shell terminal$dircolors -b .mydircolor
shell terminal$dircolors -p
更多信息请通过 man dircolors(1)查看。
export LS_COLORS
shell terminal$dircolors -p > ~/.mydircolor
test -r ~/.dircolors && eval "$(dircolors -b ~/.dircolors)"
no | NORMAL, NORM | Global default, although everything should be something |
fi | FILE | Normal file |
di | DIR | Directory |
ln | SYMLINK, LINK, LNK | Symbolic link. If you set this to ‘target’ instead of a numerical value, the color is as for the file pointed to. |
pi | FIFO, PIPE | Named pipe |
do | DOOR | Door |
bd | BLOCK, BLK | Block device |
cd | CHAR, CHR | Character device |
or | ORPHAN | Symbolic link pointing to a non-existent file |
so | SOCK | Socket |
su | SETUID | File that is setuid (u+s) |
sg | SETGID | File that is setgid (g+s) |
tw | STICKY_OTHER_WRITABLE | Directory that is sticky and other-writable (+t,o+w) |
ow | OTHER_WRITABLE | Directory that is other-writable (o+w) and not sticky |
st | STICKY | Directory with the sticky bit set (+t) and not other-writable |
ex | EXEC | Executable file (i.e. has ‘x’ set in permissions) |
mi | MISSING | Non-existent file pointed to by a symbolic link (visible when you type ls -l) |
lc | LEFTCODE, LEFT | Opening terminal code |
rc | RIGHTCODE, RIGHT | Closing terminal code |
ec | ENDCODE, END | Non-filename text |
*.extension | Every file using this extension e.g. *.jpg |
Effects | |
00 | Default colour |
01 | Bold |
04 | Underlined |
05 | Flashing text |
07 | Reversetd |
08 | Concealed |
Colours | |
31 | Red |
32 | Green |
33 | Orange |
34 | Blue |
35 | Purple |
36 | Cyan |
37 | Grey |
Backgrounds | |
40 | Black background |
41 | Red background |
42 | Green background |
43 | Orange background |
44 | Blue background |
45 | Purple background |
46 | Cyan background |
47 | Grey background |
Extra colours | |
90 | Dark grey |
91 | Light red |
92 | Light green |
93 | Yellow |
94 | Light blue |
95 | Light purple |
96 | Turquoise |
97 | White |
100 | Dark grey background |
101 | Light red background |
102 | Light green background |
103 | Yellow background |
104 | Light blue background |
105 | Light purple background |
106 | Turquoise background |