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转载 no strings attached

You are super strait.a - What are you doing here?b - I just moved here a week ago.a - How do you do?b - How do I what?a - Ok, we should head out, so ..b - Yea, we should to

2011-12-11 21:18:04 331

原创 eat

a take-out container 外卖盒子

2011-07-27 14:07:50 189

原创 Marketing

Net sales      净销售额;扣除销货折扣和退货后净额ASP                  American Selling Price  美国销售价格毛利                  Gross margin  净利润              Net pr

2011-07-22 10:02:38 277

原创 psychology

心理学    psychology

2011-07-18 10:16:21 312

原创 Hospital and healthy

诊所  clinic ['klinik]               (clean 清洁一下)感冒  catch a cold药      madicine挂号   register at a hospital咳嗽 cough产假  mater

2011-07-18 09:56:37 256

原创 IT

----------------------------------------------------------------高清 (HD)  High Definition    definition [,difi'niʃən]  n. 定义;[物] 清晰度;解说defini

2011-07-17 15:44:48 204

原创 House and home

蚊帐   mosquito net蚊子   mosquito [mə'ski:təu]

2011-07-16 08:46:37 240

原创 weather and disaster

天气  weather ['weðə]    阉羊 wether (最短,被阉)是否  whether ['hweðə] (he, 人物 他是否)暴风雨,骚动,动乱  tempest ['tempist]                                   The

2011-07-12 13:41:26 396

原创 Nokia

芬兰的        Finnish跨国公司   multinational corporation总部           headquarter制造业       manufacturing年收益      annual revenue['revənju:, -nu:] 欧元

2011-07-11 21:44:21 757

原创 Fruit

桃子      peach [pi:tʃ]西瓜     watermelon ['wɔ:təmelən, 'wɔ-]

2011-07-11 07:32:38 263

原创 baby

不含笨   Paraben Free无香       Fragrance Free湿巾       Moist Wipes, 婴儿湿巾   Baby Wipes

2011-07-10 18:20:47 353

原创 Interview

脱颖而出            Stand out from the crowd.面试过程如何?        What is the procedure of the interview?你有什么长处和短处?     What are some of your strength

2011-07-10 18:02:59 222

原创 Customer Service

How to complain effectively.Smile目光接触:maintain eye contacthelpfule, speedy service, The employee should be respectful.Be patient to your cus

2011-07-10 08:27:33 787

转载 TV

我昨天从你们那里买了个电视,但是它好像不太正常。I bought a TV from you yestoday, but it does seem to be working.电视的型号是?What type of TV it is?

2011-07-10 07:03:53 182

原创 Address convention

大会发言:  address the convention表示感谢: express sincere gratitude代表:   on behalf of, represent出席,参加(n): presence出席,参加(v): present感谢: gratitude感谢你

2011-07-07 07:38:11 269

原创 Music

独立摇滚乐队   indie rock band首张单曲           debut single单曲                   single限量版               limited editionReference: In 2006,

2011-07-06 15:05:23 241

转载 finger effect

Decides whether haptic effect is needed when margine of the content is reached.

2011-07-06 13:14:35 201

转载 The audacity of hope

On behalf of the great state of Illinois, crossroads of a nation, land of Lincoln, let me express my deep gratitude for the privil

2011-07-05 07:02:20 334

转载 A Useful Glossary for Personal Characters


2011-06-30 13:14:00 267

转载 job requiement

Proven track record in accountability for quality, accuracy and efficiency of own and teams achievements for the programTrack record in demonstrating support for delegated decisionsDrive to s

2011-06-30 10:37:00 244

转载 birthday present

Open your presents. OK, OK,here goes. This isnt the present that you really want.He wouldnt fit in the box. Ooohhh.From Justine. Its the jacket I love from Maxis. Its so great.Thank you,Justi

2011-06-28 21:52:00 200

转载 be depressed

You did? Youre incredible. No,no.Im not incredible.Im desperate. If I were an actor,or a struggling artist,or crazy. But no.Im prefectly same .Yet this is my life . Youre the only person Im tell

2011-06-28 21:27:00 650

原创 Fruit

西瓜     watermelon桃子     peach

2011-06-28 15:50:00 310

转载 Windows phone

     Make no mistake, Microsoft isnt playing coy in the smartphone market any longer. The folks in Redmond are making a significant jump forward in the mobile arena, announcing that the upcoming vers

2011-06-28 12:55:00 181

转载 The Audacity of Hope

        But my grandfather had larger dreams for his son. Through hard work and perseverance my father got a scholarship to study in a magical place: America, which stood as a beacon of freedom and op

2011-06-28 07:33:00 313

转载 背课文

      背课文听起来很可怕,每个人似乎都经历过。不过不能否认,背课文是学英语最好的方法之一。特别是对于少年儿童更是如此。背课文是一项虽然艰苦却其乐无穷的学习方式。只要把握的好,就能够使学生在快乐和成就感中学习。  第一条原则:理解而后能背。  第二条原则:所背的文章要典型而纯。  第三条原则:先听后背。      而且要反复听,直到能够模仿得很像为止。这一个阶段是比较枯燥的,但非常有效。  第

2011-06-27 20:04:00 294

转载 Janova and EdgeCase build Testing Tool in seven Months

     The experts of the software company EdgeCase have recently assisted the Enterprise Architecture Company Janova from Ohio in building a Web-based, automated testing tool. The tool is provided as a

2011-06-27 19:57:00 241

原创 Earthquake

    A 5.3-magnitude earthquake struck Chinas Tibetan-inhabited region of Qinghai.     The epicentre of the quake was in Yushu prefecture and struck at a depth of 24.8 kilometres (15.4 miles),  

2011-06-27 19:36:00 240



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