writing | 如何写好一篇学术论文(一) introduction

内容来自斯坦福公开课 -- Writing in the Sciences https://www.coursera.org/learn/sciwrite/home/welcome


第一周 一些关键技巧和原则

1. 想象你和读者坐在一起看自己的文章,审视你的句子:简单易读吗?读起来有趣且令人享受吗?

2. 动词在句子中能调动情绪up,而名词则会down,e.g. 加粗字体

These findings imply that the rates of ascorbate radical production and its recycling via dehydroascorbate reductase to replenish the ascorbate pool are equivalent at the lower irradiance, but not equivalent at higher irradiance with the rate of an ascorbate radical production exceeding its recycling back to ascorbate. 


These findings imply that at lower radiation ascorbate radicals are produced and recycled at the same rate, but at higher radiation they are produced faster than they can be recycled back to ascorbate.


Their data lend some support to the idea that the particle exists, but this is hardly sufficient justification for the paper’s publication in Nature.


Their data support the idea that the particle exists, but it hardly justify the publicated papers in Nature.

3. 被动时态会让语气down,主动时态会up

     active :(subject + verb + object)

4. 一个句子中的主要的名词和动词不要太远,不然人们看到名词之后一直在等待动词发生了什么

5. Cut the clutter 减少混乱








a. 清嗓子的话:As it is well known, as it is has been shown, it can be regarded that, it should be emphasized that

b. 模糊词汇,不代表任何信息:basic tenets of, methodologic, important

c. 一些可以简化的短语:e.g. 上面的fitness

d. 重复的词:studies/examples, illustrate/demonstrate, challenges/diffculties, successful solutions

e. 副词:very, really, quite, basically, generally,添加他们并不能让你的论文更令人信服,相反,有可能失去信服力




a. a majority of --> most

b. a number of --> many

c. are of the same opinion --> agree

d. less frequently occurring --> rare

e. all three of the --> the three

f. give rise to --> cause

e. due to the fact that --> because

g. have an effect on --> affect

6. eliminate negatives:

not -> 去掉,转换变成positive语气

7. eliminate " there are / there is "

There was a long line of bacteria on the plate

Bacteria lined the plate

8. 一些不需要的介词,比如 on / that

The meeting happend on Monday

They agreed that it was true



Text of practice exercises for Module 1.6:

Orig: Anti-inflammatory drugs may be protective for the occurrence of Alzheimer’s Disease.

My: The occurrence of Alzheimer’s Disease may protect Anti-inflammatory drugs.

Ans: Anti-inflammatory drugs may protect against Alzheimer’s Disease.

Orig: Clinical seizures have been estimated to occur in 0.5% to 2.3% of the neonatal population.

My: Clinical seizures occured in 0.5% to 2.3% of the neonatal population according to an estimate.

Ans: Clinical seizures occur in 0.5% to 2.3%[add reference] of the newborns.

Orig: Ultimately p53 guards not only against malignant transformation but also plays a role in developmental processes as diverse as aging, differentiation, and fertility. 

My: Ultimately p53 guards not only against malignant transformation but also plays a role in developmental processes including aging, differentiation, and fertility.

Ans: Besides preventing cancer, p53 also plays roles in aging, differentiation, and fertility.

Orig: Injuries to the brain and spinal cord have long been known to be among the most devastating and expensive of all injuries to treat medically.  

Injuries to the brain and spinal cord is the most devastating and expensive of all injuries to treat medically.  

Ans: Injuries to the brain and spinal cord are among the most devastating and expensive.

Orig: An IQ test measures an individual’s abilities to perform functions that usually fall in the domains of verbal communication, reasoning, and performance on tasks that represent motor and spatial capabilities.

My: An IQ test measures an individual’s abilities to perform functions, including verbal communication, reasoning, and motor and spatial capabilities on tasks.

Ans: An IQ test measures an individual’s verbal, reasoning, or motor and spatial capabilities.

Orig: As we can see from Figure 2, if the return kinetic energy is less than 3.2 Up, there will be two electron trajectories associated with this kinetic energy.

My: As we can see from Figure 2, two electron trajectories are associated with this kinetic energy if the kinetic energy is less than 3.2 Up.

Ans: Figure 2 shows that a return kinetic energy less than 3.2 Up yields two electron trajectories.

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