ensure_future().






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