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原创 New Start

多想想已拥有的, 多想想可追求的, 想追求的, 多追求  身体的健康: 心情舒畅, 锻炼, 养生 多交流: 多几个朋友, 在批评中进步 多总结: 写下/说出事物的原理, 经验的总结 多思考, 多行动   目前的题目: 货币与金融咨询软件开发养生

2009-06-01 17:23:00 324

原创 Exception Handling Rules

 Digest from Axis Documentation. See Also: 错误处理规范>> Exception HandlingGuidelines for Axis exception handling are based on best-practices for exception handling. While there are details specif

2006-12-18 17:35:00 614

原创 Evolution of Remoting

Evolution of RemotingThe scenarios presented thus far have only been possible due to the constant evolution of remoting frameworks. The implementation of large-scale business applications in a dis

2006-12-18 17:34:00 883

原创 C# 备忘录

See Also: The C# Programming Language Notes>>, The C# Programming Language Notes II>>  1,C#程序 C# 语言本身不具有单独的运行时库。事实上,.NET Framework 就是 C# 的运行时库。由于程序集是一个自描述的功能单元,它既包含代码又包含元数据,因此,C# 中不

2006-12-18 17:07:00 936

原创 Axis 备忘录

See Also: Essential Web Services: SOAP, WSDL, UDDI>>What is Axis? Axis is essentially a SOAP engine -- a framework for constructing SOAP processors such as clients, servers, gateways, etc. But Axi

2006-12-18 17:05:00 1327

原创 UDDI Servers 备忘录

BEA Aqualogic Registry Server 2.0.11. Default password for "admin" is "changeit"2. Key Generator tModel is related to user/publisher, not Business Entity.3. Different User/Publisher can create

2006-12-18 17:03:00 558

原创 IBM DB2 备忘录

I. Common Commands1. Set Environment First. ./db2profile2. Create New Databasedb2 create db dbname3. Connect to Databasedb2 connect to dbname user username using password II. Utils1.

2006-12-18 17:02:00 669

原创 Xnix 备忘录

I. Summary In general, everything in UNIX is either a file or a process. By convention, environment variables have UPPER CASE and shell variables have lower case nam

2006-12-18 17:00:00 945

原创 FTP 备忘录

1. 命令通道 和 数据通道一次完整的FTP会话,包含有两个连接,一个称之为命令通道,一个称之为数据通道。 命令通道用来传递一些“命令”和反馈,包括用户名密码登陆,而且众所周知是明文。默认此通道是21端口,当然,管理员也可以修改为其他端口 是什么都无所谓 但若建立多个FTP的话 端口不能重复 数据通道用来传递实际数据----列目录

2006-12-18 16:59:00 612

原创 LDAP 备忘录

概述鉴于原先的目录访问协议(Directory Access Protocol即DAP)对于简单的互联网客户端使用太复杂,IETF设计并指定LDAP做为使用X.500目录的更好的途径。LDAP在TCP/IP之上定义了一个相对简单的升级和搜索目录的协议。我 们知道,人们对计算机网络的使用和管理涉及了各种庞杂的资源,信息.为了提高性能,便于使用,有效管理分布式应用的服务,资源,用户及别的对

2006-12-18 16:58:00 617

原创 JavaBean 备忘录

 1. public class Introspector extends ObjectThe Introspector class provides a standard way for tools to learn about the properties, events, and methods supported by a target Java Bean. For eac

2006-12-18 16:56:00 561

原创 JNDI 备忘录

0. java:comp/env means java:component/environment1. example, the JNDI LinkRef mechanism to create a symbolic link to the actual JNDI name of the target object.2. The env-entry element consists of:

2006-12-18 16:55:00 513

原创 Oracle 备忘录

1. Oracle with XA Recovery When you come across recovery error with Oracle database, make sure the Oracle user does have proper permissions. You run below script to set up proper permissions for O

2006-12-18 16:54:00 513

原创 Using JBossIDE + XDoclet with both JBoss4.0.0 and WebSphere AS 6.0

Prepare: Download the latest version of JBossIDE ( JBossIDE-1.5M2-Bundle-win32.zip is recommended) Download the latest version of XDoclet , extract to a folder and cop

2006-12-18 16:52:00 618

原创 Managing the Container in Spring

Digest coming from Professional Java Development with the Spring Framework>>    

2006-12-18 16:51:00 689

原创 备忘录:JAX-RPC 1.1

 Q. What are the modes of interaction between clients and JAX-RPC services?A. There are three different modes: Synchronous Request-Response: The client invokes a remote procedure an

2006-12-18 16:49:00 1431

原创 备忘录:UDDI 3.0

1. KeyAn instance in the registry gets its keys at the time it is first published. Publishers may assign keys; if they don’t, the UDDI node MUST assign them. An Publisher must own a key generator

2006-12-18 16:48:00 526

原创 备忘录:SOAP 1.2

http://www.w3.org/TR/soap12-part0/ http://www.w3.org/TR/soap12-part1/ http://www.w3.org/TR/soap12-part2/ 1, SOAP is fundamentally a stateless, one-way message exchange paradigm, but applicati

2006-12-18 16:47:00 1186

原创 备忘录:SOAP 1.1

 http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/NOTE-SOAP-20000508/http://www.matrix.org.cn/resource/article/44/44281_SOAP.html1, SOAP consists of three parts: The SOAP envelope (see section 4) construct define

2006-12-18 16:45:00 629

原创 备忘录:JCA 1.5

I. Questions before reading the specification, and Answers after reading the specification.1. How the application call EIS functions to execute task or get data from EIS via JCA RA/Connector?

2006-12-18 16:44:00 557

原创 备忘录:WSDL 1.1

 1, WSDL OverviewA WSDL document defines services as collections of network endpoints, or ports. In WSDL, the abstract definition of endpoints and messages is separated from their concrete network

2006-12-18 16:44:00 654

原创 Software Reuse : Architecture,Process and Organization for Business Success

1,软件工厂如 果外包厂商有很多客户,则随着业务的开展,有机会改编本质上相同的系统满足客户的不同需求;实际上执行这种程序要求厂商构建很多客户共同需求的业务模型; 除了对客户现有的实践建模之外,还有机会帮助客户对其业务进行再造,产生更有效的模型;然后,复用业务查找这些模型中的通用性和可变性,这些通用性和可变 性又提供了适合组件系统的基础;当然,组件系统又导致适合每个客户的应用系统;以第二种模式运

2006-12-18 16:37:00 597

原创 The Software Architect's Profession :An Introduction


2006-12-18 16:36:00 754

原创 Surviving Object-Oriented Projects

1,简单的成功步骤采用增量式进度安排和阶段划分拥有发现和改正错误的机制建立一个良好的产品发布习惯拥有优秀的项目经理,产品经理和技术经理2,培训培训应该是及时而且持续不断的培训资料应注意积累,保留曾经浏览过的有价值的资料,相同主题的,相似主题的,整理为一系列自己的文档注意示例和总结培训应该是相互的3,生存建议找出那些你还不知道你不知道的东西:Learn What you dont know y

2006-12-18 16:36:00 530

原创 Software Architecture : Organizational Principles and Patterns


2006-12-18 16:35:00 721

原创 Book Title Pattern

个人选书的几个基本原则(编程语言,软件工程,企业级平台)1,技术发明人写的书除了那项技术的规范、标准,这是最权威的参考资料了,如The XXX Programming Language2,技术发明人伙伴、同事写的书通常从另一个角度对那项技术进行了阐述,如从初学者的角度,从惯用法的角度等;由于他经历了从学习该项技术到比发明人还熟悉这项技术,因此这类书通常会解答学习中的常见问题,并提出最佳实践

2006-12-18 16:33:00 844 1



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