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原创 Female palace is studied and the construction

Female palace is studied and the construction of v postscript, Hindu god brahman god, is one of the three ShengMiao Cambodia. Will she angkor temples with hundreds of put together, no matter who can r

2009-09-08 10:01:00 236

原创 In the exotic view of the city

In the exotic view of the city, I focus, except the pyramid is Cairo museum. In the museum, the most let me much gold mask is. Masks below lamplight, those at the golden appear of the eyes is profound

2009-09-07 10:04:00 249

原创 Then the Lookout mountain road along toward starting out

Then the Lookout mountain road along toward starting out. 0.3 miles of deck arrived, Yellowstone large waterfall rushing out from the valley, fall in the abyss. From the path down beside the Lookout o

2009-08-31 09:58:00 313

原创 Many people said the high prices

Many people said the high prices, Switzerland, but if you have the skills, sometimes, even cheaper than in China. From daily, to MIGRO were COOP and the two supermarket can buy cheap goods.If you want

2009-08-27 10:41:00 302

原创 Dragon temple

Dragon temple, came to the temple, Thailand 306 steps toward heaven as road lined with double ladder, made by the guardrail, temple after two dragons.PuBing Summer Palace: PuBing Summer Palace, locate

2009-08-26 10:06:00 282

原创 The buji particularly beautiful sunset

The buji particularly beautiful sunset. Friends and family, or couples or the appreciation of the sea sunset, immersed in static time. After nightfall, beach area bar gradually. Here, the bar is basic

2009-08-25 11:40:00 339

原创 To tell you the truth

To tell you the truth, not too big surprise, because the long-awaited suddenly realize that things are normal at the performance.And immediately the strategy into action, print and buy list, left on t

2009-08-24 11:32:00 398

原创 After the new change

After the new change, we started around by the MRT to feed BoatQuay famous. Due to complicated composition of Singapore race walking on the road, so, can hear different language welcome words, let a p

2009-08-21 10:52:00 265

原创 Cyprus, a European vacation garden

Cyprus, a European vacation garden, can be seen everywhere from Europe, the pair of old couple garden in the white sand beaches or roadside cafes, 70% of visitors from Britain. A young English friends

2009-08-19 11:23:00 234

原创 From that guides,as early as in nine years ago

From that guides, as early as in nine years ago, the island is human activity. Later greeks, ancient Greek civilization brought to turkish-cypriots. Historically, turkish-cypriots has been Assyria, Eg

2009-08-19 11:20:00 367

原创 Ever thought to himself

Ever thought to himself, turning to life becomes more meaningful? If so, it only need to help those unfortunate people than you need just enough. The famous British vocational volunteers and intermedi

2009-08-18 11:23:00 426

原创 The main attraction

The main attraction of sai kung city shall belong to French architecture. Written by countless visitors the virgin red church and central post office is not strange that you are a legacy of Saigon lan

2009-08-01 11:40:00 240

原创 In the national museum

In the national museum of Turner and bigger gem stones in the shop, facing the museum of sapphire, ruby, opal star, stone, stone, the stone Alexander color... Buyers have to fall, ordinary uneasy psyc

2009-07-30 10:22:00 381

原创 The train

The train, the shuttle thronged subway platform, every day there are many special skills of entertainers or artist here, there were improvisation is a painter, magic, but most will be a musician. Here

2009-07-28 10:10:00 171

原创 The first face-to-face with the living in London

The first face-to-face with the living in London, is the sculpture of Chinatown. When I arrived in England, but also has been long twice in Chinatown. One afternoon, and by friends to drink tea, stree

2009-07-27 10:16:00 374

原创 Always by popular Malaysian

Always by popular Malaysian, have heat island, and franca, green sea such hot island. But this summer, but other island Damascus to play, most of the tourism and go to saba ecotourism.This year, Mal

2009-07-25 10:08:00 582

原创 Kings Park

The park, name seemed to be full of ambition, but more like melancholy and temperament moderate prince. LuRongRong hillside, 4 woods, ducks, and walked slowly from the grass, not well-known bird witho

2009-07-24 09:51:00 311

原创 Shopping feast

In July and August in travel person must be ready, because the wallet or credit card modus, the big sale season to year.Every year, most of the countries abroad have twice larger discount activity,

2009-07-22 09:41:00 435

原创 Network chess

"This is not a common network games, this is not a simple master!" Recently, the reporter is in urban network game to play at home, a popular words to hear the things which are in full swing in the ne

2009-07-21 11:01:00 572

原创 BirrCastle

This is a from of parma in 1620 living with family generation Hudson royal demeanor private castle. Manor buildings and fully display the family garden of earl and clever, virtuous in the countess ima

2009-07-20 10:06:00 255

原创 "Once the duke, with the name of love."

Anyone can dream, even if you are engaged in business and all life, also avoid imagining about the sun in the Mediterranean Sea, with much wine bouquet of intoxicate it-they feeling. But the true nobi

2009-07-18 12:52:00 249

原创 Google VS Bing

The news is the most lively Google to launch new Chrome OS operating system, Microsofts Windows to officially launched. Google search of focus should be how can let the audience, more accurate inform

2009-07-16 13:13:00 318

原创 Athena-Sinister employers

Athena, wisdom and the goddess of war. Zeus eat pregnant, ink, the Lord cometh after god goddess within the brain was born.Zeus, ink, after eating suddenly one day a splitting headache, Hector quasi

2009-07-15 10:03:00 205

原创 Lack of money back to the moon

The former astronaut nelson: "fund shortage problem is severe, NASA obviously cant complete the task to return to the moon by 2020.In 2004, President bush proposed manned space program "constellati

2009-07-14 13:37:00 273

原创 Mr Obama in the interview

Obama at the White House today red-carpet interview: "economy" engine "will start running, but the economic recovery will take a long time to achieve. He said that even if the U.S. economy could rebou

2009-07-13 14:09:00 216

原创 The wholly foreign-owned enterprise, will guide the domestic market

Chinas vice minister of commerce on July 2, jian, said the ministry of commerce will jointly with relevant departments, positive study foreign-funded enterprises in the relevant policies and guide li

2009-07-03 09:32:00 238

原创 Chinese Battle asp.net battle.net officially open

1 July 2009, after a long wait. Blizzard division of the world of warcraft game with starcraft II netease agent in China in 23 points tonight to open the Chinese players in Battle asp.net netplay plat

2009-07-02 12:25:00 424

原创 Sichuan mobile communications blocking part mountain city

On July 1, according to sources at June 30, deyang city of sichuan province, strong aftershocks 5.6 sina tech emergency rescue and disaster areas of sichuan attachment is moving, the relevant personag

2009-07-01 13:13:00 232

原创 Fake endorsement Obama fortress machine

In a China mobile phone manufacturer "fortress counterfeit U.S. President Obama endorsements marketing its false blackberry" after exposure in shenzhen, mobile phones, and has caused enormous vibrat

2009-06-30 13:13:00 289

原创 Apple force-out iPhone first adult software

Join the iPhone OS 3.0 parental control function of each paragraph, App "software must set can access levels. It makes some developers to smell of different means, dont always play the role guard lim

2009-06-29 13:21:00 550

原创 The vice President of MOTOROLA global mobile terminals

The vice President of MOTOROLA global mobile terminals, RenWeiGuang China gm group has to work, LG as China mobile communications department manager LG.LG China pr relevant personage to sina science

2009-06-27 05:07:00 270

原创 As early as in "the Jackson five groups" era

As early as in "the Jackson five groups" era, Michael Jackson because of its outstanding talent and fashionable sensitive smell from several between the brothers. When did the Africa fail from the exp

2009-06-26 22:49:00 310

原创 Periodontitis is the most ancient of human diseases

Periodontitis is the most ancient of human diseases, one of the disease in written records and archaeological head specimen, often found in the skull on alveolar bone destruction by the disease. Due t

2009-06-25 21:49:00 224

原创 Eyes are the window of the mind

Eyes are the window of the mind, from the moment the baby to face all kinds of eye disease, pain and aggressive, want the baby has a pair of bright and clear, bright eyes, mom would according to the d

2009-06-24 21:53:00 952

原创 Long standing or sedentary easily cured illness

Long standing or sedentary easily cured illnessCause anus bowel disease may cause besides genetic factors, bad living habits and occupational factors:1 and when reading a newspaper, the toilet

2009-06-23 21:43:00 293

原创 Surprise! Tonsillitis infection may cause nephritis

QiXiaoEr said, many parents forgave acute nephritis, think this is serious, not easy and children touch. Actually pediatric acute nephritis is 3 years, especially one of the common polio tonsillitis o

2009-06-22 22:00:00 292

原创 其实,我一直觉得生活很完美。

生活,值得赞美。 不是么? 当我降临在这个世界,父母给予爱。 当我长大,伴侣给予爱。 虽然生活有不如意, 工资不高,一千多; 房子不大,八十多; 车子不好,两轮的; 但是,我能沐浴充足的阳光, 我能看着河边的绿树, 我很满足。 真的。

2009-06-19 22:21:00 292



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