JBoss 6 Diagnosing a Garbage Collection

This artical tried on top of JBoss 6, Linux platform.

1. Enable java garbage collection verbosegc output in JBoss.

Edit <JBoss_HOME>/bin/run.conf file add the line as follow:

JAVA_OPTS=" -verbose:gc -Xloggc:/tmp/gc.log -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps $JAVA_OPTS"

In above flag, we open the verbosegc output to file /tmp/gc.

The minor collection output for theseoptions produce output of the form

[GC[<collector>: <starting occupancy1> -> <endingoccupancy1>, <pause time1> secs] <starting occupancy3>-> <ending occupancy3>, <pause time3> secs]


<collector> isan internal name for the collector used in the minor collection

<startingoccupancy1> is the occupancy of the young generation before thecollection

<endingoccupancy1> is the occupancy of the young generation after thecollection

<pausetime1> is the pause time in seconds for the minor collection.

<startingoccupancy3> is the occupancy of the entire heap before thecollection

<endingoccupancy3> is the occupancy of the entire heap after thecollection

<pausetime3> is the pause time for the entire garbage collection. Thiswould include the time for a major collection is one was done.

In the discussionsthat follow snippets of the verbosegc output are presented asexamples of the information that can be gathered. When statementsare made regarding a quantity such as pause time, the numbers beingquoted are for averages over all the data gathered, not just from thesnippet presented. If a range of values is given, that range is fromthe snippet presented.  

Young generation size is too small

The young generation heap size in this first example is about 4Mbytes with an overall heap size of about 32 Mbytes.

[GC [DefNew:4032K->64K(4032K), 0.0429742 secs] 9350K->7748K(32704K),0.0431096 secs]

[GC [DefNew:4032K->64K(4032K), 0.0403446 secs] 11716K->10121K(32704K),0.0404867 secs]

[GC [DefNew:4032K->64K(4032K), 0.0443969 secs] 14089K->12562K(32704K),0.0445251 secs]

This output seems reasonable from thepoint of view of the time spent in garbage collection but note thatalthough the occupancy of the young generation is decreasing (e.g.,in the first line from 4032 to 64k by 3968k) the occupancy of theentire heap is decreasing by considerably less (by 1602k from 9350kto 7748k). This indicates that only about 40% objects in the younggeneration were garbage and the rest survive the collection and arebeing promoted into the old generation.

Increasing the young generation sizeto increase the free space after the collection

The young generation heap size in thisnext run is increased to 8 Mbytes.

[GC[DefNew: 8128K->64K(8128K), 0.0453670 secs] 13000K->7427K(32704K),0.0454906 secs]

[GC[DefNew: 8128K->64K(8128K), 0.0388632 secs] 15491K->9663K(32704K),0.0390013 secs]

[GC[DefNew: 8128K->64K(8128K), 0.0388610 secs]17727K->11829K(32704K), 0.0389919 secs]

With an 8 Mbyte size most of younggeneration is garbage at the time of the minor collection. In thefirst line the young generation heap decreases by 8064k from 8128k to64k and the entire heap decreases by 5573k from 13000k to 7427kmeaning about 68% of the young generation was garbage. As would beexpected the size of the young generation does not change the amountof live objects that survive the minor collection (about 2.4M bytesin each case) but there are fewer minor collections and the cost ofthe collections in terms of the minor collection pause times arecomparable (fractions of a second listed at the end of each line).

Application time and stopped time

To illustrate the cost of the 4 Mbyteyoung generation versus the 8 Mbyte young generation, the outputbelow was generated with the additional command line options-XX:+PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime and-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime whichmeasure the amount of time the applications runs between collectionpauses and the length of the collection pauses, respectively. In therun with a 4 Mbyte young generation the application runs for .53 to.91 second with minor collection pauses of from .045 to .047 second. That's between about 5% and 8% overhead for minor collections.

Applicationtime: 0.5291524 seconds

[GC[DefNew: 3968K->64K(4032K), 0.0460948 secs] 7451K->6186K(32704K),0.0462350 secs]

Totaltime for which application threads were stopped: 0.0468229 seconds

Applicationtime: 0.5279058 seconds

[GC[DefNew: 4032K->64K(4032K), 0.0447854 secs] 10154K->8648K(32704K),0.0449156 secs]

Totaltime for which application threads were stopped: 0.0453124 seconds

Applicationtime: 0.9063706 seconds

[GC[DefNew: 4032K->64K(4032K), 0.0464574 secs]12616K->11187K(32704K), 0.0465921 secs]

Totaltime for which application threads were stopped: 0.0470484 seconds

For the 8 Mbyte young generations

Applicationtime: 1.3874623 seconds

[GC[DefNew: 8064K->63K(8128K), 0.0509215 secs] 11106K->5994K(32704K),0.0510972 secs]

Totaltime for which application threads were stopped: 0.0517092 seconds

Applicationtime: 1.5225065 seconds

[GC[DefNew: 8127K->63K(8128K), 0.0432982 secs] 14058K->8273K(32704K),0.0434172 secs]

Totaltime for which application threads were stopped: 0.0440447 seconds

Applicationtime: 1.4263524 seconds

[GC[DefNew: 8127K->64K(8128K), 0.0363538 secs]16337K->10381K(32704K), 0.0364811 secs]

Totaltime for which application threads were stopped: 0.0369103 seconds

The application is running 1.38 to 1.52seconds between minor collection pauses of from .036 to .051. Theoverheard for minor collection pauses is between 2.6% and 3.6%.

The young generation size is too large

In going from a young generation heap size of 4 Mbytes to 8 Mbytesthe overheard due to minor collections was about cut in half. Whathappens if the young generation size is doubled to 16 Mbytes?

[GC [DefNew:16000K->16000K(16192K), 0.0000574 secs][Tenured:2973K->2704K(16384K), 0.1012650 secs] 18973K->2704K(32576K),0.1015066 secs]

[GC [DefNew:16000K->16000K(16192K), 0.0000518 secs][Tenured:2704K->2535K(16384K), 0.0931034 secs] 18704K->2535K(32576K),0.0933519 secs]

[GC [DefNew:16000K->16000K(16192K), 0.0000498 secs][Tenured:2535K->2319K(16384K), 0.0860925 secs] 18535K->2319K(32576K),0.0863350 secs]

This is an example of the relativesize of the young generation to the tenured generation being toolarge to allow the young generation promotion to be guaranteed (theyoung generation is about half the size of the tenured generation). The young generation cannot be collected successfully and only majorcollections are occurring. Note that in this cause the younggeneration is collected but only as part of the more expensive majorcollection.

Is the tenured generation too large or too small?

With the young generation sized at 8 Mbytes and the overall heapat 32 Mbytes the major collection pauses are about .13 second.

[GC [DefNew:8128K->8128K(8128K), 0.0000558 secs][Tenured:17746K->2309K(24576K), 0.1247669 secs] 25874K->2309K(32704K),0.1250098 secs]

If the heap size is increased to 64Mbytes, the major collections pauses increase to about .21 second.

[GC[DefNew: 8128K->8128K(8128K), 0.0000369 secs][Tenured:50059K->5338K(57344K), 0.2218912 secs]

58187K->5338K(65472K),0.2221317 secs]

but the major collections are occurringat about half the frequency. To see this print out time stamps atthe collections by adding the option -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps. For the 32 Mbyte heap the major collections are occurring aboutevery 10 -11 seconds (only the major collections are shown).

111.042:[GC 111.042: [DefNew: 8128K->8128K(8128K), 0.0000505 secs]111.042:[Tenured: 18154K->2311K(24576K), 0.1290354 secs]26282K->2311K(32704K), 0.1293306 secs]

122.463:[GC 122.463: [DefNew: 8128K->8128K(8128K), 0.0000560 secs]122.463:[Tenured: 18630K->2366K(24576K), 0.1322560 secs]26758K->2366K(32704K), 0.1325284 secs]

133.896:[GC 133.897: [DefNew: 8128K->8128K(8128K), 0.0000443 secs]133.897:[Tenured: 18240K->2573K(24576K), 0.1340199 secs]26368K->2573K(32704K), 0.1343218 secs]

144.112:[GC 144.112: [DefNew: 8128K->8128K(8128K), 0.0000544 secs]144.112:[Tenured: 16564K->2304K(24576K), 0.1246831 secs]24692K->2304K(32704K), 0.1249602 secs]

For the 64 Mbyte heap the majorcollections are occurring about every 30 seconds.

90.597:[GC 90.597: [DefNew: 8128K->8128K(8128K), 0.0000542 secs]90.597:[Tenured: 49841K->5141K(57344K), 0.2129882 secs]57969K->5141K(65472K), 0.2133274 secs]

120.899:[GC 120.899: [DefNew: 8128K->8128K(8128K), 0.0000550 secs]120.899:[Tenured: 50384K->2430K(57344K), 0.2216590 secs]58512K->2430K(65472K), 0.2219384 secs]

153.968:[GC 153.968: [DefNew: 8128K->8128K(8128K), 0.0000511 secs]153.968:[Tenured: 51164K->2309K(57344K), 0.2193906 secs]59292K->2309K(65472K), 0.2196372 secs]

Which heap size, 32 Mbytes or 64Mbytes, is better? For higher throughput the 64 Mbyte heap isbetter while the 32 Mbyte heap provides the lesser pause times.

Even larger young generation sizes

To pursue higher throughput considereven larger heaps. For a 256 Mbyte total heap with a 64 Mbyte younggeneration size, when compared to the 32 Mbyte heap with an 8 Mbyteyoung generation run, the minor collection pausesare only about 10% longer reflecting the fact that the number ofobjects surviving the collection are about the same. The majorcollection are about 3.8 times longer reflecting the larger size ofthe heap.

[GC[DefNew: 64575K->959K(64576K), 0.0457646 secs]196016K->133633K(261184K), 0.0459067 secs]

[GC[DefNew: 64575K->64575K(64576K), 0.0000573 secs][Tenured:132673K->5437K(196608K), 0.4959855 secs] 197249K->5437K(261184K),0.4962533 secs]

[GC[DefNew: 63616K->959K(64576K), 0.0360258 secs]69053K->7600K(261184K), 0.0361663 secs]

After tuning the minor collection pauses are too long

Try the parallel young generationcollectors

If the minor collection pauses are toolong, try using the parallel young generation collectors. Adding-XX:+UseParallelGC produces the following output. In this exampleadaptive sizing was turned off with -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizingfor simplicity. Also time stamps wereadded for comparison with other results.

500.285:[GC 51526K->2678K(253952K), 0.0120328 secs]

506.734:[GC 51830K->2646K(253952K), 0.0117832 secs]

513.068:[GC 51798K->2742K(253952K), 0.0124632 secs]

519.566:[GC 51894K->2550K(253952K), 0.0122923 secs]

Here the average minor collection pauseis about .015 second which is a reduction of 68%. The adaptivesizing was turned off because of an anomalous behavior that isexhibited in this next set of output with adaptive sizing on.

[GC62752K->2992K(259328K), 0.0126936 secs]

[GC62896K->60192K(259328K), 0.0127579 secs]

[GC63008K->3120K(259328K), 0.0123150 secs]

[GC63024K->60256K(259328K), 0.0120565 secs]

[GC63072K->3024K(259328K), 0.0127215 secs]

[GC62928K->60208K(259328K), 0.0113090 secs]

[GC63024K->3136K(259328K), 0.0133799 secs]

[GC63040K->60256K(259328K), 0.0135459 secs]

Adaptive sizing adjusts the size of thesurvivor spaces. In the alternate minor collections shown above thesize of the survivor spaces is oscillating between values thatalternatively cause a minimal collection of the young generation witha nearly complete collection of the young generation. Although astrange behavior the use of adaptive sizing may still yield a higherthroughput than turning it off.

Alternatively, using -XX:+UseParNewGCyields

497.905:[GC 497.905: [ParNew: 64576K->960K(64576K),0.0255372 secs] 155310K->93003K(261184K), 0.0256767 secs]

506.305:[GC 506.305: [ParNew: 64576K->960K(64576K), 0.0276291 secs]156619K->94267K(261184K), 0.0277958 secs]

514.565:[GC 514.565: [ParNew: 64576K->960K(64576K), 0.0261376 secs]157883K->95711K(261184K), 0.0262927 secs]

522.838:[GC 522.838: [ParNew: 64576K->960K(64576K), 0.0316625 secs]159327K->97331K(261184K), 0.0318099 secs]

which shows about a 44% decrease in theminor collection pauses. The time stamps wereadded to show the period of the minor collections. With-XX:+UseParallelGC the minor collections occur about every 6.5seconds and take .015 second (for a minor collection overhead of.33%). For -XX:+UseParNewGC the collections occur about every 8seconds and take about .026 second (for a minor collection overheadof .23%).

After tuning the major collections pause are too long

Try the concurrent low pause collector

The major collection pauses for the 256Mbyte total heap with the 64 Mbyte young generation is about .489second. If this is too long the concurrent low pause collector canbe tried with the command line option -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC (andalso keeping the -XX:+UseParNewGC)

[GC[ParNew: 64576K->960K(64576K), 0.0377639 secs]140122K->78078K(261184K), 0.0379598 secs]

[GC[ParNew: 64576K->960K(64576K), 0.0329313 secs]141694K->79533K(261184K), 0.0331324 secs]

[GC[ParNew: 64576K->960K(64576K), 0.0413880 secs]143149K->81128K(261184K), 0.0416101 secs]

[GC[1 CMS-initial-mark: 80168K(196608K)] 81144K(261184K), 0.0059036secs]

[CMS-concurrent-mark:0.129/0.129 secs]

[CMS-concurrent-preclean:0.007/0.007 secs]

[GC[Rescan(non-parallel) [grey object rescan,0.0020879 secs][root rescan, 0.0144199 secs], 0.016

6258secs][weak refs processing, 0.0000411 secs] [1 CMS-remark:80168K(196608K)] 82493K(261184K),


[CMS-concurrent-sweep:1.208/1.208 secs]

[CMS-concurrent-reset:0.036/0.036 secs]

[GC[ParNew: 64576K->960K(64576K), 0.0311520 secs]66308K->4171K(261184K), 0.0313513 secs]

[GC[ParNew: 64576K->960K(64576K), 0.0348341 secs]67787K->5695K(261184K), 0.0350776 secs]

[GC[ParNew: 64576K->960K(64576K), 0.0359806 secs]69311K->7154K(261184K), 0.0362064 secs]

With the application used for theseexamples the time to do a concurrent collection is short relative tothe time between minor collections. This is typically not the case. More often there will be minor collections during the concurrentcollection. Note that the concurrent phases may be long (e.g., theCMS-concurrent-sweep is 1.2 seconds) but the application is notstopped during the concurrent phases so the application will not seea pause. Conversely, although the application is not paused duringthe concurrent phases, neither does it have use of all the availableprocessors (one being used by the garbage collection thread). Thepauses will come from the CMS-initial-mark and CMS-remark pause. In this snippet of output the larger of those is .017 second). Overthe run the average for the CMS-remark pause (always the longerpause) was .019 second. The maximum pause for a major collection (ascompared to the default collector) was then reduced from .489 secondto .019 second (96% reduction). Note also that the minor collectionpause increased to .035 second which is higher than the .026 secondminor pause using only -XX:+UseParNewGC. This is indicative of theoverhead associated with the concurrency of the major collection.

Try the incremental low pausecollector

The major collection times can also bereduced by use of the incremental low pause collector. Use thecommand line option -Xincgc.

[GC[DefNew: 64575K->959K(64576K), 0.0616204 secs][Train:5537K->5474K(196608K), 0.0108803 secs] 68664K->6434K(261184K),0.0730248 secs]

[GC[DefNew: 64575K->959K(64576K), 0.0559078 secs][Train:6813K->6749K(196608K), 0.0115077 secs] 70050K->7709K(261184K),0.0680289 secs]

[GC[DefNew: 64575K->959K(64576K), 0.0607615 secs][Train:8178K->8114K(196608K), 0.0112705 secs] 71325K->9074K(261184K),0.0727902 secs]

During each minor collection part ofthe old generation is collected and there is no separate majorcollection pause. The minor collection pauses here increase to about.078 second. If the incremental collection of the tenured generationcannot be completed before tenured generation is full, a majorcollection occurs and is indicated in the verbosegc output by the'MSC' in the output.

[GC[DefNew: 64575K->64575K(64576K), 0.0005311 secs][Train MSC:68226K->135K(196608K), 0.4347857 secs] 132802K->2565K(261184K),0.4397831 secs]


Diagnosing a Garbage Collection problem


Diagnosing a Garbage Collection problem

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