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原创 想写一点东东,总结一下这几年技术

做架构工作一段时间了,现在看了一些开源项目,发现自己其实还是井底之蛙啊.ajax+httphandle+Request+DIC(DI Container)+Response这种方式在MVC的冲击下,基本上完全没市场喽.ibatis相对nhibernate,还是有很多不足.现在Entity Framework(EF),最特别是POCO,实现了Code First编程方式(Database F

2012-06-14 11:01:55 674 1

原创 C#.Net 4 通过映射读取DbDataReader中的数据

前段时间比较郁闷,想做个通用的函数,从DbDataReader中读取所有数据。上传一小段代码,也算是抛砖引玉了。/// /// 通过映射取DbDataReader中的数据,只取最后一条数据 /// /// DbDataReader实例() /// private Dictionary DataReaderToDictionary(object reader) { Dic

2010-06-28 14:14:00 2492

原创 SAP中对内表及表的操作

内表的定义:TYPES|DATA itab {TYPE|LIKE}  tabkind OF {linetype|lineobj}[WITH key] [INITIAL SIZE n].内表的种类:1.       标准表(STANDARD TABLE).系统为该表的每一行数据生成一行数据生成一个逻辑索引.填充标准表时,可以将数据附加在现有行之后,也可以插入到指定的位置,程序对内表行的寻址操作可通过

2008-05-28 11:44:00 2190

原创 委托 事件

委托是一种引用方法的类型. 一旦为委托分配了方法,委托将与该方法具有完全相同的行为。委托方法的使用可以像其他任何方法一样,具有参数和返回值(MSDN).//等明天再详细总结一下吧

2007-12-03 16:24:00 443

原创 CommunityStarterKit之区域信息

说完了CommunityInfo 和SectionInfo类,有一个不能不说:那就是CommunityStarterKit中的区域信息.区域信息承载着整个系统的运行.我们从SectionInfo类里可以看出,这个类里存放的区域信息包括了区域的每一个信息,如区域编号,区域名称等.由于一个Community里可能有多个sections,在Community里进一步将区域信息以集合的形式存放,并建立

2007-10-09 11:04:00 469

原创 CommunityStarterKit之SectionInfo类及数据库中表和操作

namespace ASPNET.StarterKit.Communities {     using System;    using System.Collections;    using System.Data;    //*********************************************************************   

2007-10-09 10:37:00 596

原创 CommunityStarterKit之Communities类及数据库中表和操作

类:namespace ASPNET.StarterKit.Communities {    using System;    using System.Data;    //*********************************************************************    //    // CommunityInfo Clas

2007-10-09 10:20:00 671

原创 装配件(.NET)之结构

装配件由描述它的元数据,描述导出类和方法的类元数据,MSIL代码和资源组成.这些部分都在一个文件中或颁布在几个文件中. 在Componet.dll中,装配件的元数据,类的元数据,MSIL代码和资源都在一个文件中,如果下表. Componet.dll

2007-09-07 16:19:00 1202

原创 装配件(.NET)


2007-09-07 11:20:00 2093

原创 字典(C#)之字典的工作原理


2007-09-05 14:54:00 6891

原创 字典(C#)之.NET中的字典

在.NET中,基本的字典是由类Hashtable来表示的,它遵循现实生活中字典的规则,但假定健和条目都是O bject类型.散列表可以存储各类数据结构,而现实生活中的字典只使用字符串,作为它的健.虽然Hashtable表示可以存储任何东西的一般字典,但也可以定义自己的更专门化的字典类.Microsoft提供了一个抽象基类DicionaryBase,它具有基本的字典功能,从中可以派生自己的字典类

2007-09-05 14:11:00 2684

原创 字典(C#)之现实中的字典

使用字典这个名字,是因为其数据结构非常类似于现实生活中的字典.在一本字典中,可以通常查找某个字的含义(在外语字典中,则可以查找一个单词的汉译);给出含义的几行文本(或翻译)就是我们感兴趣的数据.大的字典会有成千上万个条目,在查找字的含义时,使用这样的字典肯定可以查到,因为我们是按字母顺序 查找的.此时,要查找的字就相当于用于获取自己感兴趣的数据的键.我们对字本身并不像与之相关的数据那样感兴趣.这个

2007-09-05 13:45:00 1155

原创 字典(C#)

字典是非常复杂的数据结构,这种数据结构允许按照某个键来访问元素, 这个键可以是任意数据类型.字典还可以称为映射或散列表.在希望把数据保存为数组,但希望使用其它数据类型(不是数字类型)来给结构建立索引时,字典是非常合适的.它们也可以自由添加或删除元素,有点像ArrayList. 如果使用字典?我们假定有一个Employee类,有EmployeeID,EmployeeData两项来记录Employ

2007-09-05 13:33:00 2441

原创 C#中数据类型学习


2007-07-31 09:35:00 460

原创 Commerce Starter Kit 学习(3)

这一节,我们来看一下页面的加载.这个网站需要用户认证的.其实这个认证是能过Forms验证来实现的,很简单.就是在用户登录或注册成功后,利用FormsAthentication.RedirectFromeLoginPage(customterId,T/F);就行了.简单吧!这样Request.IsAuthenticated就为true了.  可以用Request.IsAuthenticated判

2007-06-26 13:38:00 594

原创 Commerce Starter Kit 学习(2)

首先看一下网站执行的开始点:Global.asax.cs,这里没有对用户进行验证能信息,只有对语言的选择.我们来看一下用户的注册和登录相关的信息.这个网站中没有MDAAB(Microsoft Data Access Application Blocks)层,如果想编写自己的MDAA层,那还是有一定的难度的!不过,还好我们有编写类的习惯,我们可以根据需求,编写简单的事务处理层.比如,用户的管

2007-06-26 12:35:00 789

原创 Commerce Starter Kit 学习(1)


2007-06-25 11:23:00 548

原创 Commerce Starter Kit 学习

 Starter Kit的数据库:我们可以从数据库中看到,表的设计非常简单,一共设置了七个表!CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CMRC_Categories] ( [CategoryID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL , [CategoryName] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI

2007-06-25 10:09:00 634

apache cordova 3 promagramming

In the summer of 2007, Steve Jobs changed the world by releasing the iPhone and boldly declared the future was web-based applications. A short year later, the story changed, but the vision remained. At this time I was working as "acting CTO" for a very small web consultancy called Nitobi (we gave ourselves joke titles and mine was actually SPACELORD!1!!). The iPhone SDK, not yet called iOS SDK, was just released and a few of my colleagues found themselves at Adobe in San Francisco for the iPhone Dev Camp. They arrived with the ambiguous idea to discover if it actually was possible to realize web technology for app development. Rob Ellis, Brock Whitten, and Eric Osterly succeeded in bridging the UIWebView to make native calls, and the first implementation of PhoneGap was born. A very short time later, Joe Bowser built an Android implementation. Dave Johnson, Nitobi's "real CTO", followed quickly with the BlackBerry implementation. Herein, PhoneGap got real. And then, less than a year from the first commits, in the spring of 2009, I found myself giving one of the first PhoneGap presentations at the first JSConf, and despite me being terribly scared, people loved it.



WCF服务编程 源代码 Program WCF Service



Written by Microsoft software legend Juval Lowy, Programming WCF Services is the authoritative introduction to Microsoft's new, and some say revolutionary, unified platform for developing service-oriented applications (SOA) on Windows. Relentlessly practical, the book delivers insight, not documentation, to teach developers what they need to know to build the next generation of SOAs. After explaining the advantages of service-orientation for application design and teaching the basics of how to develop SOAs using WCF, the book shows how you can take advantage of built-in features such as service hosting, instance management, asynchronous calls, synchronization, reliability, transaction management, disconnected queued calls and security to build best in class applications. Programming WCF Services focuses on the rationale behind particular design decisions, often shedding light on poorly-documented and little-understood aspects of SOA development. Developers and architects will learn not only the "how" of WCF programming, but also relevant design guidelines, best practices, and pitfalls. Original techniques and utilities provided by the author throughout the book go well beyond anything that can be found in conventional sources. Based on experience and insight gained while taking part in the strategic design of WCF and working with the team that implemented it, Programming WCF Services provides experienced working professionals with the definitive work on WCF. Not only will this book make you a WCF expert, it will make you a better software engineer. It's the Rosetta Stone of WCF.



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