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原创 note_practical_c_programming_chapter12

Practical C Programming                             chapter 12 advance typesC provides a rich set of data types, including structures, unions, and enumerated types.1. StructuresIn a strcut

2014-06-05 16:43:58 535

转载 遗传算法--genetic algorithm

常用的智能优化算法有:遗传算法 、模拟退火算法、禁忌搜索算法、粒子群算法、蚁群算法。遗传算法是由美国的 J. Holland 教授于 1975 年在他的专著《自然界和人工系统的适应性》中首先提出的。    借鉴生物界自然选择和自然遗传机制的随机化搜索算法。    模拟自然选择和自然遗传过程中发生的繁殖、交叉和基因突变现象。在每次迭代中都保留一组候选解,并按某种指标从

2014-06-04 19:33:24 1737

原创 note_practical_c_programming chapter 11

Practical C Programming                                           Chapter 11    A bit is the smallest unit of information. Normally, it is represented by the values 1 and 0.    Eight bits togeth

2014-05-22 03:00:59 1000

原创 note_practical_C_programming chapter 10

Practical C Programming                                          Chapter 10C need a facility for handling named constants, marcos, and include files.        ==> C preprocessor1. #define stat

2014-05-22 01:20:51 659

原创 note_practical_c_programming chapter 9

Practical C Programming                                     chapter 91. Scope and Class    all variables have two attributes: scope and class.    The scope of a variable is the area of the progr

2014-05-19 00:53:38 638

原创 note_practical_C_programming chapter 8

Practical C Programming                                     Chapter 81. for statement    this statement is equivalent to    initial-statement;    while (condition) {        body-statement;

2014-05-19 00:01:05 713

原创 Practical_C_Programming_chapter_7

Practical C Programming                                      Chapter 7Programming is more than just writing code. Software has a life cyle. It is born, grows up, becomes mature, and finally dies,

2014-05-16 23:55:41 549

原创 note_practical_c_programming_chapter_6

Practical C Programming                                        Chapter 6Branching statements cause on  section of code to be executed or not executed, depending on a conditional clause.Looping s

2014-05-16 22:46:14 458

原创 note <practical c programming> chapter 5

Practical C Programming                Chapter 5: Arrays, Qualitifiers, and Reading Numbers1. Arrays:    type array_name[length]; /* comment */    to reference an element of an arrya, you use a

2014-05-14 22:57:03 510

原创 note 代码的未来 1

代码的未来                    第一章:编程的时间和空间1.编程的本质:    人类的语言:充满了模糊性,不确定性    编程语言: 避免模糊性        编程的本质就是思考    能够按照自己的意愿来创造世界,这是编程最大的魅力所在!!!    快速提高的性能,改变了社会(参照,KK 失控, 技术元素)    从人类的本质来看,技术的进步只不

2014-05-14 16:40:09 510

原创 <Practical C Programming> chapter 4

chapter 41. Elements of a program:    In computer programming, you need two things: data(variables) and instructions (code or functions).    variables are the basic building blocks of a program;

2014-05-13 21:14:05 694

原创 Note for Liferay in Acation: chapter 1

Portal: a single-based web-based environment from which all of a user's applications can run. These applications are integrated together in a consistent and systematic way.At its base, Liferay i

2014-05-09 14:07:38 629

原创 Useful Websites

How to Install Oracle Java JDK on Ubuntu Linux:    http://www.wikihow.com/Install-Oracle-Java-JDK-on-Ubuntu-Linux

2014-05-08 17:48:22 974

转载 comment style in C

/******************************************************** ******************************************************** ******** WARNING: This is an example of a        ******* ********   warning mes

2014-05-08 11:03:42 779

原创 programing c: styles

Good programming style first;Ideally, a program serves two purposes:    1. it presents the computer with a set of instructions;    2. it provides the programmer with a clear, easy-to-read desc

2014-05-07 15:49:37 445



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