第十三节 高阶函数


  1. 高阶函数简介
  2. Scala中的常用高阶函数
  3. SAM转换
  4. 函数柯里化
  5. 部分应用函数

1. 高阶函数简介

高阶函数主要有两种:一种是将一个函数当做另外一个函数的参数(即函数参数);另外一种是返回值是函数的函数。这两种在本教程的第五节 函数与闭包中已经有所涉及,这里简单地回顾一下: 

scala> def convertIntToString(f:(Int)=>String)=f(4)
convertIntToString: (f: Int => String)String

scala> convertIntToString((x:Int)=>x+" s")
res32: String = 4 s
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scala>  def multiplyBy(factor:Double)=(x:Double)=>factor*x
multiplyBy: (factor: Double)Double => Double

scala> val x=multiplyBy(10)
x: Double => Double = <function1>

scala> x(50)
res33: Double = 500.0   
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flatMap[B](f: (A) ⇒ GenTraversableOnce[B]): Array[B]
[use case]
Builds a new collection by applying a function to all elements of this array and using the elements of the resulting collections.

For example:

def getWords(lines: Seq[String]): Seq[String] = lines flatMap (line => line split "\\W+")
The type of the resulting collection is guided by the static type of array. This might cause unexpected results sometimes. For example:

// lettersOf will return a Seq[Char] of likely repeated letters, instead of a Set
def lettersOf(words: Seq[String]) = words flatMap (word => word.toSet)

// lettersOf will return a Set[Char], not a Seq
def lettersOf(words: Seq[String]) = words.toSet flatMap (word => word.toSeq)

// xs will be a an Iterable[Int]
val xs = Map("a" -> List(11,111), "b" -> List(22,222)).flatMap(_._2)

// ys will be a Map[Int, Int]
val ys = Map("a" -> List(1 -> 11,1 -> 111), "b" -> List(2 -> 22,2 -> 222)).flatMap(_._2)
the element type of the returned collection.
the function to apply to each element.
a new array resulting from applying the given collection-valued function f to each element of this array and concatenating the results.
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2. Scala中的常用高阶函数

1 map函数 

def map[B](f: (A) ⇒ B): Array[B]
用途:Builds a new collection by applying a function to all elements of this array.
B的含义:the element type of the returned collection.
f的含义:the function to apply to each element.
返回:a new array resulting from applying the given function f to each element of this array and collecting the results.
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scala> Array("spark","hive","hadoop").map((x:String)=>x*2)
res3: Array[String] = Array(sparkspark, hivehive, hadoophadoop)

scala> Array("spark","hive","hadoop").map((x)=>x*2)
res4: Array[String] = Array(sparkspark, hivehive, hadoophadoop)

scala> Array("spark","hive","hadoop").map(x=>x*2)
res5: Array[String] = Array(sparkspark, hivehive, hadoophadoop)

scala> Array("spark","hive","hadoop").map(_*2)
res6: Array[String] = Array(sparkspark, hivehive, hadoophadoop)

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scala> val list=List("Spark"->1,"hive"->2,"hadoop"->2)
list: List[(String, Int)] = List((Spark,1), (hive,2), (hadoop,2))

scala> list.map(x=>x._1)
res20: List[String] = List(Spark, hive, hadoop)
scala> list.map(_._1)
res21: List[String] = List(Spark, hive, hadoop)

scala> list.map(_._2)
res22: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 2)
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scala> Map("spark"->1,"hive"->2,"hadoop"->3).map(_._1)
res23: scala.collection.immutable.Iterable[String] = List(spark, hive, hadoop)

scala> Map("spark"->1,"hive"->2,"hadoop"->3).map(_._2)
res24: scala.collection.immutable.Iterable[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)

scala> Map("spark"->1,"hive"->2,"hadoop"->3).map(x=>x._2)
res25: scala.collection.immutable.Iterable[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)

scala> Map("spark"->1,"hive"->2,"hadoop"->3).map(x=>x._1)
res26: scala.collection.immutable.Iterable[String] = List(spark, hive, hadoop)
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2 flatMap函数

scala> List(List(1,2,3),List(2,3,4)).flatMap(x=>x)
res40: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4)

scala> List(List(1,2,3),List(2,3,4)).flatMap(x=>x.map(y=>y))
res41: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4)
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3 filter函数

scala> Array(1,2,4,3,5).filter(_>3)
res48: Array[Int] = Array(4, 5)

scala> List("List","Set","Array").filter(_.length>3)
res49: List[String] = List(List, Array)

scala> Map("List"->3,"Set"->5,"Array"->7).filter(_._2>3)
res50: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,Int] = Map(Set -> 5, Array -> 7)

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4 reduce函数

scala> Array(1,2,4,3,5).reduce(_+_)
res51: Int = 15

scala> List("Spark","Hive","Hadoop").reduce(_+_)
res52: String = SparkHiveHadoop

scala> Array(1,2,4,3,5).reduce((x:Int,y:Int)=>{println(x,y);x+y})
res60: Int = 15

scala> Array(1,2,4,3,5).reduceLeft((x:Int,y:Int)=>{println(x,y);x+y})
res61: Int = 15

scala> Array(1,2,4,3,5).reduceRight((x:Int,y:Int)=>{println(x,y);x+y})
res62: Int = 15
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5 fold函数

scala> Array(1,2,4,3,5).foldLeft(0)((x:Int,y:Int)=>{println(x,y);x+y})
res66: Int = 15

scala> Array(1,2,4,3,5).foldRight(0)((x:Int,y:Int)=>{println(x,y);x+y})
res67: Int = 15

scala> Array(1,2,4,3,5).foldLeft(0)(_+_)
res68: Int = 15

scala> Array(1,2,4,3,5).foldRight(10)(_+_)
res69: Int = 25

// /:相当于foldLeft
scala> (0 /: Array(1,2,4,3,5)) (_+_)
res70: Int = 15

scala> (0 /: Array(1,2,4,3,5)) ((x:Int,y:Int)=>{println(x,y);x+y})
res72: Int = 15
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6 scan函数

scala> Array(1,2,4,3,5).scanLeft(0)((x:Int,y:Int)=>{println(x,y);x+y})
res73: Array[Int] = Array(0, 1, 3, 7, 10, 15)

scala> Array(1,2,4,3,5).scanRight(0)((x:Int,y:Int)=>{println(x,y);x+y})
res74: Array[Int] = Array(15, 14, 12, 8, 5, 0)
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3. SAM转换


var counter=0;
val button=new JButton("click")
button.addActionListener(new ActionListener{
   override def actionPerformed(event:ActionEvent){
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new ActionListener{
   override def actionPerformed(event:ActionEvent){

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这部分称为样板代码,即在任何实现该接口的类中都需要这样用,重复性较高,由于ActionListener接口只有一个actionPerformed方法,它被称为simple abstract method(SAM)。SAM转换是指只给addActionListener方法传递一个参数


implict def makeAction(action:(event:ActionEvent)=>Unit){
   new ActionListener{
     override def actionPerformed(event:ActionEvent){action(event)}
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4. 函数柯里化


scala>  def multiplyBy(factor:Double)=(x:Double)=>factor*x
multiplyBy: (factor: Double)Double => Double

scala> val x=multiplyBy(10)
x: Double => Double = <function1>

scala> x(50)
res33: Double = 500.0   
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scala> def multiplyBy(factor:Double)=(x:Double)=>factor*x
multiplyBy: (factor: Double)Double => Double

scala> multiplyBy(10)(50)
res77: Double = 500.0
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scala> def multiplyBy(factor:Double)(x:Double)=x*factor
multiplyBy: (factor: Double)(x: Double)Double
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scala> multiplyBy(10)(50)
res81: Double = 500.0

//但此时它不能像def multiplyBy(factor:Double)=(x:Double)=>factor*x函数一样,可以输入单个参数进行调用
scala> multiplyBy(10)

<console>:10: error: missing arguments for method multiplyBy;
follow this method with `_' if you want to treat it as a partially applied funct
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scala> multiplyBy(10)_
res79: Double => Double = <function1>
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5. 部分应用函数


scala> def print(x:String)=println(x)
print: (x: String)Unit

scala> Array("Hadoop","Hive","Spark")foreach(print)
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scala> val p=print _
p: String => Unit = <function1>

scala> Array("Hadoop","Hive","Spark")foreach(p)

scala> Array("Hadoop","Hive","Spark")foreach(print _)

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scala> def sum(x:Int,y:Int,z:Int)=x+y+z
sum: (x: Int, y: Int, z: Int)Int

scala> val s1=sum _
s1: (Int, Int, Int) => Int = <function3>

scala> s1(1,2,3)
res91: Int = 6

scala> val s2=sum(1,_:Int,3)
s2: Int => Int = <function1>

scala> s2(2)
res92: Int = 6

scala> val s3=sum(1,_:Int,_:Int)
s3: (Int, Int) => Int = <function2>

scala> s3(2,3)
res93: Int = 6
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scala> val m=multiplyBy(10)_
m: Double => Double = <function1>

scala> m(50)
res94: Double = 500.0




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领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


