












Tinker源码分析:分2步,首先是生成patch的过程。克隆tencenttinker github源码,目录下的module:tinker-patch-cli就是patch工具的代码。


java -jar tinker-patch-cli-1.7.7.jar -oldold.apk -new new.apk -config tinker_config.xml -out output


private void run(String[] args) {


       try {

           ReadArgs readArgs = new ReadArgs(args).invoke();//就是生成patch时输入的命令:java-jar tinker-patch-cli-1.7.7.jar -old old.apk -new new.apk -configtinker_config.xml -out output

           File configFile = readArgs.getConfigFile();// 配置文件,tinker_config.xml

           File outputFile = readArgs.getOutputFile();//

           File oldApkFile = readArgs.getOldApkFile();

           File newApkFile = readArgs.getNewApkFile();


           if (oldApkFile == null || newApkFile == null) {

               Logger.e("Missing old apk or new apk file argument");


           } else if (!oldApkFile.exists() || !newApkFile.exists()) {

               Logger.e("Old apk or new apk file does not exist");




           if (outputFile == null) {

               outputFile = new File(mRunningLocation, TypedValue.PATH_DEFAULT_OUTPUT);



           loadConfigFromXml(configFile, outputFile,oldApkFile, newApkFile);



        }catch (IOException e) {



        }finally {





loadConfigFromXml(configFile,outputFile, oldApkFile, newApkFile);




protected void tinkerPatch() {

       Logger.d("-----------------------Tinker patchbegin-----------------------");



       try {

           //gen patch

           ApkDecoder decoder = new ApkDecoder(config);


           decoder.patch(config.mOldApkFile, config.mNewApkFile);



           //gen meta file and version file

            PatchInfo info = new PatchInfo(config);



           //build patch

           PatchBuilder builder = new PatchBuilder(config);



        }catch (Throwable e) {





       Logger.d("Tinker patch done, total time cost: %fs",diffTimeFromBegin());

       Logger.d("Tinker patch done, you can go to file to find the output%s", config.mOutFolder);

       Logger.d("-----------------------Tinker patchend-------------------------");




 publicApkDecoder(Configuration config) throws IOException {


       this.mNewApkDir = config.mTempUnzipNewDir;

       this.mOldApkDir = config.mTempUnzipOldDir;


       this.manifestDecoder = new ManifestDecoder(config);


       //put meta files in assets

       String prePath = TypedValue.FILE_ASSETS + File.separator;

       dexPatchDecoder = new UniqueDexDiffDecoder(config, prePath +TypedValue.DEX_META_FILE, TypedValue.DEX_LOG_FILE);

       soPatchDecoder = new BsDiffDecoder(config, prePath +TypedValue.SO_META_FILE, TypedValue.SO_LOG_FILE);

       resPatchDecoder = new ResDiffDecoder(config, prePath +TypedValue.RES_META_TXT, TypedValue.RES_LOG_FILE);

        resDuplicateFiles = newArrayList<>();







decoder.patch(config.mOldApkFile, config.mNewApkFile);


public boolean patch(File oldFile, File newFile)throws Exception {

       writeToLogFile(oldFile, newFile);//写入log文件,忽略。

       //check manifest change first


        manifestDecoder.patch(oldFile, newFile);


        unzipApkFiles(oldFile, newFile);


       Files.walkFileTree(mNewApkDir.toPath(), new ApkFilesVisitor(config,mNewApkDir.toPath(), mOldApkDir.toPath(), dexPatchDecoder, soPatchDecoder,resPatchDecoder));


       //get all duplicate resource file

       for (File duplicateRes : resDuplicateFiles) {

//           resPatchDecoder.patch(duplicateRes, null);

           Logger.e("Warning: res file %s is also match at dex or librarypattern, "

               + "we treat it as unchanged in the new resource_out.zip",getRelativePathStringToOldFile(duplicateRes));








       //clean resources




       return true;




    publicboolean patch(File oldFile, File newFile) throws IOException,TinkerPatchException {

       try {


           AndroidParser oldAndroidManifest = AndroidParser.getAndroidManifest(oldFile);

           AndroidParser newAndroidManifest =AndroidParser.getAndroidManifest(newFile);


           //check minSdkVersion

           int minSdkVersion =Integer.parseInt(oldAndroidManifest.apkMeta.getMinSdkVersion());


           if (minSdkVersion < TypedValue.ANDROID_40_API_LEVEL) {

               if (config.mDexRaw) {

                    final StringBuilder sb =new StringBuilder();

                    sb.append("your oldapk's minSdkVersion ")


                      .append(" is below14, you should set the dexMode to 'jar', ")

                      .append("otherwise,it will crash at some time");





           final String oldXml = oldAndroidManifest.xml.trim();

           final String newXml = newAndroidManifest.xml.trim();

           final boolean isManifestChanged = !oldXml.equals(newXml);


           if (!isManifestChanged) {

               Logger.d("\nManifest has no changes, skip rest decodeworks.");

               return false;



           // check whether there is any new Android Component and get their names.

            // so far only Activity increment can passchecking.


           final Set<String> incActivities =getIncrementActivities(oldAndroidManifest.activities,newAndroidManifest.activities);

           final Set<String> incServices =getIncrementServices(oldAndroidManifest.services, newAndroidManifest.services);

           final Set<String> incReceivers =getIncrementReceivers(oldAndroidManifest.receivers,newAndroidManifest.receivers);

           final Set<String> incProviders =getIncrementProviders(oldAndroidManifest.providers,newAndroidManifest.providers);


           final boolean hasIncComponent = (!incActivities.isEmpty() ||!incServices.isEmpty()

                    || !incProviders.isEmpty()|| !incReceivers.isEmpty());


           if (!config.mSupportHotplugComponent && hasIncComponent) {

               announceWarningOrException("manifest was changed, while hot plugcomponent support mode is disabled. "

                        + "Such changeswill not take effect.");



           // generate increment manifest.

           if (hasIncComponent) {

               final Document newXmlDoc =DocumentHelper.parseText(newAndroidManifest.xml);

               final Document incXmlDoc = DocumentHelper.createDocument();


               final Element newRootNode = newXmlDoc.getRootElement();

               final String packageName =newRootNode.attributeValue(XML_NODEATTR_PACKAGE);

               if (Utils.isNullOrNil(packageName)) {

                   throw newTinkerPatchException("Unable to find package name from manifest: " +newFile.getAbsolutePath());



               final Element newAppNode =newRootNode.element(XML_NODENAME_APPLICATION);


               final Element incAppNode = incXmlDoc.addElement(newAppNode.getQName());

               copyAttributes(newAppNode, incAppNode);


               if (!incActivities.isEmpty()) {

                    final List<Element>newActivityNodes = newAppNode.elements(XML_NODENAME_ACTIVITY);

                    final List<Element>incActivityNodes = getIncrementActivityNodes(packageName, newActivityNodes,incActivities);

                    for (Element node :incActivityNodes) {





               if (!incServices.isEmpty()) {

                    final List<Element>newServiceNodes = newAppNode.elements(XML_NODENAME_SERVICE);

                   final List<Element>incServiceNodes = getIncrementServiceNodes(packageName, newServiceNodes,incServices);

                    for (Element node :incServiceNodes) {





               if (!incReceivers.isEmpty()) {

                    final List<Element>newReceiverNodes = newAppNode.elements(XML_NODENAME_RECEIVER);

                    final List<Element>incReceiverNodes = getIncrementReceiverNodes(packageName, newReceiverNodes,incReceivers);

                    for (Element node :incReceiverNodes) {





               if (!incProviders.isEmpty()) {

                    final List<Element>newProviderNodes = newAppNode.elements(XML_NODENAME_PROVIDER);

                    final List<Element>incProviderNodes = getIncrementProviderNodes(packageName, newProviderNodes,incProviders);

                    for (Element node :incProviderNodes) {





               final File incXmlOutput = new File(config.mTempResultDir,TypedValue.INCCOMPONENT_META_FILE);

               if (!incXmlOutput.exists()) {



               OutputStream os = null;

               try {

                    os = newBufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(incXmlOutput));

                    final XMLWriter docWriter =new XMLWriter(os);



               } finally {





           if (isManifestChanged && !hasIncComponent) {

               Logger.d("\nManifest was changed, while there's no any newcomponents added."

                       + " Make sure ifsuch changes were all you expected.\n");



        }catch (ParseException e) {


           throw new TinkerPatchException("Parse android manifesterror!");

        }catch (DocumentException e) {


           throw new TinkerPatchException("Parse android manifest by dom4jerror!");

        }catch (IOException e) {


           throw new TinkerPatchException("Failed to generate incrementmanifest.", e);



       return false;


主要分析2:unzipApkFiles(oldFile, newFile),


 publicstatic void unZipAPk(String fileName, String filePath) throws IOException {



        ZipFile zipFile = newZipFile(fileName);//apk其实也是一种zip压缩格式的文件,下面就是java代码如何解压zip格式的文件。


       Enumeration enumeration = zipFile.entries();

       try {


           while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {

               ZipEntry entry = (ZipEntry) enumeration.nextElement();


               if (entry.isDirectory()) {

                    new File(filePath,entry.getName()).mkdirs();




               BufferedInputStream bis = newBufferedInputStream(zipFile.getInputStream(entry));


               File file = new File(filePath + File.separator + entry.getName());


               File parentFile = file.getParentFile();

               if (parentFile != null && (!parentFile.exists())) {



               FileOutputStream fos = null;

               BufferedOutputStream bos = null;

               try {

                    fos = newFileOutputStream(file);

                    bos = newBufferedOutputStream(fos, TypedValue.BUFFER_SIZE);


                    byte[] buf = newbyte[TypedValue.BUFFER_SIZE];

                    int len;

                    while ((len = bis.read(buf,0, TypedValue.BUFFER_SIZE)) != -1) {

                        fos.write(buf, 0, len);


                } finally {

                    if (bos != null) {




                    if (bis != null) {





        }finally {

           if (zipFile != null) {







public interface FileVisitor<T> {


   FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(T var1, BasicFileAttributes var2)throws IOException;


   FileVisitResult visitFile(T var1, BasicFileAttributes var2) throwsIOException;


   FileVisitResult visitFileFailed(T var1, IOException var2) throwsIOException;


   FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(T var1, IOException var2) throwsIOException;



class ApkFilesVisitor extendsSimpleFileVisitor<Path> {

       BaseDecoder     dexDecoder;

       BaseDecoder     soDecoder;

       BaseDecoder     resDecoder;

       Configuration   config;

       Path            newApkPath;

       Path            oldApkPath;


       ApkFilesVisitor(Configuration config, Path newPath, Path oldPath,BaseDecoder dex, BaseDecoder so, BaseDecoder resDecoder) {

           this.config = config;

           this.dexDecoder = dex;

           this.soDecoder = so;

           this.resDecoder = resDecoder;

           this.newApkPath = newPath;

           this.oldApkPath = oldPath;




       public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs)throws IOException {


           Path relativePath = newApkPath.relativize(file);//relative方法就是p1到p2的相对路径。这里拿到的是文件到XXXapk这个路径的相对路径。


           Path oldPath = oldApkPath.resolve(relativePath);//如果relativepath是绝对路径,那么直接返回relativepath;否则,将relativepath添加到oldapkpath的后面。


            File oldFile = null;

           //is a new file?!

           if (oldPath.toFile().exists()) {如果这个成立,意味着这是一个新增文件。

               oldFile = oldPath.toFile();


           String patternKey = relativePath.toString().replace("\\","/");



 <!--what dexes in apk are expected to dealwith tinkerPatch-->

        <!--it support * or ? pattern.-->


        <pattern value="assets/secondary-dex-?.jar"/>


           if (Utils.checkFileInPattern(config.mDexFilePattern, patternKey)) {

               //also treat duplicate file as unchanged

               if (Utils.checkFileInPattern(config.mResFilePattern, patternKey)&& oldFile != null) {




               try {

                    dexDecoder.patch(oldFile,file.toFile());//这个就是dexdecoder的实际生成dex patch的操作。

               } catch (Exception e) {

//                    e.printStackTrace();

                    throw newRuntimeException(e);


               return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;


           if (Utils.checkFileInPattern(config.mSoFilePattern, patternKey)) {

               //also treat duplicate file as unchanged

               if (Utils.checkFileInPattern(config.mResFilePattern, patternKey)&& oldFile != null) {



               try {

                    soDecoder.patch(oldFile, file.toFile());//.so库生成patch

               } catch (Exception e) {

//                    e.printStackTrace();

                    throw newRuntimeException(e);


               return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;


           if (Utils.checkFileInPattern(config.mResFilePattern, patternKey)) {

               try {


               } catch (Exception e) {

//                    e.printStackTrace();

                    throw newRuntimeException(e);


               return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;


           return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;





public boolean patch(final File oldFile, final File newFile) throwsIOException, TinkerPatchException {

       final String dexName = getRelativeDexName(oldFile, newFile);


        //first of all, we should check input files if excluded classes were modified.

        Logger.d("Checkfor loader classes in dex: %s", dexName);


       try {


        }catch (IOException e) {

           throw new TinkerPatchException(e);

        }catch (TinkerPatchException e) {

           if (config.mIgnoreWarning) {

               Logger.e("Warning:ignoreWarning is true, but we found %s",e.getMessage());

           } else {

               Logger.e("Warning:ignoreWarning is false, but we found %s",e.getMessage());

               throw e;


        }catch (Exception e) {




        //If corresponding new dex was completely deleted, just return false.

        //don't process 0 length dex

        if(newFile == null || !newFile.exists() || newFile.length() == 0) {

           return false;



       File dexDiffOut = getOutputPath(newFile).toFile();


       final String newMd5 = getRawOrWrappedDexMD5(newFile);


       //new add file

        if(oldFile == null || !oldFile.exists() || oldFile.length() == 0) {

           hasDexChanged = true;


            copyNewDexAndLogToDexMeta(newFile,newMd5, dexDiffOut);

           return true;



       final String oldMd5 = getRawOrWrappedDexMD5(oldFile);


        if((oldMd5 != null && !oldMd5.equals(newMd5)) || (oldMd5 == null&& newMd5 != null)) {

           hasDexChanged = true;

           if (oldMd5 != null) {


               collectAddedOrDeletedClasses(oldFile, newFile);




       RelatedInfo relatedInfo = new RelatedInfo();

       relatedInfo.oldMd5 = oldMd5;

       relatedInfo.newMd5 = newMd5;



        //collect current old dex file and corresponding new dex file for furtherprocessing.

       oldAndNewDexFilePairList.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(oldFile,newFile));


       dexNameToRelatedInfoMap.put(dexName, relatedInfo);


       return ;



public void checkIfExcludedClassWasModifiedInNewDex(FileoldFile, File newFile) throws IOException, TinkerPatchException {

        if(oldFile == null && newFile == null) {

           throw new TinkerPatchException("both oldFile and newFile arenull.");



        oldDex = (oldFile !=null ? new Dex(oldFile) : null);

       newDex = (newFile != null ? new Dex(newFile) : null);


       int stmCode = STMCODE_START;


       while (stmCode != STMCODE_END) {

           switch (stmCode) {


                * Check rule:

                * Loader classes must only appear in primary dex and each of them inprimary old dex should keep

                * completely consistent in new primary dex.


                * An error is announced when any of these conditions below is fit:

                * 1. Primary old dex is missing.

                * 2. Primary new dex is missing.

                * 3. There are not any loader classes in primary old dex.

                * 4. There are some new loader classes added in new primary dex.

                * 5. Loader classes in old primary dex are modified, deleted in newprimary dex.

                * 6. Loader classes are found in secondary old dexes.

                * 7. Loader classes are found in secondary new dexes.


               case STMCODE_START: {


                   boolean isPrimaryDex =isPrimaryDex((oldFile == null ? newFile : oldFile));


                    if (isPrimaryDex) {

                        if (oldFile == null) {

                            stmCode =STMCODE_ERROR_PRIMARY_OLD_DEX_IS_MISSING;

                        } else if (newFile == null) {

                            stmCode =STMCODE_ERROR_PRIMARY_NEW_DEX_IS_MISSING;

                        } else {

                           dexCmptor.startCheck(oldDex, newDex);//就是对new old dex包进行比较。

                            deletedClassInfos =dexCmptor.getDeletedClassInfos();//删除的class

                            addedClassInfos =dexCmptor.getAddedClassInfos();//新增的class

                           changedClassInfosMap = new HashMap<>(dexCmptor.getChangedClassDescToInfosMap());//做了更改的class


                            // All loaderclasses are in new dex, while none of them in old one.

                            if(deletedClassInfos.isEmpty() && changedClassInfosMap.isEmpty()&& !addedClassInfos.isEmpty()) {

                                stmCode =STMCODE_ERROR_LOADER_CLASS_NOT_IN_PRIMARY_OLD_DEX;

                            } else {

                                if(deletedClassInfos.isEmpty() && addedClassInfos.isEmpty()) {

                                    // classdescriptor is completely matches, see if any contents changes.

                                   ArrayList<String> removeClasses = new ArrayList<>();

                                    for (Stringclassname : changedClassInfosMap.keySet()) {

                                        if(Utils.checkFileInPattern(ignoreChangeWarning, classname)) {

                                           Logger.e("loader class pattern: " + classname + " haschanged, but it match ignore change pattern, just ignore!");





                                    if(changedClassInfosMap.isEmpty()) {

                                        stmCode= STMCODE_END;

                                    } else {

                                        stmCode= STMCODE_ERROR_LOADER_CLASS_CHANGED;


                                } else {

                                    stmCode =STMCODE_ERROR_LOADER_CLASS_IN_PRIMARY_DEX_MISMATCH;




                    } else {

                        Set<Pattern>patternsOfClassDescToCheck = new HashSet<>();

                        for (String patternStr: config.mDexLoaderPattern) {








                        if (oldDex != null) {



                            for (ClassDefclassDef : oldDex.classDefs()) {

                                String desc =oldDex.typeNames().get(classDef.typeIndex);

                                if(Utils.isStringMatchesPatterns(desc, patternsOfClassDescToCheck)) {




                            if(!oldClassesDescToCheck.isEmpty()) {

                                stmCode =STMCODE_ERROR_LOADER_CLASS_FOUND_IN_SECONDARY_OLD_DEX;





                        if (newDex != null) {


                            for (ClassDefclassDef : newDex.classDefs()) {

                                String desc =newDex.typeNames().get(classDef.typeIndex);

                                if(Utils.isStringMatchesPatterns(desc, patternsOfClassDescToCheck)) {




                            if(!newClassesDescToCheck.isEmpty()) {

                                stmCode =STMCODE_ERROR_LOADER_CLASS_FOUND_IN_SECONDARY_NEW_DEX;





                        stmCode = STMCODE_END;





                    throw newTinkerPatchException("old primary dex is missing.");



                    throw newTinkerPatchException("new primary dex is missing.");



                    throw newTinkerPatchException("all loader classes don't appear in old primarydex.");



                    throw newTinkerPatchException(

                        "loader classes inold primary dex are mismatched to those in new primary dex, \n"

                            + "if deletedclasses is not empty, check if your dex division strategy is fine. \n"

                            + "addedclasses: " + Utils.collectionToString(addedClassInfos) + "\n"

                            + "deletedclasses: " + Utils.collectionToString(deletedClassInfos)




                    throw newTinkerPatchException("loader classes are found in old secondary dex. Foundclasses: " + Utils.collectionToString(oldClassesDescToCheck));



                    throw newTinkerPatchException("loader classes are found in new secondary dex. Foundclasses: " + Utils.collectionToString(newClassesDescToCheck));



                    String msg =

                        "some loader classhas been changed in new dex."

                            + " Such thesechanges will not take effect!!"

                            + " relatedclasses: "


                    throw newTinkerPatchException(msg);


               default: {

                   Logger.e("internal-error: unexpected stmCode.");

                    stmCode = STMCODE_END;







public Dex(File file) throws IOException {

        if(file == null) {

           throw new IllegalArgumentException("file is null.");



        if(FileUtils.hasArchiveSuffix(file.getName())) {

           ZipFile zipFile = null;

           try {

               zipFile = new ZipFile(file);


               ZipEntry entry = zipFile.getEntry(DexFormat.DEX_IN_JAR_NAME);

               if (entry != null) {

                    InputStream inputStream =null;

                    try {

                        inputStream =zipFile.getInputStream(entry);

                        loadFrom(inputStream,(int) entry.getSize());

                    } finally {

                        if (inputStream !=null) {




               } else {

                    throw newDexException("Expected " + DexFormat.DEX_IN_JAR_NAME + " in" + file);


           } finally {

               if (zipFile != null) {

                    try {


                    } catch (Exception e) {

                        // ignored.





        }else if (file.getName().endsWith(".dex")) {

           InputStream in = null;

           try {

               in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));

               loadFrom(in, (int) file.length());

           } catch (Exception e) {

               throw new DexException(e);

           } finally {

               if (in != null) {

                    try {


                    } catch (Exception e) {

                        // ignored.




        } else {

           throw new DexException("unknown output extension: " + file);



loadFrom(in, (int)file.length());


private void loadFrom(InputStream in, intinitSize) throws IOException {

        byte[] rawData = FileUtils.readStream(in,initSize);

       this.data = ByteBuffer.wrap(rawData);








     * Getthe md5 for inputStream.

     *This method cost less memory. It read bufLen bytes from the FileInputStreamonce.


     *@param is

     *@param bufLen bytes number read from the stream once.

    *               The less bufLen isthe more times getMD5() method takes. Also the less bufLen is the less memorycost.


    publicstatic String getMD5(final InputStream is, final int bufLen) {

        if(is == null || bufLen <= 0) {

            return null;


       try {

           MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");

           StringBuilder md5Str = new StringBuilder(32);


           byte[] buf = new byte[bufLen];

           int readCount = 0;

           while ((readCount = is.read(buf)) != -1) {

               md.update(buf, 0, readCount);



           byte[] hashValue = md.digest();


           for (int i = 0; i < hashValue.length; i++) {

               md5Str.append(Integer.toString((hashValue[i] & 0xff) + 0x100,16).substring(1));


           return md5Str.toString();

        }catch (Exception e) {

           return null;







    publicboolean patch(File oldFile, File newFile) throws IOException,TinkerPatchException {

       //first of all, we should check input files

        if(newFile == null || !newFile.exists()) {

           return false;


       //new add file

       String newMd5 = MD5.getMD5(newFile);

       File bsDiffFile = getOutputPath(newFile).toFile();


        if(oldFile == null || !oldFile.exists()) {

           FileOperation.copyFileUsingStream(newFile, bsDiffFile);

           writeLogFiles(newFile, null, null, newMd5);

           return true;



       //both file length is 0

        if(oldFile.length() == 0 && newFile.length() == 0) {

           return false;


        if(oldFile.length() == 0 || newFile.length() == 0) {

           FileOperation.copyFileUsingStream(newFile, bsDiffFile);

           writeLogFiles(newFile, null, null, newMd5);

           return true;



       //new add file

        String oldMd5 = MD5.getMD5(oldFile);


        if(oldMd5.equals(newMd5)) {

           return false;



        if(!bsDiffFile.getParentFile().exists()) {




       BSDiff.bsdiff(oldFile, newFile, bsDiffFile);


        if(Utils.checkBsDiffFileSize(bsDiffFile, newFile)) {

           writeLogFiles(newFile, oldFile, bsDiffFile, newMd5);

        }else {

           FileOperation.copyFileUsingStream(newFile, bsDiffFile);

           writeLogFiles(newFile, null, null, newMd5);


       return true;





    publicboolean patch(File oldFile, File newFile) throws IOException,TinkerPatchException {

       String name = getRelativePathStringToNewFile(newFile);


       //actually, it won't go below

        if(newFile == null || !newFile.exists()) {

            String relativeStringByOldDir =getRelativePathStringToOldFile(oldFile);

           if (Utils.checkFileInPattern(config.mResIgnoreChangePattern,relativeStringByOldDir)) {

               Logger.e("found delete resource: " + relativeStringByOldDir +" ,but it match ignore change pattern, just ignore!");

               return false;



           writeResLog(newFile, oldFile, TypedValue.DEL);

           return true;



        FileoutputFile = getOutputPath(newFile).toFile();


        if(oldFile == null || !oldFile.exists()) {

//该文件刚好在ignorechangepattern匹配格式中,so 忽略它。

           if (Utils.checkFileInPattern(config.mResIgnoreChangePattern, name)) {

               Logger.e("found add resource: " + name + " ,but it matchignore change pattern, just ignore!");

               return false;


           FileOperation.copyFileUsingStream(newFile, outputFile);


           writeResLog(newFile, oldFile, TypedValue.ADD);

           return true;


       //both file length is 0

        if(oldFile.length() == 0 && newFile.length() == 0) {

           return false;


       //new add file

        StringnewMd5 = MD5.getMD5(newFile);

       String oldMd5 = MD5.getMD5(oldFile);


       //oldFile or newFile may be 0b length

        if(oldMd5 != null && oldMd5.equals(newMd5)) {

           return false;


//该文件刚好在ignorechangepattern匹配格式中,so 忽略它。

        if(Utils.checkFileInPattern(config.mResIgnoreChangePattern, name)) {

           Logger.d("found modify resource: " + name + ", but itmatch ignore change pattern, just ignore!");

           return false;



        if(name.equals(TypedValue.RES_MANIFEST)) {

           Logger.d("found modify resource: " + name + ", but it isAndroidManifest.xml, just ignore!");

           return false;



        if(name.equals(TypedValue.RES_ARSC)) {

           if (AndroidParser.resourceTableLogicalChange(config)) {//这里面又涉及到arsc文件格式的解析,忽略。

               Logger.d("found modify resource: " + name + ", but it islogically the same as original new resources.arsc, just ignore!");

               return false;




       dealWithModifyFile(name, newMd5, oldFile, newFile, outputFile);

       return true;


该方法就是根据前面比对的new apk和old apk结果,把新增的或者修改的.class文件(就是dex文件描述的class文件,对应的数据对象的名称是Dexclassinfo),写到一个changed_classes.dex中,这里面涉及到dex文件格式,dex文件写入,还有虚拟机指令,非常深入,下面只简单地过一下流程。


    publicvoid onAllPatchesEnd() throws Exception {

        if(!hasDexChanged) {

           Logger.d("No dexes were changed, nothing needs to be donenext.");



        if(config.mIsProtectedApp) {


        }else {









   private void generatePatchInfoFile() throws IOException {



        //generateSmallPatchedDexInfoFile is blocked by issue we found in ART environment

        // which indicates that if inline optimizationis done on patched class, some error

        //such as crash, ClassCastException, mistaken string fetching, etc. would happen.


        //Instead, we will log all classN dexes as 'copy directly' in dex-meta, so that

        //tinker patch applying procedure will copy them out and load them in ARTenvironment.











   private void generatePatchedDexInfoFile() {

        //Generate dex diff out and full patched dex if a pair of dex is different.


       for (AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<File, File> oldAndNewDexFilePair :oldAndNewDexFilePairList) {

           File oldFile = oldAndNewDexFilePair.getKey();

           File newFile = oldAndNewDexFilePair.getValue();

           final String dexName = getRelativeDexName(oldFile, newFile);

           RelatedInfo relatedInfo = dexNameToRelatedInfoMap.get(dexName);

           if (!relatedInfo.oldMd5.equals(relatedInfo.newMd5)) {

               diffDexPairAndFillRelatedInfo(oldFile,newFile, relatedInfo);

           } else {

               // In this case newDexFile is the same as oldDexFile, but we still

               // need to treat it as patched dex file so that the SmallPatchGenerator

                // can analyze which class ofthis dex should be kept in small patch.

               relatedInfo.newOrFullPatchedFile = newFile;

               relatedInfo.newOrFullPatchedMd5 = relatedInfo.newMd5;





diffDexPairAndFillRelatedInfo(oldFile,newFile, relatedInfo);

private void diffDexPairAndFillRelatedInfo(FileoldDexFile, File newDexFile, RelatedInfo relatedInfo) {

       File tempFullPatchDexPath = new File(config.mOutFolder + File.separator+ TypedValue.DEX_TEMP_PATCH_DIR);

       final String dexName = getRelativeDexName(oldDexFile, newDexFile);


       File dexDiffOut = getOutputPath(newDexFile).toFile();



       try {

           DexPatchGenerator dexPatchGen = new DexPatchGenerator(oldDexFile,newDexFile);





                            "Start diffbetween [%s] as old and [%s] as new:",

                           getRelativeStringBy(oldDexFile, config.mTempUnzipOldDir),

                           getRelativeStringBy(newDexFile, config.mTempUnzipNewDir)





        }catch (Exception e) {

           throw new TinkerPatchException(e);



        if(!dexDiffOut.exists()) {

           throw new TinkerPatchException("can not find the diff file:" +dexDiffOut.getAbsolutePath());



       relatedInfo.dexDiffFile = dexDiffOut;

       relatedInfo.dexDiffMd5 = MD5.getMD5(dexDiffOut);

       Logger.d("\nGen %s patch file:%s, size:%d, md5:%s", dexName,relatedInfo.dexDiffFile.getAbsolutePath(), relatedInfo.dexDiffFile.length(),relatedInfo.dexDiffMd5);


       File tempFullPatchedDexFile = new File(tempFullPatchDexPath, dexName);

        if(!tempFullPatchedDexFile.exists()) {




       try {

           new DexPatchApplier(oldDexFile,dexDiffOut).executeAndSaveTo(tempFullPatchedDexFile);



                    String.format("Verifyingif patched new dex is logically the same as original new dex: %s ...",getRelativeStringBy(newDexFile, config.mTempUnzipNewDir))



           Dex origNewDex = new Dex(newDexFile);

           Dex patchedNewDex = new Dex(tempFullPatchedDexFile);

           checkDexChange(origNewDex, patchedNewDex);


           relatedInfo.newOrFullPatchedFile = tempFullPatchedDexFile;

           relatedInfo.newOrFullPatchedMd5 = MD5.getMD5(tempFullPatchedDexFile);

        }catch (Exception e) {


           throw new TinkerPatchException(

                    "Failed to generatetemporary patched dex, which makes MD5 generating procedure of new dex failed,either.", e




        if(!tempFullPatchedDexFile.exists()) {

           throw new TinkerPatchException("can not find the temporary fullpatched dex file:" + tempFullPatchedDexFile.getAbsolutePath());


       Logger.d("\nGen %s for dalvik full dex file:%s, size:%d,md5:%s", dexName, tempFullPatchedDexFile.getAbsolutePath(),tempFullPatchedDexFile.length(), relatedInfo.newOrFullPatchedMd5);


executeAndSaveTo(OutputStream out):

public void executeAndSaveTo(OutputStream out)throws IOException {

        //Firstly, collect information of items we want to remove additionally

        //in new dex and set them to corresponding diff algorithm implementations.

// 哪些文件的变化应该忽略,不应该添加到patch中。

       Pattern[] classNamePatterns = new Pattern[this.additionalRemovingClassPatternSet.size()];

       int classNamePatternCount = 0;

       for (String regExStr : this.additionalRemovingClassPatternSet) {

           classNamePatterns[classNamePatternCount++] = Pattern.compile(regExStr);



       List<Integer> typeIdOfClassDefsToRemove = newArrayList<>(classNamePatternCount);

       List<Integer> offsetOfClassDatasToRemove = newArrayList<>(classNamePatternCount);

       for (ClassDef classDef : this.newDex.classDefs()) {


           String typeName = this.newDex.typeNames().get(classDef.typeIndex);

           for (Pattern pattern : classNamePatterns) {

               if (pattern.matcher(typeName).matches()) {








       ((ClassDefSectionDiffAlgorithm) this.classDefSectionDiffAlg)


       ((ClassDataSectionDiffAlgorithm) this.classDataSectionDiffAlg)



//下面开始就是根据dex数据格式,比较新的dex文件和旧的dex文件,根据区别生成dex patch,算法复杂,需要对dex文件格式非常精通。

        //Then, run diff algorithms according to sections' dependencies.


        //Use size calculated by algorithms above or from dex file definition to

        //calculate sections' offset and patched dex size.


        //Calculate header and id sections size, so that we can work out

        //the base offset of typeLists Section.

       int patchedheaderSize = SizeOf.HEADER_ITEM;

       int patchedStringIdsSize = newDex.getTableOfContents().stringIds.size *SizeOf.STRING_ID_ITEM;

       int patchedTypeIdsSize = newDex.getTableOfContents().typeIds.size *SizeOf.TYPE_ID_ITEM;


        //Although simulatePatchOperation can calculate this value, since protoIdssection

        //depends on typeLists section, we can't run protoIds Section'ssimulatePatchOperation

        //method so far. Instead we calculate protoIds section's size using informationin newDex


       int patchedProtoIdsSize = newDex.getTableOfContents().protoIds.size *SizeOf.PROTO_ID_ITEM;


       int patchedFieldIdsSize = newDex.getTableOfContents().fieldIds.size *SizeOf.MEMBER_ID_ITEM;

       int patchedMethodIdsSize = newDex.getTableOfContents().methodIds.size *SizeOf.MEMBER_ID_ITEM;

       int patchedClassDefsSize = newDex.getTableOfContents().classDefs.size *SizeOf.CLASS_DEF_ITEM;


       int patchedIdSectionSize =


                        + patchedTypeIdsSize

                        + patchedProtoIdsSize

                        + patchedFieldIdsSize

                        + patchedMethodIdsSize

                        + patchedClassDefsSize;


       this.patchedHeaderOffset = 0;


        //The diff works on each sections obey such procedure:

       //  1. Execute diff algorithms tocalculate indices of items we need to add, del and replace.

       //  2. Execute patch algorithmsimulation to calculate indices and offsets mappings that is

       //  necessary to next section'sdiff works.


        //Immediately do the patch simulation so that we can know:

       //  1. Indices and offsets mappingbetween old dex and patched dex.

       //  2. Indices and offsets mappingbetween new dex and patched dex.

        //These information will be used to do next diff works.

       this.patchedStringIdsOffset = patchedHeaderOffset + patchedheaderSize;

        if(this.oldDex.getTableOfContents().stringIds.isElementFourByteAligned) {


                    = SizeOf.roundToTimesOfFour(this.patchedStringIdsOffset);



       this.patchedStringDataItemsOffset = patchedheaderSize +patchedIdSectionSize;

        if(this.oldDex.getTableOfContents().stringDatas.isElementFourByteAligned) {







       this.patchedTypeIdsOffset = this.patchedStringIdsOffset +patchedStringIdsSize;

        if(this.oldDex.getTableOfContents().typeIds.isElementFourByteAligned) {








               = patchedheaderSize

               + patchedIdSectionSize

               + this.stringDataSectionDiffAlg.getPatchedSectionSize();

        if(this.oldDex.getTableOfContents().typeLists.isElementFourByteAligned) {







       this.patchedProtoIdsOffset = this.patchedTypeIdsOffset +patchedTypeIdsSize;

        if(this.oldDex.getTableOfContents().protoIds.isElementFourByteAligned) {

           this.patchedProtoIdsOffset = SizeOf.roundToTimesOfFour(this.patchedProtoIdsOffset);





       this.patchedFieldIdsOffset = this.patchedProtoIdsOffset +patchedProtoIdsSize;

        if(this.oldDex.getTableOfContents().fieldIds.isElementFourByteAligned) {

           this.patchedFieldIdsOffset =SizeOf.roundToTimesOfFour(this.patchedFieldIdsOffset);





       this.patchedMethodIdsOffset = this.patchedFieldIdsOffset +patchedFieldIdsSize;

        if(this.oldDex.getTableOfContents().methodIds.isElementFourByteAligned) {

           this.patchedMethodIdsOffset =SizeOf.roundToTimesOfFour(this.patchedMethodIdsOffset);






               = this.patchedTypeListsOffset

               + this.typeListSectionDiffAlg.getPatchedSectionSize();

        if(this.oldDex.getTableOfContents().annotations.isElementFourByteAligned) {








               = this.patchedAnnotationItemsOffset

               + this.annotationSectionDiffAlg.getPatchedSectionSize();

        if(this.oldDex.getTableOfContents().annotationSets.isElementFourByteAligned) {










               = this.patchedAnnotationSetItemsOffset

               + this.annotationSetSectionDiffAlg.getPatchedSectionSize();











               = this.patchedAnnotationSetRefListItemsOffset

               + this.annotationSetRefListSectionDiffAlg.getPatchedSectionSize();











               = this.patchedAnnotationsDirectoryItemsOffset

               + this.annotationsDirectorySectionDiffAlg.getPatchedSectionSize();

        if(this.oldDex.getTableOfContents().debugInfos.isElementFourByteAligned) {








               = this.patchedDebugInfoItemsOffset

               + this.debugInfoSectionDiffAlg.getPatchedSectionSize();

        if(this.oldDex.getTableOfContents().codes.isElementFourByteAligned) {

           this.patchedCodeItemsOffset =SizeOf.roundToTimesOfFour(this.patchedCodeItemsOffset);






               = this.patchedCodeItemsOffset

               + this.codeSectionDiffAlg.getPatchedSectionSize();

        if(this.oldDex.getTableOfContents().classDatas.isElementFourByteAligned) {








               = this.patchedClassDataItemsOffset

               + this.classDataSectionDiffAlg.getPatchedSectionSize();

        if(this.oldDex.getTableOfContents().encodedArrays.isElementFourByteAligned) {







       this.patchedClassDefsOffset = this.patchedMethodIdsOffset +patchedMethodIdsSize;

        if(this.oldDex.getTableOfContents().classDefs.isElementFourByteAligned) {

           this.patchedClassDefsOffset =SizeOf.roundToTimesOfFour(this.patchedClassDefsOffset);



        //Calculate any values we still know nothing about them.


               = this.patchedEncodedArrayItemsOffset

               + this.encodedArraySectionDiffAlg.getPatchedSectionSize();

        if(this.oldDex.getTableOfContents().mapList.isElementFourByteAligned) {

           this.patchedMapListOffset =SizeOf.roundToTimesOfFour(this.patchedMapListOffset);


       int patchedMapListSize = newDex.getTableOfContents().mapList.byteCount;



               = this.patchedMapListOffset

               + patchedMapListSize;


        //Finally, write results to patch file.











               Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() +"/patch_signed_7zip.apk");


public Builder(Context context) {

           if (context == null) {

               throw new TinkerRuntimeException("Context must not be null.");


           this.context = context;

           this.mainProcess = TinkerServiceInternals.isInMainProcess(context);

           this.patchProcess = TinkerServiceInternals.isInTinkerPatchServiceProcess(context);

           this.patchDirectory = SharePatchFileUtil.getPatchDirectory(context);

           if (this.patchDirectory == null) {

               TinkerLog.e(TAG, "patchDirectory is null!");



           this.patchInfoFile =SharePatchFileUtil.getPatchInfoFile(patchDirectory.getAbsolutePath());

           this.patchInfoLockFile =SharePatchFileUtil.getPatchInfoLockFile(patchDirectory.getAbsolutePath());

           TinkerLog.w(TAG, "tinker patch directory: %s",patchDirectory);




    publicint onPatchReceived(String path) {


        int returnCode = patchCheck(path);


        if(returnCode == ShareConstants.ERROR_PATCH_OK) {


           TinkerPatchService.runPatchService(context, path);

        }else {

           Tinker.with(context).getLoadReporter().onLoadPatchListenerReceiveFail(newFile(path), returnCode);


       return returnCode;





    publicboolean tryPatch(Context context, String tempPatchPath, PatchResultpatchResult) {

       Tinker manager = Tinker.with(context);


        finalFile patchFile = new File(tempPatchPath);


        if(!manager.isTinkerEnabled() ||!ShareTinkerInternals.isTinkerEnableWithSharedPreferences(context)) {

           TinkerLog.e(TAG, "UpgradePatch tryPatch:patch is disabled, justreturn");

           return false;



        if(!SharePatchFileUtil.isLegalFile(patchFile)) {

           TinkerLog.e(TAG, "UpgradePatch tryPatch:patch file is not found,just return");

           return false;



       //check the signature, we should create a new checker

        ShareSecurityChecksignatureCheck = new ShareSecurityCheck(context);


       int returnCode = ShareTinkerInternals.checkTinkerPackage(context,manager.getTinkerFlags(), patchFile, signatureCheck);

        if(returnCode != ShareConstants.ERROR_PACKAGE_CHECK_OK) {

           TinkerLog.e(TAG, "UpgradePatch tryPatch:onPatchPackageCheckFail");


           return false;



       String patchMd5 = SharePatchFileUtil.getMD5(patchFile);

        if(patchMd5 == null) {

           TinkerLog.e(TAG, "UpgradePatch tryPatch:patch md5 is null, justreturn");

           return false;


       //use md5 as version

       patchResult.patchVersion = patchMd5;


       TinkerLog.i(TAG, "UpgradePatch tryPatch:patchMd5:%s",patchMd5);


        //check ok, we can real recover a newpatch

       final String patchDirectory =manager.getPatchDirectory().getAbsolutePath();


       File patchInfoLockFile =SharePatchFileUtil.getPatchInfoLockFile(patchDirectory);

       File patchInfoFile =SharePatchFileUtil.getPatchInfoFile(patchDirectory);


       SharePatchInfo oldInfo =SharePatchInfo.readAndCheckPropertyWithLock(patchInfoFile, patchInfoLockFile);


       //it is a new patch, so we should not find a exist

       SharePatchInfo newInfo;


        //already have patch

        if(oldInfo != null) {

           if (oldInfo.oldVersion == null || oldInfo.newVersion == null ||oldInfo.oatDir == null) {

               TinkerLog.e(TAG, "UpgradePatch tryPatch:onPatchInfoCorrupted");

               manager.getPatchReporter().onPatchInfoCorrupted(patchFile,oldInfo.oldVersion, oldInfo.newVersion);

               return false;



           if (!SharePatchFileUtil.checkIfMd5Valid(patchMd5)) {

               TinkerLog.e(TAG,"UpgradePatch tryPatch:onPatchVersionCheckFail md5 %s is valid",patchMd5);

               manager.getPatchReporter().onPatchVersionCheckFail(patchFile, oldInfo,patchMd5);

               return false;


           // if it is interpret now, use changing flag to wait main process

           final String finalOatDir =oldInfo.oatDir.equals(ShareConstants.INTERPRET_DEX_OPTIMIZE_PATH)

               ? ShareConstants.CHANING_DEX_OPTIMIZE_PATH : oldInfo.oatDir;

           newInfo = new SharePatchInfo(oldInfo.oldVersion, patchMd5,Build.FINGERPRINT, finalOatDir);

        }else {

           newInfo = new SharePatchInfo("", patchMd5, Build.FINGERPRINT,ShareConstants.DEFAULT_DEX_OPTIMIZE_PATH);



        //it is a new patch, we first delete if thereis any files

       //don't delete dir for faster retry

//       SharePatchFileUtil.deleteDir(patchVersionDirectory);

       final String patchName =SharePatchFileUtil.getPatchVersionDirectory(patchMd5);


       final String patchVersionDirectory = patchDirectory + "/" +patchName;


       TinkerLog.i(TAG, "UpgradePatchtryPatch:patchVersionDirectory:%s", patchVersionDirectory);


       //copy file

       File destPatchFile = new File(patchVersionDirectory + "/" +SharePatchFileUtil.getPatchVersionFile(patchMd5));


       try {

           // check md5 first

           if (!patchMd5.equals(SharePatchFileUtil.getMD5(destPatchFile))) {


               TinkerLog.w(TAG, "UpgradePatch copy patch file, src file: %s size:%d, dest file: %s size:%d", patchFile.getAbsolutePath(),patchFile.length(),



        }catch (IOException e) {

//           e.printStackTrace();

           TinkerLog.e(TAG, "UpgradePatch tryPatch:copy patch file fail from%s to %s", patchFile.getPath(), destPatchFile.getPath());

           manager.getPatchReporter().onPatchTypeExtractFail(patchFile,destPatchFile, patchFile.getName(), ShareConstants.TYPE_PATCH_FILE);

           return false;



        //we use destPatchFile instead of patchFile, because patchFile maybe deleted during the patch process



        if(!DexDiffPatchInternal.tryRecoverDexFiles(manager, signatureCheck, context,patchVersionDirectory, destPatchFile)) {

           TinkerLog.e(TAG, "UpgradePatch tryPatch:new patch recover, trypatch dex failed");

           return false;





        if(!BsDiffPatchInternal.tryRecoverLibraryFiles(manager, signatureCheck, context,patchVersionDirectory, destPatchFile)) {

           TinkerLog.e(TAG, "UpgradePatch tryPatch:new patch recover, trypatch library failed");

           return false;



        if(!ResDiffPatchInternal.tryRecoverResourceFiles(manager, signatureCheck,context, patchVersionDirectory, destPatchFile)) {

           TinkerLog.e(TAG, "UpgradePatch tryPatch:new patch recover, trypatch resource failed");

           return false;



        //check dex opt file at last, some phone such as VIVO/OPPO like to change dex2oatto interpreted

        if(!DexDiffPatchInternal.waitAndCheckDexOptFile(patchFile, manager)) {

           TinkerLog.e(TAG, "UpgradePatch tryPatch:new patch recover, checkdex opt file failed");

           return false;



        if(!SharePatchInfo.rewritePatchInfoFileWithLock(patchInfoFile, newInfo,patchInfoLockFile)) {

           TinkerLog.e(TAG, "UpgradePatch tryPatch:new patch recover, rewritepatch info failed");

           manager.getPatchReporter().onPatchInfoCorrupted(patchFile,newInfo.oldVersion, newInfo.newVersion);

           return false;



       TinkerLog.w(TAG, "UpgradePatch tryPatch: done, it is ok");

       return true;




   private void init(Context context) {

       ByteArrayInputStream stream = null;

       try {

           PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager();

           String packageName = context.getPackageName();

           PackageInfo packageInfo = pm.getPackageInfo(packageName,PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES);

           mPublicKeyMd5 =SharePatchFileUtil.getMD5(packageInfo.signatures[0].toByteArray());

           if (mPublicKeyMd5 == null) {

               throw new TinkerRuntimeException("get public key md5 isnull");


        }catch (Exception e) {

           throw new TinkerRuntimeException("ShareSecurityCheck init publickey fail", e);

        }finally {










 Properties properties = new Properties();

           FileInputStream inputStream = null;

           try {

               inputStream = new FileInputStream(pathInfoFile);


               oldVer = properties.getProperty(OLD_VERSION);//根据key获取相应的值。

               newVer = properties.getProperty(NEW_VERSION);

               lastFingerPrint = properties.getProperty(FINGER_PRINT);

               oatDIr = properties.getProperty(OAT_DIR);




public static void parseDexDiffPatchInfo(Stringmeta, ArrayList<ShareDexDiffPatchInfo> dexList) {

        if(meta == null || meta.length() == 0) {



       String[] lines = meta.split("\n");

       for (final String line : lines) {

           if (line == null || line.length() <= 0) {



           final String[] kv = line.split(",", 8);

           if (kv == null || kv.length < 8) {




           // key

            final String name = kv[0].trim();

            final String path = kv[1].trim();

            final String destMd5InDvm =kv[2].trim();

            final String destMd5InArt =kv[3].trim();

            final String dexDiffMd5 =kv[4].trim();

            final String oldDexCrc = kv[5].trim();

            final String newDexCrc =kv[6].trim();


            final StringdexMode = kv[7].trim();


           ShareDexDiffPatchInfo dexInfo = new ShareDexDiffPatchInfo(name, path,destMd5InDvm, destMd5InArt,

               dexDiffMd5, oldDexCrc, newDexCrc, dexMode);






private static boolean extractDexDiffInternals(Context context, String dir,String meta, File patchFile, int type) {




this.rawName= name;

        this.path = path;

        this.destMd5InDvm = destMd5InDvm;

        this.destMd5InArt = destMd5InArt;

        this.dexDiffMd5 = dexDiffMd5;

        this.oldDexCrC = oldDexCrc;

        this.newDexCrC = newDexCrC;

        this.dexMode = dexMode;

        if(dexMode.equals(ShareConstants.DEXMODE_JAR)) {

            this.isJarMode = true;

            if(SharePatchFileUtil.isRawDexFile(name)) {

                realName = name +ShareConstants.JAR_SUFFIX;

            } else {

                realName = name;


        } else if(dexMode.equals(ShareConstants.DEXMODE_RAW)) {

            this.isJarMode = false;

            this.realName = name;

        } else {

            throw newTinkerRuntimeException("can't recognize dex mode:" + dexMode);


       ShareDexDiffPatchInfo.parseDexDiffPatchInfo(meta, patchList);


        if(patchList.isEmpty()) {

            TinkerLog.w(TAG, "extract patchlist is empty! type:%s:", ShareTinkerInternals.getTypeString(type));

           return true;



       File directory = new File(dir);

        if(!directory.exists()) {



       //I think it is better to extract the raw files from apk

       Tinker manager = Tinker.with(context);

       ZipFile apk = null;

       ZipFile patch = null;

       try {

           ApplicationInfo applicationInfo = context.getApplicationInfo();

           if (applicationInfo == null) {

               // Looks like running on a test Context, so just return withoutpatching.

               TinkerLog.w(TAG, "applicationInfo == null!!!!");

               return false;



           String apkPath = applicationInfo.sourceDir;

           apk = new ZipFile(apkPath);

           patch = new ZipFile(patchFile);


           if (checkClassNDexFiles(dir)) {

               TinkerLog.w(TAG, "class n dex file %s is already exist, and md5match, just continue", ShareConstants.CLASS_N_APK_NAME);

               return true;


           for (ShareDexDiffPatchInfo info : patchList) {

               long start = System.currentTimeMillis();


                final String infoPath =info.path;

               String patchRealPath;

               if (infoPath.equals("")) {

                    patchRealPath =info.rawName;

               } else {

                    patchRealPath = info.path +"/" + info.rawName;



               String dexDiffMd5 = info.dexDiffMd5;

               String oldDexCrc = info.oldDexCrC;


               if (!isVmArt && info.destMd5InDvm.equals("0")) {

                    TinkerLog.w(TAG,"patch dex %s is only for art, just continue", patchRealPath);



               String extractedFileMd5 = isVmArt ? info.destMd5InArt :info.destMd5InDvm;


               if (!SharePatchFileUtil.checkIfMd5Valid(extractedFileMd5)) {

                    TinkerLog.w(TAG, "metafile md5 invalid, type:%s, name: %s, md5: %s",ShareTinkerInternals.getTypeString(type), info.rawName, extractedFileMd5);


                    return false;



               File extractedFile = new File(dir + info.realName);


               //check file whether already exist

               if (extractedFile.exists()) {

                    if(SharePatchFileUtil.verifyDexFileMd5(extractedFile, extractedFileMd5)) {

                        //it is ok, justcontinue

                        TinkerLog.w(TAG,"dex file %s is already exist, and md5 match, just continue",extractedFile.getPath());


                    } else {

                        TinkerLog.w(TAG,"have a mismatch corrupted dex " + extractedFile.getPath());



               } else {




               ZipEntry patchFileEntry = patch.getEntry(patchRealPath);

                ZipEntry rawApkFileEntry =apk.getEntry(patchRealPath);


               if (oldDexCrc.equals("0")) {

                    if (patchFileEntry == null){

                        TinkerLog.w(TAG,"patch entry is null. path:" + patchRealPath);

                       manager.getPatchReporter().onPatchTypeExtractFail(patchFile,extractedFile, info.rawName, type);

                        return false;



                    //it is a new file, butmaybe we need to repack the dex file

                    if (!extractDexFile(patch,patchFileEntry, extractedFile, info)) {

                        TinkerLog.w(TAG,"Failed to extract raw patch file " + extractedFile.getPath());

                       manager.getPatchReporter().onPatchTypeExtractFail(patchFile,extractedFile, info.rawName, type);

                        return false;


               } else if (dexDiffMd5.equals("0")) {

                    // skip process old dex forreal dalvik vm

                   if (!isVmArt) {




                    if (rawApkFileEntry ==null) {

                        TinkerLog.w(TAG,"apk entry is null. path:" + patchRealPath);

                        manager.getPatchReporter().onPatchTypeExtractFail(patchFile,extractedFile, info.rawName, type);

                        return false;



                    //check source crc insteadof md5 for faster

                    String rawEntryCrc =String.valueOf(rawApkFileEntry.getCrc());

                    if(!rawEntryCrc.equals(oldDexCrc)) {

                        TinkerLog.e(TAG,"apk entry %s crc is not equal, expect crc: %s, got crc: %s",patchRealPath, oldDexCrc, rawEntryCrc);

                       manager.getPatchReporter().onPatchTypeExtractFail(patchFile,extractedFile, info.rawName, type);

                        return false;



                    // Small patched dexgenerating strategy was disabled, we copy full original dex directly now.

                    //patchDexFile(apk, patch,rawApkFileEntry, null, info, smallPatchInfoFile, extractedFile);

                    extractDexFile(apk,rawApkFileEntry, extractedFile, info);


                    if(!SharePatchFileUtil.verifyDexFileMd5(extractedFile, extractedFileMd5)) {

                        TinkerLog.w(TAG,"Failed to recover dex file when verify patched dex: " + extractedFile.getPath());

                       manager.getPatchReporter().onPatchTypeExtractFail(patchFile,extractedFile, info.rawName, type);


                        return false;


               } else {

                    if (patchFileEntry == null){

                        TinkerLog.w(TAG,"patch entry is null. path:" + patchRealPath);

                       manager.getPatchReporter().onPatchTypeExtractFail(patchFile,extractedFile, info.rawName, type);

                        return false;



                    if(!SharePatchFileUtil.checkIfMd5Valid(dexDiffMd5)) {

                        TinkerLog.w(TAG,"meta file md5 invalid, type:%s, name: %s, md5: %s",ShareTinkerInternals.getTypeString(type), info.rawName, dexDiffMd5);


                        return false;



                    if (rawApkFileEntry ==null) {

                        TinkerLog.w(TAG,"apk entry is null. path:" + patchRealPath);

                       manager.getPatchReporter().onPatchTypeExtractFail(patchFile, extractedFile,info.rawName, type);

                        return false;


                    //check source crc insteadof md5 for faster

                    String rawEntryCrc =String.valueOf(rawApkFileEntry.getCrc());

                    if(!rawEntryCrc.equals(oldDexCrc)) {

                        TinkerLog.e(TAG,"apk entry %s crc is not equal, expect crc: %s, got crc: %s",patchRealPath, oldDexCrc, rawEntryCrc);

                       manager.getPatchReporter().onPatchTypeExtractFail(patchFile,extractedFile, info.rawName, type);

                        return false;



                    patchDexFile(apk, patch,rawApkFileEntry, patchFileEntry, info, extractedFile);


                    if (!SharePatchFileUtil.verifyDexFileMd5(extractedFile,extractedFileMd5)) {

                        TinkerLog.w(TAG,"Failed to recover dex file when verify patched dex: " +extractedFile.getPath());

                       manager.getPatchReporter().onPatchTypeExtractFail(patchFile,extractedFile, info.rawName, type);


                        return false;



                    TinkerLog.w(TAG,"success recover dex file: %s, size: %d, use time: %d",

                           extractedFile.getPath(), extractedFile.length(),(System.currentTimeMillis() - start));



           if (!mergeClassNDexFiles(context, patchFile, dir)) {

               return false;


        }catch (Throwable e) {

           throw new TinkerRuntimeException("patch " +ShareTinkerInternals.getTypeString(type) + " extract failed (" +e.getMessage() + ").", e);

        }finally {




       return true;


评论 2




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


