1) In "Project -> Properties (For Debug Configuration) -> Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Debugging" tab, set the value of "Generate Debug Info" to "Yes(/DEBUG)"
2) In "Project -> Properties (For Debug Configuration) -> Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> General" tab, set the value of "Debug Information Format" to "Program Database (/Zi)" or "Program Database Edit and Continue (/ZI)"
3) In "Project -> Properties (For Debug Configuration) -> Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Optimization" tab, set the value of "Optimization" to "Disable (/Od)"
4) Linker->General->Enable Incremental LInking = Yes (/INCREMENTAL)
5)需要把cu文件关联到VC的project里面,不然调试的时候不能断点跟踪进去,所以必须在系统的VC++project 环境中加入*.cu文件,VS才能把你的程序和源文件关联起来,进行调试。