MicroStation VBA创建横断面图水平、高程标尺代码(XM版)

这是本人2006年左右在重庆巴山水电站时在MicroStation XM环境下编的断面处理工具中绘横断面标尺的一段代码,在MicroStation CE环境下需要作小的修改才能正常运行。其中多数功能是相同的,可以借鉴。

'(C) QinDong 2023
'     www.cehui.ren
'     qindong.blog.csdn.net
'     qindxyz@139.com
'     QinDong

Dim miniX As Double 
Dim miniY As Double 
Dim maxX As Double 
Dim maxY As Double 

Sub DelSingleBar() 
Dim dbModel As ModelReference 
Dim dbEle As Element 
Dim dbEe As ElementEnumerator 
Set dbModel = ActiveModelReference 
Set dbEe = dbModel.GraphicalElementCache.Scan 
Do While dbEe.MoveNext 
Set dbEle = dbEe.Current 
 dbEle.IsLocked = False 
If dbEle.HasXData("(C)cehui.ren BarCreator") Then dbModel.RemoveElement dbEle 
End Sub

Sub DelAllBar() 
Dim dbModel As ModelReference 
Dim dbEle As Element 
Dim dbEe As ElementEnumerator 
For Each dbModel In ActiveDesignFile.Models 
Set dbEe = dbModel.GraphicalElementCache.Scan 
Do While dbEe.MoveNext 
Set dbEle = dbEe.Current 
 dbEle.IsLocked = False 
If dbEle.HasXData("(C)cehui.ren BarCreator") Then dbModel.RemoveElement dbEle 
End Sub

Sub CrtSingleBar() 
Dim cmModel As ModelReference 
Dim cmScale As String 
Dim cmSide As Integer 
Dim cmGrid As Boolean 
Dim cmPaperWidth As Integer 
Dim cmPaperHeight As Integer 
Dim cmFullGrid As Boolean 
cmGrid = LoadGridPara(ActiveDesignFile.DefaultModelReference, "(C)cehui.ren Parameter") 
cmScale = LoadScalePara(ActiveDesignFile.DefaultModelReference, "(C)cehui.ren Parameter") 
cmSide = LoadSidePara(ActiveDesignFile.DefaultModelReference, "(C)cehui.ren Parameter") 
If cmScale = "" Then cmScale = "500" 
If cmSide = 0 Then cmSide = -1 
gAppName = "(C)cehui.ren BarCreator" 
'For Each cmModel In ActiveDesignFile.Models 
Set cmModel = ActiveModelReference 
'If cmModel.Name <> "Default" Then 
ActiveDesignFile.Views(1).DisplaysFill = True 
ViewArea cmModel 
cmFullGrid = LoadFullGridPara(ActiveDesignFile.DefaultModelReference, "(C)cehui.ren Parameter") 
If cmGrid And cmFullGrid Then 
DeterminePaper ActiveDesignFile.DefaultModelReference, "(C)cehui.ren Parameter", cmPaperWidth, cmPaperHeight 
cmPaperWidth = cmPaperWidth - 60 
cmPaperHeight = cmPaperHeight - 50 
If cmPaperWidth / 10 * Val(cmScale) / 100 > (maxX - miniX) And cmPaperHeight / 10 * Val(cmScale) / 100 > (maxY - miniY) Then 
 miniX = miniX - (cmPaperWidth / 10 * Val(cmScale) / 100 - (maxX - miniX)) / 2 
 miniY = miniY - (cmPaperHeight / 10 * Val(cmScale) / 100 - (maxY - miniY)) / 2 
 maxX = miniX + cmPaperWidth / 10 * Val(cmScale) / 100 
 maxY = miniY + cmPaperHeight / 10 * Val(cmScale) / 100 
End If 
End If 
crtBar cmModel, miniX, miniY, maxX - miniX, maxY - miniY, Val(cmScale), cmSide, cmGrid, "标尺_" & cmScale, "宋体", 2, 2 
'crtBar cmModel, -135, 253, 200, 200, 500, 1, False, "标尺", "宋体", 2, 2 
'End If 
End Sub

Sub CrtAllBar() 
Dim cmModel As ModelReference 
Dim cmScale As String 
Dim cmSide As Integer 
Dim cmGrid As Boolean 
Dim cmPaperWidth As Integer 
Dim cmPaperHeight As Integer 
Dim cmFullGrid As BooleancmGrid = LoadGridPara(ActiveDesignFile.DefaultModelReference, "(C)cehui.ren Parameter") 
cmScale = LoadScalePara(ActiveDesignFile.DefaultModelReference, "(C)cehui.ren Parameter") 
cmSide = LoadSidePara(ActiveDesignFile.DefaultModelReference, "(C)cehui.ren Parameter") 
If cmScale = "" Then cmScale = "500" 
If cmSide = 0 Then cmSide = -1 
gAppName = "(C)cehui.ren BarCreator" 
For Each cmModel In ActiveDesignFile.Models 
If cmModel.Name <> "Default" And getModelXdata(cmModel, "surmap_dx", msdXDatumTypeString) <> "dxmodel" Then 
ViewArea cmModel 
cmFullGrid = LoadFullGridPara(ActiveDesignFile.DefaultModelReference, "(C)cehui.ren Parameter") 
If cmGrid And cmFullGrid Then 
DeterminePaper ActiveDesignFile.DefaultModelReference, "(C)cehui.ren Parameter", cmPaperWidth, cmPaperHeight 
cmPaperWidth = cmPaperWidth - 60 
cmPaperHeight = cmPaperHeight - 50 
If cmPaperWidth / 10 * Val(cmScale) / 100 > (maxX - miniX) And cmPaperHeight / 10 * Val(cmScale) / 100 > (maxY - miniY) Then 
 miniX = miniX - (cmPaperWidth / 10 * Val(cmScale) / 100 - (maxX - miniX)) / 2 
 miniY = miniY - (cmPaperHeight / 10 * Val(cmScale) / 100 - (maxY - miniY)) / 2 
 maxX = miniX + cmPaperWidth / 10 * Val(cmScale) / 100 
 maxY = miniY + cmPaperHeight / 10 * Val(cmScale) / 100 
End If 
End If 
crtBar cmModel, miniX, miniY, maxX - miniX, maxY - miniY, Val(cmScale), cmSide, cmGrid, "标尺_" & cmScale, "宋体", 2, 2 
'crtBar cmModel, -135, 253, 200, 200, 500, 1, False, "标尺", "宋体", 2, 2 
End If 
End Sub

'创建标尺参数:左、右、宽、高、比例(整数分母)、左右侧(L or R)、网格(真或否),字体样式名,字体名,字宽(毫米),字高(毫米), 
Sub crtBar(bModel As ModelReference, bLeft As Double, bBottom As Double, bWidth As Double, bHeight As Double, bScale As Integer, _ 
bSide As Integer, bGrid As Boolean, bTextStyleName As String, bFontName As String, bFontWidth_mm As Single, bFontHeight_mm As Single) 
Dim cbLevel As Level '绘标尺的层名 
Dim cbStep As Integer '步长 
Dim cbWeight As Single '竖标尺的宽度 
Dim cbLeft As Integer 
Dim cbBottom As Integer 
Dim cbWidth As Integer '宽度 
Dim cbHeight As Integer 
Dim cbVtime As Integer 
Dim cbHtime As Integer 
Dim cbI As Integer 
Dim cbVpoints(3) As Point3d 
Dim cbModel As ModelReference 
Dim cbShp As ShapeElement 
Dim cbText As TextElement 
Dim cbLineEle As LineElement '水平线 
Dim cbLineStart As Point3d 
Dim cbLineEnd As Point3d 
Dim cbFontWidth As Single 
Dim cbFontHeight As Single 
Dim cTmpLeft As Double 
Dim cTmpBottom As Double 
Dim cTmpRight As Double 
Dim cTmpUp As Double 
Dim cTmpVtag As Point3d '高程注记位置 
Dim cTmpHtag As Point3d '水平距离注记 
Dim ProInfo As String 
Dim ProInfoPosition As Point3d 
Dim cTmpGridHStart As Point3d '水平 
Dim cTmpGridHEnd As Point3d 
Dim cTmpGridHLine As LineElement 
Dim cTmpGridVStart As Point3d '竖直 
Dim cTmpGridVEnd As Point3d 
Dim cTmpGridVLine As LineElement 
Set cbLevel = FindLevel("断面标尺") 
cbStep = Int(bScale / 100) 
cbWeight = 0.2 * cbStep 
cbLeft = (Int(bLeft / cbStep) - 1) * cbStepcbWidth = (Round(bWidth / cbStep, 0) + 2) * cbStep 
cbBottom = (Int(bBottom / cbStep) - 1) * cbStep 
cbHeight = (Round(bHeight / cbStep, 0) + 2) * cbStep 
cbVtime = cbHeight / cbStep 
cbHtime = cbWidth / cbStep 
cbFontWidth = bFontWidth_mm / 10 * cbStep 
cbFontHeight = bFontHeight_mm / 10 * cbStep 
Set cbModel = bModel 
For cbI = 1 To cbVtime 
If bSide <= 0 Then 
cTmpLeft = cbLeft 
cTmpRight = cTmpLeft + cbWeight 
cTmpLeft = cbLeft + cbWidth - cbWeight 
cTmpRight = cTmpLeft + cbWeight 
End If 
cTmpBottom = (cbI - 1) * cbStep + cbBottom 
cTmpUp = cTmpBottom + cbStep 
cbVpoints(0).X = cTmpLeft 
cbVpoints(0).Y = cTmpBottom 
cbVpoints(1).X = cTmpRight 
cbVpoints(1).Y = cTmpBottom 
cbVpoints(2).X = cTmpRight 
cbVpoints(2).Y = cTmpUp 
cbVpoints(3).X = cTmpLeft 
cbVpoints(3).Y = cTmpUp 
If cbI Mod 2 = 0 Then 
Set cbShp = CreateShapeElement1(Nothing, cbVpoints, msdFillModeFilled) 
Set cbShp = CreateShapeElement1(Nothing, cbVpoints, msdFillModeNotFilled) 
cTmpVtag = cbVpoints(2) 
If bSide <= 0 Then 
cTmpVtag.X = cTmpVtag.X + 0.1 * cbStep '与竖标尺的间距,0.1为0.1公分,cbStep分图上一公分所对应的绘图长度 
cTmpVtag.X = cTmpVtag.X - 0.1 * cbStep - cbFontWidth * 3 '与竖标尺的间距,0.1为0.1公分,cbStep分图上一公分所对应的绘图长度 
End If 
cTmpVtag.Y = cTmpVtag.Y + cbFontHeight 
Set cbText = CreateTextElement1(Nothing, cTmpUp, cTmpVtag, Matrix3dIdentity) 
End If 
 cbShp.LineStyle = ActiveDesignFile.LineStyles("0") 
 cbShp.Level = cbLevel 
 cbShp.FillColor = 0 
 SetElementXdata cbShp, gAppName, msdXDatumTypeString, "Type:Bar" 
 cbShp.IsLocked = True 
 cbShp.IsSnappable = False 
 cbModel.AddElement cbShp 
Set cbText.TextStyle = adTextStyle(bTextStyleName, bFontName, cbFontWidth, cbFontHeight) 
 cbText.Level = cbLevel 
 cbText.Color = 0 
 SetElementXdata cbText, gAppName, msdXDatumTypeString, "Type:Bar" 
' cbText.IsLocked = True 
' cbText.IsSnappable = False 
 cbModel.AddElement cbText 
If bGrid Then 
If bSide = -1 Then 
 cTmpGridHStart.X = cTmpRight 
 cTmpGridHEnd.X = cTmpRight + cbWidth - cbWeight 
 cTmpGridHStart.X = cbLeft 
 cTmpGridHEnd.X = cbLeft + cbWidth - cbWeight 
End If 
 cTmpGridHStart.Y = cTmpUp 
 cTmpGridHEnd.Y = cTmpUp 
Set cTmpGridHLine = CreateLineElement2(Nothing, cTmpGridHStart, cTmpGridHEnd) 
 cTmpGridHLine.LineStyle = ActiveDesignFile.LineStyles("0") 
 cTmpGridHLine.Level = cbLevel 
 cTmpGridHLine.Color = 64 
 SetElementXdata cTmpGridHLine, gAppName, msdXDatumTypeString, "Type:Bar" 
 cTmpGridHLine.IsLocked = True 
 cTmpGridHLine.IsSnappable = False 
 cbModel.AddElement cTmpGridHLine 
End If 
If bSide <= 0 Then 
 cbLineStart.X = cbLeft + cbWeight 
 cbLineStart.Y = cbBottom 
 cbLineEnd.X = cbLeft + cbWidth 
 cbLineEnd.Y = cbBottom 
 cbLineStart.X = cbLeft 
 cbLineStart.Y = cbBottom 
 cbLineEnd.X = cbLineStart.X + cbWidth - cbWeight 
 cbLineEnd.Y = cbBottom 
End If 
Set cbLineEle = CreateLineElement2(Nothing, cbLineStart, cbLineEnd) 
 SetElementXdata cbLineEle, gAppName, msdXDatumTypeString, "Type:Bar" 
 cbLineEle.LineStyle = ActiveDesignFile.LineStyles("0") 
 cbLineEle.Level = cbLevel 
 cbLineEle.IsLocked = True 
 cbLineEle.IsSnappable = False 
 cbModel.AddElement cbLineEle 
For cbI = 1 To cbHtime 
If bSide <= 0 Then 
cbLineStart.X = cbLeft + cbI * cbStep 
cbLineEnd.X = cbLeft + cbI * cbStep 
cbLineStart.X = cbLeft + (cbI - 1) * cbStep 
cbLineEnd.X = cbLeft + (cbI - 1) * cbStep 
End If 
cbLineStart.Y = cbBottom 
cbLineEnd.Y = cbBottom + 0.2 * cbStep 
Set cbLineEle = CreateLineElement2(Nothing, cbLineStart, cbLineEnd) 
cbModel.AddElement cbLineEle 
SetElementXdata cbLineEle, gAppName, msdXDatumTypeString, "Type:Bar" 
cbLineEle.Level = cbLevel 
cbLineEle.LineStyle = ActiveDesignFile.LineStyles("0") 
cbLineEle.IsLocked = True 
cbLineEle.IsSnappable = False 
cTmpHtag.X = cbLineStart.X - cbFontWidth 
cTmpHtag.Y = cbLineEnd.Y + 0.1 * cbStep + cbFontHeight 
Set cbText = CreateTextElement1(Nothing, cbLineStart.X, cTmpHtag, Matrix3dIdentity) 
Set cbText.TextStyle = adTextStyle(bTextStyleName, bFontName, cbFontWidth, cbFontHeight) 
SetElementXdata cbText, gAppName, msdXDatumTypeString, "Type:Bar" 
cbText.Level = cbLevel 
cbText.Color = 0 
'cbText.IsLocked = True 
'cbText.IsSnappable = False 
cbModel.AddElement cbText 
If bGrid Then 
cTmpGridVStart.X = cbLineStart.X 
cTmpGridVStart.Y = cTmpHtag.Y 
cTmpGridVEnd.X = cbLineStart.X 
cTmpGridVEnd.Y = cTmpHtag.Y + cbHeight - 0.3 * cbStep - cbFontHeight 
Set cTmpGridVLine = CreateLineElement2(Nothing, cTmpGridVStart, cTmpGridVEnd) 
cTmpGridVLine.Level = cbLevel 
cTmpGridVLine.Color = 64 
SetElementXdata cTmpGridVLine, gAppName, msdXDatumTypeString, "Type:Bar" 
cTmpGridVLine.LineStyle = ActiveDesignFile.LineStyles("0") 
cTmpGridVLine.IsLocked = True 
cTmpGridVLine.IsSnappable = False 
cbModel.AddElement cTmpGridVLine 
End If 
ProInfo = "桩号:" & cbModel.Name & " 比例:1:" & cbStep * 100 
ProInfoPosition.X = cbLeft + (cbWidth - Len(ProInfo) * 0.3 * cbStep) / 2 
ProInfoPosition.Y = cbBottom + cbHeight + 0.5 * cbStep '桩号放在上面 
'ProInfoPosition.Y = cbBottom - 0.1 * cbStep '桩号放在下面 
Set cbText = CreateTextElement1(Nothing, ProInfo, ProInfoPosition, Matrix3dIdentity) 
cbModel.AddElement cbText 
Set cbText.TextStyle = adTextStyle(bTextStyleName, bFontName, cbFontWidth, cbFontHeight) 
SetElementXdata cbText, gAppName, msdXDatumTypeString, "Type:Bar" 
cbText.TextStyle.Height = 0.4 * cbStep 
cbText.TextStyle.Width = 0.4 * cbStep 
cbText.Color = 0 
cbText.Level = cbLevel 
End Sub

'Sub TestTextStyle() 
'adTextStyle "QD", "宋体", 10, 10 
'End Sub 
'Function adTextStyle(txtStyleName As String, txtFontName As String, txtStyleHeight As Single, txtStyleWidth As Single) As TextStyle 
'Dim aTextStyle As TextStyle 
'Set aTextStyle = ActiveDesignFile.TextStyles.Find(txtStyleName) 
'If aTextStyle Is Nothing Then 
'Set aTextStyle = ActiveDesignFile.TextStyles.Add(Nothing, txtStyleName) 
'aTextStyle.Height = txtStyleHeight 
'aTextStyle.Width = txtStyleWidth 
'aTextStyle.Font = FindFontByName(txtFontName) 
''aTextStyle.Height = txtStyleHeight 
''aTextStyle.Width = txtStyleWidth 
''aTextStyle.Font = FindFontByName(txtFontName) 
'End If 
'Set adTextStyle = aTextStyle 
'End Function

Function FindFontByName(fFontName As String) As Font 
Dim fFonts As Fonts 
Dim fFont As Font 
Set FindFontByName = Nothing 
Set fFonts = ActiveDesignFile.Fonts 
For Each fFont In fFonts 
If fFont.Name = fFontName Then Set FindFontByName = fFont 
NextEnd Function

Sub ViewArea(vaModel As ModelReference) 
Dim m As ModelReference 
Dim Ee As ElementEnumerator 
Dim Ele As LineElement 
miniX = 1E+15 
miniY = 1E+15 
maxX = -1E+15 
maxY = -1E+15 
Set m = vaModel 
Set Ee = m.GraphicalElementCache.Scan 
Do While Ee.MoveNext 
If Ee.Current.Type = msdElementTypeLine Or Ee.Current.Type = msdElementTypeLineString Then 
If Ee.Current.Level.IsEffectivelyDisplayedInView(ActiveDesignFile.Views(1)) Then 
Set Ele = Ee.Current 
 MiniMax Ele 
End If 
End If 
'ShowMessage miniX & " " & miniY & " " & maxX & " " & maxY 
End Sub
Sub MiniMax(Ele As LineElement) 
Dim tEle As LineElement 
Dim vPoints() As Point3d 
Dim i As Long 
vPoints = Ele.GetVertices 
For i = LBound(vPoints) To UBound(vPoints) 
If vPoints(i).X < miniX Then miniX = vPoints(i).X 
If vPoints(i).Y < miniY Then miniY = vPoints(i).Y 
If vPoints(i).X > maxX Then maxX = vPoints(i).X 
If vPoints(i).Y > maxY Then maxY = vPoints(i).Y 
End Sub





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