例如:我想把第一列的第4,5,6,7行合并。。。我在怎样让合并单元格里的字居中,怎样改变字体。 请不吝赐教。。。
首先在VB中引用microsoft excel object library 假设c盘根目录下有个1.xls的文件 ………… 问题补充: 你的要求很简单, 一行指令恐怕不行, 最少要三行 代码如下: Private Sub Form_Load() Dim xlApp As Excel.Application Dim xlBook As Excel.Workbook Dim xlSheet As Excel.Worksheet Dim i As Integer Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("C:\1.xls") Set xlSheet = xlBook.Worksheets(1) '引用第1张工作表 For i = 3 To 100 Step 3 '想到哪行就把100改成几 xlSheet.Range(Cells(i, 1), Cells(i, 2)).Merge '合并a1:b2单元格 Next xlSheet.Rows(10).RowHeight = 100 '把第10行高度设为100 xlBook.Save xlApp.Application.Quit Set xlApp = Nothing '表忘释放引用 End Sub 运行一下,看看满足要求否。
Sub Macro1() Range("A4:A7").Select With Selection .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter .WrapText = False .Orientation = 0 .AddIndent = False .IndentLevel = 0 .ShrinkToFit = False .ReadingOrder = xlContext .MergeCells = False End With Selection.Merge With Selection.Font .Name = "隶书" .FontStyle = "常规" .Size = 12 .Strikethrough = False .Superscript = False .Subscript = False .OutlineFont = False .Shadow = False .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End With End Sub
Private Sub Command4_Click()
On Error Resume Next
''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Create Excel Table''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim xlSheet1 As Excel.Worksheet
Dim i As Integer, tmHour As String
On Error Resume Next
Set xlApp = Excel.Application
Set xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add
Set xlSheet = xlBook.Worksheets(1) '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''引用第1张工作表
xlApp.ActiveSheet.Rows.VerticalAlignment = xlVAlignCenter '''''垂直方向居中
xlApp.ActiveSheet.Rows.HorizontalAlignment = xlVAlignCenter '''水平方向居中
xlSheet.Name = "实测值"
Set xlSheet1 = xlBook.Worksheets(2)
xlSheet1.Name = "Chart"
With xlSheet
For i = 2 To 11
.Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, i)).Merge ''''''''''''''''''''合并A-K单元格
' .Cells(1, 1).ForeColor = RGB(100, 150, 255)
.Cells(1, 1).Font.Size = 25
For i = 1 To 22
.Rows(i).RowHeight = 25
For i = 1 To 11
.Columns(i).ColumnWidth = 15
For i = 3 To 22
If i < 8 Then
.Range(Cells(3, 1), Cells(i, 1)).Merge '''''''''''合并A3-A7单元格
.Range(Cells(3, 8), Cells(i, 8)).Merge '''''''''''合并H3-H7单元格
ElseIf i < 13 Then
.Range(Cells(8, 1), Cells(i, 1)).Merge
.Range(Cells(8, 8), Cells(i, 8)).Merge
ElseIf i < 18 Then
.Range(Cells(13, 1), Cells(i, 1)).Merge
.Range(Cells(13, 8), Cells(i, 8)).Merge
ElseIf i < 23 Then
.Range(Cells(18, 1), Cells(i, 1)).Merge
.Range(Cells(18, 8), Cells(i, 8)).Merge
End If
.Range("A1", "K22").Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous '''''''单元格边框
.Range("A1", "K22").Borders.Color = vbBlue '''''''''''''''''边框颜色
.Range("A1", "K22").Interior.Color = RGB(100, 180, 0) ''''''区域 背景色
.Range("A1").Value = "iWatt 项目"
.Range("A1").Font.Color = vbRed ''''''''''''''设置字体颜色
.Range("A1").Font.Name = "楷书" ''''''''''''''设置字体字型
.Range("A1").Font.Size = 30 ''''''''''''''''''设置字体字号
.Range("A2").Value = "输入电压(VAC)"
.Range("B2").Value = "输入功率(W)"
.Range("C2").Value = "输出电压(V)"
.Range("D2").Value = "输出电流mA)"
.Range("E2").Value = "输出功率(W)"
.Range("F2").Value = "纹波电压(A)"
.Range("G2").Value = "效率(%)"
.Range("H2").Value = "过流点(A)"
.Range("I2").Value = "初级到次级功率损耗(W)"
.Range("J2").Value = "平均功率%"
.Range("K2").Value = "需符合CEC标准"
.Range("A3").Value = "90"
.Range("A8").Value = "115"
.Range("A13").Value = "230"
.Range("A18").Value = "264"
.Range("D3").Value = "0"
.Range("D4").Value = "1/4 Load"
.Range("D5").Value = "2/4 Load"
.Range("D6").Value = "3/4 Load"
.Range("D7").Value = "Full Load"
.Range("D8").Value = "0"
.Range("D9").Value = "1/4 Load"
.Range("D10").Value = "2/4 Load"
.Range("D11").Value = "3/4 Load"
.Range("D12").Value = "Full Load"
.Range("D13").Value = "0"
.Range("D14").Value = "1/4 Load"
.Range("D15").Value = "2/4 Load"
.Range("D16").Value = "3/4 Load"
.Range("D17").Value = "Full Load"
.Range("D18").Value = "0"
.Range("D19").Value = "1/4 Load"
.Range("D20").Value = "2/4 Load"
.Range("D21").Value = "3/4 Load"
.Range("D22").Value = "Full Load"
End With
tmHour = "-" & Hour(Time)
tmHour = tmHour & "-" & Minute(Time)
tmHour = tmHour & "-" & Second(Time)
xlApp.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs App.Path & "\" & Format(Date, dddd, mmmm, yyyy) & tmHour + ".xls"
Set xlApp = Nothing '释放引用
Dim j, LengthTXT, k, Num, NEXCEL As Integer
Dim StrTxt As String
On Error Resume Next
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''计算数组的围数 NUM
LengthTXT = Len(Text1.Text)
StrTxt = Text1.Text
Num = 1
For i = 1 To LengthTXT
If Mid(Text1.Text, i, 1) = "," Then
Num = Num + 1
End If
ReDim StrDataArray(Num) '重定义围数
''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''赋值给数组 StrDataArray
If Num = 1 Then
StrDataArray(Num) = StrTxt
For i = 1 To LengthTXT
StrData = StrData & Mid(StrTxt, i, 1)
k = k + 1
If Mid(StrTxt, i, 1) = "," Then
j = j + 1
StrDataArray(j) = Left(StrData, k - 1)
StrData = ""
k = 0
End If
StrDataArray(Num) = StrData
End If
' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''check StrDataArray(i)
' For i = 1 To Num
' MsgBox StrDataArray(i) & " " & i
' Next
Dim TowArray() As String
Dim WS, N As Integer
WS = Num \ 4 '''''''''''''''''围数
ReDim TowArray(WS, 4)
For i = 1 To Num - 2
N = i \ 4
For j = 1 To 4
'If i \ 4 = 0 Then
TowArray(N + 1, j) = StrDataArray(j + 4 * N)
' End If
' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''check TowArray(N + 1, j)
' For i = 1 To WS
' MsgBox TowArray(i, 1) & TowArray(i, 2) & TowArray(i, 3) & TowArray(i, 4)
' Next
' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''数值转换
ReDim ByteDataString(WS)
For i = 1 To Num \ 4
'MsgBox TowArray(i, 4) MsgBox CStr(TowArray(i, 4))
ByteDataString(i) = HexToByte(CStr(TowArray(i, 4))) '''''转换为2进制,8位
'MsgBox ByteDataString(i) & " " & i
''''''''''''''''打开Excel 文件!
Dim filename As String
With CommonDialog1
.DialogTitle = "打开Excel文件"
.Filter = "(Excel)*.xls| *.xls"
filename = .filename
' MsgBox filename
End With
Dim xllApp As Excel.Application
Dim xllBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim xllSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim xllSheet1 As Excel.Worksheet
Dim StrRow As String
'Dim i As Integer
Set xllApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set xllBook = xllApp.Workbooks.Open(filename)
Set xllSheet = xllBook.Worksheets(1) '引用第1张工作表
Set xllSheet1 = xllBook.Worksheets(2)
With xllSheet
For i = 1 To WS
StrRow = "B" & CStr(i + 2)
' MsgBox ByteDataString(i) '& StrRow
.Range(StrRow).Value = ValueOfData(ByteDataString(i), NEXCEL) '''''设置一个返回函数
End With
Set ct = xllApp.Worksheets("Chart").ChartObjects.Add(100, 40, 300, 350) '插入图形''位置(10,40)为图形位置,(220,120)为图形的大小
ct.Chart.ChartType = xlLineStacked 'xlColumnClustered '块状图 'xl3DColumnStacked '立體直條圖'xl3DPie '图形类型为饼图
ct.Chart.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets("实测值").Range("B3:B6"), PlotBy:=xlColumns
With ct.Chart
.HasTitle = True
.ChartTitle.Characters.Font.Size = 20
.ChartTitle.Characters.Text = "折线图" '图表标题为饼图
.ChartTitle.Shadow = True ''''''标题添加边框
End With
ct.Chart.ApplyDataLabels 2, True '标志旁附图例项标志*** 标志数值
Set xllApp = Nothing '表忘释放引用
End Sub