
namespace ASPNET.StarterKit.Communities {


    using System;

    using System.Collections;

    using System.Data;



    // SectionInfo Class


    // Represents all the information about a section.




    public class SectionInfo {

        int _id;

        int _communityID;

        string _name;

        string _title;

        string _menuTitle;

        string _path;

        string _description;

        bool _isEnabled;

        bool _isSystem;

        int _pageType;

        bool _isWebBoxesInherited;

        string[] _webBoxes;

        int _webBoxDisplayMode;

        bool _isWebServiceBoxesInherited;

        string[] _webServiceBoxes;

        int _webServiceBoxDisplayMode;

        string _skin;

        string _style;

        int _parentSectionID;

        string _logo;

        string _pageHeader;

        string _pageFooter;

        string _footer;

        string _pageMetaKeys;

        string _pageMetaDesc;

        string[] _viewRoles;

        string[] _addRoles;

        string[] _editRoles;

        string[] _deleteRoles;

        int _recordsPerPage = 10;

        bool _enableTopics;

        bool _enableComments;

        string[] _commentRoles;

        bool _enableModeration;

        string[] _moderateRoles;

        bool _enableRatings;

        bool _enableCommentRatings;

        string[] _rateRoles;

        bool _enableNotifications;

        bool _inheritTransformations;

        string _transformations;

        bool _isSectionWebService;

        string _webServicePassword;

        AllowHtml _allowHtmlInput;

        AllowHtml _allowCommentHtmlInput;

        string _content;





        // ID Property


        // Represents the section ID.




        public int ID {

            get { return _id; }






        // CommunityID Property


        // Represents the community associated with the section.




        public int CommunityID {

            get { return _communityID; }






        // Name Property


        // Represents the section name which is used when building

        // the section URL.




        public string Name {

            get { return _name; }






        // Path Property


        // Represents the section URL.




        public string Path {

            get { return _path; }







        // Title Property


        // Represents the full name of the section.




        public string Title {

            get { return _title; }







        // MenuTitle Property


        // Represents the title of the section displayed in menus.




        public string MenuTitle {

            get { return _menuTitle; }






        // BriefDescription Property


        // Represents the brief description of the section.




        public string Description {

            get { return _description; }








        // IsEnabled Property


        // When false, section is not displayed in menus.




        public bool IsEnabled {

            get { return _isEnabled;}







        // IsSystem Property


        // When true, section is a system section (for example, the home section).




        public bool IsSystem {

            get { return _isSystem;}







        // PageType Property


        // Represents the type of content contained in the section.




        public int PageType {

            get { return _pageType; }








        // IsWebBoxesInherited Property


        // Indicates whether Web boxes are inherited from parent section.




        public bool IsWebBoxesInherited {

            get { return _isWebBoxesInherited; }






        // WebBoxes Property


        // Represents the Web boxes displayed in this section.




        public string[] WebBoxes {

            get { return _webBoxes; }

            set { _webBoxes = value; }






        // WebBoxDisplayMode Property


        // Indicates how Web boxes should be displayed.




        public int WebBoxDisplayMode {

            get { return _webBoxDisplayMode; }






        // IsWebSeriveBoxesInherited Property


        // Indicates whether Web service boxes are inherited

        // from parent section.




        public bool IsWebServiceBoxesInherited {

            get { return _isWebServiceBoxesInherited; }






        // WebServiceBoxes Property


        // Represents the Web service boxes for this section.




        public string[] WebServiceBoxes {

            get { return _webServiceBoxes; }

            set { _webServiceBoxes = value; }






        // WebServiceBoxDisplayMode Property


        // Indicates how Web service boxes are displayed.




        public int WebServiceBoxDisplayMode {

            get { return _webServiceBoxDisplayMode; }






        // Skin Property


        // Represents the page skin used for this section.




        public string Skin {

            get { return _skin; }






        // Style Property


        // Represents the cascading style sheet applied to this section.




        public string Style {

            get { return _style; }






        // ParentSectionID Property


        // Represents the parent section of this section.




        public int ParentSectionID {

            get { return _parentSectionID; }






        // Logo Property


        // Represents the image that appears for this section.




        public string Logo {

            get { return _logo; }






        // Page Header Property


        // Represents the page header text.




        public string PageHeader {

            get { return _pageHeader; }





        // Page Footer Property


        // Represents the page footer text.




        public string PageFooter {

            get { return _pageFooter; }






        // Footer Property


        // Represents the very bottom footer text.




        public string Footer {

            get { return _footer; }






        // PageMetaDesc Property


        // Represents the meta description.




        public string PageMetaDesc {

            get { return _pageMetaDesc; }






        // PageMetaKeys Property


        // Represents the page meta keys.




        public string PageMetaKeys {

            get { return _pageMetaKeys; }






        // ViewRoles Property


        // Represents the roles of users who can view pages in this section.




        public string[] ViewRoles {

            get { return _viewRoles; }






        // AddRoles Property


        // Represents the roles of users who can add pages to this section.




        public string[] AddRoles {

            get { return _addRoles; }






        // EditRoles Property


        // Represents the roles of users who can edit pages in this section.




        public string[] EditRoles {

            get { return _editRoles; }






        // DeleteRoles Property


        // Represents the roles of users who can delete pages in this section.




        public string[] DeleteRoles {

            get { return _deleteRoles; }






        // RecordsPerPage Property


        // Represents the number of content items to display in the

        // section default page.




        public int RecordsPerPage {

            get { return _recordsPerPage; }






        // EnableTopics Property


        // Indicates whether content in this section should be

        // categorized by topic.




        public bool EnableTopics {

            get { return _enableTopics; }






        // EnableComments Property


        // Indicates whether users should be allowed to add comments to

        // content items in this section.




        public bool EnableComments {

            get { return _enableComments; }






        // CommentRoles Property


        // Represents the roles of users who can comment on pages in this section.




        public string[] CommentRoles {

            get { return _commentRoles; }






        // EnableModeration Property


        // Indicates whether content must be moderated before it is

        // displayed..




        public bool EnableModeration {

            get { return _enableModeration; }






        // ModerateRoles Property


        // Represents the roles of users who can moderate pages in this section.




        public string[] ModerateRoles {

            get { return _moderateRoles; }







        // EnableRatings Property


        // Indicates whether users can rate content in this section.




        public bool EnableRatings {

            get { return _enableRatings; }







        // EnableCommentRatings Property


        // Indicates whether users can rate comments in this section.




        public bool EnableCommentRatings {

            get { return _enableCommentRatings; }






        // RateRoles Property


        // Represents the roles of users who can rate pages in this section.




        public string[] RateRoles {

            get { return _rateRoles; }






        // EnableNotifications Property


        // Indicates whether users can receive email notifications when

        // new content is added to this section.




        public bool EnableNotifications {

            get { return _enableNotifications; }






        // InheritTransformations Property


        // Indicates whether transformations are inherited from the parent

        // section.




        public bool InheritTransformations {

            get { return _inheritTransformations; }






        // Transformations Property


        // Represents the transformations that are applied to text

        // in this section.




        public string Transformations {

            get { return _transformations; }






        // IsSectionWebService Property


        // Indicates whether this section is exposed as a Web service.




        public bool IsSectionWebService {

            get { return _isSectionWebService; }






        // WebServicePassword Property


        // Represents the password needed to access this section's Web service.




        public string WebServicePassword {

            get { return _webServicePassword; }






        // AllowHtmlInput Property


        // Represents whether or not users are allowed to add HTML content to forms.




        public AllowHtml AllowHtmlInput {

            get { return _allowHtmlInput; }







        // AllowCommentHtmlInput Property


        // Represents whether or not users are allowed to add HTML content to comments.




        public AllowHtml AllowCommentHtmlInput {

            get { return _allowCommentHtmlInput; }






        // Content Property


        // Represents the fully qualified assembly name that

        // represents the content displayed by this section.




        public string Content {

            get { return _content; }






        // SectionInfo Constructor


        // Initializes the SectionInfo object with a DataRow.




        public SectionInfo(DataRow drowSection, DataRow[] drowSectionSecurity, DataRow[] drowWebBoxes, DataRow[] drowWebServiceBoxes) {

            _id = (int)drowSection[ "section_id" ];

            _communityID = (int)drowSection[ "section_communityID" ];

            _name = (string)drowSection[ "section_name" ];

            _title = (string)drowSection[ "section_title" ];

            _menuTitle = (string)drowSection[ "section_menuTitle" ];

            _description = (string)drowSection[ "section_description" ];

            _isEnabled = (bool)drowSection["section_isEnabled"];

            _isSystem = (bool)drowSection["section_isSystem"];

            _pageType = (int)drowSection[ "section_pageType" ];

            _skin = (string)drowSection[ "section_pageSkin" ];

            _style = (string)drowSection[ "section_pageStyle" ];

            _parentSectionID = (int)drowSection[ "section_parentID" ];

            _isWebBoxesInherited = (bool)drowSection[ "section_isWebBoxesInherited" ];

            _webBoxes = SplitBoxes(drowWebBoxes);

            _webBoxDisplayMode = (int)drowSection[ "section_webBoxDisplayMode" ];

            _isWebServiceBoxesInherited = (bool)drowSection["section_isWebServiceBoxesInherited"];

            _webServiceBoxes = SplitServiceBoxes(drowWebServiceBoxes);

            _webServiceBoxDisplayMode = (int)drowSection["section_webServiceBoxDisplayMode"];

            _logo = (string)drowSection[ "section_logo" ];

            _pageHeader = (string)drowSection[ "section_pageHeader" ];

            _pageFooter = (string)drowSection[ "section_pageFooter" ];   

            _footer = (string)drowSection[ "section_footer" ];

            _pageMetaKeys = (string)drowSection[ "section_pageMetaKeys" ];

            _pageMetaDesc = (string)drowSection[ "section_pageMetaDesc" ];

            _viewRoles = SplitRoles(drowSectionSecurity, RoleType.ViewRole);

            _addRoles = SplitRoles(drowSectionSecurity, RoleType.AddRole);;

            _editRoles = SplitRoles(drowSectionSecurity, RoleType.EditRole);;

            _deleteRoles = SplitRoles(drowSectionSecurity, RoleType.DeleteRole);

            _recordsPerPage = ((int)drowSection[ "section_recordsPerPage" ]);

            _enableTopics = (bool)drowSection[ "section_enableTopics" ];

            _enableComments = (bool)drowSection[ "section_enableComments" ];

            _commentRoles = SplitRoles(drowSectionSecurity, RoleType.CommentRole);

            _enableModeration = (bool)drowSection[ "section_enableModeration" ];

            _moderateRoles = SplitRoles(drowSectionSecurity, RoleType.ModerateRole);

            _enableRatings = (bool)drowSection[ "section_enableRatings" ];

            _enableCommentRatings = (bool)drowSection[ "section_enableCommentRatings" ];

            _rateRoles = SplitRoles(drowSectionSecurity, RoleType.RateRole);

            _enableNotifications = (bool)drowSection["section_enableNotifications"];

            _inheritTransformations = (bool)drowSection[ "section_inheritTransformations" ];

            _transformations = (string)drowSection[ "section_transformations" ];

            _isSectionWebService = (bool)drowSection[ "section_isSectionWebService" ];

            _webServicePassword = (string)drowSection[ "section_webServicePassword" ];

            _allowHtmlInput = (AllowHtml)drowSection["section_allowHtmlInput"];

            _allowCommentHtmlInput = (AllowHtml)drowSection["section_allowCommentHtmlInput"];

            _content = (string)drowSection[ "pageType_pageContent" ];

            _path = (string)drowSection["section_path"];



           public SectionInfo(){}



      private string[] SplitRoles(DataRow[] allRoles, RoleType sectionRoleType) {

            ArrayList colRoles = new ArrayList();



            foreach (DataRow row in allRoles)

                if ((RoleType)row["ss_roleType"] == sectionRoleType)

                    colRoles.Add( row["ss_role"] );


            return (string[])colRoles.ToArray(typeof(String));



      private string[] SplitBoxes(DataRow[] allBoxes) {

            ArrayList colBoxes = new ArrayList();


            foreach (DataRow row in allBoxes)

                colBoxes.Add( row["sw_webBox"] );


            return (string[])colBoxes.ToArray(typeof(String));





      private string[] SplitServiceBoxes(DataRow[] allBoxes) {

            ArrayList colBoxes = new ArrayList();


            foreach (DataRow row in allBoxes)

                colBoxes.Add( row["sw_webServiceBox"] );


            return (string[])colBoxes.ToArray(typeof(String));







相对来说,这个类更为复杂,section通用属性,id ,title,name,display,更有section的类别,角色分配(不同的角色权限),更重要的是控件,及控件的格式等.其对应的数据表有:



  • 0
  • 0
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


