备忘录:UDDI 3.0

1. Key

An instance in the registry gets its keys at the time it is first published. Publishers may assign keys; if they don’t, the UDDI node MUST assign them.

An Publisher must own a key generator tModel

2, Containment and Reference

It is important to note that no single instance of an entity is ever "contained" by more than one containing entity. This means, for example, that only one specific businessEntity structure (identified by its unique key value) will ever contain a specific instance of a businessService structure (also identified by its own unique key).

References, on the other hand, operate differently. We can see the bindingTemplate entities refer to instances of tModel entities. References to a given entity can occur multiple times, as needed.

3. Service Projection

The businessKey may differ from the publishing businessEntity’s businessKey. This indicates a service projection. A service projection allows a business or organization to include in its businessEntity a businessService offered by some other business or organization. A projected businessService is made a part of a businessEntity by reference as opposed to by containment. Projections to the same service can be made in any number of business entities

4. Category

The optional categoryBag element allows businessEntity structures to be categorized according to published categorization systems. For example, a businessEntity might contain UNSPSC product and service categorizations that describe its product and service offering and ISO 3166 geographical regions that describe the geographical area where these products and services are offered.

Similar to the identifierBag, a categoryBag contains a simple list of keyedReference structures, each containing a single categorization. The categoryBag MAY also contain a simple list of keyedReferenceGroup structures. At least one keyedReference or one keyedReferenceGroup MUST be provided within the categoryBag.

The categoryBag contains a list of business categories that each describes a specific business aspect of the businessService (e.g. industry, product category or geographic region) and is valid in its own category system

The categoryBag contains a list of categorizations that each describes a specific aspect of the bindingTemplate and is valid in its own category system. A categoryBag in a bindingTemplate can be used, for example, to indicate that the Web service described by the bindingTemplate has the status "test" or "production".

5. bindingTemplate<-->wsdl:port

Technical descriptions of Web services are provided by bindingTemplate entities. Each bindingTemplate describes an instance of a Web service offered at a particular network address, typically given in the form of a URL. The bindingTemplate also describes the type of Web service being offered using references to tModels, application-specific parameters, and settings.

6. accessPoint

The accessPoint is a string used to convey the network address suitable for invoking the Web service being described. This is typically a URL but may be an electronic mail address, or even a telephone number. No assumptions about the type of data in this field can be made without first understanding the technical requirements associated with the Web service. AccessPoint must be provided within a bindingTemplate

The purpose of the optional attribute useType is to facilitate the description of several types of accessPoints.

The following useType attributes values are pre-defined by UDDI:

  • endPoint: designates that the accessPoint points to the actual service endpoint, i.e. the network address at which the Web service can be invoked,

  • bindingTemplate: designates that the accessPoint contains a bindingKey that points to a different bindingTemplate entry. The value in providing this facility is seen when a business or entity wants to expose a service description (e.g. advertise that they have a service available that suits a specific purpose) that is actually a service that is described in a separate bindingTemplate record. This might occur when many service descriptions could benefit from a single service description,

  • hostingRedirector: designates that the accessPoint can only be determined by querying another UDDI registry.  This might occur when a service is remotely hosted.

  • wsdlDeployment: designates that the accessPoint points to a remotely hosted WSDL document that already contains the necessary binding information, including the actual service endpoint.

The useType attribute may contain other values than the four listed above.


7.Metadata: tModel

Making it easy to describe Web services in ways that are meaningful enough to be useful during searches is an important goal of UDDI. Another goal is to provide a facility to make these descriptions complete enough that people and programs can discover how to interact with Web services they do not know much about. To do this, there needs to be a way to mark a description with information that designates how it behaves, what conventions it follows, and what specifications or standards the service complies with.

Providing the ability to describe compliance with specifications, concepts, or even shared design is one of the roles that the tModel structure fills.

Each tModel instance is a keyed entity in UDDI. In a general sense, the purpose of tModel entities is to provide a reference system based on abstraction. There are two primary uses for tModel entities: as sources for determining compatibility of Web services and as keyed namespace references.

One common use for tModel entities is to represent technical specifications or concepts. For example, a tModel can be used to represent a specification that defines wire protocols, interchange formats and interchange sequencing rules. The actual specification or set of documents that describes the concept of a tModel is not a part of the registry and is remotely referenced using the overviewDoc structure

Once a tModel is published, other parties can express the availability of Web services that are compliant with a specification the tModel represents by simply including a reference to the tModel – i.e., its tModelKey – in their technical service descriptions bindingTemplate data.

The second general use for tModel entities is within the identifierBag, categoryBag, address and publisherAssertion structures that are used to specify organizational identity and various categories. Used in this context, a tModel represents the system of values used to identify or categorize UDDI entities.

For example, to represent the fact that a business described by a businessEntity has a particular US Tax identifier, a keyedReference is placed into the identifierBag of the businessEntity. The keyedReference has a keyValue that is the tax ID and refers to the tModel that means "the system of US Tax code identifiers". Together, the keyValue and the tModel reference specify a particular value in a particular system of values.

The third general use for tModel entities is to represent find qualifiers

The name SHOULD be formatted as a URI and, as a consequence, the xml:lang attribute of the name element SHOULD NOT be used.

The optional useType attribute contained in the overviewURL of the overviewDoc is used to provide information about the type of document at that URL.  One common value used in the useType attribute is "text".  Using this value denotes that the overviewURL contains additional textual information. Another common value is "wsdlInterface", which is used to designate that the overviewURL contains a WSDL interface document that can be re-used by many implementations.

delete_tModel: Used to hide existing information about a tModel.  Any tModel hidden in this way is still usable for reference purposes and accessible via the get_tModelDetail API, but is hidden from find_tModel result sets.  There is no specified way to delete a tModel.


8. Invocation Pattern

Obtain the bindingTemplate data for the Web service of interest from a UDDI registry, such as the UDDI Business Registry. Typically this is done using one of the browse-and-drill-down patterns discussed above. The bindingTemplate contains the specific details about an instance of a given interface type, including the location at which a program starts interacting with the Web service.  The calling application caches this information and uses it to contact the Web service at the registered address whenever it needs to communicate with the Web service instance.

If a call fails using cached information previously obtained from a UDDI registry, the application SHOULD query the UDDI registry for fresh bindingTemplate information.  The proper call is get_bindingDetail passing the original bindingKey value.  If the data returned is different from the cached information, the application SHOULD retry the invocation using the fresh information.  If the result of this retry is successful, the new information SHOULD replace the cached information.

Cached binding information could alternatively be kept up to date by means of notification or polling.

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