中山大学软件工程-Unity HitUFO作业

一、 项目配置

  • 首先创建一个新项目,选择3D模板

  • 新项目的文件结构如下:

    • Assets/Resources下主要存放的是飞碟的预制

    • Assets/Scripts中则存放的是项目代码

  • 最后将FirstController代码拖到Main Camera中,Ctrl+B即可运行。

二、 实现过程和方法

1. 总体设计思路

  • 各个类之间的关系如下

  • 此次作业同样是MVC架构,各个代码文件划分如下

    • model部分:主要是Disk类,存储着飞碟的信息,如速度,方向,分值等等。

    • view部分:主要是UserGUI类,负责游戏界面的呈现,以及接受用户的动作。

    • controller部分:按照职责分配原则,主要分为动作控制器(仍可以套用上一次作业的动作框架),场景控制器(仍可以套用前面用到的导演场记的框架),回合控制器RoundController,分数控制器ScoreController,再运用工厂模式、单例模式,结合对象池的思想,使用DiskFactory类负责Disk对象的生成和回收。

  • 总的来说,此次作业大部分可以套用之前的框架,需要额外增加的是

    • 运用工厂模式和对象池的思想实现对多个飞碟对象的管理

    • 由于DiskFactory、UserGUI、RoundController等类在全局只需要一个实例,因此可以对它们应用单例模式,便于管理。

    • 由于飞碟有两种飞行模式,因此可以通过适配器模式,让两个动作管理者类都去实现一个接口,在RoundController中便可通过该接口实现对动作管理者类的沟通,这个接口一方面起到了多态的效果,另一方面也作为一个适配器,任何动作管理者类只要实现了该接口便可与RoundController类之间实现沟通。

2. 模块分析


  • Disk

    • DIsk类只是作为一个数据类存放了飞碟的一些基本属性

    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    public class Disk : MonoBehaviour{
        public float speed;         //水平初速度
        public int points;          //分值
        public Vector3 direction;   //初始方向


  • UserGUI

    • 此类负责显示游戏信息,并通过将用户的行为传递给控制器,从而修改model中的数据,并不断呈现最新的数据

    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    public class UserGUI : MonoBehaviour{
        IUserAction userAction;     //响应用户行为的接口,由FirstController实现
        string gameMessage;         //游戏的提示信息
        string gameState;           //显示游戏状态
        int points;                 //当前得分
        int flag;                   //标志位,用于控制Update函数
        float time;                 //计时
        FirstController controller; //场记
        int mode;                   //游戏模式 0-运动学 1-物理学
        public void reset(){
            gameMessage = "";
            gameState = "";
        public void setMessage(string gameMessage){
            this.gameMessage = gameMessage;
        public void setPoints(int points){
            this.points = points;
        void Start(){
            mode = 0;
            points = 0;
            flag = 0;
            time = 0;
            gameMessage = "";
            gameState = "";
            userAction = SSDirector.GetInstance().CurrentScenceController as IUserAction;
            controller = (FirstController)SSDirector.GetInstance().CurrentScenceController;
        void Update(){
            if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")){
            // 开始计时,显示持续三秒的提示信息
            if(flag == 1){
                time += Time.deltaTime;
                if(time > 3f){
                    time = 0;
                    flag = 0;
                    this.gameMessage = "";
        public void pause(){
            this.gameMessage = "准备进入下一轮...";
            flag = 1;
        public void gameOver(){
            this.gameState = "游戏结束";
        void OnGUI(){
            GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle();
            style.normal.textColor = Color.white;
            style.fontSize = 30;
            GUIStyle titleStyle = new GUIStyle();
            titleStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;
            titleStyle.fontSize = 50;
            GUIStyle messageStyle = new GUIStyle();
            messageStyle.normal.textColor = Color.red;
            messageStyle.fontSize = 60;
            GUI.Label(new Rect(720, 30, 50, 200), "Hit UFO小游戏", titleStyle);
            GUI.Label(new Rect(20, 30, 100, 50), "Points: " + points, style);
            GUI.Label(new Rect(20, 100, 100, 50), "Round: " + controller.getRound(), style);
            if(mode == 0){
                GUI.Label(new Rect(20, 240, 100, 50), "Mode: Kinematics", style);
                GUI.Label(new Rect(20, 240, 100, 50), "Mode: Physis", style);
            GUI.Label(new Rect(640, 80, 50, 200), gameMessage, messageStyle);
            GUI.Label(new Rect(720, 640, 50, 200), gameState, messageStyle);
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(80, 180, 100, 40), "Restart")){
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(20, 300, 100, 40), "Kinematics")){
                mode = 0;
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(150, 300, 100, 40), "Physis")){
                mode = 1;


  • 动作部分

    • 首先是一个动作基类SSAction,动作事件接口ISSActionEventType以及动作管理者基类SSActionManager此类的代码可以直接重用。

      using System.Collections;
      using System.Collections.Generic;
      using UnityEngine;
      public class SSAction : ScriptableObject
          public bool enable = true;
          public bool destroy = false;
          public GameObject gameObject { get; set; }
          public Transform transform { get; set; }
          public ISSActionCallback callback { get; set; }
          protected SSAction()
          // Start is called before the first frame update
          public virtual void Start()
              throw new System.NotImplementedException();
          // Update is called once per frame
          public virtual void Update()
              throw new System.NotImplementedException();
      using System.Collections;
      using System.Collections.Generic;
      using UnityEngine;
      public class SSActionManager : MonoBehaviour, ISSActionCallback {
          private Dictionary<int, SSAction> actions = new Dictionary<int, SSAction>();
          private List<SSAction> waitingAdd = new List<SSAction>();
          private List<int> waitingDelete = new List<int>();
          protected void Update()
              foreach (SSAction ac in waitingAdd)
                  actions[ac.GetInstanceID()] = ac;
              foreach (KeyValuePair<int, SSAction> kv in actions)
                  SSAction ac = kv.Value;
                  if (ac.destroy)
                  else if (ac.enable)
              foreach (int key in waitingDelete)
                  SSAction ac = actions[key];
          public void RunAction(GameObject gameObject, SSAction action, ISSActionCallback manager)
              action.gameObject = gameObject;
              action.transform = gameObject.transform;
              action.callback = manager;
          // Start is called before the first frame update
          protected void Start()
          public void SSActionEvent(SSAction source, SSActionEventType events = SSActionEventType.Completed,
              int intParam = 0, string strParam = null, Object objectParam = null)
      using System.Collections;
      using System.Collections.Generic;
      using UnityEngine;
      public enum SSActionEventType : int { Started, Completed }
      public interface ISSActionCallback{
          void SSActionEvent(SSAction source, SSActionEventType events = SSActionEventType.Completed,
              int intParam = 0, string strParam = null, Object objectParam = null);
    • 接着需要一个动作管理者类的接口IActionManager,其就是adapter模式的运用,后续的两个具体的动作管理类都需要实现该接口,后面RoundController类便可通过该接口在两个动作管理类

      using System.Collections;
      using System.Collections.Generic;
      using UnityEngine;
      public interface IActionManager{
          void Fly(GameObject disk, float speed, Vector3 direction);
      using System.Collections;
      using System.Collections.Generic;
      using UnityEngine;
      public class KinematicsActionManager : SSActionManager, ISSActionCallback, IActionManager{
          KinematicsFlyAction flyAction;
          FirstController controller;
          protected new void Start(){
              controller = (FirstController)SSDirector.GetInstance().CurrentScenceController;
          public void Fly(GameObject disk, float speed, Vector3 direction){
              flyAction = KinematicsFlyAction.GetSSAction(direction, speed);
              RunAction(disk, flyAction, this);
          public void SSActionEvent(SSAction source,
          SSActionEventType events = SSActionEventType.Completed,
          int intParam = 0,
          string strParam = null,
          Object objectParam = null){
      using System.Collections;
      using System.Collections.Generic;
      using UnityEngine;
      public class PhysisActionManager : SSActionManager, ISSActionCallback, IActionManager
          PhysisFlyAction flyAction;
          FirstController controller;
          protected new void Start(){
              controller = (FirstController)SSDirector.GetInstance().CurrentScenceController;
          public void Fly(GameObject disk, float speed, Vector3 direction){
              flyAction = PhysisFlyAction.GetSSAction(direction, speed);
              RunAction(disk, flyAction, this);
          public void SSActionEvent(SSAction source,
          SSActionEventType events = SSActionEventType.Completed,
          int intParam = 0,
          string strParam = null,
          Object objectParam = null){
    • 最后,再分别实现两种飞行模式具体的动作类

      using System.Collections;
      using System.Collections.Generic;
      using UnityEngine;
      public class KinematicsFlyAction : SSAction{
          float gravity;          //重力加速度
          float speed;            //水平速度
          Vector3 direction;      //飞行方向
          float time;             //时间
          public static KinematicsFlyAction GetSSAction(Vector3 direction, float speed){
              KinematicsFlyAction action = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<KinematicsFlyAction>();
              action.gravity = 9.8f;
              action.time = 0;
              action.speed = speed;
              action.direction = direction;
              return action;
          public override void Start(){
              gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().isKinematic = true;
          public override void Update(){
              time += Time.deltaTime;
              transform.Translate(Vector3.down * gravity * time * Time.deltaTime);
              transform.Translate(direction * speed * Time.deltaTime);
              if (this.transform.position.y < -6)
                  this.destroy = true;
                  this.enable = false;
      using System.Collections;
      using System.Collections.Generic;
      using UnityEngine;
      public class PhysisFlyAction : SSAction
          float speed;            //水平速度
          Vector3 direction;      //飞行方向
          public static PhysisFlyAction GetSSAction(Vector3 direction, float speed){
              PhysisFlyAction action = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<PhysisFlyAction>();
              action.speed = speed;
              action.direction = direction;
              return action;
          public override void Start(){
              gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().isKinematic = false;
              gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = speed * direction;
          public override void Update(){
              if (this.transform.position.y < -6){
                  this.destroy = true;
                  this.enable = false;

  • 场景部分

    • 首先,SSDirector、ISceneController类可以直接重用之前的代码

      using System.Collections;
      using System.Collections.Generic;
      using UnityEngine;
      public class SSDirector : System.Object
          private static SSDirector _instance;
          public ISceneController CurrentScenceController { get; set; }
          public static SSDirector GetInstance()
              if (_instance == null)
                  _instance = new SSDirector();
              return _instance;
      using System.Collections;
      using System.Collections.Generic;
      using UnityEngine;
      public interface ISceneController{
          void loadResources();
    • 整个游戏场景的统筹主要是靠实现了ISceneController接口和IUserAction接口的FirstController类(IUserAction接口的功能是实现对用户动作的响应)

      using System.Collections;
      using System.Collections.Generic;
      using UnityEngine;
      public interface ISceneController{
          void loadResources();
      using System.Collections;
      using System.Collections.Generic;
      using UnityEngine;
      public interface IUserAction{
          void setFlyMode(bool isPhysis);
          void Hit(Vector3 position);
          void restart();

  • 飞碟控制部分

    • DiskFactory类实现对飞碟的生产和回收

      using System.Collections;
      using System.Collections.Generic;
      using UnityEngine;
      public class DiskFactory : MonoBehaviour{
          public GameObject disk_prefab;
          private List<Disk> used_list;
          private List<Disk> free_list;
          // Start is called before the first frame update
          void Start(){
              used_list = new List<Disk>();
              free_list = new List<Disk>();
              disk_prefab = GameObject.Instantiate<GameObject>(Resources.Load<GameObject>("Prefabs/UFO"), Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);
          public GameObject getDisk(int round){   
              GameObject disk;
              if(free_list.Count > 0){
                  disk = free_list[0].gameObject;
                  disk = GameObject.Instantiate<GameObject>(disk_prefab, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);
              int level = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 10);
              if(level >= 0 && level <= 4){
                  disk.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = Color.yellow;
                  disk.GetComponent<Disk>().points = 1;
              else if(level >= 5 && level <= 7){
                  disk.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = Color.blue;
                  disk.GetComponent<Disk>().points = 3;
                  disk.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = Color.red;
                  disk.GetComponent<Disk>().points = 5;
              float size_inc = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 1f);
              float speed_inc = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 2f);
              if(round > 0 && round < 4){
                  disk.GetComponent<Transform>().localScale = new Vector3(3f+size_inc,0.12f+size_inc*0.04f,3f+size_inc);
                  disk.GetComponent<Disk>().speed = 4.0f+speed_inc;
              else if(round > 3 && round < 7){
                  disk.GetComponent<Transform>().localScale = new Vector3(2f+size_inc,0.08f+size_inc*0.04f,2f+size_inc);
                  disk.GetComponent<Disk>().speed = 5.0f+2*speed_inc;
                  disk.GetComponent<Transform>().localScale = new Vector3(1+size_inc,0.04f+size_inc*0.04f,1f+size_inc);
                  disk.GetComponent<Disk>().speed = 6.0f+2*speed_inc;
              disk.GetComponent<Disk>().direction = new Vector3(UnityEngine.Random.Range(-1f, 1f) > 0 ? 2 : -2, 1, 0);
              return disk;
          public void freeDisk(GameObject disk){
              foreach (Disk _disk in used_list){
                  if (_disk.gameObject.GetInstanceID() == disk.GetInstanceID()){
                      _disk.gameObject.GetComponent<Transform>().rotation = Quaternion.identity;
    • RoundController类负责从DiskFactory中获得飞碟,对飞碟对象的具体属性进行初始化后发送飞碟,并对回合进行更新。

      using System.Collections;
      using System.Collections.Generic;
      using UnityEngine;
      public class RoundController : MonoBehaviour{
          FirstController controller;     //场记
          IActionManager actionManager;   //动作管理者
          DiskFactory diskFactory;        //飞碟工厂
          ScoreRecorder scoreRecorder;    //得分控制器
          UserGUI userGUI;                //用户GUI
          int round;                  //游戏当前轮次
          int sendCnt;                //当前已发送的飞碟数量
          float sendTime;             //发送时间
          int sendNum;                //用于确定同时发送飞碟的数量              
          int flag;                   //标志位
          void Start(){
              controller = (FirstController)SSDirector.GetInstance().CurrentScenceController;
              actionManager = Singleton<KinematicsActionManager>.Instance;
              //actionManager = Singleton<PhysisActionManager>.Instance;
              diskFactory = Singleton<DiskFactory>.Instance;
              scoreRecorder = new ScoreRecorder();
              userGUI = Singleton<UserGUI>.Instance;
              sendCnt = 0;
              round = 1;
              sendTime = 0;
              sendNum = 0;
              flag = 0;
          public int getRound(){
              return round;
          public void setFlag(int _flag){
              flag = _flag;
          public void reset(){
              sendCnt = 0;
              round = 1;
              sendTime = 0;
              flag = 0;
          public void record(Disk disk){
          public int getPoints(){
              return scoreRecorder.getPoints();
          public void setFlyMode(bool isPhysis){
              actionManager = isPhysis ? Singleton<PhysisActionManager>.Instance : Singleton<KinematicsActionManager>.Instance as IActionManager;
          public void sendDisk(){
              GameObject disk = diskFactory.getDisk(round);
              disk.transform.position = new Vector3(-disk.GetComponent<Disk>().direction.x * 7, UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 8f), 10);
              actionManager.Fly(disk, disk.GetComponent<Disk>().speed, disk.GetComponent<Disk>().direction);
          void Update(){
              sendTime += Time.deltaTime;
              if(sendTime > 1 && flag == 0){
                  sendTime = 0;
                  sendNum = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 9);
                  if(sendNum < 6){
                  else if(sendNum > 7){
                      for(int i = 0; i < 3;++i){
                          if(sendCnt == 10){
                      for(int i = 0; i < 2;++i){
                          if(sendCnt == 10){
                  if(sendCnt == 10){
                      flag = 1;
                      sendCnt = 0;
                      if(round == 11){
                          round = 10;
    • ScoreRcorder负责游戏分数的管理

      using System.Collections;
      using System.Collections.Generic;
      using UnityEngine;
      public class ScoreRecorder{
          int points;                 //游戏当前分数
          public ScoreRecorder(){
              points = 0;
          public void record(Disk disk){
              points += disk.points;
          public int getPoints(){
              return points;
          public void reset(){
              points = 0;

3. 核心算法

  • 关于飞碟的生产,为了达到游戏回合与难度的匹配,DiskFactory在生产飞碟的时候以游戏回合作为参数,同时为了保证飞碟的生成有一定的随机性,通过UnityEngine.Random.Range()函数生成随机数,结合随机数和回合数来最终确定飞碟的大小和速度。

    float size_inc = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 1f);
            float speed_inc = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 2f);
            if(round > 0 && round < 4){
                disk.GetComponent<Transform>().localScale = new Vector3(3f+size_inc,0.12f+size_inc*0.04f,3f+size_inc);
                disk.GetComponent<Disk>().speed = 4.0f+speed_inc;
            else if(round > 3 && round < 7){
                disk.GetComponent<Transform>().localScale = new Vector3(2f+size_inc,0.08f+size_inc*0.04f,2f+size_inc);
                disk.GetComponent<Disk>().speed = 5.0f+2*speed_inc;
                disk.GetComponent<Transform>().localScale = new Vector3(1+size_inc,0.04f+size_inc*0.04f,1f+size_inc);
                disk.GetComponent<Disk>().speed = 6.0f+2*speed_inc;
  • 为了实现每个回合之间有一定的过渡时间,需要在一个回合的结束后暂停发送飞碟一段时间并在游戏界面显示“准备进入下一轮”的提示信息。一开始的想法是使用Thread.Sleep()函数,但发现这样会导致使得整个游戏进程暂停,如还在空中的飞碟会停在空中不动,也无法响应鼠标的点击。后来改用标志位再结合在Update()通过time = time + Time.deltaTime计时的方式来实现延时。

    • 具体的实现为,但要进入下一轮的时候,RoundController会将标志位flag置为1,此时RoundController不再能够发送飞碟而只能等待flag被重新置为0。而能够将flag置为0的是FirstController(实际上是UserGUI,USerGUI通过通知FirstController,让FirstController去设置RoundController的标志为,观察FirstController的函数也可以发现,FirstController在UserGUI与RoundController、ScoreRecorder之间起到一个中介的作用,从而避免UserGUI与RoundController、ScoreRecorder的直接耦合。

    • 当RoundController的flag置1之后,还会判断是游戏暂停还是游戏结束,若是暂停则调用FirstController的pause()函数,然后FirstController通知UserGUI游戏暂停,此时UserGUI也会将其标志位flag置1,然后设置显示“准备进入下一轮”的提示信息,UserGUI的标志位作用在于使得Update()函数开始通过time = time + Time.deltaTime计时计时,当达到特定时间后就会重新将flag置0,并通知RoundController暂停已完成(实际上就是让FirstController将RoundController的标志位置回0),这个时候RoundController便可以继续发送飞碟。

    • RoundController

      void Update(){
              sendTime += Time.deltaTime;
              if(sendTime > 1 && flag == 0){
                  sendTime = 0;
                  sendNum = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 9);
                  if(sendNum < 6){
                  else if(sendNum > 7){
                      for(int i = 0; i < 3;++i){
                          if(sendCnt == 10){
                      for(int i = 0; i < 2;++i){
                          if(sendCnt == 10){
                  if(sendCnt == 10){
                      flag = 1;
                      sendCnt = 0;
                      if(round == 11){
                          round = 10;
    • FirstController

      public void pause(){
          public void setRCFlag(int _flag){
          public void gameOver(){
    • UserGUI

      void Update(){
              if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")){
              // 开始计时,显示持续三秒的提示信息
              if(flag == 1){
                  time += Time.deltaTime;
                  if(time > 3f){
                      time = 0;
                      flag = 0;
                      this.gameMessage = "";




再者,对于unity的用户交互机制也有了更进一步的了解,比如识别鼠标的点击,就是通过创建一个从摄像头到鼠标点击位置的射线,运用碰撞的机制,检测与射线碰撞的物体,将物体存放到一个数组中,最后对数组中的对象进行操作便可完成识别鼠标的点击。对于Time.deltaTime也有了进一步的了解,除了前面如在transform.Translate(0, 0, Time.deltaTime * 10)应用增量时间保证在不同帧数的条件下固定时间内物体可以移动固定的距离(一秒移动十米),在此次作业中,又通过应用了Time.deltaTime代表每一帧的时间,而Update()函数是每一帧执行一次的性质,来实现计时。




[]: Unity3D作业-HitUFO演示视频_哔哩哔哩_bilibili


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