note_practical_c_programming chapter 11

Practical C Programming                                           Chapter 11

    A bit is the smallest unit of information. Normally, it is represented by the values 1 and 0.
    Eight bits together form a byte, represented by the C data type char.
    C uses the prefix "0x" to indicate a hexademical (base 16) number
        Representation    Number
        Hexadecimal        0x11
        Decimal                17
        Octal                      021
        Binary                   10001

1. Bit Operators
    Bit operators allow the programmer to work on individual bits
    The bit operators treat each bit as independent
        Operator    Meaning
        &                 Bitwise and
        |                   Bitwise or
        ^                  Bitwise exclusive
        ~                 Complement
        <<               Shift left
        >>               Shift right

2. The and Operator (&)
        and operator
        Bit1    Bit2    Bit1 & Bit2
        0         0        0
        0         1        0
        1         0        0
        1         1        1

3. Bitwise or (|)
        or Operator
        Bit1    Bit2    Bit1 | bit2
        0         0        0
        0         1        1
        1         0        1
        1         1        1
4. The Bitwise Exclusive or (^)
        Bit1    Bit2    Bit1 ^ Bit2
        0         0        0
        0         1        1
        1         0        1
        1         1        0

5. The Ones Complement Operator (Not)
        Bit    ~Bit
        0         1
        1         0

6. The left- and Right-Shift Operators
                   c=0x1C   00011100
    c << 1    c=0x38    00111000
    c >> 2    c=0x07    00000111

7. Right-shift Details
                            signed char        sined char        unsigned cahr
    Expression    9 >> 2                -8 >> 2                248 >> 2
                           0000 1001        1111 1000          1111 1000
    Result           ??00 0010        ??11 1110          ??11 1110
    Fill                 Sign Bit (0)        Sign Bit (1)         Zero
    Final Result  0000 0010       1111 1110           0011 1110 
                                 2                      -2                      62

8. Setting, Clearing, and Testing Bits

    communications status value
    Name        Description
    ERROR        True if any error is set
    FRAMING_ERROR    A framing error occurred for this character
    PARITY_ERROR    Character had the wrong parity
    CARRIER_LOST    The carrier signal went down
    CHANNEL_DOWN    Power was lost on the communication device

    Bit Assignments
    Bit    Name
    0    ERROR

    Bit Values
    Bit    Binary Value    Hexadecimal constant
    7    1000 0000    0x80
    6    0100 0000    0x40
    5    0010 0000    0x20
    4    0001 0000    0x10
    3    0000 1000    0x08
    2    0000 0100    0x04
    1    0000 0010    0x02
    0    0000 0001    0x01

    the definition could be:
    /* True if any error is set */
    const int ERROR =    0x01;

    /* A framing error occured for this character */
    const int FRAMING_ERROR =     0x20;

    /* Character had the wrong parity */
    const int PARITY_ERROR =     0x40;

    /* The carrier signal went down */
    const int CARRIER_LOST =    0x08;

    /* Power was lost on the communication device */
    const int CHANNEL_DOWN =    0x10;

    this method of defining bits is somewhat confusing. our flags can be defined as:
    /* True if any error is set */
    const int ERROR =    (1 << 0);

    /* A framing error occured for this character */
    const int FRAMING_ERROR =     (1 << 1);

    /* Character had the wrong parity */
    const int PARITY_ERROR =     (1 << 2);

    /* The carrier signal went down */
    const int CARRIER_LOST =    (1 << 3);

    /* Power was lost on the communication device */
    const int CHANNEL_DOWN =    (1 << 4);

    to set a bit, use | operator

        char flag = 0;    /* start all flags at 0 */
        flag |= CHANNEL_DOWN; /* Channel just died */

    to test a bit, we use the & operator to mask out the bits:
        if ((flag & ERROR) != 0) {
            printf("Error flag is set\n");
        } else {
            printf("No error detected\n");

    to clear a bit, use not operator with mark then anded it with flag
       flag &= ~PARITY_ERROR;    /* Who cares about parity */

9. Bitmapped graphics
    in bitmapped graphics, each pixel on the screen is represented by a single bit in memory.
    suppose we have a small graphic device -- a 16-by-16-pixel black-and-white display, using a 2-by-16 array of bytes:
    let's see what we need to do to transform our x, y index to a byte_x, byte_y, bit_index, and bit
        byte_y = y;
        byte_x = x / 8;
        bit_index = x % 8;
        bit = 0x80 >> bit_index;
        graphics[byte_x][byte_y] |= bit;
    this algorithm can be condensed into a single macro:
        #define set_bit(x,y) graphics[ (x) / 8][y] |= (0x80 >> ((x) % 8))  

#include <stdio.h>

#define X_SIZE 40 /* size of array in X direction */
#define Y_SIZE 60 /* size of array in Y direction */

 * We use X_SIZE/8 because we pack 8 bits per byte
char graphics[X_SIZE / 8][Y_SIZE];	/* the graphic data */

#define SET_BIT(x,y) (graphics[(x)/8][y] |= (0x80 >> ((x) % 8)))

int main() {
	int loc;	/* current location we are setting */
	void print_graphics(void);	/* print the data */

	for (loc = 0; loc < X_SIZE; ++loc) {
		SET_BIT(loc, loc);

	return 0;

 * pint_graphics -- Prints the graphics bit array    *
 *             as a set of X and .'s.                *

void print_graphics(void) {
	int x;	/* current X BYTE */
	int y;	/* current y location */
	unsigned int bit;	/* bit we are testing in the current byte */

	for (y = 0; y < Y_SIZE; y++) {
		/* Loop for each byte in the array */
		for (x = 0; x < X_SIZE / 8; ++x) {
			/* handle each bit */
			for (bit = 0x80; bit > 0; bit = (bit >> 1)) {
				if ((graphics[x][y] & bit) != 0) {
				else {
					printf(" ");





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