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原创 ACM中关于浮点型的精确度问题

在ACM中  一丁点错误就足以造成你的失败关于 double float 的精确度问题     double比float 精绝度要高     精确到小数点6位左右在在代码中对浮点数据类型直接使用== 、=、 !=等运算符进行比较都是不正确的。正确的方法应该是 将其差或和于小数进行比较   通常与10^6 比较如浮点数与零的比较:等于0关系:  fab

2012-12-30 11:05:32 2171

原创 BNU 26580 Software Bugs 将主串中的字串全部去掉 需要经常啃下的题

Software BugsTime Limit: 4000 ms     Case Time Limit: 4000 ms     Memory Limit: 65536 KBSubmit: 37     Accepted: 12 [Prev][Next]Description Not all bugs are insects. There are also c

2012-12-28 22:15:29 936

原创 BNU 26579 Andrew the Ant 蚂蚁问题

http://acm.bnu.edu.cn/bnuoj/problem_show.php?pid=26579Andrew the AntTime Limit: 4000msMemory Limit: 65536KB64-bit integer IO format: %lld      Java class name: Main PrevSubmit

2012-12-28 14:41:58 1152

原创 Codeforces 197C 找最大子串(字典序 可以不连续)

http://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/197/CC. Lexicographically Maximum Subsequencetime limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard input

2012-12-25 19:12:07 2118

原创 hust 1607 Triangles 校赛 一个很好的题 hash

TrianglesTime Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MBSubmissions: 115  Solved: 30DescriptionYou are given a figure consisting of n points in a 2D-plane and m segments connecting some of them. We

2012-12-25 00:48:16 1034

原创 hust1608 Dating With Girls hust校赛 BFS求最长路

http://acm.hust.edu.cn/problem.php?id=1608Dating With GirlsTime Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MBSubmissions: 146  Solved: 22DescriptionIf you have a date with a pretty girl in

2012-12-24 11:57:43 926

原创 BNU 26584 大水题 Mosquito Multiplication

Mosquito MultiplicationTime Limit: 1000msMemory Limit: 65536KB64-bit integer IO format: %lld      Java class name: Main PrevSubmit Status Statistics Discuss Next Font Size:

2012-12-24 10:58:32 848

原创 BNU 26582Gregory the Grasshopper 搜索水题

Gregory the GrasshopperTime Limit: 3000msMemory Limit: 65536KB64-bit integer IO format: %lld      Java class name: Main PrevSubmit Status Statistics Discuss Next Font Size:

2012-12-24 10:54:09 942

原创 hust校赛 1615 Matrix 矩阵和其逆矩阵的乘积中不为0的元素个数

MatrixTime Limit: 3 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MBSubmissions: 164  Solved: 38DescriptionTo efficient calculate the multiplication of a sparse matrix is very useful in industrial filed.Let's co

2012-12-22 17:54:05 1239

原创 hust 校赛 1611 The mell hell 求排对所需最少时间

The mell hellTime Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MBSubmissions: 78  Solved: 33DescriptionIn HUST,there are always many students go to the mell hall at the same time as soon as the bell ring

2012-12-22 17:19:56 924

原创 hust校赛 1614 折叠纸张找凸痕

Problem H: Little Sheep and a paperTime Limit: 2 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MBSubmissions: 75  Solved: 22Description       One day, god Sheep gets an AK(all kill) in a contest, so he is very bor

2012-12-22 16:57:54 792

原创 南阳理工学院12月份月赛(高年级组) 大水题

Problem G万里挑一时间限制:2000 ms  |  内存限制:65535 KB描述 有两个大小为N的数组A和B,对于每一对(i, j)(0输入输入可能会有多组(小于十组),每组3行数据,第一行是两个整数N( N 输出每组一行,最大的K个数,用空格隔开,从小到大输出。样例输入4 31 2 3 43 6 5 4样例输出9 9 10来源郑大第六届校赛上

2012-12-15 17:34:19 931

原创 hdu 4020 hash的精妙运用

Ads ProposalTime Limit: 10000/5000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65768/65768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 1537    Accepted Submission(s): 534Problem DescriptionThere are N custo

2012-12-10 21:58:38 742

原创 hdu 4020 很好的set和结构体的结合运用 很帅的一个题啊

Ads ProposalTime Limit: 10000/5000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65768/65768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 1537    Accepted Submission(s): 534Problem DescriptionThere are N custo

2012-12-10 19:37:49 1373 1

原创 codechef December Challenge 2012 Book Exercises 模拟题

Book ExercisesProblem code: BEXSubmitMy SubmissionsAll SubmissionsHarry is a bright student. To prepare thoroughly for exams, he completes all the exercises in his book! Now th

2012-12-10 00:36:22 1342

原创 UESTC 1784 Krolia的计时难题

Krolia的计时难题 Time Limit: 1000 ms Memory Limit: 65535 kB Solved:62 Tried: 456 SubmitStatusBest SolutionBackDescription时间是最难以捉摸的东西,光是测量它们就已经很难了。一般而言,测量时间用一个可重复等时长发生的事件来定

2012-12-09 20:34:16 706

原创 UESTC 1783 Krolia的礼包难题 规律题

Krolia的礼包难题 Time Limit: 1000 ms Memory Limit: 65535 kB Solved:70 Tried: 313 SubmitStatusBest SolutionBackDescriptionKrolia新开了一家礼品店,每天都要接到很多礼品的订购。Krolia送出去的礼品都需要包装。Kro

2012-12-09 20:28:15 732

原创 codechef December Challenge 2012 Pizza Delivery 完全背包求最小值 这道很重

Pizza DeliveryProblem code: DBOYSubmitMy SubmissionsAll SubmissionsChef Po had recently started home delivery service for pizzas. Po has only a single delivery boy that deliver

2012-12-07 23:26:07 1332

原创 hdu 1496 hash表求表达式的解的个数 2中hash方法

EquationsTime Limit: 6000/3000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 3356    Accepted Submission(s): 1347Problem DescriptionConsider equations h

2012-12-07 20:59:23 1158

原创 华中电子科技大学 oj hust1605 Gene recombination 数字代表字符串的状态解决MLE

Gene recombinationTime Limit: 2 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmissions: 78  Solved: 9DescriptionAs a gene engineer of a gene engineering project, Enigma encountered a puzzle about gene recombinat

2012-12-07 17:26:05 2277

原创 hust1600 Lucky Numbers 小水题

Lucky NumbersTime Limit: 2 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmissions: 189  Solved: 30DescriptionIsun loves digit 4 and 8 very much. He thinks a number is lucky only if the number satisfy the follo

2012-12-05 21:38:13 935

原创 hust 华中科技大学校赛初赛 1599 Multiple 字符串中64的倍数的个数

MultipleTime Limit: 2 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmissions: 140  Solved: 17DescriptionRocket323 loves math very much. One day, Rocket323 got a number string. He could choose some consecutive

2012-12-05 17:40:43 1015

原创 codechef Magic Rankings 搞死我的小水题

Magic RankingsProblem code: MGCRNKSubmitMy SubmissionsAll SubmissionsEverybody loves magic, especially magicians who compete for glory on the Byteland Magic Tournament. Magician

2012-12-04 20:15:26 1091

原创 湖南科技大学 acmer选拔初赛 问题 J: 超级奇数

问题 J: 超级奇数时间限制: 1 Sec  内存限制: 128 MB提交: 65  解决: 9[提交][状态][讨论版]题目描述 我们都知道奇数的定义,即不能被2整除的数,如1,13,123。超级奇数是这样一种数,其每一位上的数字都是奇数。如1,13,135就是超级奇数。123就不是超级奇数,因为百位上的数字2是偶数。现在我们给你一个n,要求你算出从0到n(包括n)之

2012-12-04 14:10:31 1690

原创 codechef December Challenge 2012 Granama Recipes 大水题

Granama RecipesProblem code: GRANAMASubmitMy SubmissionsAll SubmissionsChef has learned a new technique for comparing two recipes. A recipe contains a list of ingredients in in

2012-12-04 13:42:14 1086

原创 hust 校赛 Substring

SubstringTime Limit: 2 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmissions: 251  Solved: 37DescriptionThis problem is quiet easy.Initially, there is a string A. Then we do the following process infini

2012-12-04 13:07:27 617

minix3 完整源码 28864行 带英语注释 部分中文注释 个人添加

minix3 完整源码 整理到了一个cpp中 便于分析 28864行 带英语注释 部分中文注释 个人添加


rar for linux 以及安装方式

rar for linux 安装方式:http://www.linuxdiyf.com/viewarticle.php?id=120852






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