The Key To Accelerating Your Coding Skills

When you learn to code, there is a moment when everything begins to change. At Firehose, we like to call this the inflection point of coding(编程拐点). After this phase, the way you operate as a developer...

When you learn to code, there is a moment when everything begins to change. At Firehose, we like to call this the inflection point of coding(编程拐点). After this phase, the way you operate as a developer will be dramatically different. Building up to the inflection point is the process of becoming self-sufficient in programming, to the point where you no longer need any hand-holding. It can be a frustrating experience, but once it’s behind you, it is incredibly empowering.
the graph of learning when you learn to code

At Firehose, our goal isn’t just to teach you Ruby, how to build web applications, or how to write tests. Although we do teach these skills and more, our primary goal is to accelerate students past the inflection point so they gain the ability to solve any problem they encounter. We believe that being able to problem solve on your own is an invaluable skill, and this method of teaching will take you much further than simply learning how to build a set of apps.

The Tutorial Phase (3-8 weeks of serious coding)

When you start out learning to code, there’s a lot of information that you don’t know yet. This information is called domain-specific knowledge. Examples include: knowing how to write a loop in ruby or how to extract something from a database using Ruby on Rails. Domain-specific knowledge encompasses the protocols unique to a certain programming environment.

The first step to becoming a self-sufficient developer is learning how to do specific tasks. Once you master certain tasks, the broad strokes of how the pieces fit together will start to become apparent. Over time, you’ll begin to recognize patterns and eventually, the things that initially seemed confusing and foreign will become second nature.

For students starting out, the most important skill to acquire is attention to detail.

Paying close attention to detail is important when going through materials like documentation or tutorials. Even the most minor typos and misspellings will result in error messages or bugs. Seeing error messages is a frustrating experience at first, but it’s a crucial step in the learning process. Dealing with error messages and problems in this phase teaches you one of the most important skills of programming within a safe environment: being detail-oriented.

Debugging error messages is incredibly important. The fact of the matter is, error messages are just a part of programming: they are seen by inexperienced and very experienced developers alike. The only difference is, the more experience you have dealing with error messages, the less time you’ll need to spend trying to fix them. Here’s why:

  • Over time, you will learn how to read error messages and extract the
    relevant details of the problem quickly. The first time you see an
    error message, it will take you a while to decode what it actually
    means. But after you’ve seen hundreds of error messages (and you will
    see hundreds!), you will be able to pinpoint the problem’s location
    and the relevant details you need in order to fix it.
  • You should learn from each error message that you resolve. Don’t just
    fix the error and be done with it; understand what is wrong with the
    code you’re fixing. By learning from each of your errors, the next
    time you make the same mistake, you’ll be able to fix it much faster.
  • Initially, you will probably ask for help on each error message you
    see. Over time, you’ll learn to ask for help less frequently by
    double-checking your code and conducting smart Google sear
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Matlab 是一种常用的科学计算软件,在进行复杂计算和处理大量数据时可能会因为性能问题而变得缓慢。加速 Matlab 的性能可以通过以下几种方式实现: 1. 优化算法:通过对算法进行优化,减少计算量和内存占用,可以大幅提升 Matlab 的性能。例如,可以使用更高效的线性代数方法,避免重复计算,减少循环次数等。 2. 并行计算:Matlab 支持并行计算,可以利用多核处理器或集群来加速计算。可以使用 parfor 循环或 spmd 块来并行化计算过程,提高计算效率。 3. 矢量化计算:尽量避免使用循环,使用矩阵和矢量化计算来替代。Matlab 支持对整个矩阵或数组进行操作,可以大幅度减少循环次数,提高计算速度。 4. 预分配空间:在进行大型数据处理时,预先分配好足够的内存空间可以避免 Matlab 动态扩展内存的开销,提高计算速度。 5. 使用编译器:Matlab 提供了 MATLAB Compiler 工具箱,可以将 Matlab 代码编译成可执行文件或独立应用程序。编译后的代码可以减少运行时的开销,提高性能。 6. 使用 MEX 函数:MEX 是 Matlab 的外部接口,可以使用 C、C++ 或 Fortran 编写高效的算法,并与 Matlab 代码进行交互。使用 MEX 函数可以通过调用底层语言的优化算法来加速计算。 总而言之,加速 Matlab 性能的关键是通过优化算法、并行计算、矢量化计算、预分配空间、使用编译器和 MEX 函数等方法来减少计算量和提高计算效率。这些方法可以帮助用户更高效地使用 Matlab,并加速复杂计算和大数据处理的速度。




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